
Oh Boy!

🥀Hapoy reading🌹

They were silent for a while, and every one of them focused on the content in their cups. No one talked and you could hear a pin drop in the room. They were all trying to digest what they were going to say or if not, they were both digesting what they had said to each other. 

Dee cleared her throat and adjusted herself on the bed, Jake thought that she was going to say something but nothing came out of her mouth. Dee was also waiting for Jake to speak but she didn't hear anything. She didn't know what to ask him, what will she say to him at this point. 

She thought of asking him about Ferm but she knew that was not right because she hates Fern for taking her place and she doesn't want to speak about it at this time. She will be lying to say she was concerned about her, she wanted a conversation though and she kept hoping to come up with something.

Jake watched her comfortably in bed. They had the cup in between their hands and a refill in case they wanted one but right now they were supposed to be sleeping and not talking. Though it was a weekend tomorrow, he knew Dee would be tired this time for them to speak. He felt the warmness of the cup disappear as the content of his cups was decreasing second after second. Anytime, from now he will be done and he doesn't want any refill so it will be also good to start speaking because if he finished his coffee there is nothing he is going to talk about.

"I didn't know that milo is this sweet, I mean I can take this if it is not getting me addicted to sugar?"

Dee chuckled at his words. Jake hates a lot of sugar and she was surprised that she asked for milk and not a cup of coffee with no sugar or one sugar.  He loved it like that. Though Dee also loves it like that tonight she wanted the cup of milk with milo inside to make her feel lively. Maybe the sugar rush will thrill her and she will be talking every second.

"I love it because of its sweetness and it's always sweet when someone wanted to try out their buds. I didn't think you were going to like it, what happened to the Jake of black coffee with one sugar? You were intimidating with that and everyone seem to know what you wanted."

Jake smiled as he placed the cup on the bedside table, he knew very well he still loved coffee but, if Dee makes anything, he surely will take it even if it's shit. At least she tries to do something. She doesn't tell you that her fingernails will break or they will be shaped, something like that, unlike other girls who will not want to touch anything in the kitchen in fear of what will happen to their beautiful nails. 

Before Fern came in, they never heard of a household. Unless it was cleaning that Jake hated Dee doing. He loved it when she tried to give her best in the kitchen. She was willing to learn how to cook new recipes and prepares some other types of things. Jake had never heard her complain that it's difficult or she hates it. Nowadays he doesn't even stand in the kitchen trying new recipes that they thought about during the week and try them out.  As long as it's not about eating a bat or a spider to try their test buds, they were good.

"Any new recipes you've come up with apart from this milo? I won't mind trying them at home."

Dee didn't know how to tell him that she stopped cooking because it was hard for her. She was comfortable having him by her side when they were trying out several things to cook. He showed her how to slice the onions into cubes or nicely round-shaped and chopped the tomatoes to make a nice salad. Nowadays if she makes anything in the kitchen, she hates it and prefers to let it be. She mostly orders or even buys some of them. Though she hated it. She hated that she can't cook in her place, she can't do anything for herself if not ask someone to help her. She has tried even making her food with grated tomatoes instead of slicing them but nothing is making sense to her, it tastes too raw and she doesn't like it.

Jake saw the way her face was changing at some point. He knew that something was wrong. Maybe she was not cooking which was right.

"I stopped cooking, I rarely eat at home. When I am at home it's already late and all I want to do is sleep. Making food is hard when you don't have someone who shares the same interest. All I want is to make my nice meat steak, mix honey with some sources to make a spicy marinated chicken but that can't happen because the psyche is not there."

Dee felt him, it was hard to do something with someone who doesn't want to be there for it.

"You can initiate and tell your partner that you want to try something out, Jake, it's a matter of talking, that's how we make a good relationship. If you love something and she doesn't like it, both of you should talk about it is hard of keeping quiet. "

Turns out she was not bad-mouthing Fern after all and Jake felt relieved. He thought she was going to brag about how they used to have a happy life and how they could be trying to make good things for their meal but she didn't. She was giving him advice on what to do. She didn't know if it was a piece of good advice or just let it slide. 

