
You Are Dead!

What do they say about vacations?

But why does it have I'm to start with a V?

It's like they are many V words and they have a different meanings.  But for vacation do you think it has anything to do with Vaccination?

I mean if we need vaccination to help us be safe from certain dangers then I think vacations are also meant for the same.

Vacations are those times you get to lose yourself, be a free person, discover new things and become a whole new person. That is a vacation to me.

I have never been to one though so I don't know what to expect while in one. But according to many people who have gone for some they would tell you that it's therapeutic and helps them discover new things about themselves. For couples, they can assert that it helped in their marriages.

Everyone has his or her views about vacations. 

Not all vacations end up being good ones, for some, they can say it helped them realize the hidden part of them which they defeated and for some couples they will tell you that they realised that their partners were cheating on someone from the vacation, a massage busy or some lady something like that.

Standing in front of Jake, with two passports in my hands, he had just left early this morning leaving me asleep. Though he had told me he will be out early, I didn't know what he was up to. 

Right now, I know what he had done. 

He got me a passport and told me that it was time to get ready for a flight.

Before he had asked me if I was ready to let all the things go? 

It has been there weeks and I don't want to keep my loved ones waiting for so long. I have petted them and told them everything I have ever wanted to tell them. 

I even gave them names apart from my mother and father but for my brother, I called him Frank. 

I don't know why Frank, but I felt he could have been Frank. I promised Frank to have been the good sister, took him places and be the best role model he would have ever wanted.  For my mother and dad, I promised to always think about that. That is something I will always think about. Embrace them as if I once knew them. 

Jake told me about the Mexican story and I had to watch an animation named 'Coco,' with him because he wanted to show me how it works. He even promised to make sure we do remembrance every year to mark a special day for them. He said that day will be like an off day for us to focus on them, and say good things about them. We included both Dominic and Pete in the list so that they can try and remember their loved ones even though they didn't know them.

                   "For how long are we going to stay there again?" 

It's not like I didn't want to go, I was just being cautious and planning myself on what I will be doing while I am there before I prepare for my classes. 

"Seriously hun, you are going to enjoy yourself, do every nasty thing you ever thought of doing, so don't worry. You have all the time you need in the world. Your dzdaddy got you here baby girl!" 

Now I am blushing. With him saying all this, I feel like hiding my face somewhere. Why would he say that we are allowed to do anything?

           "Would that include, stripping you naked?"

I hid my face in the passport cards though they were too small for me to fit in. Just imagining the nights I hide my face in his t-shirts and cuddle in them is usually embracing enough. 

He grabbed me and pushed me onto the bed with him on top of me, placing the passports carefully on the table side, he pinned my hands to the keyboard and used one hand to open his buttons.

              What was he doing? 

He is not supposed to do that right now, that is illegal. We had agreed until I am done with college to have him sneaky all of a sudden.

"Hey stop it, hun," I protested trying to escape his grasp but he was too strong for me to run away from.

"No, I am not stopping," he said and went ahead to remove the shirt off his body. Grabbing my pinned hands, he let them fall on his chest.  Forced them to move up and down, up and down as he took them places and let them explore every area of his chest.

          "Hey, don't be shy, I want you to do this, look at me," 

Fuck! My face was already red, dying of embarrassment as he guided my hands to every part of his body.

He lifted my face and looked at me, "miss Templeton, do what you are told by your elders!"

Jeez, he has now become dominant ever since I had a new sir name. 

I quickly placed my hands ok his chest the way he had told me to do, and caressed his hard chest. The way his shoulders were neatly sculptures, chisel-like and the V_line on his waistline led to a sacred place where everyone went to search for treasure. 

'I told you V has important things in it.'

He dropped his face closer to me, I was hungry, hungry for his kiss, it has been a long since we kissed. We have never done it for like a whole long time.

While caressing his chest, I lifted my face to meet his face halfway so that I can grab his lips. I slightly gasped as his nicely-shaped lips found their way into mine. 

He dipped his lips in mine but while I wanted to grab him, he bit my lower lips seductively and lifted his head.

