
Mama, Papa!

   I turned around in bed trying to get hold of Jake's body but I couldn't find anything. Stretching my hands all over the place, I couldn't find what I unwanted and I thought that probably I was just dreaming and needed to wake up and look around. Maybe Jake is just around but I am not looking for him.

    Opening my eyes, the other side of the bed was empty and nothing was there. The man I was looking for was not there. I quickly came back to my senses and flickered my eyelids looking around me to make sure that it was not just a dream.

    Realised I was in Jake's mansion. I quickly woke up and walked to the window to look at the Garden of Rose but there was nobody at that place. The gardener was tending to the flowers in the garden. 

    Throwing my gaze to the other side of the compound, I could only see guards around the place but not Jake's frame.

    I walked from the room and tiptoed downstairs. I wanted to make sure I was not creating in necessary attention to the other people around the house. 

    Maybe whatever came to my head to tiptoe made things easier for me. I took slow steps and made sure that the floor had nothing that was going to make noise.

    The floor is always clean, I bet you can even take your meal directly from the floor without any problem.

    On the second floor, I saw three figures in the living room, talking in low tones, I could barely listen to what they were saying and their concentration was given to something that was in front of them.

                   Jake, Dominic and Claire!

    What were they doing all alone and with no sign of Pete amongst their midst? 

    My brain wanted to tell me that perhaps it was just a family affair and I needed to back down and let them be instead of prying into their business. They just realised that their dad poached their mother's organs, what can be more painful than that?

    I turned my body and looked at the other side wanting to take a step back to Jake's right room when I heard Claire speak. 

                "Bro, it's only you who can do this, you helped to uncover her  mother's remains and make sure she gets to know the truth about her family."

    "You know how to be gentle with her, you know how to calm her down and she will listen to whatever you are saying, just talk to her please," told Dominic. 

    I couldn't understand what they were talking about. But at the same time, I wanted to know why Jake would leave me in bed and come down here to have a conversation about someone that I don't know about.

    Who is this, 'her' that Jake has helped to uncover the truth about? 

    It can't be someone that I don't know about? I need to be told exactly everything too.

           Is it weird that I am jealous all of a sudden that it's about a girl? 

    Maybe, but I am just concerned that he didn't ask me to the meeting.

    "Tell her what?" I just shouted something I don't even know about.

    The question I was supposed to pose what, 'who is her?' 

    That went through the window. But they were all surprised by my outburst. That made me feel ashamed of what I had done. Prying on their conversation without acknowledging my presence and then blurting out in the middle of it? 

    I kept the embarrassment to myself and waited for them to say something that might be useful to help me get a glimpse of what they were saying.

    "Jake, is everything okay?" I asked as I moved forward. 

    He was just standing there, looking at me all lost and blank, or was it like I had caught him red-handed and now he was lost for words?

    I wanted to see what was on the table, but as I walked closer, the folders were closed suddenly and everyone stood up and faced me. 

                   "What is happening?"

    That was the same question running through my mind. 

    "Hun, i— um," Jake was stammering and at the same time clearing his throat as if I couldn't just figure out he was stammering.

    "I think I need to take something, I am hungry," blurted Claire awkwardly and left the place. 

    "Me too," shouted Dominic as he followed suit.

    Whatever was going on here, is weird, and I just need to know what they were talking about.

    Jame was holding the remaining folder in his hands. I stretched my hands to take for it but he raised the folder higher, making it hard for me to reach it.

    "I need to tell you something Dee, can we please go to my room?" He asked after composing himself.

    "Seriously? Are you going to ignore me the same way your sister and Dominic just ignored my presence and ran away as if I was a stranger?" I asked folding my hands on my chest.

    I couldn't believe Jake was blond sliding me with a talk, a talk about what exactly could be more important than my question?

    "Hun, it's serious, it's about my mother, can you please just listen to me when I ask you that we talk?" He asked.

    Fuck, I needed this one, maybe I shouldn't have pried on them now. So it was all about his mother and maybe they wanted to tell me about her given the fact that I don't know who my mother was.

    "I am sorry Jake, I don't even know what came over me to have me shout at you like that, I am sorry, are you okay?" 

