
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Can’t fool a blind man? | Part 9

Silence embraced them after Ignis explained the situation more properly "Then.." they all looked at Jackson when he spoke.

"Please help us!" he said and bowed his head to show he was pleading "Jackson! Stop that! We don't need them" Jake said with wide eyes "You heard what they said, Jake" he said making Jake silent before looking back at Callista.

"Our eldest brother is a greedy man. He wants to kill us to be the only heir to the Count's position. He wants to get rid of the Emperor after he takes over this school, that is how greedy he is for power. Seeing how smart you are and how you were able to summon and tame a red butterfly. I beg of you, please help us!" Jackson said with his head bowed down.

"He's right" they looked at Jake after and all gasped when he kneeled "Please, help us" he said with both of them now bowing their heads.

Anastasia looked up at Callista who was staring blankly at them as they all wait for her answer. "I know a way." she said making everyone smile.

"But I can't" she added making everyone freeze as Anastasia clench her fists "Callista, I know you don't care whether we get killed or not as long as you don't get hurt but this is too much! They are practically begging you!" she said as she stood up to face Callista.

"I already helped them by basically stopping them from killing all of us" she said "Just how heartless can you be! You know a way to stop this and yet you won't help them" Anastasia said and looked down as she felt helpless.

"Ana, you can help them if you want but I can't" Callista said as Anastasia finally had enough of it and held Callista by the collar.

"I don't understand you. You look as if your helping then a minute later you'll become a villain again. Just what are you trying to achieve by toying with us?" she said and harshly pushed her as Callista found her balance.

"There's no use of telling if you won't even understand" she said as light prickled from Anastasia's fingertips and was ready to attack "Stop that" they all looked at Ignis when he spoke and was coldly looking at both of them.

"The both of you better calm down" he gave them a warning look before looking at the twins "We'll help you" both of their faces brightened before Ignis turned to Callista.

"You don't have to help us if you don't want to but just join us" he said while staring straight at her eyes making Callista sigh "Fine if that's what you want" she said.

"Let's meet tomorrow in English Class to brainstorm" he said and they couldn't do anything but nod silently.

The next day, they were all seated at the same table "You don't listen, do you?" Callista raised a brow when she saw Jake with his vision again.

"Jackson forced me" he said and sat beside Ivan "By the way, what does your brother intend to do with the giant magic core in school?" Denovan confusedly asked.

"He's planning on destroying the school and making it look like an accident before taking complete control of the Academy from the Headmaster" he explained.

"While looking at the books from my Father's study last night I think I found a way to destroy the magic core without sacrificing anything" Ivan said.

"You can leave the school grounds?" Callista asked in surprise "Nope. Haven't Ivan told you yet? He can teleport to any place he wants to go" Anastasia said making Callista frown.

"Lucky bastard" she muttered "Callista already put magic to suppress the transformation of the magic core this morning" Ignis informed making Callista sigh

"You can do that? I know you were not just a simple magician but I didn't expect you to be that strong" Jake said while studying Callista's face.

"Don't depend much on my magic. I can only hold on for a few hours before it breaks" she said "So how can we destroy it, Ivan?" Anastasia asked

"According to the books, a magic core can be broken by breaking it in half so it won't regenerate" Ivan said "So the only thing we need to do is to break it in two pieces?" Jake asked so Ivan nod.

"It might look easy but a magic core is hard to break because of the magic inside so you need a big amount of magic to break it" he said "Are you saying I can't do it?" Jake asked so Ivan stared at him.

"Judging how powerful you are I may say that you have a 25 percent chance of succeeding" Ivan said "Just 25 percent?! " Jake said so Callista clicked her tongue.

"Oi. Do you know how hard it is to destroy a magic core? Tch. I'll go to the restroom" she said and stood up "What? But class is about to start" Anastasia asked in confusion "I'll be quick" she smiled before running away.

Callista massaged her neck when she suddenly felt as if she was getting choked as she winced in pain.

"Kkegh... Kkegh.."

She stared blankly at her feet when blood dropped from her palm when she coughed "Fucking restraints" she clicked her tongue and coughed violently again.

"Callista" she looked up when someone called her "Ignis..." she muttered his name as she looked at him walk towards her.

"You should've said something when it was too much for you to do" he said and took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood on her hand

"Do I look that weak to get sick just because of that?" she said with a smile as he kneeled to wipe the blood off the floor before standing up again.

"Then what other reason is there that you're like this?" he said so Callista bitterly laughed and leaned her head on his chest "It's because I helped you Ignis..." she said with eyes shut.

"Do you expect me to understand if you talk in puzzles like that?" he asked in furrowed brows so Callista looked up to see him looking down at her.

The sun from the big windows in the hallway touched half of Ignis's face and how pretty were his purple eyes underneath the sunlight to shine like that.

"That's why I couldn't explain. Although it's much safer if you don't understand" she said and flashed him a sweet smile.

"Thank you for wiping the blood off, Ignis" she said when he didn't answer before she walked away.