
Be Dedicated.

Fern's P.O.V

Being born in The King's family comes with its responsibilities. There are let's of things you have to do and the biggest part is keeping secrets. Jeepingbsevret is like your daily job and if you open your mouth to answer a question from any person regarding a certain issue, you have to access all the possibilities of giving the wrong answer because a wrong answer will mean you are lying about something you had previously talked about.

My dad having cancer is all able, that's why when someone calls me to ask about him, all I have to say is, 'oh, he is going better, just throwing up like shit from his chemo.'

That's what you have to keep in mind so that you don't get confused. We need the donation that comes from every member of the community including the church so that we can live. 

I remember how I used to heat to Diana about my college when she didn't manage to get to one because dad was 'sick,' and we had to save for his treatment. 

Most of the time I hated to live in the house because I would have to keep the straight tace with her which I was not good at. Acting ad her enemy was the only option for me.

At dome point, I felt like shouting to her that she is not my baby sister but a fucking stary stranger that I don't know about. That was not allowed, she had to be treated like family, I had to treat her like a sister. 

Standing inside this elevator, I don't know how I am going to approach her. All the lies that I have been given, are the ones supposed to convince her about me otherwise she will grow suspicious about everything.

Fuck suspicious, Diana is naive and anything I say she is going to believe apart from the story that involved her boyfriend that she didn't believe. The only thing I am going to make sure she believes is about me. 

I don't know if I am well prepared but whatever let's do this. 

Arriving at her reception area, I saw Dan busy with his laptop. This man is always yummy, I don't know why he has never looked at me. We have never properly met apart from the one day we pumped with him when he had to steal money from his boss and give it to Dee.

I cleared my voice and he raised his head at me. 

"Good morning how may I assist you?" He asked as he threw his smile at me.

'Christ, can I ask him for a one night stand? It's going to be worth it.' I thought as I looked at his long stretched arms at me. 

'Lawd, those arms, the way the veins are popping out of them, and his fingers just look at how manicured they are and they look shinny to me. 

What does he use to make them look this nice? He must be getting good money for a here secretary to have him all dressed this expensively. 

"Miss," his base came through and it startled me.

"Uhh," I responded my mouth refusing to open.

"I was asking if there is a way I can help you?" He asked again. I quickly tried to concise myself as I looked at the computer in front of me.

"Sorry, I was asking if I can see Diana Kings?" I asked and the moment Dee's name popped out of my mouth he raised his eyebrows at me. He picked up the phone and dialled some number and in seconds, I saw some men in black suits riding towards me. 

I was just here to see my sister, why would he call the security guards at me? I thought this was a friendly office.

"Pete, she says she wants to see Dee, and I don't know who has allowed her to reach up here, take her down and do some confirmation," said Dan as he pointed at me.

I am not getting this straight. Why would there be a lot of security before getting to Dee? 

I had a hundred questions but most of them seemed stupid and I didn't know who to answer them. 

The only expansion that will come with all this security check is if Dee had experienced any threat if late. 

My parents have not tried to contact her and the church has not started any preparation to retrieve her again?

The man who goes by Pete seemed to know me very well, he didn't even ask me my name instead, he made a video call through Jake and he was there showing his handsome as ever face on the screen.

"She wants to see Dee," said Pete as he threw my fave towards the screen.

"Has she said why? Because without a valid reason due can't."

Pete looked at me, probably waiting for me to give a gal8f read in as to why I need to see Dee.

"She is my sister for Christ's sake, can't I see her?" I asked as I popped my orbs out at him.

Pete directed my face back to the camera and told Jake that I was here to see My sister. The look on his face told me that, I didn't have a valid reason to see Dee.

"Diana is busy, you can come in another day," said Jake.

"That's not fair, in need to ask her for a favour, are you going to debt me that. Tell me how dir will reel when she realized that her boyfriend doesn't want me to see her." I told him.

