
Science In Another World

While Dave was walking to home from college he saw a speeding truck was about to run over a child. In last minute effort he jumped to save the child but he ended up dying instead. Next thing he knew was a women being forced on in front of his eyes. Thus his journey as a magical scientist had begun!

Sixth_Bark · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Officially In Love...

As we enter Restomon Tess asks me "What do you want to do here?" "I want to explore this place to the fullest before we go and have dinner." I replied with excitement. "Then, let us go do that. Shall we?" as she said that she held me hand. "Un!" I replied with a cute smile.

"Where do you want to go first?" She asked while we were walking "I don't know.... Where should we go?" I said that I would like her suggestion. "Hmm, lets go to the best parts of Restomon then." After some thinking she told me that. Then she held my hand tighter and said "We are going to the market first!" with a radiant smile. Then we started walking faster.

While we were walking I saw that the houses in Restomon were as any house of an isekai would be. A stone foundation with wooden walls. With a red roof on top of the house's head it looked very medieval. Some houses were big then others while some were shorter. They were usually two stories height. the houses were really organized. But it didn't seem like technology had advanced any further then the medieval period. The streets were made out of stone. Tho I didn't see alot of people I could say there weren't any human or any other race mixed in to this city.

Not soon had we started walking we reached the market. The amount of people were there was extremely high. "Woahh!" I exclaimed with excitement. "This is my first time seeing so many people. " Tho I seen more people than this in my previous life but this was the first time seeing this many here. I looked at Tess wondering if she had something to say or not. Her face looked like she had lost all emotion but as soon as she noticed me looking at her, she looked at me and smiled. Then she said "Let's look around then." "Un" I agreed to her suggestion.

On the market I could see that the place was very big. There were shops left right and center. The place were the market was circular. The middle of the market was a huge building. It looked like it was a church. But to be sure I pointed at it and asked Tess "What is that house?" "That's not a house silly. That's the church of Restomon!" she replied. "What's a church?" I asked while tilting my head. "It's a place where people pray." she replied wholeheartedly. "Oooooh" I made a expression that said I understood. Suddenly my stomach begun growling. Tess noticed my stomach growling and told me "We should go and grab lunch." "Un." I replied with a smile. Then we went to a restaurant nearby and had a meal.

---------------After lunch---------------

When having lunch I asked Tess multiple questions. Most of them Involved Cecilia. Like what she likes, hobbies, color, food etc. I occasionally asked Tess about what she likes. She usually told the answer with a chuckle or two. Its better knowing stuff about people who take care of you. After leaving the restaurant I saw some beautiful flowers that I never seen before. 'They would be good as a gift' I thought. Then suddenly I heard a faint tune. Because we elves have sensitive hearing I could tell someone was playing a song. Strangely enough it was very harmonious. I told Tess that I wanted to check something out so I told her to stay there. She was a bit sceptical but she agreed. I headed over to the place I heard the tune the song became louder and louder every time I got close. I arrived at a shop where the song was playing.

I quietly entered the shop only to find A young lady elf to be playing a violin. I saw in complete awe when I heard her play it up close. Her eyes were closed. But, melodious tune didn't stop. She looked like a complete angel to me. Her hair was platinum silver. Her skin was pale white. Her lips and nose were beautifully shaped. She was definitely an high elf. But It didn't took her long to notice I was listening to her music. She stopped playing her violin and opened her eyes. Her pupils were of pure amethyst. They were gorgeous to say the least. Then she looked at me who was flustered beyond belief. "My my, What do we have here?" she said in an alluring voice. I have say that I have officially fallen in love.
