
Scouts Academy

Class has started for Levi and his friends, but will a dazed student who seems out of her head truly be their ticket to fitting in?

Dashprincess11 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Chapter 10

3 days had passed and Crystal only reported 5 daydreams, only two were triggered by events around her. Currently explaining this to her doctor, she felt nervous.

"Firstly, you did something truly dangerous. Operating your car, going alone to the grocery store, all of that could have landed you in a Psych ward." The man says harshly, " Secondly, I never liked you on the medication my father prescribed you, but it seemed too risky to put a stop to it. I will cancel your monthly prescriptions, but I want you to start journaling. Every week we'll meet and discuss what you write. This way I can tell if any mental illnesses still need treatment."


"Crystal's got a Therapist session today." Hange says as she helps Farlan plant Red Tulip seeds, "Discussing our discovery."

"She put Levi in a grumpier mood doing that! She could've told him at least!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Levi looked all over the school and ended up late for Language Arts because he thought she was in trouble." Farlan frowns, "Once he got back he was super angry!"

"I wonder why he was so upset," Hange says, "I get that he's new to her condition, but that seems odd to me."

"Isabel and I believe he's caught feelings for her." Farlan sighs as he relaxes, "Typically people either fangirl over him or are afraid of his glares. Crystal didn't really react to him. He's made a friend and its really the first proper one outside of our friend group."

"Awh!" Hange grins, "He's definitely got a little crush on her. That's cute." Hange waters the soil and Farlan looks at her curiously.

"Do you think he has a chance with her? Honestly?" Hange looks at him before looking at the planter.

"Crystal has only liked one person before, that crush was on our friend Armin." Hange explains, "It wasn't more than what I like to call an infatuation with character, rather than an actual interest in being with him. Outside of that Crystal stuck to herself, Jean hits on her a lot but whenever he does she seems to hate it. I'd love to tell you Levi has a chance, but I'm not sure."

"Figures." Farlan smiles and Hange reflects it back to him before the two go off towards the open garden to trim bushes.


Crystal begins to fry the burgers on her pan, wearing short booty pajama shorts and an oversized hoodie that made it seem like she had nothing else on, her hair up in a messy bun.

"I wonder if I missed anything important today." Crystal says softly as she flips the burgers and suddenly her door gets knocked on, "Huh?" Crystal walks up and checks the peephole, seeing Levi standing there looking pissed, "Levi?" She asks as she opens the door, "Everything okay?"

"... Figured I'd come by and show you what I wrote during class since we only have two days left now to finish the song." Levi says and Crystal watches his eyes drift down her body, she tenses up as she remembers what she's wearing.

"Oh. Okay, come on in. I'm just now getting started on Dinner. Are you hungry?" Crystal asks and Levi steps in with a nod, taking his shoes off before speaking again.

"Tell us when you have a therapist appointment next time…" Levi mumbles, "Isabel was so worried she ran around the school like a dumbass." Crystal looks at him with wide eyes before smiling sweetly at him.

"I will be having one every week on Wednesdays now that my medication has been cut off." Crystal says up to him and his stormy eyes look deeply into hers, she wondered what had her glued to that spot, was she waiting for something?

Suddenly a burnt smell reaches her nostrils and she snaps out of it, quickly walking over to her slightly burning burgers. Flipping it once more to evenly cook them, she puts them on bread buns, and puts two slices of cheese on top. Closing the sandwiches she puts one on a plate and opens her oven. Pulling out the pan of fries with cheese and bacon bits on top, she scoops out two scoops each and looks around.

"Something wrong?" Levi asks and Crystal looks back at him.

"I don't have any hot water prepared. Will water be okay?"

"Yeah." Levi says softly and Crystal nods before placing the plate of food in front of him and puts hers in front of her seat. Grabbing two colorful cups from the cabinet, she walks over to her fridge and fills them both with ice and water. 

"If I knew you were coming, I would've prepared some. I'm sorry." Crystal says as she sets down the dark blue cup in front of him and puts hers down as she takes a seat.

"It's no problem…" Levi picks up a fork and scoops up some of the fries into his mouth, Crystal watches as sparkles show in his eyes, smiling from seeing him happy she begins to eat herself, "So… where did you grow up?" 

"21 questions?" Crystal smirks playfully and he huffs like he was about to take it back, "I grew up here, but my father ended up getting this business job that made us fly a lot."

"I see…" Levi mumbles and Crystal looks at her plate.

"You?" She asks curiously and he looks at her for a moment before responding.

"I was raised in Sina." Levi says simply, "What were your siblings like?"

