
Maybe, Clean Your House Before.....

🥀Happy reading🌹

"Wow, I thought you will be mad, why don't I start from where I left off? I know you are tired of your mouthy wife who is all over the place all day long, you know I can make you feel better than she does. I mean Jake was swayed by my style that he was choking me so badly, I just kind of never loved the doggy style, I don't know why but I didn't like that. Plus I heard you were on your vacation, argh, those are the days that suck because you only stick your beautiful stick in that one hole and she has already tied you down for life. You don't want that darling, I will make you forget that she even exists. She is just a du.–"

"Fucking get out! Right now! If you think that I am going to give you any of this previous brother deep here the way your big mouth is watery for it like some greedy hyena who wants to put her mouth in everything, you are stupid. You think I want to get your stupid disease, wait, you think I am so low and my wife can't take good care of me? Bitch, you are backing the wrong tree, you don't want Claire to find you here because your cute little mouse teeth will be hanging out like maize that needs to be dried in the sun for the rest of your life. Plus, who even gave you the authority to get inside here? The last time I saw you, you were on your death bed and I was waiting to be called for your funeral I was willing to dig the grave that was to bury you? Fern, don't think you are good for everybody, apples are beautiful but some of us still love lemons even though they are bitter. So, don't make my hands itch and throw one painful punch on your face that will remain for the rest of your life. I have never laid a hand on any woman but I won't hesitate to place one on you. I am here and my hands are itching to go through your face! The door is open and your stupid body is not heaven if you think so, it's a pathetic brothel that wants every human being in them. You want love so bad, learn to love your fucking self for once bitch! That is the only medicine for you!"

Ferm stood looking at him with tears streaming out of her eyes. They were clouding her eyes so much that she could see where she was stumbling too. She walked around and looked at Dominic who was now angry and didn't want to look at her.

"Why are you insulting me so much? I was just giving a suggestion, is it bad to want to be fucked by somebody so bad?"

"Are you that desperate that you can't keep your legs in place? If you want help, I can look for a doctor who can sew them nicely so that you don't spread them again? Do you want that? If you want to fuck me so bad, download my picture from Instagram and fuck it, I don't care. I can't even stand you!"

Dominic was now angry and he was pushing her out of the place. Fern was also mad and wanted to shout. She looked at the door and figured that it will be good to come up with a plan. 

"I am going to shout and say you wanted to rape me, let's see who is going to believe me. My nurse is outside and she will hear me, the chef and everyone out there is going to hear me. They will rush here and then a cop will be called. Your wife who has a baby and whom you think loves you so much is going to divorce you because I know she can't withstand having a husband who is a molester like her dad. Plus, who is going to believe you? They are going to believe me because I am the sick girl who is defenceless but for you, you are a big man being with muscle and a clenched fist. So let's see who is going down the drain today!"

Dominic watched her, pick her dress from the ground and tore it, then she started to hit her head on the wall. Dominic panicked and started looking around. Just like lightning, Claire jumped from the closet and moved to Fern who was on the wall. Fern didn't see it coming. Dominic jumped from his standing position as Claire punched Fern in the face. She didn't hesitate about anything, instead, she threw another punch on her other cheek making Fern's two upper teeth fall and blood flow. That didn't scare Claire away, she threw her to the floor and hit her face continuously.

"So this is how you blackmail people into fucking you? Do you think I was not listening to your stupid ideas? How do you feel now?"

Claire was angry and Dominic was scared that she will kill Fern at this moment. He quickly run to her and picked her up from the floor but Claire was not done. He wanted to run away from Dominic's hands to punch her further but Dominic held her tightly to the floor. He picked up the sheet that was on the floor and started to tie her hands because he knew Claire was now angry and anything that she will do will land her too much trouble. 

          "Babe, please, you will kill her, just let her be, will you?"

"No, I want her to scream and call people, tell them that she wanted to be raped! Shout it right now you bitch, I have said shout, on the top of your lungs! Right? That's what you wanted. So that you can collect damage money and do what? Feel like you have a voice? You are so stupid."

Fern was on the floor trying to wake up, but her nose was broken and she was groaning on the floor. Dominic was holding Claire who was still jumping, wanting to go to her, Dominic was doing her job very well because he had managed to tie Claire's hands, but her legs were still working and she was knocking through. Dominic carried her to the bed, throwing away the sheets because he was disgusted with the way Fern wanted to seduce him on the sheets before placing Claire and trying her on the bed with his belt that was placed on the right far end. 

"Bane, I would ask you to please calm down."

Claire was not listening to his talk, instead, she was busy squirming to jump from the bed. 

"I want her to scream the way she wanted. She has already been hurt, why can't she scream now? Let her scream baby, she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs nothing is stopping her now. Is there something stopping you, bitch?"

Dominic quickly opened the door and called the nurse, asking her to take Fern out of the place. The nurse quickly jumped and went to pick her up. Fern was groaning out of the pace and the nurse was worried.

       "What happened to her, you know she is sick, right?"

"Are you on her side now? Are you even a nurse? I bet you were just planning a deal to make sure that you get money from all this, maybe, next time you should give her some good advice on where to spread her legs other than on my husband."

