
Science In Another World

While Dave was walking to home from college he saw a speeding truck was about to run over a child. In last minute effort he jumped to save the child but he ended up dying instead. Next thing he knew was a women being forced on in front of his eyes. Thus his journey as a magical scientist had begun!

Sixth_Bark · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

A Lesson In Magic

"Where am I?" As I open my eyes I saw that I was floating in total darkness. "Am I dead?" "ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳ ᵂᶦⁿᶦᶠʳᵉᵈ" "Huh? I think I heard something" "ᵂᵃᵏᵉ ᵘᵖ" "There! I heard it Again!" I try to find where the voice came from. "ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳ ᵂᶦⁿᶦᶠʳᵉᵈ" "It sounds so familiar." Suddenly a flash of light occurs.

"Master Winifred, Wake up!" said a very familiar voice. It was a very sweet voice. I felt like I knew this voice. "Master Winifred!" I open my eyes to see Tessia's Very worried face. "What happened?" I asked in a concerning way. "What time is-" Before I could ask that another familiar voice said "You passed out due to using to much mana." "Oh... then what happened?" I asked her. "I called Tessia. She carried you to your room. You should be grateful instead of asking questions"

I held Tess's hand and said "Thank you for taking such good care of me. You always taken care of all my needs. I am very grateful to have a caretaker great as you!" from my heart. "Is that so? Then it makes me happy to be your caretaker." she said while giving her prettiest smile while closing her eyes & little little drops of water at the edge of her eyes. 'My heart will melt from this cuteness' Was what I thought. "... Ehem." Cecilia tried to drew attention from current state. "Rest up for the day and meet me after we have dinner. " after saying that she left in a hurry. 'What could she mean by that?' I thought "By the way, what time is it?" I asked Tess. "Afternoon." she answered quickly. "Can you hug me while I sleep?" I asked her earnestly with no ill intentions. "Un." as she gets on the bed and hugs me. "This... is... nice..." I say as I fall asleep.

--------------In The Evening-------------

Tess woke me up in the evening and told me to get freshened and ready for dinner. So, I got out of bed and washed my face with water and did my messy bedhair. After that Tess called me for dinner. While I walk over to the dining table, I saw father flying into the mansion. He usually comes before the evening but today he's late. So, I asked him, "Father, why are you late today?" "Oh hello there my son. Dad had go a really long trip." He answered with a smile. "Okay, Welcome home then." Accepting the fact I welcomed him home. "Let us go to the dining table together dad." After a second of widen his eyes he said "Sure."

Then we both arrived at the dinning table. We saw Cecilia reading a book while waiting for us. She asked father "Dad, why are you late today." "I-" before he could answer I said "Father had to go to a very far place so he was late coming home" then dad pat my head. "Let's have dinner shall we?"

Dad always has dinner on home. I rarely see him home any time besides dinner. So, this is the few interactions I have with him. I usually ask him various stuff to get information about this world. Today, when eating dinner I randomly asked him "Father, what does the 'D.' mean in our name?" After a brief pause father put his fork & knife down and answered me, "The 'D.' stands for nobility. Like your my son, so you will have the 'D.' in your name. It means Duke. When someone hears your name they will instantly know that your related to a Duke. That is the meaning of 'D.' in your name."

"Then, how do we recognize a king's relative?" I asked him. "They will have 'K' in their name." "Un, thank you father."

Not long after that conversation we ended our dinner. Before leaving the table I remembered that Cecilia told me to meet her in her room. I not knowing where her room is rushed over to Tess and asked her to take me to Cecilia's room. She didn't disagree and took me to her room. After taking me to her room Tess told me to call her if I needed anything. I said to her before she was leaving that she was the best.

After opening the door to her room Cecilia said to me "Why are you late? Didn't I told you to come after dinner?" "I didn't know the way to your room so I had to go get Tess to take me here." I replied. "Alright, remember the way to my room from now on. You will be coming here often." she said after hearing my replied. "By the way, why did you call me here sis?" Her eyes widen the moment I called her sis. Then she came back to normal and said, "I will tell you everything you need to know about magic. So remember what I say."

"So, that all you need to know for now." 'MY GOD' was what I thought. Her lesson started at the end of the evening and LASTED UNTIL MIDNIGHT. Even though, there was alot of really valuable information I received. So, I would say time well spent. And to summarize what she said,

Magic has mainly elemental based. The elements that are used as magic are water, wind, fire & ground in easy to hardest to control in that order. These four elements are used as Offensive & Defensive. There is also recovery magic aka healing magic. It doesn't fall into the element type. It is for priests who follow god and are faithful. Other then these if someone uses any other type of magic then they are an heretic by the church's law. When I asked her why she said, those who overstep their mortal authority must be exterminated. That's why other magic are heresy. So, if I create any 'Heretical' magic I must keep it a secret.

Also before leaving I asked Cecilia "Hey sister?" "Yes, what is it?" she asked in a tired manner. "Will I be rewarded for using magic today?" I asked in a flustered way. "Sure, if its something I can give you then ask away." she didn't deny it and told me if she could she will give me. While stuttering & in a quiet voice I told her, "I want to... go... on a.. d-date with you!"