What the fuck did he do that for? That was not supposed to be the plan. We were supposed to kiss. The excitement that was in between my thighs couldn't be explained. 

I know these boxers of his are cotton, but I don't think they are cotton enough to hold how wet my thighs are. 

It must feel nice to have sex if the wetness already drives you to another world.

"What, you thought I was going to kiss you?" He asked with a snicker face.

Is he trying to tease me right now? My hormones are just killing me because he didn't do what he was disposed to do.

I quickly grabbed his neck to force his lips on mine but he was quick, he returned my hands to my chest where they were supposed to be exactly.

"This is your concentration. This chest, you see these hairs they are important, a slight touch and I will go full force on you," he winked.

Did he just tell me what turns him on? 

Maybe I should ask Claire about this turn on. She can discuss anything, from his brother's dick to his sex life, but when it comes to Dominic, he is out of bounds. Next time when I have known something, Jake's name will be out of her mouth.

"Keep on with the good work," he said as he crawled down to my waist, is he going to look at me,?

                    No, no!

I quickly pulled him back up and let him stay here but he quickly went back to my waist. This was more than embarrassing. 

He looked in I'm between my thighs with eyes full of hunger and lust. Though I had some bikers on, I stop felt like I was naked with him staring at me like that.

"Oh, your punani, it's so full and it wants to make me enter right now," he whispered in frustration.

Seriously, what is a punani? That is the new word I have heard today.

"Nice, you are so wet and I love it, just see how your juices are soaking my boxers," he said whole patting my legs and placing his hands on top of my flower.

The feeling of excitement ran from my head to my toe making me curl my toes in participation in what was coming.

He places his two fingers on top and slight went down into my flower,         


I had to shout. Was he planning to drive me crazy with all this? What was his end game here?

Jeeez he is tempting me. 

I quickly yanked myself off his grasp and rushed to the washroom poured cold water on my body and quickly washed off. 

"Do not wash the boxers!"

"For fuck sake Jake, I am taking a shower!" Tell me I forgot to close the door while getting in here.  

"Just hand the boxer over!" his hands were on the top of the bathroom's shower wanting the boxer. What is the mixer so important to him that he needs it?.

" Why do you want it, I am going to wash it anyway, "I said. 

"Don't make me open the door and yank you from there and throw you to bed again, I saw the way you curl your toes hun, you want me, so don't make me tease you further for another two years before your get what you want."

Fuck is he trying to use that against me now?

I quickly threw the boxer at him. 

I quickly washed and walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me.

There he was, standing without a cloth on his upper part of the body, looking at me, he was like a sex God I have never seen, wait did u use sex God, ooh no Lord forgive me for I have sinned.

He is just like any other man, though well built.

I don't want to imagine him in a sexual attraction, it is so wanting especially when someone talks about him or when he tries to be sneaky around me, that is something that I need to control because it would be embarrassing to do that in front of people.

"You are done checking me out because all I want to do is reap that towel off your body and tease you all I want."

"Hun, please don't, just with a slight mention of your name and I am all wet please don't do that. I will embarrass myself."

I was trying to reason with him, but this asshole here doesn't wasn't to listen to that. He was winking and giving me the devil smirk. So he wanted to do this.

I got hold of his manhood and gently stroked it, I could feel it swelling in my hands but I didn't want the embarrassment to creep up on my face, so I tried to maintain a normal face.

"Until you agree to stop teasing me, I am never going to make you want more unless we have to," I whispered in his ears as I caressed his dick.

He winced and groaned in pleasure.

Two can play the game.

"Okay, hun, I am going to stop it, can you please stop," he begged.

"Nice one, now wash, because my hands are too wet to touch your face," I showed him my wet hands.

"Lick it," he said.

"What?" I asked in shock.

Why would I lick my hands yet they are this wet? That's not good.

Still wondering, he placed the hands gently in my mouth, and I licked them, 'Uhm,' I moaned as I felt the test in my mouth. It was warm, a little salty but sweet.

