
How Can I Tell Her?

 The tea slurping was taking place, wish you could have seen everyone's faces. It's like no one even knows yesterday, some people were plastered and their faces went viral, and some people sent their loved ones to prisons for being assholes. 

    My sister might be called in for some questioning, to give out interviews about how she managed to do everything. I know she won't fail to take Dominic everywhere with her like he is her purse during the interview. 

    "Babe, are you still going for the BBC interview because Oprah Winfrey also wanted to interview you," asked Dominic while breaking a piece of cookie.

    I told you. These two once they are together, things won't get any better.  Knowing that Claire is like a wild dog, her mouth is flowing out with words all over the place.  As long as she doesn't argue with Cardi B, my favourite rapper trust me I am good because if she does, I am going to support Cardi and leave her ass for Dominic to save.

    "Babe, no, I am taking my time, what's the rush? Let's them drink in what we said yesterday. That is enough to stir the pot and make some nice soup. The interview will be taken later.  I am planning on a documentary, but that shit is not going to be complete because you all are going to be there,  so, you, Pete, ass hole, as much as you are an annoying prick, you still get to be featured in my documentary," 

    Poor Pete, he won't be having this the good way. It will always be about him until the day she decides not to. Given the fact that he was an asshole when Dominic used to make a voice call to talk to her.

    "Just don't call me an asshole in the documentary," said Pete.

    "Take your begging face somewhere, you didn't give me a choice when you called me a liar and scammer when talking to my baby," said Claire with a pouting face.

    "Are you sure this drama will end soon?" Asked Dee as she placed her hands on my thighs. 

    'Fuck what is she doing now? This is going to kill me, let's look for a distraction, look for a distribution Jake.'

    "Hun, are you okay?" She asked.

    Hell No I am not okay baby, with your hands all over my thighs, Claire will start coming towards us and attack the hell out of us.

    "I am fine hun, it's just Claire's drama, it's going to be over."

    That is a lie and we all know that.

    "Bro, what are you guys doing, just get her laid for Christ's sake."

    Fuck! Claire saw us. This is going to take a different direction as everybody's gaze shifts on us.

    "None of your business lady, she knows what she wants and I know when to give her a candy when she wants one, so mind your fucking business," I told her.

    "Oh, really, because yesterday she was wet with just me explaining how well you are endowed downstairs, her breast standing in front of the court with their nipples erected, you know what she wants?" 

    I looked at Dee, burying her embarrassment inside the tea mug, I bet she didn't want anyone to see her right now. Dominic yanked Claire quickly out of the seat while Pete excused himself leaving the two of us alone. 

    Was she thinking about me that way yesterday? 

    We still have a long way to go and I am not going to just break our promises because that happened to her yesterday. I want to make sure things go on as usual.

    "I am so sorry, that was stupid Jake, I didn't even mean for that to happen given that it was not the good day to have those thoughts."

    She was talking inside the mug, her face not moved out.

    "Hey, hun, you don't need to be sorry about anything, it's normal for you to feel that way. I will never judge you on what you think or how you imagine me. I kinda love it that you think about me in that manner," I kissed her cheeks and brought her closer to me.

    I know this was not meant to last, it was only a few more minutes and she will be wailing, sorry to say this, but she will be wailing. I don't know how to do it, how to explain everything to her.  If I start right now, the better but also I don't know how to start it.

    The pain that comes with knowing that your parents were killed and you never got to see them is hurting and I feel for her, not some pity, but I want to walk with her in her shoes, make her feel comfortable and heal from her problems.

    I watched Dominic and Claire talking to Pete, the way they were laughing and smiling, Claire's cursing can be a nuisance, but she is the laughing machine that you need during a rainy day.

    "It feels nice to be whole again," Dee said. 

    I looked at her and her eyes were also darting towards the trio altogether. 

    "Yeah, to some extent I feel like something that has been missing in me has been replaced. That one gem."

    It was true, Claire was missing in my life, and I am excited to have her back in the family. She makes things easier and more fin as I think of it. 

    I watched Dee's face,  she was smiling as a lone tear dropped down her face. I moved closer and held her on my chest. I didn't want to see her shed a tear at this point. She needed to be happy. All her misery all the people who wanted to cause her harm were out of the way. I wanted her happy. Maybe I can't bring her family back to life but I will make sure she gets the family love that she wanted here in this place.


    "It's okay, hun, to cry now," I said to her. 

    "What do you think my parents looked like? I mean if Diaz was my uncle then maybe he had some pictures of how they looked like in his home."

    There, she said it, I felt my heart constricting when she mentioned her parent's name. The investigator whom I asked to try and see if there will be any news about Dee's parents,  is still unreachable. I hope he gets something. Just like her, if it were me, I could have wanted to know who my parents were and what they looked like. 

