
Money Has Changed You!

What does she mean by her statement? Who told her that I am not fucking dedicated in my job. At least it is my job and not some fucking company where she is employed and can be fired any minute.

"Siz, I just need the money for something. If my business was doing well, I wouldn't have come here to beg for your help," I said. 

I was adjusting my tone, by all means, to make sure that I sounded needy. I wish you knew how I hated it. You would have spared me the eyes. 

I hate borrowing but what else can I do apart from showing her how I need the cash.

"Just stand up, you don't need to kneel," she said.

I have never heard her talk like this. She doesn't care about anything. She is just throwing words anyhow. Unless I am the one who is not used to her this way. 

"Money has changed you," 

"What do you mean by that Fern?" She asked while creasing her brows.

"You used to be thoughtful of other people. I remember when you worked for Edith, you would maKe sure you buy something for everyone. When I asked you for some little money, you wouldn't hesitate to give me instantly. Right now, you have everything but you are so hard on that money."

"Fern you know, people will act like you are hard to deal with because you are not easy to fool. That day I didn't even know what I was. I was taught that giving was all I could do. I hadn't even saved a little money for an emergency.  I have learnt my lessons and where I am right now, I am not hard, you just can't fool me anymore."

Does she think she has it all? 

Who was her little sister who got her expensive gifts when no one could get her something? Who always made sure she got a Christmas gift when no one remembered her?

"While me here I used to buy you gifts, take you to expensive dinners but right now you can't give me any money? Don't fool yourself with this. It's just temporary and with time you wouldn't be having it. He will find a good woman who will give him more than you can offer Dee and that is the day you will want to crawl back to me asking for my mercy, remember this day!" 

I was mad right now. She was acting all good but we know if not for Jake she could be a price in the market and would be a bargained for. 

She can't even see that I am here asking for her help just like a good sister I am and I am not blackmailing her because there are many things I can use against her when she is acting all innocent.

"Fern, I know I am not the perfect girlfriend Jake has, anything can happen anytime and when that time comes, I will eagerly leave that space for someone worth it. So this shouldn't be the reason enough for me to remove my money and give you," she said while trying to switch her voice. 

'Oh, Diana, you act like you know everything. There is no question that you can't give a well-calculated answer. Do you think that now you have everything in the grasp of your hand? Jake has made you grow horns. Let's see for how long those horns are going to hit the wall until they break, I thought to myself as I silently dipped the cup of coffee in my hands.

The borrowing of money was all part of my mum's idea. I don't see why she would make me ruin my reputation by asking me to get money from Fern. 

I think she has a very stupid idea when she was trying to come up with strategies on how to corner Dee.

The only thing she should be aware of is the fact that her daughter has opened her little eyes and the words from her mouth are burning fire like a dragon's.

If this is the sacred lamb that we were all being told about, I think we need to be mode careful with them. This one is going to be tough. Her ceremony has always been marked with blood she'd and tear, I doubt if the delivers still want to see her face in the alter and her body sliced down into editable junk.

I watched as she looked into her computer, writ g things down here and there. This thing must be hard on her if she has to focus her head and strain her face on the computer.

"How is life treating you, Fern," she asked as if she just wasn't denied me some cash for my upkeep.

I wanted to say a bad word but I just held myself together and tried her.

"Everything is fine. Mum is pregnant and planning to have another baby, " I told her.

Dee shifted her total gaze at me with her tiny face, I got her, that was the only thing to make her feel needed somewhere.

"Why would mum get another baby, Fern, she had her eggs removed unless you are si stupid t0 believe in that lie," she said.

'Fuck me, how didn't I know she already knew about the incident where mum removed all her eggs because she was satisfied with only one child.

There is no way I am going to lie to her again. She knows everything about me. I think it's better if I tell her 5bebtruth, the main reason why I need money.

"I just need something for my upkeep Dee, m6 factory ain't doing tha5 fine and I am short on rent this month, I just needed some cash to help myself you know," there you go, I have poured my heart and told her the truth.

I needed the money, maybe I was joking previously but now I am serious about it and she better take me seriously.

The phone beside her table rang and she quickly picked it up, smiling at the caller who don't even know she was smiling.

I knew Jake was the one calling, she can't be excited like a fool if it's not Jake. I was waiting to hear what she would be told, but I didn't know because I saw her look up and smiled putting the phone down.

"You didn't have to call if you were here babe," she said as she stood up. 

Jake quickly walked to her side and pecked her cheeks before placing his lips on hers. 

"You okay?" He asked her as he checked every inch of her body as if I was here torturing her.

"Hun, I am okay, she wants to do anything wrong," she told him.

Jake left her and faced me, standing in front of me, I couldn't fave her the same way I did to Dee. He was intimidating and he will know that I am lying.

"I have all that you said Fern, I am writing you another check of two hundred thousand dollars, and make sure you don't come back here with your drama," he warned me as he adjusted his coat.

"Understood?" He asked his voice roaring in the whole room.

"Yes," I mumbled slowly when l9oking down. 

"You can now go!"

His voice was still ringing in my head as I left the two alone, whatever I had in mind, it was not going to work. I need to be focused on something else, maybe sue was serious about dedicating myself to my business, it will be worth it.

That's is not the deal though, the deal is to show Dee who truly matters in here, she doesn't need to brag that much when after all the money is not hers. I wanted to turn around and give her one scornful look and to muck her but I knew Jake will withdraw from signing me any check. I kept it cool.

Pete escorted me to the elevator and make sure that I arrived at the lobby.

It was like they were checking up on me, because the moment I walked into my car, Pete we still looking at me as I drove away in my vehicle. 

They maybe thought I was there tons of them, that was not me, I don't need to soy on them, I know when a day will come and all they will be doing is begging for my mercy, b3gging me not to harm the and let them go, that is the plan!

I picked up my phone and can't my mother, " just a hundred dollars and his boyfriend we there so it was not your daughter!"

I heard her shout to here self on the other side, things might be hard for her right now.I need to speed things up and make sure we get everything ready, even if it means selling her to another part of the world.

I don't care, she should just get out of this place, I don't even love her.