
School Almanac

The action of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hunter X Hunter, and One Piece wrapped up in a single school named Magula High. Grab a bag of popcorn for this one, things are getting real dangerous.

Magma_Quartz · Seni bela diri
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10 Chs

Welcome To The Jungle

Period 2, 2D Art

Iris walked into the class and sat in her seat. Walking up to her was Ivy, who greeted her, "Sup, Iris. Cyana told me what happened yesterday. I did tell you to run." She then pinched Iris on her jaw, and then her forehead. "Ow, why'd you do that?" Iris asked. Ivy laughed a bit. "That's for what you did to Cyana. She damn near died." Iris smiled and kissed her teeth, "Oh yeah? And you think I didn't damn near die?" She then pinched Ivy on her shoulder and her chest. "Heh...I guess that's a little deserved," Ivy responded. Iris looked around the room, and asked "Where's Cyana?" Ivy answered, "She's taking a break from school. She's focusing on her mental health right now. I told Cyana not to get with Glad but nooooo, and now look what happened. I knew that his bum ass must've been the one to flirt with you first from how it sounded. He's such a damn bastard, I don't even want to look at him." As if on cue, Glad walked into the room. Ivy turned her head up, and chanted "I'm not gonna look. I'm not gonna look. I'm not gonna look…" After about 5 seconds, she turned her head back down, and remembered something. "Oh, I just remembered what I wanted to ask you Iris," She said. She pointed at her waist and said, "My chain! It's gone! I left it in the dorm building for a second and a bastard had to steal it! What am I even to do? That chain was made up of minerals from a meteorite, it's irreplaceable. I don't think I could live without it, which is why I need to find whoever stole it." She calmed down a bit, "So...have you seen anyone with it?" Iris responded, "No, but I can look for it right now." Ivy looked around the room, and grabbed Iris by the shirt. She exclaimed, "HUH? You think someone IN HERE took my shit!? Who did it!? Tell me, tell me!" Iris held her hands out, "No no no. My signature, Slide Zone, allows me to see all around. It's complicated to explain, but I can use it to look around places I'm not in, and I can tell you where I find it." Ivy sighed, "Should've said that earlier, I was out here almost having a panic attack over my chain…alright, class is about to start. Tell me if you succeed once it ends." She then walked back to her seat. Iris used Slide Zone to look all around the school, but she could not find it. She took about 5 minutes just looking around. However, even with her signature, she still felt it would've taken an eternity. The period ended, and Iris told Ivy of her failure.

Perspective Shift: Seven

Period 3, Advanced English

Seven walked in class with his standard white woolen jacket. The bell had rang, and Steven awaited him at his desk. "Hey Steven," Seven said to him. Steven smiled a bit, and told Seven, "Hey Seven. I got a box at my door again." Seven's eyes opened wide, but Steven quickly calmed him down by whispering, "Wait wait, there wasn't a note this time. I still brought it to school anyway. This time it had a grenade launcher and a flame thrower. And of course grenades...lots of them." Seven sighed, "Well, hopefully nothing bad happens again." Class started, and Steven told Seven, "Tell the teacher you have to go to the bathroom." Seven raised his hand, and said, "I have to go to the bathroom, sir!" The sub then told him, "Go ahead." As Seven stood up to go to the bathroom, Steven raised his hand as well. "Can I go as well?" The sub thought about it for a moment, and said "Ok, go ahead." Steven got up, and walked out of the class with Seven. They both still had their book bags on. They walked to the bathroom that was parallel to the classroom. It had two doors, one for males and females. Inside, it was simply a normal public bathroom. Steven opened every stall to check if anyone was in the bathroom with them. Once the cost was clear, he opened his book bag and pulled out the grenade launcher. He then held it out for Seven. "Me, Marty, and Iris have all gotten into fights. It's best if you never have to use it, but it's best if you take this in case someone tries anything funny." Seven took the grenade launcher, and inspected it. Steven explained, "I think it's called something like the China Lake grenade launcher...anyway, here's the grenades," He began removing grenades from inside his book bag. 1! 2! 3! 60! "Steven…" Seven said, looking at all the grenades on the ground. "This is gonna make my bookbag super heavy!" Steven looked Seven in the eyes. "You think I've been having it easy with all of this stuff in my bookbag?" Seven replied, "I guess not. You said there was a flamethrower, right?" Steven scratched his head, "Well you see, I actually didn't bring it in my bookbag. After a few minutes of lugging it around, it proved far too heavy. So I put it in the closet in Mr. Noronake's room. You can get it there, but probably not during class." After Seven was finished putting the grenades and the launcher in his book bag, they left to resume class. As the two were doing their assignments, a student was sitting behind Seven. It was a student with short aquamarine hair, mostly covered by a beanie. He started looking around the class to see if anyone was watching him. Once he knew that there wasn't, he began carefully maneuvering his hands over Seven's backpack. Slowly and silently, he began opening the bookbag. The student turned his head in confusion as he saw the grenades. However, he didn't know what they were. He was about to pull one out by the tip, before Seven realized what was happening. The grenade's tip was very shiny. Seven grabbed his hand, and told the guy, "Put it down, or else." Of course, Seven was bluffing, but he didn't know how to stop him. The student dropped the grenade, and went back to doing his work. Seven put his book bag in front of him, and sighed. The whole ordeal wasn't seen by the rest of the class. Well, that is except for one person.

