

Arriving at the mansion, the area was quite just like it always was. The guards were roaming around what they do to make sure everything is in check and nothing is out of place.

"You can now show your damn ass face!" I retorted to Dominic.

We got out of the car and my head was only thinking about Dee, I wanted to make sure that she is okay and nothing bad has happened to her.

Nothing happened I was just all over my head thinking that something might have happened 

"Hello babe," Dorcas met me on the door and jumped all over me like some little kid waiting for her father to bring her some candies.

"Grow up bitch!" I thought to myself while faking a smile to avoid ruining my day which is already ruined by Some jackass.

"Hello babe," I said to him while holding on to her to avoid throwing her down.

"So are we going out for dinner?" She asked while caressing my cheeks.

What is with her, must we go out, every time, or must she be around my ass every second she gets?

"No babe, I will ask them to make us something special then we can have our meal," I said to her while picking my hair.

She gave me that dissatisfied look and walked upstairs leaving me alone in the living room.

"Take a shower and wear something good," I said to her as she was moving upstairs.

I walked over to the room adjoining to get to Dee.

Reaching by the door, I heard her talking over the phone, her time was full of sadness and she was crying. 

I decided to stay by the door and listen to who she was talking to on the other end.

"Who are you?" She shouted.

Her phone was not on loud speaker so I couldn't hear anything the person on her end was saying.

"Yes Fern is my sister," she said and listened to what the person on the other end was talking about.

"I don't know what you are talking about, just leave my sister alone, I will get out of here if that will keep my sister and parents safe, just don't hurt anyone of them," 

What was she talking about? Who was threatening her on the other line?  

I wanted to Get in there, grab her phone and confront the other person who was threatening her but I couldn't. I stayed put by the door until she was done with the call.

After three minutes of composing myself, I knocked on her door and she replied in her low voice for me to enter inside the room.

I made my way into the room and she was wiping her eyes and picking her fingernails.

I thought she could tell me about who was threatening her on the other line. So I am going to act like a fool and listen to what she will talk to me about.

Instead of smiling, she was laughing out while looking at me, I wondered what was wrong that she was laughing at me.

She couldn't keep her hand out of her mouth while laughing, so I rushed to the washroom to look at myself and see what was wrong with me to have her burst out in that laughter.

I looked at myself and the wig that was on my head, it was so ridiculous with some tendrils hanging like some ballet girl.

"What the Fuck, Dominic you will die after this," I cursed as I hit the bathroom's wall.

I quickly pulled the wig off my hair and accidentally pulled some parts of my eyebrows and it forcefully came out.

"Ouch!" I cried out in pain and Dee was quick to hear my cry and she was in the room looking at me.

"Are you okay?" She asked while looking at me.

This is embarrassing for me. How can she see me like this? A part of my eye below was now bleeding.

When I took long to say a word, she gently picked a tissue from the closet and wiped the stain gently from my eyebrows. 

It looks like she is not in much pain like yesterday if she is walking okay in front of me. 

Being short, she had to raise her toes a bit to help me wipe the blood. My body was getting hot with her breathing near my neck. 

I picked her hands because I was not going to keep up with the hotness.

"Are you okay?" She asked me while placing the tissue that she had used in the bin.

I cleared my voice words could not escape my mouth, they got stuck in my throat as her hospital gown showed her perky breast that stood firm on her chest.

She just looked at me and walked out of the bathroom leaving me inside there.

I washed my hands and got out of the room. She was having her phone in her hands. I don't know what she is looking in her phone but it is bothering me a lot. 

Why is she not telling me that someone was shouting or threatening her family and I might help her?

"So that you can mock her again?" 

She yawned and pulled the sheets near her body. 

"I think I am going to sleep early today, have a good good night, Jake!"

"Is that all?" I asked her hoping she can open up and tell me something, anything but she was busy on her phone and ignored my question.

I hated when someone is ignoring me and this might not end well if she is not replying to what I was asking her.

I matched hear her bed and grabbed her phone throwing it in the wall.

"If I ask you something, I need the answer Dee," I growled at her.

