
Stop Licking?

We arrived in Cairo in the evening, it was fun, since Jake had allowed us to use his private aeroplane instead of using a common aeroplane to move around. 

It felt strange being in a new place, with new things, different currency in your hands. 

Though there was no need to change the currency, I just wanted to have a different currency in my hands, and in the future, I will show this to my kids and boast about how life was all good and fun.

I don't know what Jake had planned for us, like places that we would visit or what we would do, the main thing that I know of is that we were supposed to discard the ashes of our loved ones and give the final goodbyes. Every time I think of this, it gives me the chills, this will be the last time I am seeing them. I didn't want their ashes to stay for long, I need to let their spirit be free.

"Hey, I was thinking we both take dinner at the hotel before we can go around and watch some other things in the town, but if you want to rest it can also be okay," said Jake.

I was tired, but I didn't want him to see that, I had to study him first to know what he felt, did he want to be around here and we order some takeaway?

I walked up to him and sat between his legs facing him. 

"Hey, what about you tell me what you want. I won't be saying what I want every day, yet you are not giving your own opinion? I would love to hear your opinion," I told him.

Yeah, it is good to know what he also wants, not every time what I want. I felt like I am not allowing him to do what he wants to.

He raised his eyes brows and looked at me.


Wait, was it bad to tell him that?

"Uh... I was thinking we take some food, walk around a bit to stretch then come back in, but we will have to confirm with Claire," he said.

I nodded and waited for him to ask Claire. 

"Jeez, why do you guys want to make this trip boring, we are already at the restaurant waiting for you to come down. Don't tell me that you want to sleep off your jet lag? Dee, I am counting on you to pull his damn ass over here and enjoy the view out here," that was Claire.

The wild Claire was already outside,  enjoying the view, she must have wanted this too much to have her sitting in the room sleeping off.

"We should prepare ourselves and go," I told Jake once Claire ended the call.

I took the shower first before Jake. He always makes sure I go in first when we are not in a hurry.

Coming out of the shower, he walked in and I did my little preparation.

 Standing by the mirror, I saw a dress, low neck cut with a transparent veil on the back. It was a kinda summer dress mixed with a taste of dinner set. 

                "Wear me, please."

I chuckled looking at the dress, of course, I was going to wear you, but I don't know what the occasion is all about. 

I applied some little powder on my face, I didn't need much make-up, so I didn't want to go with any lipstick and preferred just some lip gloss to make my lips pop. 

"You done?" I heard Jake's voice from the other side.

"Just a minute hun, I have a problem with my zipper," I said after the zipper didn't want to work on its own. 

"You want some help?" He asked.

"Of course, I can't do this on my own, please, I need some help," 

He quickly walked towards the closet but stood at the door, his mouth forming an 'O,' and his jaw dropped and he looked at me.

"Is everything okay? I mean I can just wear shorts and a t-shirt if you don't want it on me," I said after he was quiet and unmoving from his position.

Words couldn't form in his mouth, and instead of talking, he shook his head at the door. Making me wonder what that meant.

"Hun, you okay?" I turned around to ask him. 

He was at the door, not moving just shaking his head as if he can't speak now. 

An idea popped into my head and I walked up to him, standing on my toes since I didn't have my shoes on, I placed a kiss on his lips. Maybe he will break out of his trance and be himself again.

Trust me, the moment my lips landed on his, this felt like a bad idea, he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. He reclaimed my lips and went on with the kiss, groaning every time he raised me. 

I couldn't hold this back, I pressed my body on him, I wanted this so bad, I wanted his so bad that I lost it and placed my hands around his neck, the syncing Of our lips, the exchange and the smack that could be heard make me so horny, so horny that my leg went on his body. 

Suddenly his hands travelled up my thighs and stopped in the middle, his hooded eyes liked at me, with eyebrows knotted, "where is your panty?"


"I just wore some thongs hun," I said.

I watched as a smile formed on his lips and his hands went up the place of my thongs, I could feel how wet I was and the sticky mess between my thighs, to me, things were not going as I had planned them. 

He removed the thongs, and smelt them with his eyes closed, it was like he was avoiding the moment. Take a deep breath and then. He open his eyes and looked at me.


Placing his hands in the middle of my thigh, I felt his finger, wipe something and I couldn't help myself but moan as his fingers were tracing my upper thighs.

Removing his fingers, I could see some milk_ish drop on his hands, sticky and he placed his finger in his mouth while smirking at me, "mmmh, this, this tastes so yummy and delicious. I don't know whether to go for that meal or lick this plate in front of me," he said.

Suddenly the phone rang and it brought us back to our senses, seeing the caller id, Jake used my thongs to wipe in the middle of my thighs, this was so embarrassing that my face went all red. 

Placing the thong in his pocket, wait, why did he place it in his pocket again? I thought he was supposed to put it in the dirty laundry?

"We are coming, hold your horses," he said to Claire.

I walked to my suitcase since we had not placed the clothes in the closet and I picked another thing to replace the one that he had taken.

Suddenly he was behind me, he picked the thong from my hands, and looked at me, "don't put on anything below, I love it bare, okay?"

This was now more embarrassing than anything, I wanted to look for a place to hide my face because of this. How comfortable is he doing this without any bit of embarrassment on his face?

Lifting my embarrassed face, he kissed my lips once again, lightly to make sure we don't repeat what we were doing just some minutes ago.

He turned to my back and gently zipped my dress but not before putting a wet kiss on my back. He took longer than necessary, I don't know what he was trying to do back there.

Bringing my shoes, he placed them on my leg, gently and closed the straps "if I am doing them tightly, please say, I don't want to hurt your leg."

"It's okay, that is the right place," I said to him.