Period 4, Journalism

Seven, Steven, and Iris were all in class. It had been a while since the last period ended, and they were wondering where Marty was. The hallway of students going to their classes began to empty, and our three main characters began to wonder, "Where's Marty?" Marty then entered the class, with a smug smile and a puffed up chest. "My friends…" he said. He turned around, snapped his fingers, and pointed his thumbs towards the back of his jacket. "Look at me!" The back of his jacket had a blue butterfly design on it. Iris responded, "Cool." Marty looked wounded, as if he had been shot in the chest with an arrow. "Nothing more? No applause? No astonishment? Where's the 'woo Marty!' I was dying to hear." Steven shook his head, "You're gonna have to keep dying to hear that my friend…" Marty damn near almost cried. "No...yeah of course...I'm fine…" He sat back in his seat, and class went on as it always did.


Seven and the rest of his friends planned to go to Steven's dorm after school again, as they enjoyed it quite a bit. However, as Steven, Marty, and Iris went to the dorm, Seven stayed back to get the flamethrower. It was white with a propane tank strapped on the top. He walked into Mr. Noronake's room, and grabbed it from the closet. "Mission successful I guess." He turned to the door, and saw vines covering the doorway. The vines were growing at an unusual rate. Seven eyed his flamethrower, and walked up to the vines. He tried pushing them away, but to no avail. He turned the knob on the propane tank, and fire started coming out of it. Seven pointed it towards the vines, but the vines not only turned the knob back to its original state, but it also flung the flamethrower out the window. Seven was shocked. "These vines aren't normal...this must be a signature…" The vines began growing more and more vigorously, and Seven started to back up. The vines then grabbed Seven by the neck, and started choking him. Seven tried resisting, but the vines were too strong for him. He reached in his backpack, and pulled out his grenade launcher. He pointed it towards the doorway. "Damnit...sorry Mr. Noronake." He then shot and the doorway was completely blown. The vines retreated to the hallway, and Seven ran over to follow. As soon as he exited the room, the vines grabbed his neck again. It flung him out the hallway window, the same one that Peterson fell off of. As he was falling, there just so happened to be two people pulling a wagon carrying a soft hay bale. He fell on it, and wasn't hurt very much. "Ya hear something?" One of the people pulling it asked. "Yeah I heard, just don't give a shit enough to check." "Fair enough." Seven exited the wagon without the two noticing, and ran to the edge of the school. The edge of the school was covered in a hedge. He thought to himself, "Those vines must be coming from a person if that's a signature. I've got to get as far from them as possible." When Seven made it to the hedge, he bent down and started breathing heavily. He wiped his forehead, which was drenched in sweat. He looked over to the hedge, and saw a flower. The flower seemed to be connected from a vine, but it was unsuspecting. Until Seven noticed that there was something moving through the vine. It was moving up to the flower. Seven looked intently. As it reached the flower, it began to sprout out from the middle of it. It was silvery, and indistinguishable at first. But it quickly sprouted all the way out, it was a pistol. A gun had just sprouted out the flower, and it was aimed directly towards Seven. The gun was about to shoot itself. Seven held tightly to his grenade launcher, and swung it at the gun to make it shoot in a different direction. He then tried pulling the gun from the flower, but he failed. The gun shot again, but it missed. "A shot from this close would be stupid with a grenade launcher," Seven thought in his head. Seven ran back about 15 feet before aiming his grenade launcher. However, right before he shot more vines had pulled him to the ground. This messed up his aim. His finger was already on the trigger, so he ended up shooting the grenade launcher at more of an upwards angle than expected. As Seven was lying on the ground, the vines started quickly pulling him towards the hedge. Seven realized what was about to happen. "The grenade I shot will end up hitting this hedge by the time I get under it," Seven thought, "Which means I'm gonna get blown to bits." As the vines pulled him closer and closer, he thought hard on what to do next. He then realized he still had his grenade launcher in his hand, and threw it at the grenade that was in the air. It ended up exploding over the hedge, and Seven was pulled under the hedge without it exploding. Seven was then constricted by a bunch of vines all around his neck, and from them heard a voice. The voice said "Give me my god damn chain." Seven