"What favour do you have Fern, apart from telling her to get you money?"

Yeah, I wanted money, but more so I wanted to see how she was enjoying her luck and couldn't remember to even pinch for us something small. She is riding high.

"That's personal, don't you think? It's family business, you don't need to interfere with it," I told him.

Jake is so intimidating though he is cute. Most of the time he looks at you as if he knows everything that is going on in your mind. I hate looking at him. 

He instructed Pete to move me outside and he remains with him in the call. I didn't know what they said but whatever they were saying seemed important.

Pete walked outside and instructed one of the female guards to do a thorough check on my body and clothes. They even passed me through an electronic device to check me up. 

I don't know what thru wanted to find because I was not here for some kind of war or anything. I was just a peaceful lady seeing her sister.

After the thorough check, I was taken to see Dee. Pete stood at the door and knocked.

Dee's voice could be heard allowing us in. 

Madam was spotted in the office chair, the reading glasses that were butterfly-shaped made her look beautiful when did she get those. She never used any glasses. Her dress, royal blue was hugging her curves nicely. She looked more beautiful than when she was with us home. Her fingers were neatly shaped and were painted blue on her feet she had six-inch heels that made her look a bit taller as she walked closer to me.

"Fern?" She asked in surprise.

"Siz," I did the little happy dance towards her.

How wrong was I when I thought due was all happy to see me? The second I arrived closer to her, the smile on her face faded away leaving her with a scorn look on her face.

I thought I had apologised for what I did previously, do u need to do a Holy Mary in front of her and kneel like some motherfucking wise men when they came to see baby Jesus?

"Do you want me around or should I leave, Miss Diana?" Asked Pete.

When did they start giving jer such respect? 

This bitch doesn't deserve any of it.

"Pete, you can take some coffee with Dan, I will call you in when I need something," said Dee.

Pete nodded and did a little courtesy now in front of her.

'Wow, no wonder she feels like she had the authority, I will humble you bitch,' I thought to myself before plastering a smile on my face.

"Yep me what you want Fern. The last time you tried to blackmail me using some pictures and I wonder what you've come with this time around," she said with its authority. 

"Siz, can't I even sit down and gave a cup of coffee please, I am tired," I begged her.

Did I say beg, fuck, I don't beg? I need coffee and she better bring me one or I will start drama here. 

I watched her stand and walk to the coffee machine near the window and filled one cup. 

I thought she was going to refill another cup for herself. What type of a boss is she? She needs to drink with her visitors.

"Aren't you going to make some for yourself?" I asked her. 

"It's past my coffee time, I didn't see the need for one."

Is she serious? The way we used to fight over a cup of coffee if there was only one remaining. To add on, this one has cream in it.

"I see life had changed you big Siz," I said.

"Nothing has changed me, Fern, I just have my priorities and tone for everything. Coffee is not my priority right now, so I will pass."

So rigid, is she the same sister I know about or Jake has closed my sister and this is someone else?

I sipped the coffee and watched her glance at me. 

"Can you start talking, I have a meeting in the next two hours and I need to get ready," she said with her tone bearing a lot of seriousness.

"I just wanted some money, please?" I said giving her my puppy eyes.

Are you trying to ask if I am not shameless, well, I don't care, she has some good flowing cash and they are just laying around.

"I thought you were given money, the day you almost got me fired and rendered jobless," she said to me.

"Are you seriously mad about that? I thought I was sorry," I said. 

"You think it's fun Fern? I am mad about it, the fact that you want everything to go sideways with my life is a joke to you?" She asked.

Here we go again, why is she acting all this bossy. I think I am going to do the Holy Mary shit.

I placed my cup of coffee on the table and went down with my knee, " siz, I am sorry, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to make sure I get money for my upkeep. That's why today I divided to ask for your help."

"I don6 have money, you should just work hard and get your money. You have a bakery and its flourishing. Try and be dedicated to it, it's something good."