
Science and Technology Library

The supreme realm of science is theology; immortality, flying in the sky and retreating, calling the wind and calling the rain, moving mountains and filling the sea. These myths and legends can be realized by science. If you want to use these technologies, you must have the highest authority of the science and technology library. An accidental saving of people allowed Chen Mo to reap love and a science and technology library with endless technology. The story begins... Translator: DaoistPure Raw: https://www.soxscc.org/KeJiTuShuGuan/ Support me and read advance chapters on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DaoistPure

DaoistPure · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Super brain?

In the male dormitory of Binhai University, Chen Mo left his cell phone with a smile on his face. Today will be the luckiest day in his life.

After putting away the phone, Chen Mo picked up a book on Higher Mathematics and opened it.

Suddenly, his eyes constricted.

In the book, the complex formula quickly became clear in his head.

After turning ten pages, he still clearly remembered the formulas, theorems, and even the problem-solving process of each page.

What happened? Never forget?

Chen Mo suddenly remembered what Shu Lao said, his current head, unlike ordinary people, is already a super brain.

Chen Mo quickly turned back to the first page of the book and couldn't wait to start reading. He reads the book very fast, almost ten lines at a glance, and a page in less than half a minute. The formulas, theorems, and various explanations and analyses are all engraved in his mind, even if he closes the book, it is still very clear.

Chen Mo twisted his arm, it was indeed painful, not a dream.

In ecstasy, Chen Mo continued to flip through the book. His speed is very fast, within half an hour, he has already read half a book.

Leibniz formula, Lagrange's mean value theorem, Cauchy's mean value theorem, Gauss formula...

Even if I only read it once, the formulas, theorems, and guidelines in the book are all clear. Not only that, but the variants of those formulas can quickly come to mind.

Never before has it been so easy to learn Higher Mathematics.

With joy, Chen Mo continued to look through it. An hour later, Chen Mo turned to the last page and closed the book. The densely packed formula theorem flashed through his mind, and he even remembered which page the formula was on.

Chen Mo was ecstatic

The mathematics that once made him suffer is not so difficult to understand at this time. At this time he found that learning didn't seem to be that difficult.

Putting the higher mathematics book away, Chen Mo picked up the Physics book next to him and continued to read. Chen Mo's desire to learn seemed to have increased. He couldn't extricate himself from being immersed in learning.

When Chen Mo was reading the book, several people walked in from outside the dormitory. After seeing Chen Mo, the faces of several people were weird, and when they saw him reading the book, their expressions instantly became wonderful.

"Did he get stupid after getting hit by the bookshelf?" said a fat man at the head of the group.

"It looks like it," said Liu De, who was wearing glasses next to him.

The other three also nodded their heads as expected.

The five people talked in a low voice and pulled Chen Mo out of the book. After seeing the fat man and others, he closed the book.

"When did you come back?" The fat man said, "I just heard that a beautiful woman is taking care of you, and you didn't wake up, so we didn't feel ashamed to disturb you. Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Chen Mo felt warm.

"Chen Mo, what book are you reading?"

The tall and thin Zhu Gang, who looks like a bamboo pole, walked up to him. After seeing the physics in his hand, his face was weird: "Chen Mo, did you feel any stimulation?"

"Bamboo pole is right, don't hold back when you are stimulated, say it, holding it in your heart is not good for your health." said the youngest boy in the dormitory. His name is Puyuan, and he is known as Puyuan Master.

"Wool, what can I do? You should enlighten your female donor'."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Several people laughed wildly and being able to say these words showed that Chen Mo was indeed okay.

"Chen Mo, I heard that the girl you saved took care of you for three days. Is such a good girl taken?" The fat man leaned over to Chen Mo's ear, with a gossip expression on his face.

Thinking of Xiao Yu's appearance, Chen Mo wore a smile on his mouth.

"Well, I get it."

The fat man patted Chen Mo on the shoulder meaningfully, he smiled, and sat back in his seat: "Comrades, to celebrate the safe return of our dormitory hero, let's take a black one."

"Should I order supper?"

"Next time, we just went out for a wave and can't eat it."

"Why do I sound a little weird?"


The five people turned on the computer to log in to the game, and Chen Mo continued to focus on the book.

