
second life in reverse world

Kenta Aoki is living a fairly decent life with his high-tier IT job which he struggled his whole life to get until he got into a bike accident and died at the age of 28. his consciousness gets transmitted into the mana pool of a black-haired boy in the world of unbalanced sex ratio and magic, where male to female ratio is 1:1000 . will he be able to live a happy life in such an easygoing world?

Darsh_8522 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


I can't believe how much time has passed since I last felt truly happy. Unfortunately, my past self met a miserable end and died alone with countless regrets. It's frustrating to think about all the "what ifs" that still haunt me. I can't even remember my name - it's like my mind is a jumbled mess. How long have I been there, lost in my thoughts? that deep unknown place, what was that place?'

As I pondered over different aspects of my present and past self, I found myself sinking into a chair, lost in deep contemplation. The question of whether I should feel sorrowful for my former self or rejoice in my newfound existence weighed heavily on my mind. The concept of reincarnation, which I had only heard of in stories, now seemed like an undeniable truth. It made me wonder, what was my name in this current life?

As I delved into my recollections to find any trace of my name, a sudden knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. The sound of the wooden door echoed through the room, pulling me back to reality.

"Jin sama, can I come in?" I hesitated for a second, feeling a bit flustered. "Sure, come on in," I replied. The door creaked open, revealing a woman dressed in a maid uniform. Suddenly, it hit me. "Oh, right! I have a maid. What was her name again?" As she stepped into the room, memories of her serving me came to me"

She had shoulder-length orange hair and fair skin, which made her quite attractive. Anyone would be attracted to her just by looking at her beauty. As she looked at me with her big, beautiful eyes and long lashes, she flashed me a charming smile.

"Jin-sama, I hope you are feeling better now. Has your headache subsided?" The concern in her tone is evident.

'oh, right I got a splitting headache when my consciousness merged with this body. It's understandable since we became one entity. That's probably why this body has been going through a rough patch lately.'

"Miyo san, I am completely fine now and I don't feel any headache anymore" I replied. 'This is a great chance to throw in a few questions.'

"Miyo san how old am I" Although she didn't expect to be asked a question like this, "Master Jin is eight years old this year" she responded.

I wasn't completely clueless about my situation; I already knew that I was trapped in a child's body. However, being this much younger caught me off guard. Honestly, I can't recall the exact year I was living in, but I do know that in my previous life, I had been alive for a lot longer.

Without delving into the reason behind his request Miyo asked "Jin sama, Would you prefer to bathe or shall I cleanse your body using magic?"

'wait! what!!, did I just hear the magic, or am I still dreaming in that place?'

"huh" Jin's exclamation was loud as he expressed his surprise at Miyo's words, prompting a bewildered expression on Miyo's face, filled with numerous questions.

"is something wrong with it, Jin-sama"

"No no, I was just surprised when you said magic"

"Surprised? But isn't Jin-sama already aware of magic considering the connection between your illness and the mana vessel? Jin-sama, are you certain that you are fine?

"ha ha I am completely fine miyo, don't worry too much"

Magic huh, yes I see, suddenly images of my big sister showing off her magic pop into my mind. So it is true, It's crazy to think that I'm not on Earth anymore, but in a whole new realm of magic. It's hard to wrap my head around it, I mean, waking up as an eight-year-old boy was already shocking enough, but now I'm in a magical world too? What are the chances of something like this happening?

'does that mean I can use magical abilities too?'

"jin-sama shall I prepare your bath then"


I'm afraid I can't handle another unreal thing today. My brain is already at full capacity. I am sure from now on plenty of occurrence will come to me to experience magic, Maybe I'll even become a master of magic! I'm super pumped about this new magical world.

"Please wait for a few moments, I will return shortly." Before departing, Miyo offered a respectful bow.

'She's really treating me like royalty, I have to say I look incredibly good, but to receive such respect, honestly, I'm not sure how to react. This fancy room and personal maid make me think my family must be wealthy. Rich people truly live in a whole different world compared to the poor, it's like night and day. I went through a lot of hardships in my past life, so I guess I don't have much to worry about in this one.'

Miyo returned after a few minutes, informing us that the bathtub for Jin was now prepared for use. After expressing gratitude towards Miyo, Jin offered a warm smile, causing Miyo to react with surprise and a noticeable blush. Jin found this peculiar, yet chose not to dwell on it further.

"jin-sama then I shall take my leave"




'I go by the name Jin Esumi and I reside with my mother and three older sisters in a family of five.' While Jin luxuriates in the bath, his mind wanders. Even in this serene moment, he can't fathom it. His body finds solace in the exquisite bath, but his thoughts remain elsewhere. He cups his hand to capture the warm water, taking a moment to savor its delightful scent. "Ah, the aroma is heavenly. This bathroom truly exudes a wonderful ambiance."

Jin's bathroom layout provides privacy and comfort, while also creating a spa-like atmosphere. The bathtub is placed in the center of the bathroom, with plenty of space around it for easy access. The separate room for the toilet is located off to one side of the bathroom, providing privacy and seclusion. the bathroom also includes heated floors and high-tech shower systems.

"I wonder if I'll really spend eight years in that place. But honestly, it feels like just a few days to me. It's strange, that place has some enchanting vibe. Could it be connected to magic? And what about those mysterious sensations I've been experiencing all this time?" 'I need answers, and I think learning magic might hold some of them.'

After a while, Jin finally emerged from the bathroom. He made his way into the changing room, which conveniently connected both the bathroom and his main room. As he stood there, he tried to recall how he usually dressed and realized that he used to dress like a fancy little noble. The closet in Jin's room was overflowing with exquisite garments, both in terms of their quality and quantity. He couldn't help but wonder why there were such expensive clothes for a child.

'I can't help but wonder about myself, or more specifically, Jin. Why do people treat him differently? Is he some kind of VIP or something? What secrets is he hiding about himself? No need to rush things, now that I'm Jin, everything will eventually be uncovered.'

I rocked a killer outfit today - a dress that totally flattered my looks, paired with black pants and a crisp white shirt. To top it off, I added a stylish blue western bow tie that perfectly matched the color of my eyes. Before heading out, I couldn't help but glance at myself in the mirror and think, "I'll never get used to looking this good!"

It was past 9 a.m., and feeling hungry, I decided to grab breakfast. As I left my room and walked down the hallway, I admired the beautifully painted walls adorned with paintings. The closer I got to the main hall, I could hear some voices, with each step louder the voices became. Upon reaching the entrance, I could clearly hear my mother and sisters chatting, their voices echoing throughout the spacious room.

"Why can't you comprehend such a straightforward magic circle and spells? At your age, Miyako could have effortlessly performed even more complex magic circles"

As I approached them, I made sure to position myself at an angle that allowed me to catch a glimpse of my older sister's tear-streaked face, a result of our mother's angry outburst.

"Mom, why are you angry at big sister Rumi?" 

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