

"The same family that want to kill you?" I retorted back at her.

I was not planning on shouting at her but sometimes if people want to finish you while you are there thinking they are all good and wishing you well, there is no need for you to act good and save them. You are not Jesus.

She should get that, she is not Jesus to sacrifice herself for her greedy family that doesn't consider her or her feelings.

She gave me the shocked look after my statement. 

"What are you talking about?" She asked in a furious tone.

I walked over to her but I knew she might slap me or scratch my face with her nails though they have been perfectly trimmed down.

"Dee, look around you, has your family bothered to call you or even to come to see you again? Did they call you to ask about your whereabouts? Open your eyes please," I tried to reason with her in every way possible. 

She needs to open her eyes and think about herself, not her fucking family.

"Jake, I know my family you haven't been there. We just met like a day ago and you think my family will kill me? They love me and if they have not been at the hospital to look for me then it means that they were busy with something," she defended.

She is determined to defend her family even though they are not good at her.

Her mother just bad-mouthed her in front of me, what can't she see? Have they wrapped her head around their little finger to have her lick their ass even when they poo? 

I don't know what to say to her again. It looks like nothing is going to change her mind. 

"Then tell me about the phone call you received before I walked Dee, who was it?" I asked her in a low voice. 

Maybe if I change my voice, if I act gentle and carding she might reconsider talking to me.

"We're you listening to my conversation now? Do I have any privacy anymore or you are here to control my life now?" Sue asked.

Fuck! That was stupid but I am also going to show her that I care whether loudly or gently.

"Look, I am taking you home but please give me a chance and listen to what I have to say, if you think it's stupid then leave and never contact me again," I said to her.

I gently got hold of her and directed her to the sofa where she was sleeping.

"Look, I know that day at the hospital your mother wanted to hurt you but you didn't say anything instead you kept quiet, today when someone threatened you over the phone you didn't talk to me about it. You don't consider yourself but you think of others more than yourself. Do you know that your parents have not tried to come to the hospital ever since they left? No one asked for you. There is a man out there waiting to finish what he started and he might be the one who killed Kim. Dee, family is important but sometimes it's not about the blood, it's about loyalty. If they love you, they would have wanted to know where you are. Has Edith contacted you yet? Because she would have also rushed to see her friend who is going through a lot of pain but look, three days passed and she hasn't bothered contacted you. What I am trying to say is that, be selfish for once, consider yourself and once you have healed completely you can go back to them and let them assume anything they want to."

She was listening to what I was saying while picking her fingers. I don't know which decision she is going to make I just hope she makes a good decision and considers herself rather than her family that doesn't care about her.

"Jake, I just want them to be safe. I don't any of them to be harmed." She cried placing her hands over her face.

"And they will be. They will be safe, nothing or no one is going to harm them, that I will put into consideration," I told her.

She hugged me and I could resist it. I hugged her back smiling broadly like a man who has won a beautiful girl's heart.

"I know I am stubborn, please understand me, I just wanted to make sure they are okay," she apologized. 

She didn't have to. Families are the most important things we all look at and she was doing that too.

After our little hug, we were back to our awkward moment. Staring at each other and say nothing. This was getting weird. 

"Come," I pulled her hand and walked her through the entire penthouse. I wanted to show her everything around here at least this wouldn't complicate anything or at least it will make the situation more comfortable.

"Where to?" She asked wiping her hands in her jeans.

I just pulled her in the bedroom's direction.

"This is where you will be sleeping until you get better," I said to her.

"Wait, what?  Am I staying here?" She asked in a surprised tone.

I love the way she expresses her shocked face. I nodded to her and she couldn't believe it.

"Why would I stay here, this is going to be expensive," she said.

"Hey, what did I say?" I asked her.

She placed her hands on her chin trying to remember what I don't know.

"That I am in danger?" She asked.

Why does she love asking answering a question with another question?

"No, I said, you need to be selfish and look at yourself for one," 

"But the doesn't look like me looking after myself, it looks like you looking after me," she chuckled.

At least I can see the normal Dee back. 

"Yeah, and you should also take care of yourself," I told her while still giving her a little tour of the house. 

She was excited about the place and she had already said thank you almost a hundred times. I don't even know where to place the other thank-yous from her.

"I would leave you to take a shower as I make us something to eat, okay?" I asked her.

She nodded and walked to the bathroom.

"Wait, do you need any help with the bandages or you will just go some wiping?" I asked trying to sound good to her.

"Aah, the wounds are not open, they are healing up, so I will be good. The bandages are there to cover it up."

Trust me when she is happy and excited, there is this fire in her eyes and it's just amazing how she looks when excited.

She walked to the bathroom and I moved to the kitchen to make her some pancakes and some coffee to accompany it.

I had waited for about thirty minutes and she was not done from the bathroom. I was itching to go look for her and confirm if she is okay but another instinct just told me to sit down and wait for her.

It's just the bathroom if something bad had happened I would have heard it.

After some minutes she walked in, damn, must she be this beautiful even when in bandages. She had picked one of my t-shirts and shorts from the closet. 

She was beautiful in them. The shorts appeared baggy on the front but when she walked past me, they see too tight on her ass.

"Ooh, sorry I took your clothes, I didn't have any clothes to change," she said while moving towards the kitchen's countertop.

"Ah, no,  no problem it's okay, you look good in them," I told her stammering.

I went and placed some pancakes in front of her, I thought she would hate it but she smiled looking at them.

"Some syrup please?" She asked while looking at me.

I went to the cabinet but realised that we don't have any left.

"It's okay if you can't get it, I will still eat it this way," she said respectfully.

She picked the pancakes with her hands and placed them inside her mouth. Munching them slowly while licking her hands. She then let out a loud moan, 

"Woah, these are the best pancakes, I can eat this whole day!" She said.

Jesus does she know what she is doing. If she does this for a second time she is going to send me nuts. 

I didn't want to say anything, I just looked at her munch her food hoping she won't moan like that again because I don't know.

"Are you going to pick that?" She asked while pointing at my phone.

I had even forgotten that it was ringing. I picked it up while maintaining our eye contact.

"What the fuck Jake?"

"Fuck! Dorcas!"


Thank you for reading❤

Please follow me on Instagram: coffee_ciggarette