
All You Rich Men Do Is....

After wrapping the towel around her waist, Dee took sometimes meditating with herself before touching the doorknob of the bathroom and peeping to see if Jake was around, she was surprised that he was not around.

"Why are you frowning as if you wanted him to be there waiting for you?" Her inner self asked her.

"Uh, no, I am not even disappointed that he is not around, in fact, I didn't want him around," the truth was, she got disappointed that Jake was not standing with his huge abs waiting for her to walk out of the room and carry her bridal style to the bedroom.

Her cheeks turned red at that thought and her inner self could feel the excitement she was having, "Jeez, chill, it's not that serious, who is gonna carry your fat ass like a princess?"

That statement made her mood suddenly change, the psyche she had drained and she didn't have those wonderful thoughts again, she had to do a second check on her body to make sure that the towel had covered her body very well before embarrassing herself. Thinking that her inner self was going to support her actions was so stupid and the truth be said, her inner self was acting like the little chameleon she is.

She quickly walked to the closet adjoining the bathroom and got some of her clothes and dressed up, applying some lotion on her body. 

Walking to the sitting room, she heard soft music playing from a radio cassette, 'who still owns a radio cassette these days?' She thought to herself as the lyrics to the songs became familiar, it was 'Chris Deburgh's, lady in a red dress.' She couldn't forget that song because it was played in one of the romantic movies she had sat down to rewatch it twice.

'What is going on?' That's is something that was bagging her mind as she walked slowly into the dimly lit room, the candles were lit in the dining room, but Jake was nowhere to be seen, the excitement riled up like a sugar rush and she took her moment to walk into the room expecting Jake to be somewhere in hiding waiting to reveal himself. 

"A candlelit dinner?" Asked her inner self as Dee saw the food that was neatly placed on the table and was covered. 

She dreamt of this her whole life, saw it in the movies but now she is experiencing it in real life? She became excited and shocked at the same time. She was not expecting Jake to go this far for her. 

"Maybe you are too special to have him do this," said her inner self but Dee didn't have time to register her words instead she walked to the table and looked at how everything was neatly placed.

'How did he do this with the little time I had gone to the bathroom?" She wondered smelling the grilled meat and freshly sliced salad.

What she didn't know, Jake had decided to prepare a meal and ordered some while she was in the washroom debating with herself in the washroom.

She wanted to touch the plates and bowls on the table but was cautious, she turned around to look for Jake but she was disappointed that the was alone in the room and no one was with her. Looking around the kitchen he was not there, she had just walked from the bedroom and no one was there except for the large bed with ten pillows sitting staring at her.

"Jake, Jake," she called out but there was no answer, walking to the living room, probably she had failed to look at him there but there we no one. She only found the radio playing and she had to put it on stop first. 

The excitement she had, crashed down, Jame had left, the room was empty and she couldn't even feel the happiness of being around. 

"Did I take too long in the washroom?" She asked herself. 

She laughed back at her, maybe it was wrong to ask for her opinion about this, "after debating and lamenting with yourself in the washroom, maybe you are not worthy of the love sweetheart."

Her heart broke after those words, maybe she is not, she thought that they could try and see where they will go but Jake had already left. 'What happened to being strong?' She thought to herself as she remembered when she promised herself to be strong and not to shed tears.

She couldn't prevent herself from shedding a tear, because this was like a big opportunity that she had left and now it was gone, that moment she had been waiting for but it has escaped her hands like blowing wind.

She looked at the candles that were burning out and she felt her body giving up just like the candles making her fall on the floor crying herself out. 

Jake was inside the car, he didn't know if this was the right thing to do but he didn't want to be around anymore, 'I want to be there but it's like she doesn't want me around, she has spent like thirty minutes in the bathroom, she doesn't want me to see her body, who doesn't want that? If it was my body I bet she will be gawking at it and wanting to touch every part of me.'

His hands were turned into a fist and he hit the seat of the car startling his driver. 

"Is everything okay boss?" Asked the driver after bringing the car to a sudden halt.

"Just fucking drive me out of here!" He shouted and the driver had to step on the gas driving like a world car racer. He directed their vehicle to the downtown bar, Jake walked in and left his driver to park the car before following him in.

His driver had to alert Dominic, the head of security, Dominic who was busy watching 'Karma Sutra,' left the movie quickly and dashed to the bar. 

Jake had ordered a whole 'Diamond Jubilee by John walker.' A drink which was a hundred and twenty dollars. He didn't care, "If I can't spend it on the one I love, let me spend it on the most expensive drink," the bar attendant nodded to his words. 

He was given the bottle and he opened the bottle with his mouth, drinking from the bottle while looking around, there were ladies around the bar standing at the counter lusting over him, they all seductively wanted to be noticed but Jake was not paying attention to any of them, he couldn't see anyone who looked like Dee around, he just kept to himself and drunk, but after some gulping, the drink was almost on its quarters, he looked around and all he saw was Dee in the area, he staggered towards the lady near him.

"I love you so much," he sluggishly told her. The other ladies who had left the bar counter when he didn't give them attention felt jealous of the girl being talked to.

Illusioning Dee in this lady, he started touching her hair, feeling its texture, "Uhm, just the smooth texture as it always is, you know, ever since I saw you though I dropped my friends because they spoke to you rudely I had wanted to let you go buy looks like I still need to keep you closer to me, can we book a room baby?" The girl responded quickly and Jake had to look at the bar attendant who organised a private room for them. On his right there was another lady, he also thought she was Dee and tagged her along, buy the time he was walking into his room, he had four Ladies with him, all of them handing on him like some parasite that wanted ro suck him dry.

His bodyguard was worried for him, they knew things might turn out so bad and die to his impaired judgement, he might end up hurting someone which will bring a bad image to his company. A second ring to Jake's phone was the only solution.

Jake was driving like a maniac, he didn't want Jake to get involved in any scandals, he tried calling Dee to get a reason why Jake left her alone but she was not answering her phone.

Looking at the watch it was ten o'clock, 'probably she is sleeping, and her phone is silent,' thought Dominic as he wished through the road overtake g every vehicle that was coming on the road.

"I'm almost there, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid!" Shouted Dominic over the loudspeaker.

"Ooh, I don't think I can't he has already done a lot of bad things, ordered a room with four ladies and an expensive drink which I  don't care about, but I gear for the ladies, he thinks they are all Dee," said the bodyguard as he is trying to follow Jake to the assigned room.


The ladies inside the room were giggling, touching each other as Jake was on the bed watching them, leaving the three to play with themselves, he pulled the fourth one and asked her to lie with her, caressing her cheek, she started placing kisses all over her face, mumbling some words. Touching her all over her body and smelling her, he stopped and looked at her again, "you are not Dee, that's not her perfume!" He shouted at the lady startling her. 

He runner his eyes to look at the lady again but the other tree had ganged against him and threw him to the bed, removing his clothes by force, the alcohol had drained him, he couldn't fight them. 

"All you rich men do is to bring us to your rooms, play with us then when you don't want your little pricks of dicks inside our pussies you throw us off guard and best us, not today!" Shouted one of them as they tried to look for his wallet but they realized he had nothing in his pocket, not even an Id.

They were shocked, they thought they could get something from his pocket, "how did he order an expensive drink without money?" Asked one of the ladies.

"Open this door!" They heard someone shout from the outside. 

The ladies looked at each other, "who is that?" 

They threw the unknown looks and looked at the man lying in front of them left in briefs only.

The second sound came with a loud thud and both of them quickly looked for their clothes putting them on.