
Mr Boston's Eyes were....

Standing like scared chickens in the corner of the room, they started faking tears pointing at Jake, Jake had passed out and his clothes were scattered all over the place. Dominic quickly went towards him to check in him, he had to make sure that everything was okay, he checked his breathing and vital before looking at the scared ladies in the corner of the room.

"Who removed his clothes?" He asked them as he looked around for any sign of evidence to make the ladies in the room Fraid but he didn't see any, he knew that since Jake had passed out on the bed and he has his boxer on, probably nothing happened and the girls want to take the advantage If him passing out to say he had done something to them. 

The ladies shook their heads, they didn't want to admit that they were trying to look for something from him. The bodyguard had done to pay for his expensive drink because Jake had forgotten his card and wallet in the penthouse.

"And are you ladies okay?" Dominic asked them again because none of them was giving him something he could use. Instead of a reply they shook their heads again, this was irking Dominic Nd his frustration was kicking in, "if you guys want me to help you you better talk bit don't just use your heads, be mature enough to say what happened to you here," he explained to them.

"He started shouting, about me not being Dee or someone and he wanted to beat me," said the girl who was with Jake before breaking into tears.

Dominic watched as her fellows moved to her and rub her back to calm her down, what he doesn't remember is any noise of pain coming from this room, the room was quiet as if nothing was going in though it was soundproof, they are never soundproof enough.

"Then why didn't you shout, or your friends shout that he wanted to beat you, I knocked in the door the first time and all I heard were shuffles, the second time I heard movements and now I am seeing you in this corner all acting up like scared people but I know you Are not scared and probably you wanted something from him but you didn't get it, sorry because he owns the bar and all the drinks he buys are not counted, so you better start talking before I call the police on you and explain to him that you were trying to remove his clothes and wanted to steal from him but you—"

"Okay," shouted the girls, " we just wanted him to pay us after asking us to follow him here, he jas wasted our time and that time we could give used to get other customers for the night."

Dominic looked inside his pocket and phoned the bodyguard to walk in, he borrowed some dollars and gave each of them an equal amount, they smiled and happily walked out of the window after placing their money inside their breast.

Focusing on the big baby in bed, groaning in his dreams, he had to record a video to ridicule him in the morning, he suddenly started calling Dee's name telling her how she loves her and would love to spend more time with her.

After he calmed down, Jake had to wake him from his dream that we're not ending, he didn't want to stand up, groaning and going back to his sleep, he had to get water from the glass jug in the room and pour it on his face to wake him up, he was not ready to carry his big ass kit if this place but after failing to wake him up, he called the bodyguard and to help carry him to the car.

Ge drove him home, he didn't want Dee to see him like this,  throwing him in his bed after removing all of his clothes, he pulled the covers to his neck and was sleeping with a pour ok his face.

The following day,

Dee woke up early to make sure she arrives in the office early. Sje didn't know if it was still okay to go and sit in the executive seat of the CEO because of what had happened yesterday, will Jake get angry and throw him from the office? How will Dan look at her when she walks in today? All those lept bagging her as she prepared a cup of coffee for herself. The homemade coffee was always better for her, she would pour it inside the flask and carry it to school or her job.

She walked out of the penthouse and found her driver was not around, fear crept inside her body, 'maybe he had made a decision that I am not the good person for the job,' she said to herself nodding to the receptionist at the lobby.

Gripping on her small flask, sje took long strides to get out of the place, she wanted to calm Dominic but she didn't know how to start she stared at her phone blankly. 

Standing on the office's door, people walking in and out, she was undecided on what to do, maybe go to school and go on with her course or escape from Jake's life for good. 

She saw a taxi coming in her direction, waving at it Dan walked in front of her with a questioning look on his face," are you planning to run away because I am trying to wave my hands for you from the other side and you are busy flagging this taxi."

"Dan," Dee smiled and hugged him, sje was not sure if she was going to see him again, "what are you doing here?" 

Dan broke the hug and smiled at her, " can't I take my kids to work today?' Je add her and Dee blushed, she didn't expect him to be the one driving her today.

Dan had to explain to her that he was asked to puck her because her driver is not around today, Dee thanked him but she felt like she was giving Dan a hard time of driving past the office just to come for him, she knew she needed to get the lessons on driving though she is not a fan of cars, she loved double cabin which is more raised and bikes.

"Thank you for yesterday Dan, I know I risked your jib but please forgive me," said Dee in a soft apologetic sound as he looked at him.

"Get, don't worry, we couldn't hide the truth from the boss, he is always ready to listen to your problems and give out a solution to it," told Dan.

She smiled at him and they went on silently. Arriving in the office, she stood at the office door for a long time debating with herself, she doesn't understand why she has to debate and lament before doing anything but that was the only thing that helped.

"Don't be afraid, you are a good boss, everyone makes mistakes but that doesn't mean you are not the boss," Dan opened the door for her to walk in. Leaving her alone, she looked around and smiled, the office was the way she left it. She arranged the room again to a certain perfection, she had gotten an idea from Pinterest and she was putting it into use. 

Dan walked in with files and explained to her what they had planned for the day, she had to prepare for a trip that they will go with Jake in a few weeks after completing her exams. 

Thinking of Jake, eke allowed her mind to wander, she was afraid that she might not be seeing him very soon after last nights incident. Reminiscing the way their hands brushed while he handed her the towel made her blush. 

A knock startled her and she quickly composed herself before commanding the person to walk in, she lifted her head and saw the investor who was supposed to meet her. 

She stood from her chair and walked quickly toward him, with courtesy she bowed her head a bit and greeted him, "Mr Boston, nice to meet you," she said officially.

Mr Boston was looking at her, he admired the way she was dressed, her figure-hugging the brown skirt that sje was in with a light brown shirt, she devised on the monochrome dressing, thanks to watching some youtube and Pinterest ideas. 

"Nice to meet you too, Diana, sorry, how should I address you, miss or Mrs?" Asked Mr Boston as hos eyes roamed on her breasts.

Diana divided today was not the day to show her shy side, her head was lifted and she maintained eye contact with him though Mr Boston's eyes were saying otherwise making Diana feel like her button were off wandering leaving her chest bare but throwing a glance, her buttons were intact.

"It's Miss, please welcome in," she showed him where to seat but Mr Boston threw his eyes on the other side as if waiting for someone to walk in and a second figure walked in, 'Bob?' She questioned herself as she watched the surprise on his face after seeing Dee. 

"Dee, what a surprise?" Said Bob excited and walked to give her a hug which she accepted though reluctantly because of Mr Boston who was looking at them.

"It's not a surprise, just here for a today," said uncertainly with the words that were coming from her mouth. 

She wanted to ask what sort of relationship he had with Mr Boston but she didn't miss the cat eyes that both of them had and the way Mr Boston was twisting his head while talking. How could she forget about that? 

Bob had lots of questions running through his mind, they were told they would see the CEO of the Atlantic Suites, they didn't provide a name and seeing that Dee was present here today he was shocked and started to feel like she might be hiding lots of things from him and their group, he doesn't remember her saying she is from an influential family or she owns a business, she keeps to herself most of the time unlike him who throws words here and there.

Looking at her sense of dressing, she has a beautiful body and the naggy trousers she wears to school with some high hoodies don't do her any justice. 

"Shall we begin?" Dee asked as she walked in with her secretary. 

'Let's start with, are you the C.E.O of The Atlantic Suites?' That was the question on Bob's mouth but his father beat him to it.