
What The Fuck....Claire!

Dee's P.O.V

I can't believe this, I can't believe whole my life I have been lied to, living with murderous for my parents, acting and pretending while whole this time they knew what I was designated for?

How can some people just be so monstered their whole lives? Act like they are the best but deep down they know their intentions? 

I can say Gladys didn't try to hide how much she disliked me, but Nicholas was always the good pretender which makes me wonder, for how long has he been pretending in his life to be a good father? 

All I wanted to know is whether Fern Fern knew about whole this drama? 

Why do I even want to know that, she is also another chameleon, maybe she teamed up with Gladys to make sure that my life was hell. 

But why hate me? 

Why threw me the bad attitude when they knew that at the end of it all they were the ones going to profit from this. Sacrifice my body, drain my blood, and sell my special body parts to get money?

Unless my birth mother had everything to do with it, and who is she? 

Is even blond hair a unique thing or did my mother or father have this blond hair? 

All the lying that I was born special to have my hair all blond, and they had black hair. 

As much as I wanted to know who my mother was and what she looked like, I still can't shade off the idea that I lied to in my whole fucking life. 

To make matters worse, Jake knew about it but he didn't even dare to tell me. 

What else is he hiding from me? 

Is this a joke to him? 

What if he was told that her sister was alive and had not died in the so-called fire, how would he feel?

He would feel betrayed and angry, at the same time he will feel happy that he has a second chance to make things right with her sister. 

"Miss, would you please come here?" Asked a guard. 

I wonder what I am going to do here now. Be subjected to another torture and humiliation. 

I got inside the small room, current it was a waiting room before I testify against Gladys. 

I sat down and waited for my turn to come, my phone was beeping and Jake couldn't just stop calling and texting me.

Maybe he should just understand the fact that I don't feel like talking to him right now. He is not my best busy at this point, hiding that from me makes me suspicious about my intentions to me.

"You being stubborn you know that?" Came voice behind me. 

Wait, I thought that inside a waiting room, witnesses are not allowed to be more than one. This is always helpful to avoid manipulation from other parties. 

But what is this voice doing inside here? 

Does this voice sound similar to someone I have heard about? 

Turning around, "what the fuck? Claire?" 

I couldn't believe this, unless I am confused but I was seeing Claire, the same Claire that died some seven or eight years ago, the same girl that Jake had been crying and loathing himself about. The same angel I was thinking about? 

Words couldn't form out of my mouth, and I kept thinking of how this is possible?

Unless I am confused but this is the same person Jale has been telling me about.

I rushed to Jake's social media posts and tried to locate the old pictures of him and Claire, I looked at the picture, and the same silver eyes were the same pair of eyes that were staring back at me, the only difference was her body, she is more toned in front of me but in the pictures, she is not that toned. 

The tattoo on her neck that can't be hidden, I could see it. This is Claire.

"Why are you so surprised?" Came her voice as she moved closer to me. 

I wanted to move back, just to be sure, but she was already in front of me, clothed in a brown suit with her hair held up. She looked more beautiful in person. No wonder Dominic couldn't let her go, no wonder he would always talk about her even in unrelated matters.

"I— I _mmmh," words couldn't form in my mouth. 

Suddenly I felt her embracing me tightly. 

"Ooh, I had been dying to see you in person, hug me please," she said as she tightened her grip on my body. 

I didn't know whether to gig her back or what to do. She had this intoxicating scent. This is an expensive Gucci Cologne. The same smell I used to breathe when I once walked into Jake's mansion. Maybe he was trying g to keep her memories with him.

Breaking the hug, she looked at my face. Trust me all the lamentation I had flown through the window and all I was thinking about was Claire. 

I had to blink every time she spoke to be sure that this is the same, Claire.

"Does Jake know you are alive? Do you know how he has been beating himself to death that he left you like this whole time and you were hurting?" I asked her. 

This time I felt the pain that Jake was going through. 

"He built a house and in that house, the expensive Gucci scent we always in that mansion, every fucking day. Breathing the same scent with you right now, I realise why he used to do it, just to remind himself that you are around, you are his guardian angel but here you are Claire, alive and healthy, nice ass by the way."

I may have lashed out at her for nothing because I don't even have any entitlement to Jake's life, I am not sorry.

All she did was laugh, as she fold her arms and placed them in front of her chest, shaking her head as she looks at me.

"Of all the things the only things you've seen is my ass, Lawd, I swear we are going to have a good sister bonding time with you," she said as she patted my shoulders. 

Does she have any sense of remorse? 

"What are you doing here now?" I asked her trying to understand why she decided to come here at the time and not previously. 

"Like you, we have something in common. My greedy dad wanted to sacrifice me and the day I accidentally 'died,' in the fire, I heard him that afternoon, when someone had finished ducking my pissy that they were going to sacrifice me in the evening. That's when I asked my boyfriend to 'kill,' me before he could get my hands on me." 

The way she was explaining the whole ordeal with much confidence, you would think she jas already win the victory and the trophy is all hers. 

She deserves it. 

"Today I am here to make sure, that asshole doesn't see the day of light. I mean I could have killed his ass but I am not the monster but all I wanted was to make sure that justice is served. Plus, the fucking Dorcas, who used my brother and wanted to you're him into the cult. She was ever there, holding my hands as men tried to penetrate in me, my dad used her to manipulate Jake but today, she is going down."

If  I was lamenting, I need to stop. 

Imagine going through all this and you are ready to fave your opponents head to head without fearing anything. 

She was that person, they threw her on the ground but she dusted off and here she was ready to make Karma rain on the same people who did her wrong. 

Why can't I wear her armour, be like her and face Gladys and Nicholas?

"Speaking of that? Do you have any evidence?" I asked her.

"Dear little sister, I couldn't come here without evidence, I need to back up my words and they will be shocked." She told me. 

This made me wonder if there is any picture of Gladys and Nicholas in her evidence, maybe I might not be able to give out solid evidence apart from Cain who tried to rape me, she can be of good use.

"That's nice, you are all planned. Too bad, I just realised the people who wanted to sacrifice me are not even my parents, do tell me how can I live with that?" I asked her.

She didn't look like anyone who was surprised at all, she also knew the truth.

Does that mean I am the only stupid person who didn't figure things out?

"Well, I knew about that, the day detective Diaz was murdered, her mother said that your mother who was her daughter was a whole who didn't know when to keep quiet, so she gave birth to you and when Mrs Diaz killed her as a sacrifice, they gave you up to The Kings and you were to be fed and nurtured until you got into the body of a good lamb that could be sacrificed. Sorry, o don't know how to be remorseful, that's what they said."

'Wow, my mother was a whore? That's new,' I thought as I watched her adjust her suit. 

"Do you think I am ready to testify against my so-called parents? I just want to make sure they stay in prison forever," I told her. 

That's what I was thinking about, throw them in prison and let them face the wrath of other inmates.

"Siz, just like you, we are ready, lets's give these little bitches some whacking in their ass," sje is a joker trust me.

"Are you prepared to see your brother, trust me he is going to fume and burst into anger," I told her.

She didn't look bothered with any of that. I mean if it were me, I will be scared to meet Jake again. 

"Just don't tell him, I want to surprise him, if he gets mad I will slap his surprised face in the stand, and boom, he will come to senses."

Wow, she has answers to everything. 

I didn't want to imagine that today is going to be a very dramatic day for me and everyone, I mean, the l8ny list daughter coming back to life and testifying against her dad? When all thought that she was dead.

She is going to earthen all the evil deeds. She is my hero already.