
Okay, I Will Speak!


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My head was whirling, it was going round and round. What did he just say? No, he must be joking and he knows nothing about it. I am not related to Jake and we will never be related in life. Not even a little no! What is he gaining? Where did he get this stupid information from to have him lure me at this time of the day? I hated it when he is lying to me. How will I know that he is lying to me? It is hard to predict that someone is busy lying to you. Though I know his type, they are cunning and the chances are minimal that he will be telling the truth. At the same time, I don't know whether he is saying the truth. 

Can you at least stop lying sometimes? You couldn't do anything to make sure that I get at you and now you are using the issue of me being related to Jake. What type of people pleasure or attention seeker are you? You could have told me that over the phone and not some stupid cunning to tell me that I am related to Jake. I need to know where you got your information from and stop beating around the bush because I have a lot of work I am supposed to be doing and you dragging me on that progress. So cut me some slack and let me be. If you had any problem you could have told me about it instead of calling me here.

He looked at the floor for a while before slowly lifting his head and breathing inside the mask before long looking at me.  I don't know what is going in his mind but here, I am not going to sit and watch him laugh at me inwardly and make sure that I am going down the drain like some fool.

"You don't think that I have any idea? All you think is that I am here to lie to you? I am not lying to you, Diana. I am your father and so is Jake's father. Jake was born first then you were next. Maybe if you give me that opportunity to explain myself you will be able to know that both of you are my blood."

Is he serious now? Can he possibly come up with this stupid idea? We have had a lot of things with Jake. The biggest is sexual intimacy. After all this, he is telling me that I am related to him? Does he even realise how stupid that is? Having sex with your stepbrother with whom you share the same blood is something that I dont want to think about and it's now making me want to puke. That's the disgusting thing that I am hearing today. If this is true then trust me, I am ready to give a DNA test carried out today and let everything be. How could I be so foolish to not think of it? At the same time, who are his sources who couldn't tell him the truth at that time? Do they know the rate of damage that they caused? This was not supposed to be happening.

Maybe she wants to see me sad and torture myself. I buried my father and we had the same blood. Maybe someone here is trying to lie to him. I still remember when Jake and I looked at the post-mortem report and the DNA. How cones he is saying now that I am his daughter.

I watched him. It looks like he doesn't have a lot of days in this world. It's like he is trying to say goodbye to the world and would want to tell someone any stupid thing to make sure that they are under his sympathy no matter what. Yeah, that trick was not going to work with me. He can as well fuck the related thing in his head and forget about it. I don't care about it. Plus, Jake and I are nothing now and he can go ahead and start calling him and telling him that we are related. We are just some people that he doesn't know. After his child, Fern abandoned him, he now wants to look for other people to manipulate so that he can at least say he is doing nicely in society and his children are doing very well in this world.

How much did you pay to have your way so that you can lie to me about this? You know I already did a DNA test and you are not my father plus we also didn't have a relationship... So all your schemes are not going to work if you think that you are trying to lie to me to make me feel bad.

"The man inside there was my brother. So if you thoughts you got everything right then you are stupid. If you could have seen the real face, you would have realised that he was everything the same as me. He was skilled and I didn't because he was trying to dig for information about your mother and me I. Plus he thought that I was involved with Jake's mother whom I impregnated because Mr Daniel couldn't do that work after he was busy and became so involved in his work to care about his wife."

Wait, why is he moving so fast. Help me understand this. Does he sleep with Jake's mother? Impregnated her and then came and slept with my mother, impregnated her and then killed his brother knowing that he was lying about everything? That doesn't tell me about my mother and how she was killed by my brother inside her belly? He doesn't know about him to means that he knows nothing and all this is just propaganda that is not going to work.

      "Did you manage to find some small bones of your brother?"

There we go, he now knows about my little brother who was not yet born. How did he know about this yet no one was supposed to know about the?

Wow, maybe I should clap for you and give you a trophy for digging up everything. So you even ask about my brother's bones?. You said you killed your brother but who then could have made my mother pregnant at the same time? You again? How greedy were you, 'Your 'highness?' This is so stupid and I uncalled for. He was not supposed to be this heartless. He could have even left the baby. Why have they all been killed?

This is so fucked to even think about it. How could someone so humble, and well-bred become such an asshole and a murderer? What else was he having up his sleeve? I am now afraid of him. The good thing he is in jail and he can't break free from anything.

I still need an answer though. The answers tell me why he killed my parent, my mother in particular and why didn't he wait for her to have the baby first? What type of creature was he? Was he planning to kill me in the process? Did I remind him of his past? Does he regret doing what he has done in his life? Is he even sorry that he has done something very bad he doesn't even care about what he has done? People like him don't have remorse. 

What came over you? What is your problem? Why didn't you tell us earlier?

He laughs into the mask and looks at me. The sister's smile fades and he starts giving me some cold chills that I dont want to imagine. I look around and thank Lord, that we aren't the only ones in the room, some other visitors are also around and the guards are all over the place. As much as I am not worried about a thing, I am now afraid of him. Which type of murder was he? Was he even a human being?