    This is like most of the stupid things to do after you are caught prying on someone.

    He walked closer to me and closed the distance between us with a hug, "can we go upstairs please?" 

    I nodded and I followed him upstairs.

    Maybe I should come later and ask for forgiveness from both Claire and Dominic for prying into their conversation.

    Reaching the room, Jake closed the door and walked to the bed. I guess he must be drained out just thinking about his mother.

    "What happened to her Jake?" I asked after a short silence.

    "My dad killed her, he hit her with something on her head and it broke her skull and was left to bleed to death. That was all the pathologist could say."

    His voice was sad and heavy. Words were not flowing freely out of his mouth.

He handed me the folder to see what was inside.

All I could see were skeletons of the remains, every part of the bone was given enough information details. The skill had a big broken part and someone could point out that she was indeed hit with a sharp object. 

Her elbows showed signs of being gnawed, and there were also human teeth on the other elbow making me wonder who wanted to eat her body alive and whole that he or she started with the elbows. 

This was scary to look at.

"Are you okay?" asked Jake.

"This is bad, who does this to their fellow human being? This is manslaughter and these guys should be jailed for life Jake!"

"I know, my dad is going down for that, we can't allow him to escape scot-free with this, or I will end his life with my hands!" 

He was all furious, I know he wants his hands to go around someone's neck but that won't pay. The only thing that could help was by putting the man behind bars. 

I gently placed the file on the side table and looked at him, he was pulling his hair as he wanted them out of his head.  I saw him bring his phone and press on the screen before returning it to his picket.

I sat close to him, maybe that was going to be enough, but I don't know. I placed his head on my chest, I wanted him to feel me, and my heartbeat. I wanted him to calm down.

"Thank you, hun," he said as he kissed the knuckles of my fingers.

"Hey, just calm down, she didn't deserve that."


No one deserves that, that's hell to even think that husband was a lover!

After sometimes he was okay, and his veins were back to normal, his eyes were not red anymore and his face didn't have all those furrows standing out of them. 

"I need to tell you something Diana," he said looking at me with a lot of seriousness.

Why is he using my name in the first place? That has never happened

 It's always Dee, hun even when he is angry at me. Why would he use my fucking name?

"Is everything okay Jake?" 

Did I just use his name too? This is weird please don't tell me that this is a bad omen because I will slap the shit out of your face!

"Everything is okay," he said and climbed in the bed, folding his legs to a Yoga position he held my hands, caressing them softly and tenderly. 

I wanted to be convinced that things are just okay, I wanted to sing to myself that everything will be fine but the more he looked into my eyes, giving this look of sorry, the look of emptiness, the look of worry, I knew nothing was okay.

"Are you breaking up with me hun?" I asked when he took long before he could speak.

"Not baby, why would I do that, maybe if I die which I am never going to do. We will die together, maybe holding hands and kissing. Those guys will bury us that way, I can imagine our coffin," we laughed at that. That will be another wonder of the world and it will require some form of seclusion to remove our lips from each other's mouths.

We went back to silence again. He cleared his throat and looked at me.

"When I went to look for my mother. I didn't even know where she was buried, don't get me wrong we were there during the burial, threw the first soil in her grave. The thing is that I could identify her grave because it was never taken care of. There was some dirt on top of her gravestone, her home looked like a bush and nothing was there to make it look nice. I had to remove her remains because her wish when she died was to be cremated and her ashes thrown in The Red Sea. That is what my dad used to say as a joke but yesterday I took it seriously and dug her grave to remove her remains. The thing is that I am not telling you this to give you a story about her grave. The truth is that we found three other remains in her gave. After her burial, three other bodies were placed inside the grave, and my mother's coffin was not even there, not remains. Just like Claire had said, the coffin was stolen leaving her bare like that.  Of those three bodies or skeletons, two were of adults and the third was of the unborn child who was deformed. By deformed, I meant he was not a full child ground in her mother's belly. I had a DNA test carried out and I realised that they belong to y—"

"My mother? What the fuck are you talking about?" I shouted at him.

 He was swallowing hard as he tried to hold my hands in his hands but I didn't want to feel anything right now.