"I had two brothers and a sister. I was the youngest. My eldest brother was named Yagi, then it was Joey and Selina." Crystal says simply, "Yagi was the typical older brother. Taking care of everyone and making sure not even little me felt left out. Joey constantly tried to show off to seem like the cool sibling and Selina kind of hated me. She sprayed dish soap in my eyes when I was barely walking." Crystal giggles as she stuffs a bite of her food in her mouth and Levi looks at her before she swallows, "How's your family?"

"My mother got knocked up by a client, and soon passed away while I was 7. My uncle took me in and taught me the basics to survive on my own, leaving me alone in an apartment by the time I was 12." Levi says and tenses up, "Sorry. I didn't mean to tell you all that."

"It's okay. Think of this as a safe space. Talk about whatever you want, I won't judge." Crystal smiles at him as she finishes her food.

"... What career are you planning on going to?"

"I want to be a casual singer, local gigs only. Then a Manga Artist full time." Crystal says as he picks up their plates and walks them to the sink, "You?"

"I want to be a professional photographer. Music is just a hobby for me." Levi says as he cleans the dishes, "Have you ever been in love?" 

"Sheesh. Quite the personal question." Crystal playfully waves her hand, "But, no. I haven't. I've only had one crush in my life and it wasn't even because I wanted to be with him, I just wanted to be good friends." Crystal looks away, "You?"

"No. I haven't really taken to any fangirls." Levi walks back, "And any other girl was too afraid to approach me to be friends." Sitting down he takes a drink of his water.

"I'm not afraid of you." Crystal says simply, "I mean sure… When you walked in looking pissed, I was a bit scared, but I've got no reason to fear you." 

"Tsk." Levi clicks his tongue before looking at her fully, "You're a first to not attack me out of overblown infatuation too."

"Fangirls are weird." Crystal giggles, before looking at him, "Your turn. Ask me a question."

"What is one thing you've always wanted but it was too expensive?" Levi asks and Crystal looks away as she thinks about it.

"They're not too expensive per say, but I find it weird to buy yourself flowers. My favorite flower is a Blue Orchid. I've always wanted some to grow in my garden out back." Crystal says happily, and Levi nods, "How would you define Romance…?"

"Well…" Levi takes a sip of her water, "I think it's finding someone you can feel connected with on a different level than others." Crystal smiles and nods, "What's your most precious possession?" Crystal gets up and walks away, heading into her bedroom before reaching into her nightstand. Pulling out the shiny necklace she walks back.

"This Scout necklace." Crystal says, holding it so he could see the logo of the academy, "When I was 5 years old, I found this after becoming separated from my mother at the mall. It was on the ground and when I bent down to pick it up, my mom's voice called out to me. I believe that I found it for a reason, and I've kept it ever since."

"Were you wearing it during?"

"Yeah. It somehow survived with me." Crystal laughs and Levi looks at her worriedly, "It's good to talk about it, sometimes." Picking up her drink he follows her into the living room and she sits down on the couch, "So, Mr. Popular," Crystal teases, "What would be the best way for a girl to ask you out?"

"Huh? What kind of question is that?" Levi asks with a deadpan expression and Crystal laughs.

"Too shy to answer, eh?! I see how it is-"

"No. I'll answer you brat." Levi growls at her teasing and she giggles, "I suppose she could set up a nice lunch for us to eat together like normal people, and tell me how she feels." Levi says with a shrug, and rolls his eyes at Crystal's giggling, "You look stupid." He says and Crystal laughs.

"Okay your turn." Crystal smiles and Levi's eyes soften noticeably.

"If I made you dinner, what would you like to be on the Menu?" Levi asks with a small smirk, and Crystal felt her cheeks heating up but she couldn't stop herself.

"You." She blurts out, and she slaps a hand over her mouth, noticing a slight pink show up on his cheeks, "Just kidding!" She says muffled behind her hand, before removing it nervously, "One of my favorite things is Curry. So, spicy curry over rice?" Levi nods as he rubs his hand over his mouth, Crystal couldn't help but giggle at him, "What's something new you'd like us to try?"

"Us?" Levi asks and Crystal tenses up.

"Yeah. Like together. As friends." Crystal felt the need to clarify and he smirks at her, her eyes widened as he leaned in closer to her. Now mere inches away from her face.

"Oh yeah? I guess there's a few things I'd like to try with you-" Levi's hand reaches up and touches Crystal's cheek when a loud knock comes from the door. Crystal couldn't thank the heavens enough.

"U-Uh… Let me go get that." Crystal leans away from him and gets up, walking to the door she looks through the peephole, seeing an officer standing there with his hand on his gun, opening it slightly, "Hello?"

"Yes, are you Crystallina Shigorati?" Crystal opens the door up.

"Um. Yes, why do you ask?"

"We received a phone call from a neighbor saying that the car out front of your house is suspicious and asked for us to do a wellness check." Crystal looks past the officer to see Hange smirking.