"Why would I tell my two little human beings that I am their father when I want them to have kids of their own so that they can see the deformation that they have and cry all night?  Have waited for you two to give me a grandson from our blood. I want that grandson like yesterday and when he is given birth to, then, I am going to be a happy man. I don't care Diana. I know I am your father and I loved you from the being. Why would risk telling you that.?Your bonding with your brother is so important to me if you may know. It empowers and strengthens me. I have more power every night you two are rolling over each other in your matrimonial bed, turning over and over as you moan each other's name. I love every moment of it and I usually feel it where I am!"

Fuck! What the hell is with this man here? Is he that desperate to hear about my sexual encounters just to satisfy his needs? Is this what he thinks about everyday day while in prison? He is obsessed about Jake and me making love to each other so that he can masturbate with it? How stupid and disgusting is this? What type of human being is he? Is he even the Mr King that I knew about? What the hell is going on with him?

I can't even feel my head, it's spinning from all these dramatic things that he is saying to me. I have never had anyone who is so pathetic as him. He wants to do everything to make sure that I am frustrated.

 There is nothing that is making him happy. Everything that he sees is just disgusting, don't tell me he has some powers to come and watch the two of us while we were having sex? No, No, this is not the truth, it's just some lie that he has come up with. He is just trying to get into my head to lie to me, to make me fall for his stupid drama but in a real sense, he knows nothing. 

Look here you stupid douchebag, if you think this is going to make me think twice about you being my father or anything, you are wasting your time. I think I have had enough already, maybe you should take your masturbation addictions somewhere else and watch porn to pleasure yourself. It is so unsettling to imagine a man like you thinking of someone like me while pleasuring himself. Don't you think? What will your loving wife think? That his husband cheating on him? That his husband is just an addict who doesn't know how to live past it. You are pathetic Mr King, you are a pathological liar and a big psychopath. You don't deserve a chance in this world. All you deserve is a place in hell to burn and no one should even pour a dot of water in your burning well. You don't deserve to live.

"Yeah, that's what everyone is thinking about. I don't deserve to live, I deserve t die and be buried in a fire. I know I have down some big things in life that don't need me to be forgiven. I know at the end of the day I am not the only sinner here. I know that I am a true man who comes our to say what they feel about other things. What are your desires, Diana? Is Jake satisfy you enough? Do you love him in bed because from the look on your face, you look sad and nothing is making you happy? I thought that my two children are happy in bed and I didn't give birth to a son who can't do his duties. Tell me if he can't fulfil them so that I can take his place."

I could t prevent my anger from dancing all over the place and my hands quickly went to his cheeks slapping the smug off his face. What's wrong with him? Tell me that coming here was a bad idea? Was this all that he wanted to do? To make me feel bad about myself and then make me feel like I need a person in my life. It's very disgusting if he thinks that I am going to spread my legs for him. Was he even the good person I thought he was, maybe he was even spying on me when I was young?  Who knows, I was quite a sleeper and he might have done anything had to me. Like looking at me during the night and masturbating. I can't help but think about all the other things that have been happening when he was acting like my father. It's like a dog living with the chicken, he can decide to eat the chicken and at the same time act as a good guard.  What other documents does he have of me? I can't help but feel like choking on my tears. What happened while I was under his roof? 

"No, don't cry now baby. I know you feel bad that Jake is mistreating you because he is not a man enough to do his work. If you give me a chance, I will make sure that I take everything seriously, I will make sure that you don't go unsatisfied."

I laughed sarcastically looking at him. Did he think I am that stupid to spread my legs for him? Who is he in the first place? A lawd? Fuck no, he is just some pathetic and sex-deprived man who needs to be taken care of and looking at him now, I think I need to drive that oxygen mask Out of his face and let him die because he doesn't want it. If he valued that oxygen mask, he could have been humble and considerate in whatever he was going. Look at him. All he thinks is some pathetic sick things instead of talking about how he can be a reformed person. 

My hands reach for the oxygen tube and I grab the tube out of the oxygen tube. Forgive me, I am not a killer but this satan here is making me want to become one. 

"What are you doing? That is not fair, I need that oxygen. I will call the guard."

Well, Mr Kings, call him them, I will say how you killed my mother and father you held information from me and Jake about us being siblings so that you can fulfil your fantasy about us. Do you think they will still spare your life? You will be killed by your inmates and other people. So tell me what I need to know. Every minute you say the truth, I give you ten seconds to breathe in fresh air from this stupid oxygen tube.  If you feel lie then you don't need it, you might as well just die because you don't have any air with you.

He looks at me with his dilated pupils. I know that he needs the oxygen tube but the truth is going to save him. I don't have any emotions that are going to prevail to have any mercy on him now. I am going to torture him till he tells me everything...

                                                              "Okay, I will speak!"
