
What Happened To Us?

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"Ferm is still out there we can't leave her, plus where do you want to go to? I don't think it's safe for you to go out, you are drunk maybe if you chill a bit and take water, it will be okay."

The party was still going on and Edith couldn't let go of Jake. She was clinging onto him like her life support. Fern was still winking at some who she had just met and they were getting closer to each other. They were having a conversation that was heading nowhere. Jake didn't know how to take them all home. None of them wanted to go home. Edith didn't want to go home, she wanted to leave Fern there all alone and Jake couldn't do that.

"Why don't you look at me even for once? I know if you never found Dee in that place, you could have chosen me and not Dee, I have been waiting for this moment in my life but now that we have it and you are not telling me anything, you are just looking at me and not doing what I thought you could be doing.  Tell me if giving me the compensation money was all for nothing if not to say something to me, Jake.

Jake shook his head. He didn't want to imagine that Edith was insisting he liked her in the very beginning. It has never even crossed his mind that he liked her. He wondered whether this was the main reason why she suggested that they should come for drinks. If this was her reason, he would have sat at home and enjoyed his sleep or looked at pictures of Dee drawing themselves on his head and then try to look after some ladies who don't want to be looked after.

"Edith, get one thing straight. The more you keep annoying me thinking that I am going to walk with you out of this place and maybe slide my dick in you is a no. I am not doing that, never. So grip yourself maybe you should sober up and come back to your senses."

Jake cautioned her but Edith was not taking any of that. The conversation between Ferm and the guy she met was something else. Jake watched as they shoved tongues into each other's mouths and wondered what type of messed-up people did he agree to send to a party. He hated it here and wanted to leave. He didn't want to look at them anymore. He was tired. 

"Edith, watch Fern, I am tired of being here, my bodyguard will send you home, right now I have some sleep to catch because it looks like you guys are not interested in having some manners."

Edith stood looking at him while her wobbly figure was busy dancing on the floor. Fern had not looked back at Jake and realized that he was mad. Jake was not mad that she was shoving her tongue into someone's mouth, he was mad that they are not trying to take care of themselves even in the slightest way they can. 

             "I thought we were going to have a threesome, Jake."

Jake had even forgotten about the threesome and didn't want it again. He scratched his head and looked at her. He was not going to give her any answer because Fern was busy and she was obsessed with him which was unhealthy. She needs to check her behavior or else it is going to lead her on the wrong path. 

"The room is available in case you guys still want to do the threesome, I see Fern has a party with someone. You can convince her, as for me, I am  having heavy migraine and I don't think I will make it through the night for today, maybe next time."

Edith chuckled looking at him. She got another drink from the attendants and didn't mind gulping it down her throat. She waved him goodbye and decided to let him be. Jake talked to his bodyguard and decided to leave the place with the car asking them to get another car or to hail a taxi in case they needed to take the girls home.

                 "What about you boss, where are you going?"

"Home Martins, I am going homes I will see you guys tomorrow."

Jake decided to drive himself. He didn't want to bother his security guards because they were waiting for Fern and Edith to be done so they can take them home. He ignited the vehicle and was out of the place.

'I feel very low right now, I don't think that's what I wanted, no one understands you, no one wants to give you space. Every lady just thinks they can get a piece of me without me doing anything. What is wrong with Edith now? I thought he was more mature and focused. Why is she acting as if she just wants to spread her legs? Is that the only thing she can do or does she thinks I am that cheap to give myself to them? I am not that cheap, I am a person too and I know how to do my things. Tonight is not the night I am going to sell myself like some cheap lollipop so that people can get my sweetness.'

Jake was lamenting with himself. He didn't know what was wrong with him in this situation. He was trying as much as possible to stay calm but he couldn't. He felt like everyone was using him in this life. No one genuinely loved him for him, no one cared how he was doing if not the reciprocation for their concern which comes in a materialistic way. 

'Where are you now driving too? I know no one loves you, but where are you driving to, big brother?'

'You love dominating my mind but you can't give me an answer, I am heading home and this is where I am heading to.'

He was arguing with his thoughts. They were not agreeing.  One was mad and the other one wanted acceptance. Jake sighed after looking outside, he surely didn't know where he was heading too. He was driving aimlessly with no direction. He wanted to go somewhere he can stay calmly. Without any pressure or drama. 

'I think you are going to Dee's house. She lives in the penthouse you know. And this is not a good sign. Are you sure you want to see her?'

He stationed his car at the entrance of the tall building. This is the same hotel that Dee bought from him. Jake has never understood why she did this. He could have sold it a long time but Dee has shown her that it can still be put into use which she had done nicely. 

Standing at the entrance, he didn't know whether he was going in or he was going to get home and sleep off. He wanted someone to talk to, someone to listen to but he didn't know if Dee was the right person. He hated holding things deep down, he would prefer to release them to someone but of late he has been doing that. 

                'Do you think I should go?'

'I think that is a bad idea, it will lead to a very big drama just head home.'

'what if you find her in bed with someone else? What will you do? Let it be!'

The thought of Dee having someone else made him angry, he tightly grabbed the steering wheel and his knuckles were pale while he kept gripping it tightly. This made him want to pop someone's head and throw it out of the place. 

He calmed down and drove the car away from the building. He knew this was not the best decision to make at this time. It's already late and probably Dee is asleep and won't even wake if he tries to call her. 

After one blink, he turned the vehicle around and headed back.

"Fuck it, if I die, I die, talking won't mean I am having sex with her!"

He parked his car at the entrance and had to talk with several guards. They were giving him some hard time. He wished he could have left the place as he planned previously.