What does he mean my mother was buried with his mother in the same grave. Does that mean my mother was killed on the same day I was? 

What the fuck is going on here.? What the fuck did my mother do that bad to have her body thrown in the same grave as Jake's mother?

"Dee, can you please look at me? I haven't finished saying what I was supposed to say!"

What else did he have to say to me, that my mother was a good woman? I know she was. She was.

"What it is Jake?"

"Listen, the baby was your mother's pregnancy and the other body was your dad's"

"Uuuuuuuiiii, don't tell me that they killed all of them and placed them in that grave! Why did they kill all of them? Why did they do that to my mother and father this whole time, what did I do to deserve this? No this can't be happening I can't take this, everyone must pay, they must pay for doing this to my parents my family!" 

My heart was breaking, into little fragments. I could feel the pain, a hurting heart, they say. I doubt if mine was an aching heart because I felt like my heart was being ripped apart and I might not have a heart soon. 

"Hun, hun, look at me baby, it's going to be okay," said Jake trying to calm me down.

"It's going to be okay? I barely even know my parents, don fucking tell me what's doing to be okay, don't fucking touch me right now, I hate everything!" I shouted at him.

I didn't fucking care about anything at this point!


Dee was throwing things on the floor, he tore the sheets down and didn't care what was in front of her. Tears were running freely down her cheeks, as she felt her body leave her. 

As much as she has never seen her parents, she felt like she was robbed of something big. A big part of her had been chopped off with a blunt knife and the pain was still there, the wound was opening. 

Her neat hair that was in a bun was all over the place, it looked like a mad woman's hair. She threw herself on the floor and was crying, shouting and not even Jake could hold her.

"I don't want this, I don't want this, I also want to die, I just want to see them, I don't want this!" 

Jake couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't help it, tears welled up in his eyes as he saw what she was going through. 

He quickly jumped out of the room and went to call for Dominic and Claire, luckily he met them in between the stairs rushing up. 

Pete was standing below the stairs looking up but Dominic asked him to make sure no one gets into the house. 

"Jake, look at me, look at me Jake," said Claire when Jake broke in front of her crying uncontrollable. 

"Will she be okay? She looks lost, she is dishevelled she doesn't even look like the girl I used to know. Do you think it was a bad idea to tell her about her parents?" Asked Jake.

"No, it was a good idea, she will thank you. She is hurting a lot and needs time to mourn. Even if she didn't know them maybe her mother carried her while she was young, maybe she spent some time with her mother before she we taken away from her and killed. She still has that pain and it is killing her very much."

Claire didn't know how to explain tit o Jake. She also felt her cry and the screaming Dee from Jake's room. That was pain that no one could take. 

"Let's leave her to battle it, she might hurt someone right now," said Dominic.

"Okay baby, you can maybe control things with Pete while I stay here with Jake, " told Claire. 

"I can't believe it, I didn't imagine she could take it all this seriously Siz," said Jake placing his head on her sister's shoulder.

"She has been through a lot, she almost got sacrificed, her parents are not her parents and then she realises that the same people who took care of her are responsible for the death of her parents, you will want to kill someone."

Suddenly they heard her hands beating on the door.

"Someone to fucking open this door up, someone opens it right now!" 

Claire and Jake, we're looking at each other. 

"No, don't you dare, she will run out of there all wild and harm people around the house. Let's keep everything normal."

Inside the room, things were all scattered around. The sheets were torn apart. The pillows torn curtains were borough down all of them. The good thing, Jake had ordered they close all the windows electrically so that she doesn't walk out or jump through the window.

 Dee was on the floor, sprawling while screaming. She had open wounds like a lamp cut her on hands and some scratches on her face and she was bleeding.

She sat on the floor not caring at all about her pain.

"Mama, what did they do to you? What did they do to you? Papa, please tell me what they did to you, you didn't deserve any of this, you didn't deserve off of this pain. I just want to know what happened to you guys."

She was shouting, crying and that didn't have signs of ending soon. It was going to take her some time before she become sane again.

Oh, our Poor little Dee. 

We are sorry for your loss.


I would love to hear your thoughts about this chapter,

Love you❤❤