
Killing Is Fun?

"Do you know how killing people is fun?"

What fun is there in killing people? 

I mean, you just want to take the lives of people because it's like a game to you. You bet on someone's life and if you lose the bet then you suffer the consequences and if you successfully kill the person then that is an achievement.

These are not the eras when people used to be bounty hunters and for everybody that they killed, they got rewarded? 

People have evolved and even bounty hunters nowadays are not allowed to kill people anymore, their work is to arrest people and they get paid decently.

Hearing this woman ask how fun it is to kill people, he felt sorry for her. There was nothing fun about taking someone's life for a fact that you know it unlawfully.

"You are a psycho, you need help, you can't be killing people and find8ng that any fun," said Jake as he looked at her.

"Oh? Because for me, there is no good entertainment like that. I just sit down, write down my characters plan everything and then execute my plan. When I am on the verge of killing them then I make sure it's going to be memorable.  After the killing, what I love to do, is perform sexual activity with the events still fresh in my head and their body still sleeping beside me. Sometimes I even make sex to them when they are not fly dead."

'What a suck bitch!' Thought Jake. 

How can someone be proud of all that?

Jake was drill trying to digest everything that she said. He still couldn't bring himself to accept that some people are these evil and psychos. He then remembered the event of Kim and his grandmother.

"What about a situation where you include vagina envy? How does that work?" Asked Jake?

The woman looked at the man, the man nodded and walked to the laptop that was nearby. He opened it and on Claire's end, she took that as an opportunity to hack everything and see the video of events happening.

Though it was hard because they had placed down numerous firewalls to keep out any hackers, she tried out her best. Making it as quiet as possible because if they detect that someone is trying to access their firewall then Jake is going to be in trouble.

"I still remember that incident, hope we are all on the same page?" Asked the woman.

Jake didn't understand what Nanie Dosa was asking about, then he saw the picture of Kim and his grandmother in the same position they had found them. 

After that, he was shown a video of Kim and his grandmother being forced into sex action. The poor gr admitted who couldn't even talk because of her illness was not able to do anything. Every time she would protest about the act, Nanie would whip her and threaten to kill her if she doesn't. 

They had to force them into it, place them together and Kim's face had been ripped off, the only thing that remained was a faceless person, seeing and being hurt again.

"What type of stupidity is this?" Asked Jake in an angry tone.

"Jake stop being angry with us, the woman was a molester, and that is what we made sure she did before she died. There was no way she was going to a vice my religion and call it doomed and then you expect me to be happy about it? I have special ways of sending people to hell also. That's was her hell!"

Jake shook his head. He still couldn't understand this type of person and how she came to be.

"Are you sure she was a molester or you were just afraid she was speaking the truth about you and in the long run people would discover everything about you and you will be arrested?" Movies Jake.

"Which truth Jake? The only truth here is you are blind! Men like you are the main reason why women suffer, women go through a lot just di you can calm yourself superior? Women are the superheroes, we are superior and every time I hear someone say oh my God, I feel like strangling her, kill her and eat her heart put without fear!" Shouted the woman in anger.

"Do you know what they call that? Fear!" Said Jake, "you fear that growing up you lived with people who never lived you, men who felt you were nothing. So to beat the hierarchy on masculinity, you decided to marry this junk if an ass here.  Who is a low life and always thinks of himself as one?

He was a drug addict, you got a don with him, Inspector Diaz and then you married your son again because you couldn't bear another woman marrying him and because you wanted to control him. You felt like if you keep the low key life and recruit other people to work for you then that's going to be a nice idea. So you guck your son because you passed through that too, tell me if that is not molestation, explain to me what is that? And prove me wrong that Diaz is not your son?"

Jake had been going through her math, he had studied everything from when they started talking up to this point and he was getting g fed up with the type of stupidity and the game this woman was playing around.

He watched the man beside him, his hands shaking every time, she had different toes of chewing gum being popped in his mouth every time, a change in the milkshake flavour and pale body skin.  

He was once a practised doctor in the military something he hates saying. He jas seen this all in his workmates and he hates it to date.

He also compared the features of the woman to those of the inspector. As much as couples live long and can adapt some features and lie to people that they look alike, Nannie couldn't deceive him. His nose and cheekbones were the same as that of her son. The mark that appeared deep below her eyes is the same birth birk that Diaz had.

Now, which type of a psycho is this. How can she? 

"There is no son, that bitch was not my son, he wagged his tail like an unwanted child in this family and would coward when you tell him to do something I had to teach him a lesson!" 

Jake was seeing his thing working, he wanted to make sure the lady was mad and the only way due was going to read the news is by being mad and irked. That time the truth just pools out of your mouth without forcing issues.

"You know things are still not adding up, why would they sacrifice Diana yet she is from a family of two loving parents and a sister Fern?" Asked Jake.

"About Dee, that girl is really special from the beginning. Her mother is Mary and she is not from that family. Mary was my pigheaded daughter who didn't see anything but instead, sleeping with all men in the society was all she could do and that only made me mad, have you ever had that stubborn person that you want to get rid of that bad? I wanted her out that bad and his adhere did it for me. Though she knew it and gave her daughter to her friend. I wish she could have even taken her to Egypt where her fucking father is at and things could have been better, I couldn't have noticed it but giving it to that family, those were just stabbing her on the back and I asked them to keep everything cool until the day cones. You couldn't even ask yourself why does she have curly blond hair while her family all have black hair and the dad just have some dirty brown hair?"

'How fucked up to do they want to make Dee? About her mother, her father and everything they has never told her? Who will ever tell her that the family she once thought she belonged to was nothing but imposters and her father is somewhere in Egypt and they don't even know what he looks like? I also have her picture but I don't know how to explain everything to her, this is going to be a long road for her to take. She might act okay but sue will break after all of this?' Thought Jake.

"Why did you hire someone to take her pictures?" Asked Jake. 

"Ah, those pictures were meant to blackmail her but I don't need that, because I didn't get a copy of those. But pray they don't fall on my hand if they do, you all are going down!"

Jake smiled to himself, at least she doesn't have it, the only thing he was afraid of is telling Dee that they once apprehended her pictures at Kim's house.

"So Jake is there anything else you want to ask before I shoot this fucking gun on your head?" Asked the lady.

"You know you haven't asked him how it feels feeding on the sacred lamb, because if he has, then we will have to keep him and use him too."