"Please call her and tell her it's me, she will say you allow me in the lift."

Jake was trying to reason with the guards who were shaking their heads.

"We don't want trouble, plus she had someone in, we can't allow you there."

Said one guard with frustration. Jake didn't know what to say to him, he wanted to turn the vehicle around but then one guard walked out of the place and came near him.

"Ate you, okay sir, why do you want to see Miss Diana?"

"I just need to tell her that her father died and we need to talk about it, she will understand what I am talking about."

Jake knew, there was no way around this part from lying his way in. There is CCTV and if something happens they will be able to know and recognize him.

The man nodded his head and decided to call Dee on her upper floor. 

Dee was from the shower. She was doing some late study preparing a thesis for her final master's classes. She has been working extremely hard but at the same time, she was exhausted after all the pressure from people and the media about her behavior. She has one thousand and one thing to do. Calls to answer and emails to reply. She wiped her body and put on a silk night dress. A cup of milo by her side, she knew this will make her sleep anytime but she needed it. 

Done replying to the emails and text messages, she was going through her thesis to identify some errors that she had made while typing. She suddenly heard her house phone ringing and was shocked as to who was calling her at this time. She had to guess a lot of people.

                 'What if the building is on fire?' 

That, she could have heard the alarm. There is no way there is a fire in the building. She let the phone ring and when it finally ended, she quickly focused back on her work. The chilling sound came in again and she picked it with the second ring. 

"What do you mean my dad is dead? Who again? What? What is he doing down there? Is he okay, does he look okay?"

See sighed after she was told that Jake was asking for her presence. She couldn't go downstairs at this time. She didn't know whether it was a nice idea to allow him in. Though her second thought told her to allow him in, he might have been into something and doesn't want to go home or he might be hurt and doesn't want to show the show where he is hurt.

She thought of every possibility of something happening. The only one that he got off her mind was him leaving Fern and wanting to come back to her.

'Okay, it won't hurt, it won't hurt, just let him in, he can take the chair and make himself a bed if he wants one,  for you, take the whole bed and sleep in!'

       "Allow him up you can come with him."

Dee wore a heavy robe to cover her body. After three minutes, the elevator rang and she stood at the intercom looking at the video of Jake and the guard standing there. The guard was very cautiously watching Jake, he did a second search on him before ringing the bell. 

Opening the door, Dee thanked the guard and he nodded. Jake stood at the door looking at the floor, she didn't know what to say to him or what to do. She walked into her room and asked Jake to come in. Jake walked in and stood looking at the room once again. He still remembers the panty that he stole from the room. He wanted to chuckle at that idea but he decided to remain calm about it.

         "You want some coffee?"

Dee asked but Jake had already made himself comfortable. He sipped the milo that was on Dee's cup and smiled. He wanted to tell her that it was too much sugar but he couldn't. This was not his house where he can say what he feels like. 

"Maybe I will take this instead of coffee, that is if you don't mind."

Dee raised her brows looking at him. She didn't know what was going on with him but she decide to make herself more milo and joined Jake who was busy on his cup of Milo.

"Are you okay? I was just about to sleep, in case you want somewhere  to sleep, you can take the sofa."

Jame chuckled catching Dee by surprise, she didn't know why she was surprised but she expected Jake to say thank you or no I am going home after this but a chuckle, that was something else.

"Is he here today? I don't want to crash with him."


"So you didn't have anyone mad you were lying to me about. I guess I have nothing to fear, after all, you are still mine Dee."

Dee watched him brag about something she knew very well it was stupid. She didn't have any faith in that. A faith she had was to make sure she doesn't die from people's humiliation and insults.

"I think I am going to sleep Jake, I have to work tomorrow."

Dee was irritated with his word and wanted to move out of his face. Jake noticed her discomfort and stood up quickly looking at her. Dee wanted to run away but Jake was moving quickly in front of her and she didn't comprehend how it was going. She stood facing him when he was near her. 

"I don't want to hurt you, Dee, I came here to have a little conversation with you. I don't know why you but, I wanted you to be the person. If you don't want to listen, maybe I can finish my cup of coffee and head home."

Dee knew that it is good for her to give him a chance. He might be going through a lot and she wanted to listen to him talk about everything that he wanted.

       "it's okay, you can talk about it."

Jake smiled a bit and suggested they use the bed as the place of communication. Dee wanted to resist but she figured that it will be good to be on the bed but the problem was if she was going to lose herself to him and start messing up. She said an affirmative prayer before climbing on the bed. They refilled their cups and sat on the bed opposite each other. 

"What happened though? Between us? We used to be these amazing people you know, we used to have fun, say everything to each other. Call each other when we felt like we don't have anything to do. We wanted to make sure each one of us was doing fine and their day too. Now look at us, we have become strangers in our familiarity. I am sorry if I am such an asshole to you. I know I wronged you a lot and I have never accepted my mistake but I am sorry."

Dee listened to him talk about their past days. It has only been four months but it felt like years to her. She had been thinking of how she would make things better for him but she didn't see anyway.  They all made mistakes, to Dee the mistake was relying on her sister for everything that happened in their bedroom, to Jake it was the problem of assuming everything was okay and he could do anything he wished to do.

"Mistakes are there to be made, we learn from their day in and day out. You don't need to be hard on yourself sometimes. Just take one day at a time."

"Don't you think that's ironical? You are blaming yourself Dee for something you didn't do in the first place. You need to b happy. The wrinkle I see on your face, that's not you. You are precious, loving, and amazing don't let the sad world turn you around."

            "That's easier said than done, Jake!"