
We Fed Their Meat.....

"There is no day you mother fuckers are going to take Dee away from me unless I take I am dead and that is not go8ng to happen. I will make sure you two rot in prison and everything you have done is released to the press. What type of people comes up with a stupid idea thinking it's going to help but instead you intend to harm people. Stop throwing your problems at people, face them. You were hurt when you were young, don't come here and start killing people who are innocent because you want them to go through the same fate? That was not them, it's up to you to step up!" 

Nannie and Diaz Senior looked at him, they laughed because they knew very well, Jake was not going to escape from this situation. 

After revealing all their secrets to him, they were going to going to hang him and sell his parts of the body. 

"If I were you I could have saved my strength for other things like when the dead time comes," said Nannie.

"I don't care, if you guys are responsible for the witness, at least I got you!" Said Jame in anger. The veins in his forehead were popping up and his eyes were turning black.

Claire on the other hand feared that he might lose it and start to throw tantrums at everybody in the room, she thought it will be good to know what happened to the witness because she had done a lot of work just to make sure that the witness stands up and testify against them.

"Lower it, Jake, we need to know about the witness, what happened to them, just ask them about the witness and after that, I will ask your two friends to come in and finish this."

Take had to listen to Claire, and make sure that they had all the info nation with them. 

"So your witnesses, one, we killed their loved one and fed them their meat just as a warning not to talk or else, we will kill everyone in their households. That's the exact thing I am going to do with you, kill you, feed you to Dee and threaten her ass to shut up and obey what we want her to do," said the lady as she picked a knife from the side table.

It was a long sleek sword that was shining. You might think it was new but this sword has ended a lot of lives and has its demons running through it.

Jake watched as Diaz Senior was wiping it gently, slowly as he looked at it. 

"What do you think babe, kill him then have sex with him or pleasure ourselves first in his presence to make him jealous then kill him?" Asked Nannie.

Diaz Senior moved to her, as he danced with the sword. Swiftly till he reached her. 

Touching the hair on her face, he removed them swiftly, then looked at Jake. 

"I would love to see him squirm when we are pleasuring ourselves, so let's give him the show first," said Diaz Senior sucked on Nanie's tongue.

"Mmh, mm, this doesn't sound familiar, did you google some new ways to pleasure me so that k can scream the whole night?" Asked Nannie.

Diaz ignored her and sliced a part of hard palm with the swords and started chanting so did Nanie and they held their hands together as the joined their hands like a deal or a seal They were making.

After they were done chanting, they tore clothe from their shirts and tightened their hands to prevent the flowing of blood further.

They lifted Jake from the ground and brought him to a chair, tightening his legs and his hands forcing him to look at them. 

Jake was disgusted but just pretending to do everything they were saying, all he wished was for Pete and Dominic to urge inside the room and finish this madness.

Instead, all he got was the stupidness that came with two psychopaths who thought that all they had was love but in a real sense they were not even closer to it. 

They left Jake and walked to each other doing their slow-motion action as they winked at Jake.

Diaz grabbed Nannie's neck and threw her to the wall while tearing her clothes apart forcefully, Nannie chuckled and seductively held her breast as she licked them and massaged them. The lust-filled Diaz walked hurriedly towards her and parted her hands lifting them the wall and placing one of her threats in her mouth. He sucked it leaving Nannie to main in pleasure. 

"Aah baby, that feels so good, please do it to the other one please," moaned Nannie as she squirmed under Diaz's touch.

Diaz over her order and placed his mouth on the other breast, sucking it to his full. After the session, Nannie decided to give him the same pleasure, tearing his clothes apart, she travelled her hands on his chest as she started her legs widely and looked at him. 

Slowly, she went down towards his groin and touched his little brother. Fumbling with it, she started stroking it, slowly, as she touched the tip and slid down to the balls. She then placed her mouth deep into the cock, making Diaz groan in pleasure as he called Nannie's name.

Jake didn't find any pleasure in this, all he felt was disgust. It was like watching your parents engage in sex acting, with hair all over their bodies and the sunken skins he could believe they felt that it was all fun.

Dominic and Pete, we're done with their searching, and so far they had found lots of information from the ceiling board. The bodies that had been captured were written on the list. They even had a list of the bodies that they were planning to kill and feed to people.

Dominic still couldn't believe that people have been eating human beings' meat, though they didn't look like one because of how they were neatly made to look like animals' meat. He swore to make sure he gets meat by himself from the animal farm or the slaughterhouse.  

When they were done, they neatly arranged the documents they found in a box and warped it waiting for the good moment to transport it for evidence. They decided to hold on to it until a day when they were to be taken for trial to avoid another disaster.

"If you guys are done, you gotta save Jake, people are making out on the floor and he is being forced to watch," came Claire's voice.

"What do you mean people are making out? I thought they were just talking?" Asked Pete.

"Yeah, and now the talking part is over and they want to make sure Jake watches in frustration as they pleasure themselves," told Claire.

Pete let out a low chuckle as Dominic held his inwardly because he knew the type of motherfucker he was when it comes to being mean.

"I need to see this one, then I will use it against him," said Dominic as they warped everything neatly. 

"Fuck you dude, have you guys checked the kids?" Asked Claire.

"Let's climb down and see what they are unless it's just pillows killed together and there are no kids," said Pete.

When they got downstairs. They hid the boxes in the bathroom and went to check on the kids, but all they found were pillows pulled together and no kids were available. 

"This is disheartening, could it be they booked the kid's meat for the inspector then lied to him after telling him the truth?" Asked Dominic as he looked at the pillows pilled together.

"Don't think like that, it's going to be a disaster, and it's sad doing that to your kids, I pity her," said Pere as they walked down the stairs to find Jake.

They didn't see him on the chair, all they saw was an empty seat and there was no voice coming from the living room. 

Pete tapped on Dominic and they went slowly, downstairs in fear of something bad had happened. 

When they arrived, they found Dominic seated on the chair, looking at a picture in his hands, Nannie had been shot in the thighs and knee, making it hard for him to stand up, whole for Diaz, he had paralysed him as he wanted to be.

"Fuck! I thought I was coming to see the anger in your face, Claire said you were frustrated," told Dominic.

"Yeah, this much frustrated," he said as he pointed at the two bodies on the floor.

Damien and Pete looked at the bodies on the floor. Nannie, we groaned in pain as she tried to mice while Diaz Junior was just there, pointing his fingers at nothing in particular. Turns out he got the realisation he wanted.

"The police are on their way, but we need to get out of this place," said Pete.

"No, we need to make sure that everyone is taken, you will hide while I watch them do everything, I will say it was self-defence."