
Scouts Academy

Class has started for Levi and his friends, but will a dazed student who seems out of her head truly be their ticket to fitting in?

Dashprincess11 · Komik
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36 Chs

Chapter 2

"Miss Shigorati!" Mrs. Rico shouts, and Crystal jumps in her seat, looking up warily at the teacher, "Did you miss a dose of your medicine today? You just had another episode." Crystal looks at her confused, before clutching her head as she tries to remember what her daydream was about.

"I don't even remember making it to class," Crystal admits and Mrs. Rico sighs softly.

"I was just introducing the new students and told them that you would be responsible for showing them around." Mrs. Rico gestures to four people standing next to her and Crystal gazes at them. One boy was super tall, his blonde hair brushed back professionally and Crystal had to keep herself from snickering at how bushy his eyebrows were, but his blue eyes look at her with a slight hint of curiosity, "This is Erwin Smith," Mrs. Rico explains and goes to the next boy, he was slightly shorter than Erwin. His hair was a sandy blonde and his light blue eyes were friendly, "This is Farlan Church," Crystal's eyes shifted to a small girl whose red hair was in pigtails and her big green eyes gleamed excitedly, "This is Isabel Magnolia, and lastly-" Mrs. Rico points to a guy who was only a bit taller than the girl, his black undercut hair framed his pale face, revealing steel gray eyes that looked at her with a glare that could kill, "Levi Ackerman."

"Right." Crystal stands up and picks up her school bag, her keychains dangling, "I'll show them around and stop by the nurses' office for a dose of my medication."

"Please do. You were so out of it when you walked in, you didn't even say good morning to Sasha." Mrs. Rico says as Crystal walks up to the four musketeers, she snickers at her nickname for them.

"I'm sorry to have worried you, Mrs. Rico. Thank you for being patient with me." Crystal bows before taking the permission slip Mrs. Rico handed her before looking at the new kids, "Come on guys, let's get a move on. We have until Lunch to get a full tour in."

Crystal walks out of the classroom and hears their footsteps behind her, "My name is Crystal Shigorati. You each have my permission to use my first name, no need to get acquainted with me for too long."

"Crystal," A deep voice asks, and a pair of footsteps walk beside her, she looks to see Erwin, "I'm curious and a little concerned. Why were you unable to respond to the teacher even though you were wide awake?"

"Erwin!" The girl shouts behind her, "It's rude to pry into people's issues!"

"No no," Crystal waves her hands looking back at the redhead, "I'm fine with telling people since everyone in the school knows for my safety." She looks at Erwin, "To answer your question, I survived a plane crash 4 years ago, I was the only survivor because I managed to get to the surface of the water." Crystal says simply, "Because of that I was diagnosed with Maladaptive Daydreaming Syndrome. It means that certain sights, smells, or sounds can trigger me to have a daydream that I can't escape for some time." Crystal says simply, sticking her hands in her blazer pockets, "Basically, in that time it's hard to pull me out of that state without me doing it myself or someone causing me pain. Like a pinch to my arm or a slap to the face."

"I see. How are your academics then?" Erwin asks and Crystal seems to think about it for a moment.

"My grades were fine the last time I checked. I still do things I need to, and I only get like that around other people. My therapist says it's because I feel I shouldn't be here." Crystal rolls her eyes as she turns her heel toward the nurses' office, "If you guys don't mind, I'm going to take my medicine before the tour."

"That's fine. Would you like one of us to go in with you?" Farlan asks, and Crystal looks at him before smiling.

"I appreciate it, but please stay here." Crystal disappears into the nurses' office and Erwin looks after her before an elbow makes contact with his side.