One thing Jake loves about Dee, her honesty, which will never be compared. She will make sure she tells you something the way it is instead of lying to you about it. Sometimes, she will just give you an opinion and if you like it take it but, if you don't like it then, let it go. She is never concerned that you didn't take her advice because she won't tell you, ' I told you so.'

"I am drowning very much and I hate it, I hate every moment  I step into something. Be it light, someone new, or normal people. Everyone thinks that I am offering myself, I want to fuck everyone who comes my way.  People don't honestly like me, they are either greedy to ask me for cash or they want to tell me something that is going to bother me so that I can feel down about myself.  I don't know Dee, but I feel like I am being swallowed alive in this world. I feel suffocated to some extent. At some point I don't want, to even meet people, to face them and say something to them. Why? I know what they are going to say next. It's either they are going to ask me a favor that doesn't end well or they are going to say, 'I once liked you, do I stand a chance now?' It's bothering me a lot, I mean do I look like a cheap person who passes with everything, Dee?"

Dee felt her heart crush hearing him say all those things about himself. She thought he wanted to talk about work or maybe the change in the ammunition industry and how they were going to make sure that they don't deliver the weapons to everyone except to the people who matter only. That was not happening. This was a serious problem for Jake.

She placed her cup on the side of the bed and opened her arms to Jake who gladly came in. Holding him in her arms like a baby, she rocked him back and forth trying to take him down. She didn't know what to tell him about that. She felt that was a heavy subject. She didn't want to mess up when giving her opinion so she was thinking about it gently without rushing.

"You know you are handsome to attract everything closer to you?"

They both chuckled at Dee's statement. That was the truth, Jake was a natural beauty and full of handsome mess, he couldn't be compared to anything. 

"Is that what attracted you to me, I am not asking it in a bad way, but I don't want to make it feel like you are like everyone else, I respect you and what you chose, at least you didn't come to ask me if I can slide it in your warm."

"Jake? What are you talking about? Your face is just a bonus even if I find an ugly hyena who is loyal and very understanding, I swear I will go to him and stay under his wings. Your face is just a bonus to me when I met you. Though you were a jerk too. Sometimes you act like you want someone and the other time you acted as if that was not the truth it was hard to read you."

Dee confessed today. Yeah, he liked Jake from the beginning but Jake showed all signs that he didn't like her while displaying some muted emotions when they were together making it hard for Dee to know what he wanted.

Jake raked through his brain trying to think of every moment the spent under the same roof.  She is the only person he can never forget what they have been doing in the past four years, unlike someone he spent a night with yesterday and it's hard to remember and she doesn't know why.

"I was afraid Dee, I was afraid that maybe you were wrong for me, I was afraid of what other people were going to say about you. During those times my head was all about who you were. I mean, Dominic knew you were an amazing person and every time I cause you harm, he would slap me in the face and remind me that I am a loser if I am letting a person like you go away. I only needed to focus on you to know that you were an amazing person, Dee. You are not some girl who is after fame and likes, like other people, that's what I loved about you but it scared me."

Dee knows it's always scary when you feel like you are falling for someone whom you are supposed to keep away from your mind. That is the scariest thing. You don't know if they are feeling the same or you are just attracted to them because they are there at that time. You are trying to weigh your obsession and your love factors but you end up thinking very differently, you follow your mostly wrong instinct.

"All I can say, Jake, tell someone how you feel when they make you feel cheap. Where is Jake who would growl like a lion to everyone in the room and make them shut up without thinking about it again? That is the man I knew. Tell them, no, I think you are overstepping, no, I don't like how you are doing things and no, I am not going to keep it in your warm. Don't say the last part though. They won't understand any of that. Just be affirmative in your decision, if you don't want something you don't want it, don't be the person you were some four years ago. Say yes and let it be a yes. Don't say, no to mean yeah. Be specific, it's going to help you a lot, okay?"

