

Jake looked at her and flashed his smile again. He didn't want to promise anything because it will be hard to fulfil everything. Though he had promised to help in the building of the charity homes that was just to make her feel better and to keep the conversation going. He knew quite well that Fern can't do anything involving charity, she might collect money just by lying to people and will never build anything.

"What about I make sure that the charity you are about to begin will be given free houses in a secluded area for free?" He asked. 

He knew he will fall for that idea but if she insist on wanting to see where the homes would be he knew it will be hard for him to lie to her again but he is a bush was a businessman and wouldn't fail to come up with something to convince her.

Fern sighed as she looked back at him. She was undecided on what to tell Jake. If she lies about the activities that take place in the shrine, he might find out and she feared for her life. 

'Maybe tell him the truth in a twisted manner, tag your sister in between and be dramatic,' her mind was playing tricks with her something which happens when she has to make a decision.

She knew what she wanted, but she had to let other things go for her to have all the other things that she doesn't have. 

Jake watched as she was struggling to do something. He knew that she wanted money so bad, to maintain her life since her current boyfriend had left her. 

He laughed inwardly as she watched her struggle to make up her mind.

"You know I don't have the whole day Fern, I have other important business to attend to, so if you are ready to say whatever you want to say do it, bit if y9u don't have then I will walk out and leave you to sort your bill."

Fern shot him a glare. She knew it either he was bluffing and wanted to get the information from her.

"Dorcas is in charge of the group, they believe that not everyone is supposed to worship God and follow the Bible as everyone but at the same time they say no one is atheist and the only person they are supposed to worship is the goddess of Punic, Tanit. They use convicts, that is the people who were baptised together and are 'holy lambs' are sacrificed together and their skin is neatly cut out of their body and are used as clothes during the next ceremony. 

My sister Diana and Kim we're convicts. Though Kim was not that sacred because he involved himself in scandalous issues my sister is blemish if I think when Kim died, Dee was supposed to be "ruined" I mean raped or deflowered forcefully because her convict is dead so they are not that blemish. The deflowering could be done by anybody or some outcast from the group who still want to come back or not anything. 

That is why my sister was captured, they wanted her to be deflowered today and my mother was pressurizing me to go and join them but I didn't want to go."

Jake nodded as she narrated her story. He wanted to ask her more questions but on checking his watch, it was time to go. 

He signalled the waiter and settled the bill before waking up from his seat and walked but Fern quickly stood informing of him.

"Aren't you going to give me a ride home?" She asked while grabbing his arm.

Jake looked at her hands on his arms and quickly withdrew and placed them on his chest.

"You came here did I give you a ride? Or should I be concerned about someone wanting to kill you in the streets?" Asked Jake as he glanced at the restaurant.

Without waiting for her reply he walked off and got into his vehicle and drove off.

"We need to attack the shines, at night!" Said Jake as he drove towards the hotel. 

His phone was on a hands-free mode. He had called Dominic as soon as he was done with Fern. He knew that the information they got from Fern was enough to place everyone involve in jail.

He regretted not investigating Dorcas. He thought she we just a model and that was all. Her action didn't show any thing that suggested she had I'll motivations towards him. Though the information he got about her is a shock. 

Why would she involve herself in such drama, he felt that everyone has a right to worship whatever the fick they want but why force other people to believe in what you are worshipping? 

He couldn't let himself just stick on one thing, he was so irked that he wanted to snap her head and let it hang as she gasp for air but again he shook is head because that was not going to work. 

'What if I ask my butcher to skin her alive and them stitch her body and force her to wear it the way she wanted to wear Dee's skin?' He though to himself as he waited for Dominic's reply.

"Please Jake, we don't know what's behind those walls. You even don't know how you got in and how you came out. Why don't we wait until we have everything in our fingertips?" Asked Dominc over the phone.

Groaning in frustration, Jake didn't want to wait for anything, he just wanted everyone slashed and begging on the ground for their lives. 

"What do more do we need Dominic? I don't see anything. We should just go there blindly and whatever comes we wi deal with it," he complained.

"What if we get there and it's a secret passage that needs some powers to open it, just calm down go to the hotel be with Dee and let me take care of somethings for once okay? You are good with business strategies but when it comes to fighting wars I know how to fight them very well and when everything is ready I will call you and you will be the one to lead and do everything," 

As soon as Jake was done talking, he ended the call and focused on driving.

He wanted to lay hands and on everyone involved in hurting Dee. He controlled his anger and drove to the hotel as calm as he could.

Dee was awake, he walked out of bed after laying there for the whole afternoon. She prepared herself some meal and shared it with Pete who was just staring at her. 

"So, for how long have been working for Jake?" She asked Pete as they sipped the tea from their cups.

Pete placed his cup down and looked at her, " five years now, you know I am older than him by one year but he is my boss and I still respect him," he said and went on to sip his coffee.

Dee knew it was not good to ask about Jake but she needed more information about Jake and his life. Though Jake had told him about Clare she felt like he left out his father and stepmother who was responsible for the death of Clare but she knew that was not Pete's words to say.

She wanted to ask about the other employees bit the for was opened and Pete stood up and excused himself

"You haven't even taken your tea," complained Dee as she raised Pete's cup in his direction.

Jake stood by the door watching her force Pete to take his tea,  instead, Pete walked out of the door after greeting him.

"Pick your tea, we don't waste food here," said Jake forcing Pete to pick his tea and walk out of the room.

"Must they be afraid of you whenever you are around? Simple reasons I love When Dominic is around," said Dee as she settled on the sofa and curled up.

"Dominic? What do you know about Dominic?" Asked Jake as he settled next to him?

"Dominic is more fun, you know he doesn't care whether you are around or not, he does what he wants," 

"Because Dominic is my elder brother and he can do anything but not be disrespectful," he told her as he caressed her face.

She didn't respond to his statement instead she kept quiet and rested her head on the sofa. 

Dominic couldn't imagine that if not for Martin, Dee would be laying in a pool of her blood and her skin would be hanging somewhere drying so that it can be stitched up to git someone's body.

"Dorcas, you won't see the light of the day and that is going to be today!" He thought to himself as he brushed her hair with his hands.

"Did you dye your hair?" Asked Jake reminding the little conversation with Fern.

"Wall-naturalis iallnaturall you think I will dye my hair what for?" Shouted Dee as she woke from the sofa.

"Fuck, she lied!".


Thanks for reading😍