
Did you know About It?

"Are you sure you are ready to testify against your parents today?" Asked Jake as he helped Dee adjust her dress and the trench coat that she was trying to fix the buttons. 

Her hands were shaking. She didn't know if it was right to do this. Every time she thought of what her parents did, she felt sad but didn't know how to express it. All her anger were buried deep inside her. Jake noticed that and never wanted to bring up the issue on any occasion.

When the officer in charge of the investigation asked if she was ready to testify, Jake had protested and said that they needed to talk with her before letting her decide for herself. 

All she could remember was her mother's face the way she was looking and giving her a wicked smile. 

The only thing she ever asked was if she was her real child but she laughed off before she was taken to prison. 

When bail was made and she got free, she was afraid that her life might be in danger but Jake made sure that she was always prepared and protected from anything.

Today, being the day she was supposed to face her mother and father, she didn't know if it was going to be okay. So far no tension had developed. Everything was just okay.

She picked a lip balm to moist her lips but her hands were shaking. Jake picked the lip balm from her hands and gently squeezed it in his hands before gently applying it to her lips. 

"If you are not ready, it's okay hun, we can just schedule it for another day," said Jake as he checked the cleavage of her dress and helped her fix it. 

Dee was loving the fact that Jake was by her side, comforting her and making sure that everything was okay. 

They locked their eyes, Jake knew where this was heading but he calmed himself and placed his hands on Dee's neck, "I love you, and whatever happens in that place, don't chicken out. Show them that you are not the quiet person they knew you to be."

Dee smiled and stole a kiss from his cheeks, making Jake's lips shine brighter. 

"Maybe I should place some of these on your lips," said Dee as she looked at his lips. 

"Come on, I am a man and this doesn't fit me, baby," said Jake trying to protest.

"I don't care, maybe it will keep my mind from wandering all over the place," told Dee. 

Jake pouted his lips making Dee laugh.

"Jeez, hun, just let them be normal, that way I will smudge your whole face," told Dee. 

Jake adjusted his face and permitted Dee to do what she wanted with it.

"There, you look so pretty now," said Dee as she wiped the shinny part off his face.

Jake walked to the mirror and looked at his face. 

"Are you sure about this? I feel like I am weird," said Jake. 

"Dee walked to the mirror and smiled, " naah, you just love protesting a lot."

"I am here, are you guys ready?" Asked Dominic as he walked inside the penthouse.

Jake walked out of the room and Dee walked behind her. 

"Damn! No wonder Pete had a crush on you," shouted Dominic as he looked at Jake.

Dee knotted her brows after hearing what Dominic had said.

"What do you mean Pete had a crush on him?" Asked Dee as she walked in front of Jake.

"No hun, it's was just a silly crush but he realized I was not that type of a person," said Jake trying to make Dee understand what Dominic was saying.

Dominic looked at Dee, he knew this was not supposed to come out of the basement, but his big mouth could t allow him to just shut up, not after seeing Jake and the lip balm that made his lips more shinny. 

The only thing he didn't want to happen right now, is Dee doubting her boyfriend because of his utterance.

"Dee, we were all being honest that day, and Pete had to tell us the truth. And if you ask me what Jake said, I will happily say he confessed to loving you at the first sight."

Dominic hoped that helped. 

"It's not that I am mad or suspicious, it's just funny. You know how Pete is always dramatic and the whole fetish side of him. Maybe that was the obsession." 

Dominic and Jake nodded and agreed with her statement.

"But how does our little prince here look, Dominic?" Asked Dee as she placed her hands bel9w Jake's face.

"Hot, and juicy, hold it there, this must be snapped," said Jake.

Before Jake could protest, the picture was already taken and he couldn't do anything.

Dominic quickly sent the picture to Claire. Thinking of Claire, he remembered what she said of wanting to come back. He knew he had betrayed Jake by not telling him about her being alive. Claire had her reason and she didn't want her brother wanting to bother herself with any of that.

