

Sorry, this chapter has not been edited.


I wanted to turn back and look at Jake when the reporter said that, the bodies could have probably been there for more than a week. 

I hadn't even known Jake then, I don't even know I would be meeting someone like him in my life. I had accused him of murdering Kim because of rich, I thought that he was a liar and I don't know if I can face him and say am sorry.

"Coward!" I thought to myself in a disgusted voice.

I am supposed to be yelling sorry the same way I wAs telling him when he broke the news about Kim's death. Instead look at me, playing with my hands while looking at nothing on the Tv because am ashamed of telling him sorry.

He switched the Tv off before picking my hands that we're now trembling. I don't know what to expect from him. He might beat me up for being so stupid and judgemental. "See who makes disorganised decisions now?" 

"Dee, you don't need to feel embarrassed. I get it, you just met me some few days or let's say yesterday, and now your best friend is dead because the last time you saw him my men were drAgging him brutally. I don't blame you for being irrational, no. We all jump to those conclusions. Just don't go that to another person, okay?" He asked while caressing my hands.

I gave him the sorry look. I understand that I did this all wrong. I was acting out of anger and impulse but the next time I might just do this and hurt someone who has good intentions.

"Are you going to forgive him and move on just like that?"

"Well yeah, what do you want me to do? He is not the killer, so girl just let me trust him this time," 

I picked my resting right hand and placed it on the of his hands.

"Am sorry for doing that, I know I am stupid and I can't change the damages that I have done but please forgive me for calling you a murderer," I told him while shaking.

He raised my chin and looked at me, "well you don't need to be sorry, you are forgiven, but am still a murderer, I know who to ill and I kill them when they know what they did, like the person who tried to harm you, if I catch him, I will slash out his head and raise it like some victory cup!"

Jesus, why would he say that in that devilish voice. When I thought I could just trust him then boom! He decided to tell say whole this.

I was shaken by his words. So which type of people did he say again, the ones who deserve? I hope I don't deserve to be under his arms cause I dread that pain.

I pretended to be smiling at what he said but I knew not to play with the fire that is burning in front of me.

"Hey, I am really tired and I want to sleep," I said to him.

That was not true. I needed time to adjust to everything. I needed time to take in Kim's death and his devilish threat. I needed to know who am dealing with here. 

At the same time, I didn't want him home because I now feared that the person who killed Kim will come and slice my body up like a nice apple.

"Wait, what about my parents, are they all safe, my father, my mother and sister?" I asked Jake. 

I don't know why I asked him about their safety while this was none of my concern. 

"They are safe Dee, I need to get you to safety too because I don't trust this hospital," he said and removed his phone to call someone.

After a second, Dominic was inside my room again like a lightning unfolding the wheelchair.

"I am sorry Dominic about the allegations, I was or rational," I said quickly even without looking into his eyes. He deserved an apology and I was happy I have made it and things won't be awkward between us.

Jake helped me on the chair while holding me carefully in his arms as if I weighed nothing. He wanted to move me without removing the needles on my hands. They were now painful to have them around. But I needed them to heal so I don't have any other options.  Well, I could have had superpowers but sadly God didn't bless me with those!

I wanted to see Nick one more time before I go. I needed to know if we can discuss the sequel of the Romance Novel before we all go. But how am I going to ask Jake to can him?

Forget it, he said that his shift ended and he was just there to protect me. 

Jake seemed to have noticed the disappointment on my face and he asked me what was wrong. I couldn't be him that I wanted Nicks number so that I can read other romance novels that he has read. So I just pretended that I was uncomfortable with these needles on my hands. He assured me that everything will be over and I will be okay.

"Are you sure your home is safe?" I asked as he settled me inside the car. 

What am I even asking, he is the wealthiest man alive, why would his home be insecure?

Though I felt happy going to his home, I was still uncertain about my parents' safety. There will be no point in me being in a safe place but they are not.

"I know you are worried about your parents, trust me they are okay whenever they are, I just want you to heal then you will go back to them," said Dominic was driving us home followed by some guards from the back.

"Thank you, thank you for all this, I don't even know how to say it," I said to him while we were in the car.

He just smiled and looked at me while nodding his head.

He adjusted my seat in the car and I was sitting comfortably without any problem. He went ahead and started looking at some things on his phone.

I decided to take this chance and look at my environment. The night was calm, there were not a lot of people around the area. 

I wanted to focus on the environment to where I was going, but every time I tried, every time I glanced at the person walking on the road, all I saw was Kim. 

When was the last time we had a proper talk with him? 

I can't even recall, because most of the time he will be sending me threatening calls and asking me to send him money. I wanted to go to their house and give him the money but I would encounter him on the road when I went for my walk.

He would wink and tomorrow or after a week he will come up with another drama, just to save my sister from her drama and for the fear of him getting g killed for capturing the pictures of someone.

Wait, what if the man who was with Fern yesterday was the one who sent an assassin to kill Kim because he sent the pictures to him?

No, they said Kim died like ten days ago, maybe someone got wind about the pictures and killed him.

The problem is if I say that, it will tie my sister fern to the killings and if I keep quiet then Kim's murderer the man who tried to assault me will be walking free and assaulting plus killing someone else.

I took a glance at Jake, her forehead was now creating furrows, you would think he is about to plant some sweet potatoes, they were so deep.

I know he jas helped me a lot, but I don't if the information am about to give him will land him in more trouble or it will help him get what he wants.

"Just say it already, I can smell your stare," he said while tapping away in his phone.

"I...I wa...s t..,"

I was straining to say it but I didn't know what to expect from his side, he might have given up with the drama, plus he doesn't even know a thing about Kim, so why would he waste his time and resources to look for his murderous.

I felt his hands on my mind. 

This seems to be like a normal thing now, him placing his hands on top of mine every time I feel like being scared to talk or when he wants to say something.

I looked at him, and his eyes held a soft stare, he swallowed hard before opening his mouth, "don't be afraid, talk to me, I want to help you catch this perpetrator," 

He squeezed my hand and I could look away, I just wanted to drink in his black orbs, but the second squeezes my clue.

"Have you looked into the camera, what if the man who killed Kim was among the ones in the pictures?" I said confidently.

Jake looked at me and then at Dominic  who was focused on the road, 

"Why would you think about that?" He asked.

"Sorry, but my sister is a celebrity, kind of, and she is always accompanied by expensive boyfriends when she comes home, so you know Kim might have tried to blackmail one of them using the pictures and he got killed."

He removed his hands from my grasp and stretched them to pick the iPad that was on the front passenger's seat.

"I transferred them to a secure gadget sir, I wi ask Pete and the team to identify everyone in the pictures so that you can have your folders ready when you get there," said Dominic as Jake was busy opening the file.


Thanks for reading❤❤❤❤

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You can also read my other work; Lost In Between

Follow me on Instagram: coffee_ciggarette