
Second Coming Of Gluttony: The Shadow of Death

Jack was alone all his life. He had to learn how to survive in a world that had completely left him behind. Eventually his fight for survival brought him into Paradise which would beat him to the ground harder than anything ever before. How will he overcome it? Only one word Survive. ---------------------------- I do not own any of the original works that is being written in this nor do I own the cover. Please go support the original author and read the original light novel as it is a very good read. If the original poster wants me to take the cover down just message me.

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The Beginning of Death: Chapter 8

Jack woke up and took a shower before quickly heading to one of the coffee shops and getting some coffee to have in the morning.

After Jack got his morning coffee he went over to the bulletin board. Jack heard a bunch of people complaining to a short blonde girl about survival points but he paid it no mind and ripped a paper that was for training.

He popped into a large field that had a track on it. Jack then set his coffee down and pulled out a competence and drank it.

Although it looked like water it tasted a little bitter in his opinion.

After that Jack began to jog the track and he continued to do so until he was completely exhausted. Jack checked the time and noticed that he had been jogging for around 2 hours.

Jack 'This won't be enough to survive in paradise.'

Jack instinctively knew that just based on the hard mission he had done that he would not be able to get far in paradise.

So as soon as he made it back Jack quickly went back to his room and recovered his stamina before going back down to the board and tearing another paper.

Jack then continued to repeat this process for around 3 days till a notification popped up in front of him.

[Agility has Increased to Mid(Low)]

Jack was presently surprised by this notification. He then finished running for the day and went back to rest and checked his status.

[Your Status Window]

[1. General Information]

Summoned date: March 16th, 2017

Marking Grade: Gold

Sex/Age: Male/20


Current Condition: Well Rested

Class: Lv. 0 (Invited)

Nationality:Europe (Area 2)

Affiliation: N/A

Alias: N/A

[2. Traits]

1. Traits

-Determined. (Will do anything their mind is focused on and will accomplish it no matter what)

- Patient. (Waits for the right time to complete a task with the greatest proficiency and success rate)

- Untrusting (Does not trust people easily and prefers to work alone)

2. Aptitude

-??? (Need to unlock your class first)

[3. Physical Level]

Strength: Low(Extreme)

Endurance: Mid(low)

Agility: Mid(Low)

Stamina: Mid(Low)

Magic: High(Low)

Luck: Low(Low)

Remaining Ability Points: 0

[4. Ability]

1. Innate Abilities

- Shadow Extraction: (Grade Unknown) Allows you to extract the shadow of foes that you or your soldiers kill

-??? (Condition must be met first)

-Shadow storage: (Grade Unknown) Allows you to store shadow soldiers in your shadow

- Shadow Armory: (Grade Unknown) Allows you to summon weapons or imbue weapons from your own shadow

2. Job Related Abilities

Remaining Ability Points: 0

[5. Level of Cognition]

Available after the conclusion of the tutorial.

Jack was confused by the 5th category in his status Level of Cognition but figured that it would unlock after he had made it out of the neutral zone.

Jack then closed it as the only thing that had changed was his agility so he decided that he should increase his strength next which was the only stat besides luck that was still not at mid rank.

After Jack decided what he was gonna do he went to sleep.


Jack woke up and went down to get a coffee like he had always done then headed towards the gym. When he got there he noticed the man named Seol was doing pushups while a tall lady with blonde hair was yelling at him and wacking him with a bamboo stick.

Jack ignored them and headed to the bench press and put 70kg on each side then proceeded to do 2 sets of 10 reps then rest for 10 mins and do another set of 10 reps. Jack after another 10 min rest Jack then repeated that process for another hour or so.

From personal experience Jack knew what would happen if he overworked himself so after feeling a burning sensation in his arms he took the plates off and headed back up to his room to sleep for the night.


Jack then did stamina and agility training for one day and did strength training for another, swapping them every day for 20 days.

Jack took one day off after one rotation like today. Jack was currently resting inside of the coffee shop he normally visits; he also noticed that there was a large number of people around the bulletin board.

Jack 'Ah, that's right our month is almost up so they are probably scrambling to gather enough points.' Jack spent most of what he first had on him when he bought half of the VIP stores stock of competence. Jack still comfortably was sitting on 8000 points since he got some from the missions that he did when he had a day off and all the stamina training missions he had been doing.

Jack decided that he would begin doing more missions after he finished yesterday's strength training and his strength increased to Mid(Low). Jack felt a little more confident so he thought about just doing Intermediate missions and building up his army so that he can take on the harder missions with better numbers.

Jack then finished his coffee and decided to walk around a little bit.

As Jack was walking around he heard two women talking around a corner.

Jack peeked around the corner and shook his head at the sight he was seeing.

One lady was bullying a girl who seemed to have a badly injured arm. Jack saw another woman step in before he turned around and sighing to himself.

Jack 'Well that is how this world works.'

Jack didn't like to think about his past but what he saw evoked some bad memories in him. Jack quickly shook the thoughts out of his head and walked back up to his room and laid down he thought tonight was gonna be a bad night.


Jack awoke with cold sweat all over his body. He knew what had caused it. It was the nightmare he had due to him remembering things about his past.

Jack let out a sigh and got up to take a shower then afterwards he went and got a coffee. Jack continued down to the bulletin board and quickly finished his coffee on the way. It burned his throat a little but he ignored it and tore an intermediate mission paper in half.

Jack 'Time to grind.'


5 hours later Jack popped back into the common area with a golden flash.

Jack had completed 6 intermediate missions in 5 hours netting him 4500 survival points. Jack felt a little tired and he felt that his mana was also running a little low so he went to grab some food to eat.

When Jack sat down he heard a group talking about the one month deadline.

Jack looked over and he noticed that it was all the top 5 places except him and the first place man named Seol.

Hao Won "The deadline couldn't possibly be 1 month and I can almost guarantee that it is actually 3 months."

Jack looked a little surprised and he quickly finished his food.

After hearing about that knews Jack decided that he should continue to complete missions so that he can buy some decent items from the VIP store for when he gets to paradise.


10 days later Jack was gathered in the commons area listening to what the Red hair woman whose name he came to learn was Cinzina from Grace who he met at a restaurant.

Jack just decided to ignore her since he already had 50000 points from completing almost every intermediate mission on the board at least once. He also dabbled in what seemed were the easier hard missions so that he could gather a large and stronger shadow army.

Jack realized that his army had grown considerably; it now consisted of 100 shadow soldiers. The soldier's strength varied greatly though as no monsters that were as strong as Bellivir and Hook had come out yet.

Jack did learn through completing the missions that his Shadow soldiers grew stronger when they killed monsters. Jack knew that this would help him greatly since he had a growing army of shadows behind him that could gain strength just like him.

Jack suddenly heard the girl who he had seen getting pushed around yell something out.

Yun Seora "What about the Awakening!?"

Cinzina "Did you really think the 7 Gods would bless you even though you couldn't gather a measly 1000 points!"

Jack's ears perked up at the word awakening.

Jack 'This will be interesting.'

1423 words today. I had some extra freetime today so here is another chapter. Also let me know if you want me to make an aux chapter that I will update as the story goes on for Jack's status. Anyway let me know if there is anything you want me to change or fix, otherwise Enjoy!

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