
Ressurect me!

He knew how to start his game, th9ufh, if Claire was taking a lead things, would have been different. She is rough, wants it fast, Hickey's all over his body. 

Not that he didn't want them, he loved them. Those were the only things that reminded him of how the night was. They might last a week just staying there, her fingers marked on his skin selectively while his teeth messy drawn on his neck.

"Let me help you cover the marks," Claire would say. 

"No, I need them to feel jealousy and know very well that someone out there makes me feel happy all night long," Dominic would say. 

Moving in and out slowly as he maintained eye contact with Claire, he wanted this moment to last forever. He thought of many possible ways he could stay inside his girl but he knew work was calling for him and Claire also needed to work because she is a strong-willed person who doesn't sit around to wait for someone to give her money.

That's why he wanted it slow. It helps him reconnect further with Claire. Something they both loved, that's why he took the lead today instead of Claire.

Closing the gap between them with his lips, he pumped in and out, with every pimp cane a gasp and a moan from Claire. Her hands were wandering behind Dominic's back, drawing a love letter to his skin. 

Dominic's hands were making some cursive letters on her thighs as they tightly clenched into her soft skin. 

This was a bittersweet moment for them. Look8ngvat each other, with every throat sending out a love signal, with every moan arousing each other more and more while Claire whispered dirty into his ears making the grasp on her thigh tight and the Christine from Dominic quicken. 

"Is that all you've got baby, I won't it faster now, give this to me baby, I want it more," moaned Claire as he felt that Dominic needs to intensify and increase his pace.

Dominic connected his eyes with her again, kneeling his forehead on hers, he increased the pace, making Claire scream in pleasure as sje felt his dick jit the walls of her womb. 

Every thrust was intense and borough in the thrilling feeling.

Claire targeted the moment where she usually takes over from him, that moment where Dominic was almost pouring his seeds into her and rolled him over.

She didn't break from him, she is always a pro at turning things upside down. She settled on top of him, if you think she was rough trust me you don't know what rough is. 

Picking both of Dominic's hands, she threw them on the bed board, another hand was placed on his neck, as she trusted, while moaning his boyfriend's name.

Dommy baby, look at me!" She commands him.

Dominic knows better than disobeying her, he fixates his eyes on her and placed his hands on her hips. 

Up to date he still hasn't figured out how she manages to hold his hands and neck at the same time while riding his cock like a pornstar.

"Look at how you make me feel baby, this is all you baby," she moaned as she settled his pussy to allow his dick to move deep indie her pussy. 

Dominic groaned while looking at her, he tightened the grip of his hands on her waist, every time he looked at her ride him, it was a total turn and he would try and restrain himself from cumming all over the place. 

"Baby please," he groaned in measure when Claire increased the pace on her riding.

Claire looked at him while trying to slow down the pace, this was to lure him. She never slowed down, she was trying to make him adjust before she kills him with one last ride and he pours his seeds all in him.

"I love you," she would say as she slowed down, Dominic knew what that meant mad adjusted herself. 

One grip on his neck, his hands lifted high, Dominic's grip on her wait as one hand fumbled with her breast, Claire rode him high and Dominic couldn't hold anymore.

"Baby, I am cumming, ash, baby please, please," groaned Jake as the grip tightened and the grasp of the breast tightened. 

Claire's pussy tightened around his cock, and forced Dominic to pour every last of his seeds into her body.

"Aah, uh.," moaned Claire as she stayed on top of Dominic for a while.

"This is heaven, said Dominic as he uncurls his toes af6er he finally released himself into her.

" I missed you, baby," he said as he kissed her again. 

They had to catch their breath and Claire there her body on the sweat-filled Dominic's body. 

"I didn't know you were coming here, you always said before you come," said Claire as she gently wiped the sweat using her hands. 

"I just couldn't stay without seeing you anymore. As much the virtual sec is good, I wanted to feel you in me once again. Us Jake and Dee are two jerk heads, do you know true just teased me and kiss in front of me to make me feel jealous," pouted Dominic.

"Ooh can't, I am sorry I know this is my fault but I just don't know how to do it. I can't imagine going back to the world, telling everyone that I am Jake's sister who allegedly got burnt in the fire," said Claire. 

Dominic noticed the sad tone in her voice. 

She has been living underground in the basement for almost seven years. Going out on minimal occasion and if she was forced to mingle, it will be with an audience that didn't recognize her. 

She knew her brother Jake was sad with every day lamenting and blaming himself for what happened to her. 

"Many, you can still go out there and explain to everyone why you had to disappear. I know Jake is going to beat my ass up and would thrust me again but come on baby, I want us to be a family. I want us to make children and I can't imagine them hiding like this forever."

Claire knew Dominic was right. Before all those came to happen, they had a plan, to get married and run away. This didn't happen because Claire was not planning to leave his Roughead brother behind. She decided to stay and look after her hard-working brother but a don't carer who will throw words at you if you try him.

She didn't want to take anything from Dominic. He wanted him to be happy. He has struggled with keeping the secret about her whereabouts and acting as if she was truly dead.

"What ways do you think will be less catastrophic to announce this to my brother without him creating a huge drama to all these?" Asked Claire as he drew some circles in Dominic's chest.

"Are you sure?" Asked Dominic and a smile crept out of his face.

Claire nodded and Dominic pinned her down, showering kisses all over her body.

"Maybe break my wrist with one leg that will hurt like a bitch but I am prepared for it," said Dominic cheekily.

"Hell no, the father of my babies is not going to be killed. It's just a mutual understanding." Said Claire.

Dominic thought if possible was to settle this with Kake but he couldn't see any way to do it. It's either bite if they are going to tear each other apart in the gym or Jue she will case him out of his house and fore him up

Dominic didn't mind him firing him. He understands that he has betrayed his trust by hiding Claire from him in those years that he mourned her death as she had seriously died from the fire. 

When Jake tried to protest that Claire couldn't do that because he knows her sister, he was the one who insisted that it was her. He even did a DNA to prove it.

Seeing how sad and lonely Claire is, he knew Jake had to know everything. He needed to help reunite them together. 

"What if he chases me out of the house?" Asked Dominic.

"Fuck him, we get our own house, plus the mansion was my idea, I can as well kick his ass out of the house I am the elder sister!" Said Claire while pinching his cheeks.

Dominic was afraid 9f all the outcomes, when Claire wanted to disappear, and die. He could t imagine things will be tough now. Resurrection her back to the living and informing everyone that she we just in the hiding and not six feet deep with going to be a war, especially with Jake.

"Stop overthinking, we just need a day to tell him so that he doesn't get all wild," said Claire before she played a kiss on his forehead. 

"Maybe we can use Dee to charm her way to him. This is the only way, but otherwise, he will kill me," said Dominic. 

Claire sighed and looked at him, placing her head on his chest, she didn't want to think about it. All she wanted to do was to be recognized again in the world. She wanted her name back. 

Though not Claire Cummington, she preferred Claire perks, since Dominic had Perks as his family name. That's all that she wanted. 

"I want a wedding," said Claire.

Domains were joked from his train of thoughts and looked at Claire's eyes.

"Now baby?" Asked Dominic in a shocked voice.

"What, you have another person you want to place a ring in her finger apart from me?" Asked Claire while looking at him.

"Ooh, No, I was just asking of too want it now. I mean I don't want to be shabby about our wedding because it's something unique and I want to do it properly without rushing."

The emotion that we're dancing on Claire's face was replaced by a sigh of realization.

"No, don't kill yourself, we do it after everything is settled, okay?"  Dominic nodded and Claire once again jumped on him, " another round?" 

"Thought you wouldn't ask."