
This Is Not Jake!

Dee was trying to eavesdrop on their conversation but she could not hear what they were trying g to say. She watched as Jake's eyes, which were dark with lust and anger were now with worry and fear as he l9iked at Dominic who was trying to tell him something.

She didn't know what came over Jake, and all she wanted was to know where they had been for the whole day because she didn't receive a text or a call from Jake to explain to him where he was and even the food that is usually brought, she ate alone after Dan said he was okay.

Lifting her gaze to see if Jake was coming towards her to even explain to her what is wrong with him, h3 didn't, instead, he stormed out of the house leaving Pete and Dominic standing in the m8ddle of the house.

Her heart crashed as sje felt like Jake was not trying to involve her in his problems. She didn't see a reason why someone would be interested in your life but can't even share a little detail about what is happening to his life. 

We're not for Dominic, things would have taken a different direction. She might maybe be past tense after Jake tried to strangle her, but now sue was not and all she wanted were answers.

"Dominic?" She called while still sitting on the floor where they found her, the towel still wrapped around her body and the marks drill visible around her neck and other parts of the body that Jake laid hands on.

Dominic looked back at Dee and walked over to her quickly. He didn't know what to explain to Dee but he felt that she needed the answers. She had all rights to demand them not need because she had been assaulted, marks all over her body and they are painful even though she doesn't want to show it.

"I am sorry Dee an9ut that," started Don8nic once he was next to her. He saw the fear in Dee's eyes that she was trying to hide to convince him that she was okay.

"You don't have to be sorry Dominic, just tell me what happened to Jake, that's what I need to know now!" She demanded. 

Dominic knew that the story about Inspector Diaz's house was not his to tell, rather Jake was supposed to be her everything. 

"I dont—" 

"Don't, Dominic the same way you guys dont want to involve me in your lives, that's is the same way I will be doing things. Act as if I don't know any shit but deep down it's ugly because that is what you guys don't want to show me. Jake almost killed me, had it not for you, these things would be something else. I saw his eyes, those are not the same eyes that look at me every day and tell me how special I am, how important I am even if the world doesn't approve of it. I am always happy but today, he chokes me after being out for the whole day till three in the evening and you are not telling me anything that happened?  Or should go ask her that myself?" 

"Dee no, you can't do this, it's bad I think Jake is thinking of what happened today. And some people were doing some bad things in front of him and those images just flooded his mind and he thought that he wanted to see you that way. He is not evil Dee, Jame is a good man at heart and you know that, don't be quick to judge him. Eight now he fears that je8ght do something worse and might even kill you that's why he is trying to give himself sometimes," told Dominic.

Dee was trying to make sense of Dominic's word but still, she felt hurt, why would someone try to hurt Jake in that manner? 

She knew that he wanted to fight for her to get justice against the people who wanted to offer her as a sacrifice. She felt that things might take a dirty turn if Jake is involved and would prefer if he walks away from it.

"Couldn't he at least look me in the eye and the me that he needed time to be alone?" Asked Dee as he looked at Dominic.

"I will try and ask him to come back and tell you that," told Dominic. 

He was sure as hell that Jake was not going to come back. It's either he is going to use the gym or he is going to punch every wa he comes across. The look on hos eyes yd him how upset and worried he was. He is hands were shaking and he has never seen that in Jake.

Dominic asked Pete to keep an eye on him as he remained with Dee in the penthouse.

"You need to sleep Dee, it's alread7morning and you will need to go to work," said Dominic.

Dee looked at him, "sleep, what will I sleep when the person who helps me do that is not around. I wi gave nightmares all night and it scared me," said Dee. 

Dominic stood to adjust the bed, the only way she was going to he the situation is to be strong for Jake.

"Don't drag yourself down Dee, Jame needs you. You need to be his strong pillar don't start lamenting because of what happened. He is trying to fix everything though it's going to be hard. I would advise you to be his pillar, make sure everything is okay while he is taking his time," said Dominic.

Dee knew Dominic was right, she needed to be strong for him, stand by him and be there for him. Though it was going to be difficult sje knew it is important.

"Would you at least be near before k sleep, I would prefer that," said Dee and Dominic nodded, sitting on the chair beside the bed as he watched Dee sleep. 

He didn't know how long it will take for Jake to come back to his senses. He hated to see h8m suffer and make the girl he loves being in the same situation.

He couldn't sleep, so he had ro turn over and over," came sleep, uh?" Asked Dee.

Dominic was shocked that she was still awake. Here je was thinking that she had snored off and slept.

In the building:

I don't know what is happening to me, all I saw were the pictures, I couldn't stop even when she tried to make me stop. I wanted to do the same to her and it does me wonder whether this wi be going on for the rest of my life or I will get over it soon?

What about Dee, will sje forgive me af6er I almost killed her. I didn't realise how I had tried to strangle her that much. She doesn't deserve someone who is going to be that harsh and a killer for her.

He heard his phone vibrate, he didn't want to look at the text but still, he did. 

"She can't sleep, any ideas?" Asked Dominic in the text.

This was going to be hard. She hardly sleeps after a tough day and she would rather stay up all night than sleep.  He didn't want her to eat any junk because that was unhealthy.

A second message popped up from his screen, "it's gonna be okay, I just can't sleep. Could you please come back?"

He felt this, this was like someone twisting the knife on his chest. They always had a routine, Dee sleeps while on her chest so that she can sleep well. But if sje doesn't them the whole night is going to be a disaster.

She didn't want to leave her to sleep alone, so he stood up from the floor and headed towards the penthouse, he had to her how sorry he is and he needs her in this. He can't do this alone. 

"Open the door for me," Dominic read the text that Jake had sent and was surprised that he came back earlier than usual. He didn't know whether to allow him in or to just send him back. 

Looking at Dee who was staring back at him, he stood up and went to the door.

"Are you sure it's okay for you to go in?" Asked Dominic at the door.

"She asked me to come because she can't sleep," said Jake as he pulled his hair.

He was afraid too, anything could happen, the images could pop back up.

"I will keep an eye on you while you sleep, just to make sure she sleeps then you get out of the place," said Dominic.

Jake looked at him with raised brows, why would he do that, Dee needs him and there is no way he is going to leave her.

"Don't give me those eyes, go make sure she is okay," said Dominic.

Inside the bedroom, Dee was sitting on the bed. It was like sje knew Jake was at the door, so she sat to wait for him.

"I know that was not you, and you can't do that again that's why I want you here Jake," she said while looking on the floor. 

'Is she afraid to look at me now?' He thought to himself as he looked around the room.

"Hun, I am sorry, I didn't mean to," said Jake as he stood by the door, unable to make a second step towards her.


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