
second life in reverse world

Kenta Aoki is living a fairly decent life with his high-tier IT job which he struggled his whole life to get until he got into a bike accident and died at the age of 28. his consciousness gets transmitted into the mana pool of a black-haired boy in the world of unbalanced sex ratio and magic, where male to female ratio is 1:1000 . will he be able to live a happy life in such an easygoing world?

Darsh_8522 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

merge of two consciousness

I wonder where I am right now. This place feels like the depths of the ocean, but how am I able to breathe here? I can vaguely recall riding my bike home in the dark, and then suddenly a car appeared... and then what? Am I in a hospital, in a coma? Is this what it feels like to be in a coma? It's strangely peaceful yet filled with emotions. What is happening? someone, please tell me.

 I don't know how I ended up in such a place, what happened to me after the accident? Did I die? I don't know what it is yet, but something inside me is certain that I am no longer living. Then this must be an afterlife; is my soul awaiting reincarnation in this location? to continue the circle of life, to strive, and to maintain existence to live. I have too many questions but no answers.

I've always wanted a better life. Being born into a poor family has been tough, and I've sacrificed everything. I wish I could have experienced some comfort in life. I spent my life carrying the weight of my family's expectations, so I dedicated myself to meeting them. I burned the midnight oil, studying relentlessly to secure a brighter future... but in the end, it all lost its significance. I yearn for the opportunity to share a drink with my friend or pour out my feelings to Miss Kurumi. ahhh!! I've got a ton of regrets.......

"I see something, what was that" 

For a split second, I caught a glimpse of something unfamiliar. Was it a touch I've never felt before? And then, out of nowhere, a blurry figure appeared before me. My mind is all over the place, I can't seem to think straight. 

I don't know how much time it has been since I came to this deep ocean-like place. This place has always felt strange to me, and now I'm starting to understand the situation I'm in. The atmosphere here is otherworldly, filled with warm, sparkling particles that give me a pleasant feeling. Even when I'm in a bad or disturbing situation, my own emotions never seem to overpower me. There's an unusual calmness to this place, and sometimes I experience sensations that quickly fade away as if they never happened. sometimes it can be sight or it can be an auditory response and it even can be touch or smell. At first, these moments were few and far between, but now they happen more frequently with shorter gaps in between. Initially, I was afraid and anxious about what would happen to me, but as time went by, I felt like I was merging with someone. Each time "that" happens, our connection becomes stronger and stronger. 




I vanished from that dark abyss completely. The mere thought of being stuck there forever sends chills down my spine. Who would want to spend eternity in such a terrifying place? Time seemed to pass slowly, almost like when we were asleep and lost track of it. Eventually, I merged with someone I had been sensing, and our thoughts and consciousness became one. I now inhabit the body of a child who has some memories of his own life.

I woke up feeling completely disoriented about my situation. It was the first time I could sense everything around me at once. I found myself snugly wrapped in a blanket, covering me up to my neck. The cushion I was sleeping on felt incredibly soft, like a feather. After rubbing my eyes for a few seconds, I gazed up at the ceiling of the bed. It was adorned with beautiful flower patterns. Gradually, both my mind and body started to relax, although my heart was still racing like a speeding train. I finally decided to get out of bed, only to be greeted by a pitch-black room. However, at that very moment, I somehow knew exactly where the light switch was. Taking small steps, I instinctively reached out and touched the switch, which instantly illuminated the room.

The room is spacious and well-lit. The walls are painted in a soft, muted color, such as cream or beige, to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The furniture in the room is of the highest quality, with each piece carefully selected for its beauty and craftsmanship. The sofa is large and plush, with soft cushions and a floral pattern that complements the rest of the room. The armchairs are equally comfortable, with high backs and wide seats that invite you to sit down and relax. The coffee table is made of polished wood, with intricate carvings and a glass top that showcases the beautiful floral rug beneath it. 'Am I passionate about flowers?' As I got lost in my thoughts, mesmerized by the beauty of the room, I redirected my attention to the main topic.

I threw my hands up in the air to get a better look and saw a small, white hand that looked like a child's. As I rotated my hands, I clenched my fingers into a fist. My curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to the mirror in the middle of the room. When I stood in front of it, I was shocked to see a young boy staring back at me.

He has a head full of jet-black hair that is thick and lustrous. His hair is styled in a short, neat cut that frames his face perfectly. His bright blue eyes are large and expressive, and they sparkle with curiosity and wonder. His face is round and cherubic, with a small nose and full lips that are always curved into a friendly smile. He has a slender build and stands at an average height for his age.

I was completely taken aback when I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror. My jaw practically hit the floor and I instinctively covered my face with my hands. To my surprise, the boy in the mirror mirrored my actions. I had some prior knowledge about my situation, as I had been sensing this body and had some memories associated with it. However, due to the darkness of the unknown, my thoughts and brain power were slowed, leaving me with limited understanding. All I knew was that I was residing within the body of a young boy. Even after several moments had passed, I still couldn't believe that this was my own body. It was so incredibly beautiful, almost like that of a stunningly gorgeous girl. The symmetry of my face was so perfect that it could inspire luminous poetry from a renowned poet. At that moment, I began to question my gender and hesitantly touched my nether region to confirm it.

"ohh I'm a guy." As I signed into Reliafe, I uttered my first sentence in what felt like ages. I couldn't quite pinpoint how long it had been since I last spoke. As time passed, memories of my body, myself, and my family flooded my mind. To my surprise, unlike my childhood memories, all of these were pleasant. If there was ever a luckiest child in the universe, those memories belonged to them. "Wow, these memories are so charming. Am I confusing someone else's memories with my own?" But no, all of those things in my mind were experienced by my very own body.

my family spoils me! They treat me so nicely, it's almost unbelievable. Thinking about it makes me feel fortunate, but they are my sisters? They look stunning, and it's no surprise since we're related!

I can easily become a celebrity with a face like this. I can't quite recall how I used to look, but when I try to remember, all I see is a blurry face wearing glasses. Suddenly, a wave of unpleasant memories about my past self floods my mind. "I died with a heap of regrets," I think to myself. I was never a religious person, but now I feel like I would offer a million prayers to the gods for this second chance. I raise my clenched fist in the air and with a burning determination, I said

"I will live a fulfilling life"