'This is all that I needed to hear tonight, I needed to listen to all this to make sure that I am okay. We didn't need to resolve our issues under the sheets, she didn't need to spread her less for me to make sure that I get everything or for me to come back to her. She will tell you the truth and it's either you take the bitter pill of truth than being lied to.'

He was still being rocked as a baby and enjoyed the warmth that came with it. He mates to sleep in her arms without moving. He wanted to stay beside her bed like some beauty before leaving tomorrow morning. He felt like a part of his heart wanted to stay here and talk so much to her and there was this silly part that wanted to shove his dick in her just to make him feel good. That didn't drive him too much. What drove him was the warmth, the honesty, and the love that she showed. He knew Dee was not weak to accept him, she understand that he was hurting and offered to listen to him. He wanted to talk about the threesome but he quickly let it go. That was not the time to talk about it. 

He placed his hands on top of hers and gently massaged them. He has missed this feeling for a long time. The feeling of belonging somewhere, right now he knew, he belonged here.

Dee felt his hands on top of hers, they were warm, gentle, and a bit rough. Just the way she remembers them. She savored the moment feeling everything. She felt a lone tear fell off her face and quickly wanted to wipe it but it was too fast for her hand and it fell on Jake's hands. 

Jake felt the water on his hands and his heart crushed, Dee was shedding a tear. She was crying and this made him sadder. He moved from her embrace and wanted to face Dee but she coiled away from him making a big distance between the two of them. 

"I am sorry I didn't mean to do this to you, I didn't mean to hurt you this much. I wanted someone to listen to me Dee, I will go but please, tell me if you are going to forgive me if I did something wrong."

Jake moved closer to her, Dee was shedding more tears while breathing heavily. Felt scared of her life. She didn't know what to tell him. 

Jake quickly grabbed her and hugged her making her calm down. he wanted to make sure she was okay. He hated to see her this sad. As much as she is hurt she still listens to him and what could he offer, he only offered a hug to him.

"I am sorry Jake if I hurt you so much, I am sorry I didn't mean for that to happen. I didn't mean to break you up, you broke every wall you had built and welcomed me in but look at us now,  we are mad at each other, we have made each other angry, I am sorry okay?"

Jake shushed her down, she was talking amidst her cries. He didn't know why she was sorry because she didn't do anything wrong. He was the only one who wronged her and not the other way round.

When she finally calmed down, Jake removed his hands out of her embrace and wiped her tears, using his handkerchief. 

"You are never wrong, Dee, you amazing and I like that about you. I love that you brace and don't fear anything, I like that' you don't' care if people don't love you for who you are and you prefer to be your person. I love you, Dee."

dee was just seeing his mouth move in every direction and she didn't know when he was going to stop and digest everything has said to her. The moment she thought that he was done, his lips crashed into hers and Dee was left shocked, mixed feelings running through her head as she felt his lips crash into hers. Jake suddenly stopped the kiss because Dee was not reciprocating it. He decided to turn away but Dee quickly jumped out of bed and held his hands. 

"I don't know how this will turn out. Trust me, I am not crazy and I am not trying t trap you or anything, I love you too Jake, I know we are still having our differences but I hate that I still live with you."

Jake didn't wait for her to say anything else. He quickly grabbed her and held her on his thighs, so tightly while kissing her all over. Dee was running out of breath with the kissing. They indulged in their intimacy without thinking about it. Ravaging the clothe on Dee's body, Jake too his tine admiring the beauty that was before him. The light was murky but he loved the figure that had displayed herself in front of him.

He grabbed her waist and this was what he had been thinking every day he touched Fern, grabbing a tiny waist like an aunt and riding on it.

"Are you sure you want this, we can stop?"

               "Shut up!"

Dee grabbed his face and kissed him placing wet kisses on his face.

'Oh boy, they did it again, who is to be blamed now, will they hate it? Will they be okay in the morning ?'