
Pick Jade!

🥀@Ngosos Sarah, thanks.🌹

"Dee, who is going to be your date, you know you can't go solo, I can ask Jake because I don't think she has someone, you guys can just pretend to be couples even though you are not."

Dan was busy trying to make sure that Dee has a plus one for the launch of the shelter. The ceremony we a big ball being held in the grand hotel. Dee was not in the mood of going there, she had hangovers after attending a party that Valarie and John had invited her. She wasn't sure what happened. Right now, Dan told her that she needed a date, but she didn't care about it.

"I think I will go solo, plus who cares Dan, Jake is already dating my fucking sister and I don't care. They can as well get married, that's not my business."

To say she was okay with everything was a lie. She was busy thinking of how things have escalated very quickly within a short period. She wondered how can everyone be so cruel to her for something she didn't do. Yesterday, Pete came with some documents asking her whether it was true she faked her virginity. When she tried to deny the allegations, she was presented with some papers to confirm those allegations. There was no way she could have said that they were fake because they looked more than fake to Pete. Pete walked out of the room mad and didn't even speak when Dee tried to call him back. Claire was also the same, they were now mad at her that she did something very bad to Jake. 

Looking at her watch, it was already four in the evening and she didn't know whether it was good to stay around or walk into her room that is adjacent to the office. That had become her home for the past five days. She eats there, washes her laundry and eats her meals there. Every day, Dan thinks that she is the first one in the office. Dan was standing in front of her, holding the tablet that contained everything that needed to be done. He had already confirmed her dress for the ball and the shoes, the only thing that was remaining was her date. Hearing that she doesn't want a date, Dan was worried because Claire had told him to make sure he gets a date for Dee. 

"You know I don't want you to be all alone during the ceremony, you can at least ask Pete to be your date I dont think he has anyone."

"Sweetheart, everyone is mad at me, I don't want to bother people by being their date at this time. I am not that desperate. If they don't want me to be part of them, I understand. I just don't want to fight. Plus ask Claire if Jade can be my date, I know she doesn't want to speak to me, but she is using you to make me get a date. Pick Jade."

Dan looked at her and almost laughed at her decision. He couldn't imagine how they were going to pick the baby to be her date. Jade is small and he won't be walking most of the time. That didn't bother Dee. She was okay carrying him for the rest of the celebration since she doesn't have a lot of activities lined up for her. She already did a large part of the work, making sure that the buildings were finished and everything was in order. She didn't want any more headaches from the ceremony.

"Jade it is then, I will pick him, should I make sure that his pocket square is the same as your dress?"

Dan wanted everything to be ready so that by tomorrow, she will wake up, do her make up then head to the ball. She nodded hoping that Dan will leave her and go to his work or better, go home to Andreas. 

"Good, so everything is ready and the driver will be picking you up at two, I will ask Claire, if you will meet Jade there or if he will be dropped at the office."

Dee nodded again and Dan waved him goodbye and left her all alone in the office. Making sure that there was no one else in the office, she closed all the important doors and walked to the little room that was in her office.

The room was not that small. It was self-contained, good enough for one or two people. It had everything and Dee was grateful that at least this room was here to help her get a place to stay meanwhile. 

She was restless and drained and she wanted to cry. She didn't know why she wanted to cry but to some extent, she felt like her whole world was crumbling down. In the whole world that she had known, nothing was not making meaning anymore. 

She thought that her mother was an important person in her life, but now that she had heard about her, she doesn't even want her to be a role model in her life. She had this feeling that Jake was her man, her future husband, but looking back, she knew those were all fantasy and nothing was making sense anymore. She sat down on the floor, drained, crying with her head in between her legs. She wanted to shout but knew that it was not supposed to happen. Not because she was sad, it's because everything was not going as planned. She took all her time trying to gather courage and when she was done, she picked herself up and went to bed, not eating anything. Not even drinking water. 

Her mobile rang and looking at the screen it was Dan. She picked it up as she prepared her bed to sleep.

"So, Claire has said Jade will be dropped at the office by ten, with his suit and everything else."

      "Thanks, Dan."

She was trying her best not to cry or say anything. When she came back to the office, Dan was mad that she had not said there was a problem between ake and her.  Dee had to tell him that it was not a big deal and everything was going to be okay. 

Dee knew nothing was going to be okay because Jake had already moved on and nothing was making sense to him to have him come back and even apologize to Dee about what he did.

The Launch.

Dee woke up early. She was the first to wake up, she went to the hotel gym and started with some exercise. She wanted to make sure she maintained her body and was in good health. Looking around, she saw one person was already in the gym and was busy working out. Dee was shocked because the person looked familiar. She walked toward him but stopped again in her tracks, she went back to her private area of practice. She didn't want to interfere with anyone. Maybe that was someone else and she didn't want to start problems with anyone. 

Walking to the area, she started her cardio exercise before focusing on her squats. She had her headphone on and was focused on nothing anything apart from making sure that she did everything correctly. 

She felt a figure looming behind her. She wanted to turn around but decided against it. The figure decided to come in front of her and paused the song looking at her boobs. 

     "Nice figure you have there, what are you doing here?"

Dee raised her eyebrows when she saw Yousef standing in front of her. She was not expecting him to be the person in the gym. Given that his body was lean. She figured that he might be starting on her exercise journey. 

          "Exercising, what are you doing here?"

Yousef chuckled and tightened the gloves in his hands while looking at Dee doing some lunges

"Trying ro make sure that I have six packs to give someone's lady a place to lay her head."