"What is wrong with you, Jake?" Sue asked while sitting upright in her bed.

"I was talking to you and you are using the phone, I am giving you shelter, medication and everything but you can't listen to me Dee," I shouted while facing up and down.

What I didn't know was that I had awakened up a ghost in her.

"You think I want to be heard, Jake? You think I want to be stuck in here, well I am grateful that you gave me an opportunity, a home but do you think am here to see you kiss me then go ahead and show off in front of your girlfriend? I am not, I even want o go home, like right now," 

Jesus, is she this hard? Very tough when very loud when angered and I thought I am tough, I wish Clare was here they could have rhymed together very well.

She jumped from her bed and went to the list to check for her clothes and dashed to the washroom.

Is she going to go considering that her life is in danger? She was out of the washroom in seconds. Just her feet which were bare with nothing to put on.

"Take me home or you know what, you don't need to I can go there on my own, take a walk or maybe hail a cab who can give me a lift," she jeered and walked out of my sight.

I don't know how to walk after her and return her to the house. Dorcas is upstairs and is getting ready for dinner. All my staff workers are around and this is going to paint a bad picture.

"What is happening?" Shouted Dominic at the door.

"It was just a small argument, everything is going to be okay," I replied quickly while sitting on the same bed that Dee had slept in.

"Small argument? She is at the gate and is almost out of the gate, going to where I don't know!" Shouted Dominic.

I walked past him quickly and went to chase after her.

Using the same var that we used during the mission, I followed her and found her at the last gate. 

Thank God the guard was not opening the gate at this point.

I climbed out of the car and went to her, I grabbed her and lifted her as if she was weighing nothing. 

"I don't want to go, put me down, I want to go down," she was shouting while hitting my back with her fist.

Walking towards the car, I placed her on the passenger's seat.  

"Dee, keep quiet, will you? I will take you to the home you want so much, so stop acting up," I shouted to her and she zipped without saying anything.

I was taking her home, I can't keep her here if she doesn't want to be here. 

"I thought you were taking me home? This is not home, home is that direction!" She shouted while printing towards the south.

"I am using a saddle route, I didn't bring my guards with me,"

She was quiet during the entire ride. She was looking through the dark tinted windows until she slept off.

I wasn't going to take her home, not when I don't know what her parents are like, not when someone was trying to threaten her over the phone and when someone almost raped her. 

I drive through the Greenwich Hotel. This was my first achievement.  Though it is old, the paint always keeps it as new and beautiful as ever.

I didn't wake her up, I unbuckled my safety belt and went over to her side and picked her up.

She was mumbling something in her sleep and I couldn't understand what she was talking about.

"Evening sir," greeted one of my men.

I nodded and he walked me through to the lift.

"Is everything ready? The room and the house in general?" 

"Yes sir," he replied and I took the private lift to the penthouse.

The room was still as clean and well kept the way it always is. It was spacious I hoped Dee would like it here. 

I hope she doesn't wake up and jump on my neck.

I settled her on the sofa carefully to avoid ruining her bandages. 

I walked over to the kitchen counter and helped prepare food before she wakes up. I don't know what she wants but I will prepare the simple things I see her eating at dinner. Pancakes and coffee, 

While whipping the eggs, I heard her mumbling bad crying in her sleep, I quickly left the eggs and walked over to her. 

Age was struggling in her sleep, turning over and over and almost falling. I held her to avoid her from hitting her head on the ground. Sweat was already drenching her sweatshirt and some were trickling down her face. 

I carried her in my blossoms to calm her down and make her stop crying. 

"I am sorry, I am sorry," she said while calming down. 

It hurts when someone you like so much is hurting and you don't know what is happening to her. 

I picked my phone and asked Dominic to check her phone that I had thrown on the wall and to check over anything that might be suspicious. That is the only way I am going to know what is going on.

"Where am I? I told you I want to go home," jumped De out of her seat. 

When had she woken up? I thought she was sleeping and dreaming a while ago? When has woken up to start shouting?

"My family is in danger, you don't understand?" She asked while walking around looking around.

"Do you know your family wants to kill you!"