    Maybe I should wait for another hour and if the Investigator hasn't come up with anything helpful, then I am bound to tell her about her parents. 

    "I believe they loved you, hun, though you might not feel it they loved you. I guess your mum had blond hair and your dad was a tall dark handsome guy and together they gave you the curly blondly hair."

    I wanted to make her feel that love, though I know it's hard she might at least get some ideas about what it felt like.

    "You think, how about this mark on my cheeks?" She asked as she pointed to a birthmark that formed dimples on both cheeks when she smiles.

    "Oh, hun, maybe your dad. Most kids tend to inherit some marks from their dads. Too bad I didn't inherit one from my father because that asshole didn't have one." I hate to bring him up but every time I think about it, he makes me feel like a big jerk and I want to strangle his neck.

    "Just don't let your anger use you, hun, don't do anything drastic to him. We have done our best. Even though that didn't make other people feel okay, at least we are saving our next generation from the drama," she had an idea. 

    "Let's not focus on that, tell me another thing you might want to know about your parents." 

    She looked at the sky and smiled. Trying to look at it with her, I didn't get it while she was smiling, maybe she had her reasons to do that. 

    "Do you think they are in heaven, picking flowers and helping people there?" 

    That was a naive question to ask but for her, it's normal, she wants to make sure that they are in a safe place and have escaped any torture that they faced. 

    "Yeah, hun, what if they sent me as your guardian angel so that I can save you from all your misery. I know I messed along the way but I don't want to do that again. I want to make sure no one does that to you." 

    I hope I don't fuck up the opportunity. I needed to get my shit together and make sure that she is okay. That is my duty.

    She came to me broken, I didn't fix her, but she fixed herself. She made sure that she walks through all the eggs that surrounds her, she beats all the negativity. 

    Even after throwing a big stone in front of her of being a young manager, she clearly showed me that it didn't matter and every time you have a problem, you can believe in yourself to solve everything.  

    I don't want to be the one who breaks her heart, messes her up and just throws the chance that I have with her away.  One thing I love about her, she acknowledges that she is not perfect, I am not too, but that didn't stop her from believing in herself.

    "I will always be grateful for having you by my side every day hun, I am grateful for believing in me," she said and caressed my beards.

    "No, thank you, Hun, you believe in yourself and made yourself free from all those problems," I am grateful, and she deserves all the accolades that come with it.

    She placed a slight but wet kiss on my cheeks. 

    That means everything to be every time she does that, it's like she is doing it for the first time. She lifted her hands to wipe it but I held it midway, "let it stay, I love it."

    "There is a mark of lip gloss on your cheeks, "she whispered.

    "Mmh, that's nice, one day you will have to colour your lips and give me a forceful kiss on my cheeks because you want everyone to see that there is someone who owns this body, maybe I should get used to the lip gloss."

    "Hey, stop being silly, if that day comes, I will make sure you wear a body camera and I will be placing hickey all over your body to prove a point."

    Damn, is she this feisty when she is possessive? 

    There are many sides of her that I need to see during certain things, she must be interesting. I hope Claire won't brainwash her now.

    "I am tired, can we go upstairs, I need to catch some sleep from yesterday," I didn't need to sleep, but I felt she needed to sleep. 

    She has had a long day, and we disrupted her sleep. 

    She nodded her head and carried the utensils that were left in the garden with her. 

    "What are you doing? Leave them there," I said as I picked the tray from her hands.

    "Come on hun, this is rude, we were the ones using, or you can as well carry them and place them on the kitchen counter," she said.

    I carried them for her instead. I don't know why she wants to labour herself while there is someone here who can do everything for her.

 Maybe that's why she hates having someone to help us clean around the penthouse and would rather do it herself than call someone to do it.

    "So you are not going to work today Mr Busy Bee?" She asked while carrying the flask in her hands.

    "I have given instructions, only emergencies will find their way in my email and calls, for the rest of the things I have asked Theodore and Dan to take care of them. I was thinking maybe we go for a vacation to welcome my sister back home before we start a new chapter?" 

    I knew where I was headed so chill, please. Maybe I am not going to tell her right away that I found the remains of her parents, but I was heading that way. 

    I know how it's hard explaining to someone that their loved ones are dead. We were never told until when my dad came home and settled us down and acted as if nothing has happened and we never got to see our mum and he said he will never come back. That was heartbreaking. 

    I am taking all the precautions to make sure that I relay the news in the most appropriate and less hurtful way. Though it will still be hurting.

    "That's nice hun, do you remember you were supposed to buy me a gift or something when I passed my exams but you never cared to check your email to confirm the results?" She asked me.