Dee laughed listening to his statement. She couldn't imagine that, that was the lame reason why he was in the gym. She walked to resume her music but Yousef blocked her path.  She didn't want to have any conversations with him at that time. It was early in the morning and starting a conversation with someone was not on her to-do list.

She stood and placed her hands on her chest. Looked at Yousef with a serious face. 

"I wanted to talk to you about something. Why are you and Dorcas so mad at each other? I mean she wanted to come here so that she can intimidate and embarrass you but turns out you were also prepared for anything."

Dee her head. She didn't know what ro tell him, she was not even thinking about Dorcas in the first place.

"I am having a big day today and I don't want want to start thinking of people who are not important to me, I would rather just focus on this day, maybe you can find me after this day and ask me those stupid questions. Good luck with getting a six-pack that ladies can be lured into."

Dee walked to resume the song but Yousef grabbed her hands making her stagger. She looked at her hand in the grip of Yousef and looked back at Yousef. Yousef was afraid that he might have hurt her and gently removed the hand holding Dee's

"I like you, you are intimidating and smart. I don't want to be someone who just looks at you as if we are a competition. I was asking if maybe we can be—"

"Friends, lovers? Forget it. You are stupid Yousef. If you can't open your eyes and look at the woman you are walking with. Plus if she sent you to try and seduce me and see if I am going to spread my two legs for you, then you are wrong. I am good and thanks for thinking I am smart. I need to go on with my exercise, you are wasting my time."

Dee resumed the music and went on with her exercise. Yousef was left standing there looking at her. He couldn't believe that she was tough yet Dorcas said how it would be easy to get her and sleep with her. He was starting to doubt whatever Dorcas said. He knew he had to prove to his father that, Dee was not that important for the business the way they thought but right now, he can't see any chance of that. He feels like he is the one who is not tough for business.

Done with her exercise, she went back to her room and took a shower before making coffee and something to eat. Done with everything, it was still early to go to her office, she decided to focus on her studies. She had enrolled for her master's class though it would just take three months to complete it instead of two years. This is one of the projects that she was aiming to accomplish before they announce the most innovative and creative business person. Sje was also reading some books to keep up with the business world. To complete her part of a morning routine, she checked the progress f the houses that were now being painted and wiring was being done around. She was happy that very soon, she was going to have a big place to call home. 

Done with all her routine, she walked up and went to get to the office. It didn't take long for Dan to arrive with four cups of coffee. Three were for Dee and one for him. He knew that Dee loved a lot of coffee and would even drink a whole pot of coffee in a day. 

Dee was focused on the business for the day when Dan came in. He had his tablet with him and was smiling. Dee was surprised as to what he was smiling about. She has not been able to laugh for about a month now. Not even showing her teeth. Dan wanted her to be excited. 

"Morning Dan, is everything okay? Don't tell me you proposed to Andreas."

Dan laughed and looked at her. He shook his head and presented the tablet to Dee.

         "What's here for me to see?"

"Your progress in the competition. I mean you registered some weeks ago but now, you are almost choking Jake on the race. I mean he doesn't have new developments but yours are so big, they don't show the types of developments but in case you come up with development, they mark it. I know they will mark today's developments after they marked one that I don't know."

Dee was also smiling for once. She knew that it was the masters class that they were talking about and she was happy that they are monitoring the projects. She went to the 'ladies only' site and she was the best, but looking at her competitor, she saw Fern's name on the portfolio. She couldn't understand why she was there. She liked Dan and tried to ask him.

"Ah, Fern recently opened a spa and a bakery shop in town. The other business I don't know about the. Maybe she had an upper hand with Jake you know."

Dee wondered what Jake did to the competition to make her have a lot of points over other ladies that she knew did very good work. She didn't feel bad, what she felt was the urge to throw herself out there and make this a win for her. She knows, everyone will hate her for what she is doing but she is trying her best to become the best.

"Don't let that discourage you, okay, I know you have everything that it takes to beat her ass up. Though I aim to beat Jake's ass and be the winner that I know you can achieve. The final speech from the final three is going to give one of you the prize." 

Dee looked at him and wondered why he wasn't against her even though a lot of accusations have been thrown her way. She knew very well that Jake might threaten him or might try to do something that might harm him. Though Dan doesn't care about it, he had already told her that he will be with her all the way.

She nodded and hugged Dan, at least once, she smiled after a very long time. Dan smiled too and was excited to see her become the person she once knew. Dan had his doubts. He knew Dee was this person who will te you the truth and wouldn't prefer to lie to someone. 

He walked to his sit and found a call that the baby was already in the lobby. He quickly went downstairs and Jake was there with the baby. Dan was hesitant but at the same time, he walked with his head raised to receive the baby.

"So your pathetic boss couldn't find anyone to be her date? I bet she is crying her head off?"

"No, she is perfectly fine and everything is fine with Dee. She is more than happier if you can imagine. She laughs every day, eats her meal and hasn't lost any weight. Unlike you. Your pathetic shirt has wrinkles and your ties are not tied. Just give me the baby, I need to go."

Jake wanted to shout at him but the guards were around and they were guarding Dan. They were also making sure that the baby was picked up and taken safely to Dee's office.

"Ciao, senor, make sure you fix your tie."

Jame cleared his throat and looked at Dan, afraid at the same time he opened his mouth.

"Please, can you give her this to make for me then you will pretend it's yours? It's only that I don't know how to make perfect ones."

Dan wanted to laugh but he didn't, he pitied him. He took the ties and left him in the lobby.