

Jake was seated watching Dee sleeping peacefully. Caressing her face, he heard a beep from her phone. 

He didn't want to be the stalker but he still went ahead and picked the phone to look at it. 

"Reminder?" He stared at the phone. 

He thought that someone was calling or perhaps texting Dee but turns out she had put a reminder to check out today's TED talks. 

He closed the phone and placed it back on the table. Looking at it, his hands stretched again and he couldn't prevent himself from taking a look at it. 

He scrolled through her playlist and chuckled. "Billie, lewis Capaldi, good taste," he nodded his head as he kept scrolling down to the songs that had dominated her phone. 

He looked through her daily programme and the tracker was moving. 'At least she did one thing today,' he mumbled to himself as he scrolled further. 

Checking through the email, he didn't see any recent emails. Most of the emails were about tax which she didn't have to pay for and some teenage newsletters subscribe to. 

Returning the phone to the bedside table he heard a ding from her phone, he picked it and rechecked it. 

Fern had texted her expressing concern about her whereabouts. 

Jake didn't know the type of relationship between the two sisters. Diana rarely talks about her, she has never contacted Diana except for this one email that is popping today on Diana's phone.

He looked at Diana and then at her phone, he tec5ed Fern and deleted the message. 

Kissing the head of Dee he walked out of the room to w9rk on some things. 

"Pete," he called on Pete who was busy talking to his colleague.

"Yes sir," 

"I am walking out take care of Dee for me, please get in there and wait till she was up," begged Jake as he looked at him.

Pete nodded and walked into the room as Jake walked to the lift.

He didn't want to disturb Dominic with his work, he wanted to meet Fern alone and get some information from her. He didn't know whether Diana would have agreed to this but he was doing this for her even if she will be angry about it.

Talking the old car with him, he disguised himself to make it hard for anyone to recognize him. He didn't want to take a cab taking caution on what had happened today in the morning.

He chose a near place, this would make it easy for him to settle down before Ferm walks in. He has requested Dominic for some information about Fern and her picture was sent to him making it easy to identify her. 

Staring at her picture, he had to admit that Fern was a different person from Diana. She looked more like her mother and father who came to visit Dee in the hospital. Though she had blind hair they were not curly and wavy the way Dee's was.

Booking a private area, he settled down and asked for a bottle of water.

Looking through the window, he saw a lady walking out of a taxi. She lifted her eyes and Jake saw it was Fern. He filled her number and she picked it. 

Calling for one of the waiters around, he asked him to direct Fern where to find him. He wanted to look casual though his mind was battling with him. 

He felt like he would be forced to shout to her so that she can speak, but he comprised himself.

"Well, well, who do we have here?" Asked Fern as she stood seductively with her leg in front of the other. Her hands hung as the other one swayed the shades that were on her hands.

"Tell me, did my sister send you now?"

Jake knew if he cant start talking, Fern will talk all the time he has and start talking about nothing in particular.

"Nice to meet you too Fern, can you seat down please," said Jake as he showed her to her seat.

Fern gave her a cheeky look before sitting down. Her dress was climbing up her thighs but Jake was not concerned about it, he was here to get some information Nd not to admire her flirting styles.

Jake called the waiter again and asked Fern to order. 

"I will have a steak, ooh, make sure it's not fatty, I prefer a lambs steak, then some salad, I need it juicy with some berries and squeezed pineapple juice then a glass of white dry wine with no sugar, I am watching my weight," she ordered while twenging to every word that she was pronouncing.

The waiter had to ask her to repeat the order since she swallowed some words while ordering her meal and it was hard to understand her.

'What the fuck, does she know she came here to answer questions and not to eat?' Jake thought to himself as he drank some wine that was brought to his table.

"Are you going to pay for all that?" Asked Jake as he refilled his glass and gave him the unbothered look. 

"What? It was not my idea to meet, I knew I was meeting my sister. Though, you insisted that we met and I don't mind getting some little treats from a handsome man," she flushed her smile while looking at Jake.

Jake sighed in frustration and drank the whole content from his glass. 

"So, anything about my sister," she asked as she sipped her drink. 

"Anything about you Fern? I would love to know you," giving her a wink. Jake knew that to get at her he will try everything to get to her. 

Fern looked at her and was deceived with his flirting. She knows that no man can resist her beauty. The smile she flashes and the way her body was size eight with her breast standing firmly in front like some little avocadoes.

She licked her middle finger and looked at Jake, Jake playing along with her games, winked back and stretched his hands placing it on top of Fern's.

She faked a shy act and trailed her hands in his hands, "I am Fern, a baker, model and fashion designer to be. I have my bakery uptown and a spa that will be launched soon. If you don't mind I will invite you ad the main guest. Also, I love travelling, who far I haven't only travelled to a few mini countries but I will be finishing my trips with those countries. I love sharing and I am planning to build my shelter home I don't know if you will love to join me, Mr Cummington?"

Jake was paying attention to everything she was saying. She knew who will give her the real information about her, Diana. Though she will say all of it is true because she doesn't love talking I'll about anyone.

"I won't mind being part of that investment Lady Fern, consider me in and send your proposal. Can we now talk about your elder sister?" He asked as their hands were still interlinked together.

Fern quickly removed her hands from his, and faked a hurt and displeased emotion that danced all over her face.

"Ah, my poor little pig of a sister. Sorry to say that but she is," she said with a fake British accent.

Jake wanted to show a hurt expression but he held himself together to avoid messing things up. 

"I know she is a pig, but don't you think she is a cute pig, those blonds hanging all over her face then her cheeks all chubby and the dimples when she smiles," Jake wanted to intrigue her, to make her feel more jealousy of Dee so that she can say everything that she has about Dee.

"You think those are real? The blond hair is all for a show, we had to dye her ha8r because she wanted it blond when I had dyed my hair, after that her air doesn't change it had always remained blond. Do you know that she hasn't even gone to college, she saves money to go but sue is too lazy to even work but not when it comes to eating food I bet she can eat a whole pot of rice and meat stew without even breathing, haven't you basket why I am slim? She used to steal my lunch from my backpack when we went to school and I would starve. Being the elder sister, she used to deny me food when my parents were not around and I would stay hungry for days. I hate her, don't get me wrong, but who will hate such a sister?" 

Jake was surprised by her outburst. She knew she could say bad things bit why say someone is responsible for your body shape? 

Her order arrived and she quickly jumped into it without any second thought. This made Jake wonder whether she was the greedy one or it was just words to make her sister look bad in front of him.

"Do you know she was kidnapped today? Ooh my poor sister but luckily for her, she escaped but we haven't found her that's why I wanted to ask where she was?" Asked Fern in a fake concerned voice.

"I have her, but I want to know why she was kidnapped and by who Fern," said Jake.

Ferm threw glances across the room and Jake followed her eyes whenever they went but he didn't see anybody because they were the only people in the room.

"What do I get Jake? This information is precious it's about my family but I don't mind giving it out because it's so bad and I don't want my sister to be part of it."


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