    I placed the tray on the counter and quickly checked the email she was talking about. She had sent it in my email, something I rarely checked. 

    She placed the utensils in the sink and headed upstairs as I followed forth.

    Damn, she did well, something I didn't expect. Which brain did she have with her? Someone who can balance work and school is amazing.


    I quickly sent a text to Claire who was nowhere in the living room probably taking a tour with Dominic showing him around. I needed an idea of what present to get Dee.  I have never gone the extra mile of getting any girl apart from my sister a gift and seeing Dee, she is not any girl, she is my girlfriend, she hates expensive things and loves books, this makes it hard for me to decide on anything. 

    She was already on the bed but going through a laptop that she had found on the side of the bed. 

    "What is the password?" She asked.

    "You are the password," I said to her.

    "Come on Hun, I need to check for something, Mr Bob said that the semester's timetable is out and I need to know if you are taking people for a vacation I won't be a party popper and claim to be having classes," she said.

    "And you are the password, ain't kidding about that baby," I said without changing anything.

    She looked at me and quickly typed something inside. 

    "You seriously used my name as a password? That will be easily be hacked" she said. She doesn't know that when someone tries it won't happen. It requires her face and her prints whenever she is typing on the keyboard, no need to worry.

    "So when does it start?" 

    "July, and we have the two months before that," she said. 

    Two whole kicking months is good, we will be able to mourn in peace and tour the various places she wants.

    She closed the laptop and gently placed it back on the table. 

    She moved closer to me and placed her head on my chest, slowly without any pressure. 

    Collecting her, we headed to the bedroom. We didn't need to be on the sofa because it was so uncomfortable for the both of us. 

    "What about we sleep until midday then we might go out for dinner, I will ask Theodore or Dan to reserve us a place?"

    "If your sister is okay we will go, we are all trying to avoid the media," she said. 

    "Okay," that was the only word before I placed her head on my chest. 

    It didn't too her long before her gentle snores started resonating around the room.  I knew the diner thing was a lie, there was no dinner we were going to. 

    I texted Claire and Dominic and asked them to find me in the living room. I asked Pete to send the guards near the main entrance and the maids in charge of today's duty were sent on early leave with a hefty compensation.

    I gently pulled the covers up her body and kissed her head. The only thing that I prayed for was that she doesn't jolt up from a dream or Claire does not shout during the meeting.

    Comfortable with how she was, I went downstairs with some of the folders that I had carried with me. The video that I took from the cemetery, I had already sent them and maybe they were watching. 

    Before even arriving on my last step, I could hear the shuffling mad sniffing around the house. That was Claire crying and Dominic by her side.

    At this point, the tears that I had been hiding and keeping a bay from the cemetery poured down and I moved toward Claire.  She hugged me like the baby I was and I cried on her chest, I didn't care whether I was twenty-seven or what, this moment was now fresh in our minds, it was like we were being informed for the first time that our mother is gone and we will never see her again. 

    "Hey, thank you for bringing her back, we will now do what she wanted when she does, discard her ashes."

    Claire was wiping my tears like a young baby. They just couldn't stop pouring out as I thought of everything. 

    "Why did he do it? Why did he take her life away Siz?" I asked as I cuddled in her chest.

    "Maybe he wanted her so bad, maybe it's because of her rare kidney that he made sure he wanted her dead. Then maybe our stepmother forced him to get him a kidney."

    "I will reap it off her body once I find her, she can't be the reason we don't have a mother."


    "You don't need to bro, mum's ghosts are already taking care of things, and she will make sure she knows no peace!" Said Claire with affirmation. Someone would have thought that she always has a conversation with mon every day to know everything about her.

    After some time, I stopped crying and we were back at the table, looking at the documents.

    "How are you going to tell her, she is going to fucking scream her lungs out because of this. You know very well it's going to be a hard job trying to make sure that she doesn't even try to get her hands on Glady's and Nicholas's throat?" Asked Claire as she looked at the skeleton pictures placed on the table.

    "Plus the fact that her mother was pregnant, and she is not going to see her innocent younger brother who was killed because of nothing, you need a good way to tell her this. It's either she will fucking run mad or just do some harm."

    They were right. 

    I don't know how I was going to explain everything to Dee. Telling her all this is going to be big trouble that even I can't talk about it.

    I was not hoping for the best, all I pray for was Calmness in her heart, a moment of being herself is what I wanted. 

    "I don't know if I can do this, "I told them.

    "Bro, it's only you who can do this, you helped to uncover her mother's remains and make sure she gets to know the truth about her family."

    "You know how to be gentle with her, you know how to calm her down and she will listen to whatever you are saying, just talk to her please," told Dominic.


    "Talk to who? What are you guys talking about?"


🥀Author's Note🌹


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