They all went downstairs, Jake and Claire used the back seat as Dominic and the driver used the front seat. 

Dominic was focused on texting Claire, trying to find out how she was after their steamy night.

Claire was all in the mood today, she even asked Dominic to make sure he streams the session live so that she can see what's going on.

Dee and Jake were all silent. Dee had her head on top of Jake's chest while Jake gladly accepted her head, he gently massaged her tensed shoulders.

Dee wanted this day to end so fast that's why she was trying all her best to be calm. 

"It's going to be okay," whispered Jake in her ears. 

Dee woke from her trance and looked at him, "thanks."

"Here we are guys, we have let's of people out there, I think it will be good to go use the back door. I don't think anyone of us is ready for the media questions," said Dominic.

Jake and Dee nodded, Jake knew the main questions that they were going to force out of his mouth were about his relationship with Dee. Somthingbsje didn't want to discuss with anyone. 

This something that's he didn't doesn't want anyone prying on. He wanted it to be kept out of anyone's nose. 

He can share about his business, but not his love life. 

They didn't know that the King's family was also behind the entrance waiting to get into court. 

The prosecutor's side was the government during the whole fraternity from using some ill methods as a way to offer sacrifice to their god. 

Alighting from the car, Diana came eye to eye with her mother. She felt a little shiver in her host as she looked at her. 

Gladys also turned her case and looked at her. The smile forming on her face expanded as she looked at Diana. 

Jake was bust speaking to Dominic. Left standing alone,  Dee started fumbling with her fingers. She didn't want to look at her mother again. 

Me Kings was talking with Their lawyer. Dorcas saw an opportunity and quickly jumped towards Dee. 

"I see these days you are next to a prominent person that you can't come home, you feel so important, you have even forgotten the people who fed you while you had nothing and no one to rely on," shouted Dorcas.

Dee didn't want to sound rude in front of her mouth, but today, she felt that she didn't know the woman standing firing if her. 

She used to allow her to humiliate her must if the time and she didn't care about that, but the way she spoke today made Dee feel like this was not a mother. 

"You know, I always don't take what you say personally and I don't fare mum, the only thing is I want justice for the families who have lost everything. You were spearheading everything and lying to us that you are serving God. Which type of god were you servo g while sacrificing people? The type of blood you gave us after draining it out of people's bodies to deceive us, remaining clean from any men? I could imagine all this was for you to come and skin me alive on the table. Who does that to her child?" 

"I am not your fucking  mum, you want to know where that ticking whore is?" Shouted Gladys

All this time, size was not shouting aloud, just whisper shouting at Dee. 

Jake was busy with Dominic that they didn't see Gladys stalking Dee.

Dee was shocked by Gladys' words. She couldn't understand what she meant by her not being her real mother. 

She thought this was a joke to her. 

"What do you mean you are not my mother, so you even want to abandon me and say you don't know me or you have never sired a. Child like me?" Asked Dee in a shocked voice. 

Her voice got the attention of both teams and They both rushed to them.

"Your fucking mother? I can't be a mother to a fat pig like you! The only child I have is Fern, so you can ask well die. After all, she decided to be killed because she hated you!" Shouted Gladys.

"Enough!" Shouted Jake as he walked in between to push Gladys off.

"No, I need to know if I have heeb living with murderous all this means, what does she mean that sue is not my litre? Then who is my mother?" Asked Dee as sue looked at Jake.

Jake gave her a sorry face but the moment Dee looked into his eyes she was heartbroken," you knew about this Jake?"/

"Hun, i—," Dee pulled up her finger to shut him up.

"I thought we were keeping things private, why didn't you tell me about this? Imagine living with the same people who were murderous and maybe we're planning to kill me and throw my body away!"

"I was looking for the best way to tell you about it but I didn't know how to do it, Hun," said Jake.

"I am not in the mood," shouted Dee and she walked inside the courtroom.