The next day, Chen Mo got up and dragged his body to get up early in the morning. After washing, he went to the library. "I was too fascinated by reading books last night. After reading all the major courses in the university, I only went to bed after two o'clock."

Today is my first date with Xiao Yu. If I don't go because I slept late, I'm afraid I'll be out of the picture.

When he came to the library, Chen Mo took a look at the bookshelf where the accident happened. It has been cleaned up and restored as before.

Picking up a few Chinese herbal medicine illustrations and pharmacological analysis books on the bookshelf, he walked to the self-study area.

In the morning on weekends, there are not too many people in the library, and more people are sleeping late. After looking around in the self-study area for a while, Chen Mo chose a corner position to sit down and enter the learning state.

It didn't take long for Chen Mo to feel movement around him. Turning his head to see, Xiao Yu had already sat down beside him. The two did not agree on the specific floor, and they did not expect to choose the floor where they met for the first time tacitly.

"Are there any discomforts in your body?" Xiao Yu glanced at him.

"No." Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

"Do you study medicine?" Xiao Yu pointed to the stack of books on Chinese medicine illustrations and pharmacological analysis.

"On a whim, I just want to understand."

Chen Mo's answer caused Xiao Yu's eyes to flicker, and suddenly he thought of something, his cheeks blushed, and he focused on the book.

Inside the library, it fell silent again.

Chen Mo focused on the book, his eyes focused. The same kind of drug illustrations flashed through his mind, and he remembered the introduction and effects of drugs completely in his mind.

The reason why he looks at the TCM Illustrated Book is very simple. It is necessary to clarify the types of drugs in the Potential Development Technology. If you want to use a medicine, you must clarify the name of the medicine, because the technical information is different from the name here.

He has the Potential Development technology, and if he wants to stimulate his potential, he must make potential potions. However, he currently does not have the technology and equipment to make the medicine into potions. He can only use the most primitive method.

Chen Mo's reading speed is also increasing, he can now read one page per ten seconds, but the name and effect of the drugs are all engraved in his mind.

In the silent library, except for the slight sound of people speaking from outside, only the sound of him flipping through the books was left.

Before long, Chen Mo felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange, and when he raised his head, he saw that there was another girl opposite him.

The girl wore a short skirt and had fair skin. She was a great beauty but lacked the delicate demeanor of Xiao Yu's body.

Xiao Yu's face was red at this time, and he stared at the girl with a nervous expression on his face.

"Hello, my name is Li Ruoxi, Xiao Yu's best friend."

Li Ruoxi smiled and stretched out her little hand in front of Chen Mo.

"Hello, my name is Chen Mo."

After shaking hands gently, Li Ruoxi retracted her hand and stared directly at him: "The way you were just now, it's not like studying. Do you want to chase our Xiaoyu?"

Chen Mo madly sweated, and he didn't expect this girl to be so straightforward. Needless to say, they can still be friends. Moreover, he is indeed learning.

"If you don't answer, I will take it as your acquiescence." Li Ruoxi's eyes were bent into crescent shapes: "In view of the last time you risked death to rescue Xiaoyu, I count you passed. Now I will tell you some important information. Want to listen?"

Chen Mo looked at Xiao Yu and found that her face was flushed, and she read the book pretending to be nonchalant, but she didn't know what she was looking at.

"Yes!" Chen Mo turned his head and nodded.

"Our little fish is nicknamed kitten because her character is like a kitten. When they are quiet, they are docile and well-behaved. Sometimes they are a little wild. Kittens have a potential personality, which is acting like a baby. I haven't seen it before. It depends on whether you have this blessing." Li Ruoxi said meaningfully.

Xiao Yu next to him, her face was red from the root of her ears to her neck, trying to stop Li Ruoxi, but this is the library, so she didn't dare to speak loudly. Li Ruoxi also pretended not to see it, making her helpless.

"Her nickname is kitten so naturally she likes to eat fish. She is a fisher girl who grew up on the beach and likes the sea. She is 165 in height, 49 in weight, her 3 measurements, and leg length, do you want to know? Come here, I will tell you quietly."

Li Ruoxi smiled badly and hooked her finger at Chen Mo.

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