
I Am Your........ And.....

🥀Happy Reading❤🌹

I don't even care where I am or where I am going, all I care about is how good my life is, I don't want to dwell on things that are not helping me in any way. I don't know how I am going to make it out, all I am counting on is making sure that all the things that I am going through are not going to hinder everything that is happening. I wanted to cry but all I did is walk out and here I am. In this small room all alone and have no one to talk to because I don't want anyone to know what's happening to me. 

I decided I take the small condo in my office that had a spare room. I know this is the place I can easily stay without anyone coming to distract me or anyone knowing where I stay. No one cared when I left all they did was just let me go and now that I have made it up this far, I think it is going to be fine and no one is going to lie to me about going 'home.' Right now the definition of home is something else and I don't want to talk about it. I want to be all alone with no one to ask me how I am doing, whether I am fine or I am not fine, whether I need to be given something or I just need to keep quiet and let everything fall into its place. What's is it, that is supposed to fall into its place if not everything scattering all over the place like some grain of wheat that can't be collected because they are too time to even be collected. 

I am phoneless and no gadget will tell someone where I am. My laptop is always protected and Claire showed me the hardest passwords that I can use and no one is going to detect any of them. You can't access my camera without my eyes and you can't type a letter into the laptop if you don't have any of my fingerprints. That's how they work. So, if I tell you I am okay where I am, it's not like I am lying, I know that at the end of the day, I have nothing to fear. All that I have to fear is someone killing me again and again. Not by the sword but by their words and actions.

Morning comes and I am all dressed up. A few are ordering one time at a time. A suit for myself, I don't want anyone to know that I am homeless and clothless plus living up here doesn't make me homeless. I am just trying to avoid a lot of drama. This place is more comfortable. I am the first on be office today. 

I arrange my desk, ordered three cups of coffee and finish them off with just a sip because I am tired and I need that coffee to keep me awake the whole day. I make sure to add some eye drops to make my eyes look clearer than they already are.  Though I don't plan on staying in the office for the whole day because I have somewhere important that I have to go. 

Dan was in and saw me all busy and focused. He raised his brows but I don't want to look at him. What will I tell him, that I am running from a place I once love and now I am just some homeless person who doesn't have a place to stay. This is not going to make any sense. He will want to offer me a place to stay in. In his house with Andreas. That is something that I don't want. I increase the volume of the music and focus on making sure that every file is taken care of before I start my walk off to the prison to meet Mr Kings. Maybe I would have to listen to him after all. With everything that is happening, I need to listen to what he has to say. I am not going to give him the eyes that all is not going well or that something is up. I want to make sure that this is all done understandably.

Focusing on the documents in front of me, I couldn't feel my music and Dan was standing in front of me with his hands on his chest looking at me. 

I frowned looking at him. Why would he remove this music yet I was focusing on the things that I am doing.

"Morning to you too, how are you doing, fine thank you. So, why are you all goofy this morning? You are not even greeting me. Did  I do anything stupid? Anything to hurt you? I want to be known."

I chuckled and looked at him. He has done nothing wrong except for the part distracting me from what I was doing. For the rest, if the things he didn't do anything wrong

I nodded my head and focused on the documents in front of me. Dan resumed the song and I went on to focus on my work. I don't want to say anything more. Done with the part. I quickly picked up my trenchcoat and took the keys to the car I had recently hired to use for this business. I was to use Jake's bodyguards but all of them are not disposable. They are not my people because Jake had hired them to take care of me, right now, I think I can manage to take care of myself. I need to work alone and avoid depending on them for security. If I am going there then I don't need to create attention because announcing myself will in turn make people wonder what type of a person I am.

I gave Dan some instructions and walked out of the office. Make sure that no one notices where I am going. I took the old entrance. I thought it was going to be free but turns out the security is maintaining this place. The area is under tight security. They open the gate after I ask them to and I drove off because I didn't want anyone to know where I am going. The distance to the prison is almost three hours drive to and from. I don't know if I will make it on my own but I am going to try everything to make sure that I am getting everything correctly.

I did shopping for snacks and some food to make sure that I am fully packed and avoid the last-minute rush. After being satisfied with everything I got back into the vehicle and started the journey. I made sure to carry some extra litres of petrol to make sure that I won't run low on it. 

Though I don't know what that man is going to say. He said he will tell me about my parents, all I am aiming to do is to make sure I know what happened to them, what were they like and how comes they didn't survive and were buried in the same grave as Jake's mother.

I arrive at the place by one. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad or to be both. I collected myself and walked to the desk asking for Mr Kingd. He was immediately brought it and I was not even ready to meet him. I thought they took about ten or twenty minutes before they get someone in.