was confused, and said "I don't...I don't have any chain." The vines started choking his neck harder, and he eyed his grenade launcher. "I saw you in third period with something shiny in your backpack. It must be the damn chain. Now give me that shit!" Seven tried pulling on the vines. "No...that was a grenade." The voice said angrily, "Listen, I don't give a damn about your plot to become some sort of terrorist or whatever shit, just give me back my chain already." Seven exclaimed, "I don't have it!" And bit the vines off his neck. He took his grenade launcher, and ran from the hedge. However, he bumped into a person. It was… "Ivy Viflora," she introduced herself to him. "That's my name. My signature, Welcome To The Jungle, is unbeatable in the position you're in right now. So give up, and tell me where my chain is." Seven looked her in the eyes, and told her, "I really don't have it." Ivy laughed a bit. "That's fine," she said smiling, "if you don't want to give it back, that's fine. You steal my chain, then it's only fair that I steal your life." Vines came out of her hand, and she used it to bind Seven's hands to his torso, stopping him from being able to move. She then took his grenade launcher and removed a grenade from there. "I wanna make sure a thief like you receives the worst possible death." Seven's voice was strained by the vines, but he managed to let out "But I didn't steal it." Ivy flipped the grenade up. "Sure you didn't." She then let out a vine that engulfed the grenade. The grenade went all the way down to the bottom of the vine, and the vine entered Seven's mouth. It began going down his throat and Seven saw the grenade in the vine approaching his mouth. Seven tried biting the vine, but it was too strong this time around. Ivy had the grenade launcher in her hand, Seven was stuck, and a grenade was on its way to blow him up inside out. At this point, for any normal person, it would have been the end. But this is Seven Trecidecim, the one who has the signature Wonderwall, a signature as powerful as it is unpredictable. And as Seven began to feel a rumbling in his stomach, he knew exactly what was about to happen next. He vomited, directly on Ivy. Her face contorted out of disgust, and she let all of her vines go. She screamed, "EWW!" Seven took this as his opportunity to take his grenade launcher from her hands, and with all of his strength swung at her with it. Then he dashed towards the school building. Ivy, now enraged, ran after him with her vines. As Seven approached the window of a classroom in the building, he took his grenade launcher and smashed the window open. The room was empty, and Seven was close to getting to the exit before being pulled by Ivy's vines. Seven shot the roof, and the falling debris hit Ivy. The vines let go of him for a second, and he used that opportunity to run out of the room. He then ran into the room that was across, and broke open that window. The vines were following him and moving sporadically. Seven ran, and managed to pick up the flame thrower that was flung out the window when he first saw the vines. He picked it up, and as the vines began enveloping him, he turned the knob and started shooting fire out. The fire caused all the vines to burn, and it spread all the way back to Ivy. Once the vines died down, Seven walked up to Ivy. She was on the ground, with burns all over her skin. Seven bent down, and said "I really don't have the chain. But I can help you find it, if you want." Ivy tried saying something, but passed out on the ground. Then, Seven got a phone call. He expected it to be from one of his friends, but it ended up being from the person who bought the lottery ticket for him. His name was Victor Vince. When Seven answered the phone, he was greeted by "WE STRUCK JACKPOT KID! WE WON THE 60 MILLION DOLLAR JACKPOT! WOOHOO, WE'RE RICH!" Seven was glad, "Ah that's great. Have you already sent the 10% to my bank account?" Victor replied. "No kid...that's because I sent 50%! It was clear from the start that you had some sort of gift, but this just proves it. Go on and have fun with 30 million dollars, I got a chick in Vegas waiting for me." The call ended. Seven went to his friends and told them about the fight. "Whaaaa," Iris went. "I was just speaking to her earlier today." Then he told them about the jackpot money. "WHAT THE HELL?" Steven asked. "30 million dollars, you could probably buy a country with that kind of money," Marty said. Iris told Marty, "You can't, it's too little money. You would at least need 500 million." Seven told them of his plan with the money. "First I'm gonna give the school 5 million dollars to help them reconstruct the areas I blew up. Afterwards, they can use that money to buy better food, what they have in the cafeteria right now is kind of ass, and then.well...I don't know to be honest. BUT IT WILL BE GOOD, TRUST ME!"