"That fucking bitch." Crystal says out loud and sighs, "I'm sorry officer. The car isn't suspicious. It's my friends."

"Oh. Alright, just aiming to keep the neighborhoods safe." The officer nods to her and Crystal glares at Hange as he walks away. Turning to go back in she stops before going into the living room, she was nervous. 

She wasn't against what Levi was hinting towards, he definitely wanted to kiss her, but she was afraid she lost her chance. Touching her lips as she leans back against the wall, she wondered how soft his lips would've been. 

"Hm?" Levi hums as he walks out, a smirk on his lips, "You okay?"

"Oh-! Yeah. It was just Hange pranking us." Crystal smiles sheepishly, dropping her hand and her eyes widen as he steps in front of her, putting a hand against the wall beside her head.

"Yeah? Then why were you standing out here in the hallway? Did I make you nervous?" Levi smirks wider and Crystal tenses up as her face grows hotter.

"A-A little… Yeah." Crystal admits and Levi's smirk widens before he leans closer, they were so close she felt his breath on her face.

"If I wanted to kiss you," Levi starts, "Would you say no?" Crystal gulps and timidly shakes her head 'no', "Oh really?" Levi leans further in, their lips barely touching so now whenever he spoke it would make them have small short kisses, "Why is that?" Crystal shivers under the touches.

"I-I-I-" Crystal stutters, and Levi goes to press into a kiss when another knock comes to the door, this time it was frantic. He instantly looked really pissed, but pressed a kiss to her lips anyway. Her heart felt like it would explode on contact and her eyes closed peacefully as he moved his free hand to caress her cheek.

The knocks resound again and Levi pulls away with a click of his tongue, begrudgingly walking to the door. Leaving a flustered Crystal leaning against the wall, face burning.

He opens the door to reveal Hange who's eyes widen at him.

"Answering the door now? This is Crystal's house, you know." Hange teases and looks in at Crystal, "Eh? What's wrong with you?"

"It's just really hot in here." Levi says with a slight smirk as he leans against the door, "What do you want, four eyes?"

"I half expected you to leave when the cop did… But when you didn't, I wanted to see if my darling Crystal was safe or not."

"Tsk. That's all? You interrupted our movie." Levi says harshly, and Hange smirks playfully at him.

"Oh? Private movie night just the two of you? Farlan must've been on to something." Hange grins and Levi huffs.

"If that's it, I'm getting cold." Levi says and Hange laughs before nodding, "Good. Bye." Levi shuts the door in her face and locks it before turning to Crystal who was touching her lips again, "Hm?"

"N-Nothing." Crystal mutters, and Levi huffs, before walking to her, "T-That… was interesting."

"Oh yeah?" Levi smirks before helping her off the wall, "Let's watch an actual movie together?"

"Sure." Crystal says softly, her heart still pounding as they sit down on the couch, she feels herself getting lost inside her head. Was he just teasing her? Trying to get a reaction out of her? Did she mess up? 

"What's up?" Levi asks, now back to his serious expression and Crystal looks at him before looking away quickly.

"I just… Were you just teasing me?" Crystal asks, and she feels Levi tense up on the couch, "I'm sorry, I just can't imagine someone like you wanting to do that…"

"... You're right, I was just teasing you. Sorry." Levi says simply, "Thought it would be… Cool to see how you'd react." Crystal looks at him nervously.

"Did… I disappoint?" Crystal asks and Levi looks at her with wide eyes, his cheeks tint pink as he clicks play on a movie.

"No… You were cute." Levi admits and Crystal felt her cheeks burning up again. The two remain quiet after that, peacefully watching the movie Levi had picked and Crystal couldn't help but steal glances at him. She wanted to feel his soft lips again, she wanted to see that smirk on his face as he leaned in again. 

She slaps her cheeks, she feels herself slipping into a daydream. Levi looks at her to make sure she is okay, but as the credits roll he gets up.

"I have to get home." Levi says softly, and Crystal looks at him.

"Okay." Crystal gets up, planning on seeing him out as they walk towards the door and Crystal feels her heart thumping painfully against her chest. She wanted him to touch her face again, she wanted to kiss him again.

"You okay?" Levi asks as he looks at her, her face heats up as their eyes lock, and she reaches up, tugging on the collar of his shirt. Placing a soft kiss on his cheek, she giggles as his cheeks tint pink.

"Just thought I'd tease you, too." Crystal smirks and Levi reflects it before cupping her cheek, pressing a kiss to her chin, teasingly so close to her lips but never touching as he pulls away.

"Tsk. You're such an idiot." He lets go of her cheek before going out and Crystal feels all her nerves wash away, only to be replaced by excitement.