He had chains all over him. His body was fragile and all I could see were the bones protruding out of his shirt, then I figured out why he had the rugged breath. It was because of the lung disease and he has an oxygen tube with him wherever he is walking. I wanted to feel sympathy but all I felt was nothing

 The last time I felt like someone needed help, they all proved to me that I was a fool. There is no reason for feeling that way for this old man in front of me. He looked at me and then at his hands. He couldn't greet me because the chains were all over his body and there was nothing he could do about it. He was helped to sit down. The only thing that they tried to help him with is making dire that there is a hand that helps him to breathe with the oxygen tube.

I looked at him making himself comfortable. I do t even want to think of what am I going to say? That, he is an asshole that deserved to die in this prison? No, I am just going to look at him and wait to hear what he will say. If he is sorry, then that's okay, but if he also starts to say whatever thing he is saying then I am going to let him be. I can't force him to be the good man he is not.

        "I thought you were going to ignore me, buy me even an energy drink?"

Is he joking right now? Why would I get him a drink with he is a cough that is resonating in the room like some whistle being blown? I can't do anything like that. I dont want to be the cause of his death. He can do that when I am not around but not in front of me. 

No, I am not getting you anything, I am here so that we can talk or I can as well go home and forget that I once heard about you. Well, start spilling the beans to me before I run out of patience and go home.

He chuckled and took one long breath from the mask before looking at me. What is he playing at? I dont want to be here he is the one who forced me to come here and not the other way round. So he better start talking right away.

"What do you want me to talk about that bad? I am impressed with your new body. You look more beautiful and I would love to see how you are doing with your life."

Did he start talking about how I look and how I have changed? I know I have changed but that is not the issue here, the issue is why he was insisting that I should not date Jake?

I  am here to get answers and nothing more than that. As much as I want to entertain your drama and listen to all that you have to say, I am not here to sit down and listen to all of your stupid opinions in. The fact remains that you were among the people who were planning to kill me mad extract from me. So, are you going to tell me why exactly I am here?

"Dee, baby why are you this mad? I mean would annoy you that bad to get you in this foul mood?. I don't want you to feel any bad about yourself, you deserve to be happy and excited. Zip te me how had life been treating you?"

Okay, we are going to play with that? Well, two can play the game. 

No one is annoying me, apart from your ass that is here and wants to keep thinking that I am happy.

He looked at me and frowned. I know I was harsh with my answers but someone needs to tell him to stop being a jerk and get straight to the point. Though that doesn't seem to change anything for him. Maybe he is talking to some different today, someone different from the orange jumpsuit they are always in. I don't know what to tell him, that I am disappointed in him, that he messed up everything for me and my life? That will be a total lie because. Am doing fine with him all gone. 

"Why are you mad at everything? Have you ever been happy for once Diana? It's either you are grumpy or you are ungrateful!"

I laughed while looking back at him. What is it that he wanted me to be happy about? That he called me here to torture me? To humiliate me or to look at how progressed I am? Is he even having any important news about my parents or does he want to make sure that he sees my face once more before he disappoints me?

Maybe I will just leave, kings and then you will look for someone else to play all these stupid games to.

"What stupid game are you referring to, I am here because I want to talk to you about something important. Why would I call if it is not? Do you think I want the wealth that you now have? I once had it all Baby girl. I had everything I ever wanted. The only stupid thing, I didn't have any wisdom on how to manage it. I would just sleep with every man I found and give them all the money that I had. I didn't even think about myself, my family and it was all too late."

Wait, what's with his story session. I hate those parts. I would enjoy it if someone gave me a valid reason as to why I am here rather than just beating around the bush. What is sit that is so important?

Talking of all that why didn't he enrol his daughter in an art class, music class or even something for his daughter Fern who is a stupid jughead!

I dont think that story has anything to do with this meeting. That was your stupid ass that never worked out to figure out what was good and what was bad. Right now, I am taking my steps keenly to make sure that I don't get back to where I was previously. The name of the game is consistency.

He scratched his head and looked at me. I wanted to think that his eyes were sorrowful then I remembered what sorrowful eyes have done. I do not want to trust anything from him. He is acting like he is afraid and at the same time, he is acting as if he wants in this work. 

Mr Kings, maybe you didn't think before calling me here. Maybe you just wanted to see me justify all the allegations that people were saying about me. Right now I  not going to do this with you. I have a lot on my table and I don't want to think of anything. I want to leave you in here and I have nothing against you. So I will just let you be and go home.

I stood up from the chair and took a long breath of fresh air before stepping my foot at the door. I don't need to be here with anything to tell me what's going on.

"I am your Father and so is Jake's!"