The nurse held lifted jer and helped Fern out of the place.  Claire remained in the room and Dominic couldn't risk letting her out of his sight. She wanted her to calm down before letting her free. He was now pacing up and down in the room wondering what to do. He didn't imagine that this will escalate this far. He couldn't imagine that Fern had all this planned out. He couldn't imagine how he could be framed for something he didn't do. 

He turned around and looked at Claire who was crying on the bed. He didn't know how to thank her that she was in the room and the witness for all that had happened.

"Babe, I want to untie you but promise me you won't jump out of this place to go to her room and finish what you started."

"You think I will forgive her, I want to get out of this house at once, I don't want to see her face. When I am ready to look at her stupid face, I will make sure I throw her down the bridge or throw her body to the gladiators to eat. I can't believe her, the way she wanted to just fuck you like you are nothing!"

Dominic was now holding her. He knew Claire was mad that Fern was the reason why Dee and Jake broke up she wanted to make sure that she finish her off and bring Dee and Jake back together. 

Dominic picked some new sheets from the closet and gently carried Claire to the sofa while spreading the bed. He wanted to take Claire home and let her be safe there. He knew this place was not safe, not for Fern by for his wife. Done with everything. He didn't untie Claire, instead, he carried her and walked her out with her hands tied until they were at the car. When they started driving that's when he opened her arms. 

"We are going home, we are going to figure things out with what's happening. Don't be that mad, at least we know who Ferm is and what she is planning. I want to make sure that he gets her place where she belongs."

     Claire nodded and looked at the window. 

The following day in the morning.

Claire and Dominic were still in bed when they were informed of Jake in the house. Claire was the first to jump from the bed and awake to see her brother whom she wanted to talk to so bad. Arriving in the sitting room, She found Jake pacing up and down in the room.

        "How was your trip?"

Claire asked while picking a cup of coffee from the table. 

Jake turned around quickly looking at her. Claire could see the anger on his face. He had lines on his forehead and Claire couldn't understand what was wrong with him.  She wanted to move closer and talk to him but Jake raised his hands to signal for her to stop where she was.

      "What's wrong with you Jake?"

"Me, haven't you asked yourself what's the problem with your temper? You are just from your honeymoon and you haven't learned how to keep your mouth shut, I see now you can also work with your hands! What's wrong with you and Fern? Did she do anything wrong to annoy you that bad? If Dee lied to you that she is the reason we broke and you went ahead to start punching him to have her hospitalised?"

"You know, if you knew everything, what are you doing in my house this morning, Jake? You know that I punched her, did you come to make sure that it was me, your sister Claire or it was a ghost of your sister that beat her up? Plus I can see now she is fucking you because last night she started humping on Dominic thinking that it was you? And she even accused Dominic saying that she was going to accuse him of assaulting her, now tell me, bro, is your dick it itching you that bad to put it in her hole? And no, Dee has not talked to me about shit, she doesn't even live in her office, I went to a search for her and she is not there, Dan, his secretary, also doesn't know where the fucking is at? Now I am wondering, have you killed her or you are just afraid that she doesn't love you anymore because she found out you slept with Fern her sister and was lying about it? Don't come to my house and start lecturing me like I am one stupid retard that was born today!"

   Jake chuckled sarcastically and looked at her. 

"Maybe you should ask the stupid Diana, what she lied about? Someone lying about her virginity to have me think she is the first person I have ever slept with is another thing. Then she went to tell her sister that I don't satisfy her, is another thing, now I had to prove to her sister that I can satisfy her very well, and no, my sex life doesn't involve you. If you feel you are already tired of your marriage, get a fucking divorce and go shout at people stop shouting at me this morning."

Claire moved to him and slapped his face.

"Get out of my face right now, I have said get out of my house and I don't want to see your stupid face. If Fern has made you that blind to think that Dee is that way, then you are stupid. Plus she was not entitled to be a virgin to have you fuck her, if you didn't love her, you could have told her, just get out of my fucking face."

"Make sure you don't touch Fern and I don't want you in my house. It's either you see me in the office or you don't see me at all."

"I won't even bother! Just look at how pathetic you look, your shirt is all messed up, your beards are growing on your face like some cave animal plus your hair is all shaggy. Get a life Jake, you might have just lost someone that means everything to you. I saw your bed, it was not neat and now you, men, get your shit together!"

Jake was now angry and wanted to push something to the ground but Claire called the guards and asked them to escort him out. Dominic was now walking into the living room when he saw Jake being pushed out of the place. Kiki g at Claire, he knew tho gs wet not gold for them. 

     "Is everything okay?"

"He is insane, I think Fern has managed to wrap him around her finger and he has said that he doesn't want to see us near his house, I don't know for you but me no, plus, I am not even going. I want to call Dee, we have that ball in two days and I want to make sure that everything is okay "

Claire walked out of the room and Dominic followed the guards who were escorting Jake outside. He stopped them and went to Jake. 

"Hi, what's wrong with you man?"

"Get out of my face, at least my girl doesn't give me rules the way yours does. I have a happy life unlike yours. So fuck off!"

" you think you are a man, by having that little bitch fuck you? She wanted to f—."

"Your wife sang that song but didn't give me evidence, I have evidence that Fern was hurt by your wife, maybe clean your house before cleaning me!"