

Diana looked at him swore in frustration, she knew her hair has been natural ever since she was born. Blond curly and wavy, she has never used any chemicals on it.

"Who lied?" Sue asked wanting to know where Jake got all this information. 

He patted his forehead and pretended to have not heard her ask something.

Switching the Tv on Dee looked at her with a doubtful face, she wondered whether Jake had not heard her ask for something but she know her voice was loud and clear. 

She wanted to persist with it but she refrained and watched the Tv. 

"Soap opera?" She asked as she realized that they were watching the Mexican soap. 

Jake looked at her then at the watch he had switched in the Tv he was not focusing on the tv because he was expecting done news from Dominic. 

"Yeah, I love this soap, I mean who doesn't love fairy tales?" Asked Jake in a scatty voice. 

Diana raised her gross as he watched him talk. She knew Jake has never watched a soap, "what happened when the two guys met?" 

She had to ask him a question to prove him wrong. Instead of Jake replying he pretended to be checking a file on the laptop that was on the coffee table. 

Dee also avoided her and sipped her tea loudly earning a look from Jake.

Though he didn't hold that look for long he assumed and went in tapping g in the laptop. Dee did a good sip again and this time it got his attention.

"Okay, what now?" Asked Jake as he closed the laptop and gave her the attention.

"Nothing Jake, the yea is just got and it's burning my lips," said Dee as she focused her eyes on the Tv.

Jake stood up and went to the fridge, Dee was looking at him with the side of her eyes to see what he was doing. He didn't last even a minute he walked back carrying a container with a spoon and dipped some two cubes of ice into Dee's cup.

Some drips of tea fell on her face and she accidentally dropped the cup on her lap pouring all tea that was in the cup.

"Seriously you had to do this, then make me pour my cup of tea?" Shouted Dee as she stood up and looked at Jake. She didn't care whether the tea was burning her body. Anger had consumed her because Jake was assuming her all this time and couldn't respond to anything she asked. 

"And why would you keep asking questions Dee, can't you just jeep quiet and pet someone be?" He asked back shouting at Dee as he threw the glass of ice on the table walking towards Dee.

Dee looked at him, he wasn't sorry for what he did, he was showing a straight face and no signs of being sorry for what he has done.

He bent down to pick the glasses and then walked away leaving Dee standing in the middle of the room dripping wet from the tea.

"Why would everything have to be this way,? Maybe I should have just kept quiet and let him say whatever he wanted to say instead of interrupting him. He is right why do I keep questioning, who am I? I am a nobody, just a sympathy seeker, a girl who needs help every second and it's disgusting just the way I am. But what will I do? Every time I try something it turns out to be wrong, I try to walk out of a situation but instead of being a free bird, I end up being caged and locked in a bad situation with him to save me. Lord, please can you rewrite this, I don't want to be that girl, I want to be the one helping not me being helped," 

Dee was lamenting and quarrelling with herself. She seemed upset with herself for doing all this and just needed a fresh start before all this. She knew her classes are supposed to start on Monday, no one was given and she hadn't been introduced to anything.

She was thinking of something when she had a bulb moment and went to the study room.

Jake walked out of the room, he knew he had wronged Dee but he doesn't know why he can't bring himself to say sorry. His anger led him to the other room below the penthouse, he locked himself in and started hitting things all over the place.

He dialled his phone, he knew just the right person who can help him release his frustration, though it was you g to cost him he still wanted to do it. 

His call was interrupted by an unknown caller, checking through his servers, the call was from Fern, he didn't know why she was calling but he went ahead and received be call.

"Ah, the big boy received the call, how are you doing handsome?" She asked.

"Why are you calling Fern?" Asked Jake in I bothered voice.

Fern sighed before giving her a little act. 

"Just wanted to see how my new sponsor is doing before I go to bed, is that a bad thing?" She chuckled over the call.

'Sponsor?' Jake chuckled sarcastically. He knew Fern would be interested but he didn't know it will be this soon. He jas read knees about her being a good drama queen when working as an escort for the rich guys but he was not ready to be her sponsor who showers her with money.

"You got all this wrong Fern, I am not your sponsor you can have all the men you have but me, count me out of your games," he said politely.

"Uh, don't tell met sister has got you wrapped on your little finger and worked some voodoo on you," 

Jake thought about her words and Jake couldn't help but feel like her sister has done something to have going crazy about her. He is ashamed to admit that because he doesn't know how things will go with Dee. She is delicate and he doesn't want to break her.

"Not really, no one can wrap me, I am a free man, I have important things to do than have a woman to interrupt me," he said with uncertainty.

"Why the hesitation Mr Free man, you wouldn't have her inside your house or mansion, she would he home or she would have been lifeless body and the public people have their blessings," 

"Fern, I am just saving someone that doesn't mean that I have something for her. What if I have something for her, I will know how to deal with it, so it's Dee," said Jake.

Fern felt jealous creating inside her body, she knew that feeling that she almost forgot that existed.

"That's great, at least I won't be bored with her desperate stories and having her get married in her romance novels," said Fern.

Jake could easily feel the hint of jealousy in her voice and he knew it will kill her to know how far her sister wants to go. 

"Don't be jealous, let her shine when your time comes, do your best and shin the best."

"Whatever, just make sure she enjoys it," added Fern as she was being sceptical.

"Ah, don't worry little princess, she is starting her university classes on Monday, just a hint of her happiness?" Said Jake to annoy her further.

Jake thought Fern was going to give another prey but was disappointed when she ended the call.

"Wow, a sister feeling jealousy, I would love to see how she comes to death when he learns her sister is working in my company," he said to himself.

Thinking to himself, he opened his door and walked out. Know king in the penthouse, it took him another three knocks for Dee to open the door for him. 

He cleared his voice and looked at Dee who was dressed in his pyjamas. He wanted to laugh but he knew it was not the time from the look on Dee's face.

"I am sorry Diana, it was my fault. I contacted your sister and we had a little chit chat all the information I got from her," said Jake. 

He knew it was hard to be humble but before Dee it all came to him, humbling himself and explaining everything to Dee.

"Nice, hope she also explained why I am fat that her, how I used to deny her food when our parents were not around?" Asked Dee sarcastically as she looked at him.

Jake wanted to explain why he did that but Dee placed her finger on his face to tell him to git up. 

"Mr Jake Cummington, I am busy, I have to go for a campus tour tomorrow, register for some of the courses and get my timetable, so if you will excuse me I need to arrange my stuff and get an early sleep," said Diana in a serious tone.

Jake was shocked with what she was saying, he brought he will come back and find her curled up and mopping with red eyes but how wrong was he?

"Are you planning to be killed?" Jake asked. He wasn5ed to scare her but from the look of things she was not.

"Don't worry, you have a very strong and brave man, Dominic, I wanted him being by my side tomorrow, he is more of a gentleman furthermore,"


Thanks for reading.😍