After he was done, he picked up the lipgloss that was on the dressing table and gently applied them to my lips, "now it's popping, will you do the honours?"

I looked at the lip gloss he was handing me, and then I remembered we had once done this. 

I placed some little lipgloss on his lips to make his lips pop out.

Satisfied with our looks, we headed out of the room. The hotel was a walking distance but Jake insisted that we use some of the small vehicles which were being stationed in the lobby. 

"How much up to the upper Gaza?" Asked Jake at the young driver in the cab.

The driver looked at Jake then at me, his eyes dropping to my chest. He was busy dropping than answering the simple question he was asked.

Jake pulled my hand out of the place and we looked for another driver, placing his coat on my shoulders, he made me stand behind him, I think he saw the way the other man was looking at me and thought it won't be a good idea standing in front with him.

Arriving at the restaurant, the place was busy, flooded with people from different parts of the world. It was unlike in the lobby of the suites where the most common language you could hear was Arabic. In this place, we had other different languages. English was being spoken, some Arabic and some Spanish. 

Alighting from the can,  I was feeling a bit hot. I looked at Jake with pleading eyes and he gently removed the coat from my shoulders making me sigh with relief. The night breeze hit my body and all I could do was breathe the air in and out with so much pleasure. It smelled of dry sand and a cool breeze. 

Jake held my hands and together we walked into the restaurant. As soon as the first click of my heels hit the floor, everyone in the hotel looked at us, all heads turned and we were the centre of attraction.

"Did we do anything wrong?" I asked Jake as we walked further inside.

"They are just admiring us, and I love the attention baby, but let's find Claire first," said Jake.

We had forgotten to ask them where they were sitting, and this gave us more attention. Suddenly we heard her voice.

"Hey cuties, over here!" She shouted making everyone look at whoever was speaking.

She was also in a seamless dress, with the opaque part covering her breast. 

She run towards our direction and placed all her eyes on me, grabbing my hands from Jake, she made me turn around as she admired my looks. 

"Damn girl, that ass is killing me, what are you feeding them?" She asked.

What does she even by that?

Jake ignored her and grabbed my hands from hers and he led us to the table where Pete and Dominic were seated.

They both stood when they saw us. 

"Damn Little siz, are you trying to send us into an early grave?" Asked Pete once he hugged me.

"It's nothing, it's just a dress," I said to him.

"Mmh, a dress that makes you look this delicious?"

"Keep your eyes to yourself, little bro," said Jake.

I tightly grasped Jake's hand as I walked. The pairs of hands ogling was just too much, I have never experienced this. The only thing I was praying for, was not to be recognised from the recent scandal and court drama.  It's too early for that to be brought up and I prefer to just stay this way for the rest of the vacation.

Jake pulled a chair for me to sit down, Claire had her hands already on Dominic's body as if there was nothing else she could do apart from making sure everyone knew that it was her baby.

Sadly, Pete couldn't be accompanied by anyone because his man was busy and out of town so he just had to hold onto that and enjoy this whole stuff on his own.

"You okay?" Asked Pete, when I placed my hands on my thighs.

"Not when you removed my panties and now my coochie is being blown by the wind like some fucking clothes on a cloth line to dry," I said to him.

It was weird walking without a panty and I have never done it. Maybe I should ask Claire for some tips because I want to fart right now. I feel like the wind is soaked in my ass and I can just do that and everyone is going to laugh the hell out of me.

"It's good to let it free sometimes, just take care a fly might find its way inside," 

I hit his arm with the mention of that. I was not going to let that happen.

"What are we going to order? Or everyone wants their own thing today?" Asked Dominic.

I took that chance and quickly texted Claire.  If I am going to enjoy this evening, I better have my coochie well taken care of. Not even an insect is supposed to fly inside.

Looking at Claires's direction. This looks like a bad idea. She was laughing and hiding his face on Dominic's arm.

Jake looked at me then creased his brows, "please don't say you asked for her advice because she won't give you one, maybe I can."

"Then fucking do it, because if anything gets in between here, you are fucking sea_."

I couldn't finish what I was saying as I felt his hands up my bare thigh through the slide slit of the dress.

"Oh," I let out a small gasp as I placed my hands on his. I thought he was giving me a good idea of how to do this. Why on earth is he making this difficult?

"This will help, I am covering the treasure gates so that no one gets in before me," his hands were wandering all over my things, I knew this was going to make me wet myself again and the dress would probably be wet and everyone will see.

"Jeez, just, Uhm, remove your hands, ah, baby, please him, I will just make sure nothing goes in," I was gasping and giving slight moaning as I felt his hands up tickling my body.

"Dee are you okay?" Came Dominic's voice.

I quickly threw Jake's hands and it hit the table, "mmh yeah, I mean, I am okay, nothing is wrong,"

Claire and Pete raised their brows at both Jake and me, they knew something was up and Claire suddenly told me what to do. I picked the handkerchief from my purse and quickly placed it over my thighs. Picking Jake's coat that was on the seat, I covered my thighs. 

She said it was just normal to feel awkward for the first time but as days go by I will get used to being naked sometimes.

I am never getting naked and waking without my panties, even if Jake insists, he better also not walk with boxers around this place and watch how his brother is going to move in every direction and make it hard for him to focus.

We ordered our meal together with a few drinks.  Jake was busy licking the hand he had placed on my thigh and I wondered what was it all about.

"Jeez, you are a grown-up, stop licking your fingers."

"No, I am not, and when you find some tasty juice, trust me you will lick it all you want. Do you remember back at home you locked your fingers after making me cum in your hands?" 

"Fuck! Was that all from. You?" My face was all red now because of that. I had forgotten all about that in my head.

I took the glass of wine from Jake's hands and down it all not caring.

"Lawd, this is not going to be a good night!"

🥀Author's Note🌹


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