Lifting my eyes to look at him, he was not anywhere to be seen. I just heard the washroom door close in a thud and it shrieked me a little.

Did I do something wrong? 

Is it the fact that I enjoyed sucking my little fingers in my mouth like a lollipop?

I went and stood at the door, and knocked my fist on it.

"Jake, Jake, are you there?" I asked.

There was no response. Maybe it was a nice idea. 

I had my phone ring and went to pick it up.

"Hey lasty, how are you doing?" That was Claire calling me. I dont know why she was calling because she never calls when we are in the house. 

"Hey, Siz how are you doing?" I asked.

"Just stop with the greetings and niceties, what are we, the British Monarch? I wanted us to go shopping and spent big brother's money. Are you free?" 

I looked over in Jake's direction, he was not from the shower. Maybe he needs some space and we will talk later in the evening.

"Yeah, why not? But are you sure Jake is going to agree to this? He will slice my throat the moment he realizes it." 

I didn't want to disappoint him further.

"For fucks sake, can you loosen up a little and let's go out. You are the last born and that means you get access to anything you want, okay?"

Claire will talk but when it comes to Jake's confrontation, she will keep quiet as if she knows nothing about it. 

I dressed up and went to the door, but still, there was no sound. 

"Jake, I am sorry. Claire has asked me to accompany her somewhere, hope you don't mind." I said standing at the door.

"Take the black golden card from my wallet and get yourself something, okay? " he said. 

"Are you serious?" I asked because I was talking to him some seconds ago and he didn't reply to anything.

I just walked and got the card, maybe I will collect something for him too. 

Walking out of the door, I met Claire standing by the door, "seriously? Were you pressing your ears on the door?"

She can't be serious.

"No, I was drinking water and then I heard you come," she said.

"Manners, that plastic cup, you were using it to listen to our conversation, too bad, Jake has the room soundproof so you can hear shit!"

I walked downstairs.

Dominic and Pete were busy downstairs, looks like Pete is accompanying us to the shopping. This might as well be fun to have him around.

Dominic was busy watching on the screen, but when he heard Claire's voice he paused and turned around.

"Hell no, you aren't going anywhere looking like that!" He said with his eyes brows creased.

I didn't know who he was addressing but I know it was not me, the lastborn can't be interrogated and she is allowed to wear anything she wants.

Claire stood looking at him with a pouted face.

"We are going to the spa and mall, is there any problem?" Asked Claire.

"Yeah, not with these clothes with your tits calling for someone to hold the baby, Dee, go change your clothes, Claire, go change your clothes!"

For Christ's sake, what did they want us to wear? I had worn a jersey with cleavage and it was midthigh with sneakers, Claire, well, a sundress, with small straps and it was transparent from her waist upwards making it hard for people to concentrate.

"Baby, we have Pete with us here, he will make sure nothing happened to us," said Claire.

"Oh, is that it? The last time I checked, Pete was staring at the mannequin that was placed in the shop to attract people, is that what you call protection?"

This is going the bad way, what do they want us to wear? Baggy clothes with this weather?

"Jake, you need to come down here and explain to me, if we are going to a company these guys to the mall or we are going to leave them to walk in that place all alone because they will be taken away from us."

Before even he could place his phone back, Jake's thud could be heard coming from the stairs. 

His dishevelled wet hair and bangs sticky on his forehead like a baby's.

"Hun, you two better change clothes or we are coming too," said Jake.

Claire walked to the door, "well, at least I will have someone to carry me when I am tired and someone to carry my purse, Dee baby, leave your purse there and they will carry it, let us get into the car."

I looked at Jake, then Dominic.

Running after Claire, I found her, getting into the car that Tim had opened.

"I just wanted them to come because they are assholes. Every fucking time I say we have to go shopping. So be happy, we will do these things together," she said.

"A quick question, what does someone mean when they say they are 'dzaddy' and they are giving you some winking and funny face?"

Claire looked at me, and then at Jake who was walking towards the car.

"You are dead!"

🥀Author's Note🌹


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