
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
101 Chs

Can’t fool a blind man? | Part 10

Jackson was gazing at the Garden as the fresh breeze hits his face "Jackson? Geez, your brother should stop leaving you anywhere" he looked behind him and smiled when he saw Callista.

"Oh, what's this?" she said with a smile as she walked towards him "You got your eyesight back. You should stop your brother from borrowing it" she said and stood silently beside him.

"As I said, it's the only thing for us to survive. I won't even mind if Jake does steal my eyesight" he said before looking back at the sky.

"You know, I was really happy when you became friends with me even though it's only one-sided. You somehow made this Academy more fun to attend." he said so Callista looked at him from the side.

"Should you be saying that when you already saw my true side?" she asked.

"I've always noticed it even though I never saw you when we talk. You already give out an aura that's unapproachable but I'm still happy. Thank you for everything Callista." he said and smiled up at her.

"What are your plans after you fix everything?" she asked and tilted her head "Hmm. I don't know. Maybe we'll just go with the flow but I still have to think of a way how to put our eldest brother down. It's not like anyone would help us." he said and sighed with a smile.

"Do you hate your Father that much to include him?" Callista asked and blinked at him innocently "My Father... he really loved my mother even though she was just a mistress maybe because it was an arranged marriage between the first countess and father but he doted on Mother so much" he had a sad smile on his face while reminiscing the moments.

"My father was wrecked when our mother died and Jake couldn't accept the fact that father wasn't by her side on her deathbed. Jake is blind so he couldn't see the look on father's face that day" he said and breathed in the air.

"But my eldest brother won't be able to do that without help from the Imperial Council" he said showed a hint of disappointment "Are you assuming that your father is the one helping your brother?" Jackson turned to her as Callista looked at him blankly.

"What?" Callista sighed at his dumb answer "Your Father has been pestering the Council since the first explosion happened. It's most likely because the both of you are here so your brother is getting backed up by another member." she said with a shrug before looking at the garden.

"How did you know that?" he asked "That's why I said Ivan is useful. I think I've talked to him about that a week ago?" she said and tried remembering before shrugging.


[One week ago...]

Callista stared as it exploded by the time Ivan put a flower petal inside the pot "Callista, is this even correct? And why are you just looking at me? You know how I suck at witchcraft" he complained while glaring at her.

"How about this? I'll finish the potion if you do something I say" she said with a smile when Ivan's face brightened "What is it? Tell me!" he said, excitedly so she ushered him to come over.

She pulled him down to whisper in his ear "You know where Count Mel lives, right? Spy on him for a few days and tell me what he has been doing" she said so Ivan looked at her with confusion.

"Why would you want to spy on him?" he asked so she glared at him "I'll tell you if you don't tell it to others unless we're sure" she said and gave him a warning glare.

"Alright. Fine. Whatever. Just tell me already!" he said and bent down again so she whispered to him everything. A smirk made its way to his lips "Really? That's interesting!" he said.

"Fun, right?" she grinned before giving him a look "Remember, you better shut your mouth or I'll slice that tongue of yours" she threatened.

"Then you won't mind if I go now right?" he said and he didn't even wait for her answer as lightning prickled and he was gone.



"You can say that he's the first one who knew" she shrugged "And I know a way for Jake's eyesight to temporary return although you need to climb a mountain in the West where a magician I know lives there. He may be able to help you." she added as Jackson's lips parted in utter shock before he smiled.

"Really, I don't know whether you're a villain or not" he chuckled as Callista looked at him with a villainous smile "Isn't it obvious? Of course I'm the villain. I'm only doing this to help Ignis." she said as Jackson smiled as an answer.

'You say that and yet you didn't do anything but help us the past few days...' He thought.

Callista was breathing in the air but she stared blankly at the center of the garden when she felt something "Oh, that was faster than I expected" she said so Jackson looked at her in confusion.

Callista was inhaling air, but she stared blankly at the center of the garden while something struck her as unexpected.

"What broke?" he asked so Callista looked at him.

"The magic I put to suppress it from transforming" she said as the ground suddenly shook and something suddenly came out of the ground.

It was pure black, with fangs and horns, and even has sharp claws even though it doesn't have a physical appearance.

"What is that?" Jackson asked, shocked "That's the outcome if you put many souls in despair" she said as she stared at it attacking the buildings.

"You mean the students who died?" he asked so she nodded "Jake is still there! We have to go!" he shouted in the middle of screams and cries

"Okay," she said and went behind him to push his wheelchair. Callista ran down the hill until they reached the destination "There! Jake's there!" Jackson shouted from the chaos and pointed at the man in front of the monster.

"Take me there! He needs my eyesight" he panicked "You can't" Callista shook her head "But..!" Jackson tried arguing but only stopped when Callista blankly stared at him.

"Please... Please save him!" he said in defeat as his eyes watered "I'll try but I can't promise" she said and left him at a safe distance before running away.