
School Almanac

The action of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hunter X Hunter, and One Piece wrapped up in a single school named Magula High. Grab a bag of popcorn for this one, things are getting real dangerous.

Magma_Quartz · Action
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10 Chs


Perspective Shift: Iris

Period 2, 2D Art

Iris' 2nd period was 2d art. She didn't really like the subject, but she didn't mind having the class. The class was in building C, on the first floor. It was similar to Steven's science class in the room design, but there was only one door. The teacher, Ms. Cent, had given them an assignment where they had to make simple shapes, and the students were working on it. However, Ms. Cent wasn't very strict and so the students spent most of the period talking. Not Iris, however. She was simply listening to music on her phone. However, a guy approached her. He had black hair, with a ponytail. His eyes were an emerald color. Iris looked at him in confusion. He put his thumb on his jawline, it was clear he was trying to show it off to her. "The name's Glad," he introduced himself, "Glad Hook. I couldn't help but notice your beauty from across the room. Maybe after school today, we can go see a movie. Though, I can't really think of any good movies out right now...I can always buy one on InterFilm, and we can watch it at my place." Iris thought about it, "That's not very smart, asking a girl you don't even know to go on a date with you. The least you could do is ask for my name. And I don't want to go with you." Glad sighed, "I figured you would say something like that…" He looked back at a girl, and smirked. "It was nice talking to you. See ya later, Joane!" He then walked back to his seat. "My name's Iris…" Iris whispered to herself, before going back to listening to her music. When the bell rang, and the period ended, Iris began heading out of the class. However, before she did she was stopped by a girl with black and green braids. She had a shimmering silvery chain on her waist that wrapped around and hung off, like a belt. This girl is the same one that told off Ms. Lection before she quit. She put her arm around Iris' shoulder, and looked around herself. She gave off a sigh, and whispered to Iris, "My name is Ivy Viflora. I've seen you around, your name is like Iris or something right?" Iris nodded, and said, "Iris Ingrene." Ivy then asked her, "Do you know a girl named Cyana?" Iris shook her head, and the girl said, "Okay, after school if you see a girl with black and white hair...run away. I'm friends with her, and can usually stop her from doing reckless things. But she's in a very emotional state right now, it'd be best if you don't even look at her. That's all I can say for now, I've got to get to my English class. Do not try to speak to me if you see me around, alright?" Ivy then walked off, and Iris went to her 3rd period.


Iris began walking to the dorm buildings, to try and find where Steven's dorm was. However, at the front of the building she saw Mr. Noronake walking out. "Oh, Iris," He said to her, "You forgot your pool table in the closet of my room. But I decided to put it in the lost and found room. I was gonna tell you during class tomorrow, but I guess you can take it now." Iris thanked him, "Thanks, but how did you know it was mine?" Mr. Noronake's face widened, and he answered "Er well...how can I describe this? You and your friends have been staying in my room after school, and you seem like the kind of person to play pool...hehe…" He checked his watch, and said, "My meeting starts in a few minutes. I've got to go now." He left, and Iris walked into the lost and found room. It was a big room with a bunch of random stuff. From clothes to dumbbells and even phones. Weirdly enough, there was a can of cat food completely unopened too. But in the middle was the pool table, and Iris went behind it. She saw that the cue balls and sticks were still on the table. Before she could begin to move the table out of the room, she saw someone standing in front of the opened door. It was a female student. Iris couldn't quite see her face from the darkness of the room, but her hair illuminated from the light of the main dorm area. Her hair...it was black with white tips at the end. Iris recalled what Ivy had told her, "If you see a girl with black and white hair...run away." Iris looked around her, and saw that her only way of escaping was to go through the door...but it was blocked. "Irissssss Irissssss," the girl began to walk forwards, and she closed the door. She turned on the lights and raised her hands up. "Today you were talking to a boy named Glad Hook, am I right sweetie?" Iris said, "Yeah, what about it?" The girl walked up to the table, and picked up one of the cue balls. "My name is Cyana Poise, and I am Glad's girlfriend." She held up the cue ball a little over her face with one hand. "He let me know what you were talking about today. You know…" She then slammed her hand on the pool table. "ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FLIRTING WITH MY BOYFRIEND!" Iris looked at her with a straight face, and sighed. "You made me think it was something important. But anyway, Glad was the one who flirted with me. If you're so mad then why don't you just talk to him about it." "GLAD WOULD NEVER...he would never…" Cyana began to break down into tears, "He couldn't, after he swore to be mine forever…" Iris looked at her with disdain, "Look, we can resolve this at another time but I've got people waiting for me. Don't make some sort of big deal of this." Cyana stopped crying. "You're a liar," Cyana whispered faintly. Iris couldn't hear her with how low it was. "Huh?" "I said," Cyana held up the cue ball, "YOU'RE A DAMN LIAR!" She threw the cue ball at Iris, which hit her at the top of her head. Iris, however, wasn't hurt by the ball very much. Iris asked Cyana, "Was that supposed to hurt?" Cyana's blood started boiling. She flipped the table on it's side. The cue balls and cue sticks fell onto the ground too. "You shouldn't be talking to me like this," she said as her hair began to get wet. She began to run her fingers through her hair. "My signature is very very dangerous, you know. Yeah, it's called Poison, and it allows me to create a poisonous liquid from my hair. When it touches someone, it will begin to melt their whole body until they're just a goop on the ground." She laughed, "Honestly, I don't even know how it works myself. But one thing that's for certain is that it has to touch your skin to take effect." She held her hands out, which was covered in the gray poison. She then flicked all the poison forwards towards Iris. Iris used Slide Zone, and began dodging the droplets of poison. There was one that almost hit her in the face, but she quickly blocked it with a cue stick that was on the ground. Cyana picked up a cue ball, and put it in her hair. The cue ball came out drenched in the poison, and she hurled it at Iris. Iris caught the cue ball...but not with her hand. Instead, she caught the cue ball with her teeth, holding her head directly upwards. Cyana was thrown off by the sight. The poison was in her mouth rather than on her skin. After a few seconds, the poison stopped dripping inside of her mouth. She swallowed it all, and pushed the cue ball upwards. She then caught the cue ball on the tip of the cue stick. She flaunted a bit, "Fancy, huh? There's no skin inside of the body so...don't get your hopes up." She then thrust the cue ball into the air, and with the cue stick hit it back directly at Cyana's jaw. She got knocked back, and would have fallen on the ground if the door wasn't right behind her. She screamed, "That's it," and began charging at Iris with her poison-covered hands out. Poison began getting all over the floor, and Iris held tightly to her cue stick. As Cyana got closer, Iris bashed her head with the stick before being touched by the poison. Cyana got knocked back a bit, but she didn't fall. She dug in her pockets and picked up a dart. She tipped the dart in the poison, and threw it at Iris. She then began to lean on the wall. Iris was at point blank range, and so it was hard for her to dodge. She tried to use the cue stick to block it, but it ended up shifting the dart's path from her neck to her shoulder. "Krrrr," the poison began doing its work. Cyana laughed, "Haha, you're a dead bitch now." The area around the wound began to melt. Iris spun her cue stick around, and promptly pushed the tail end into the part of her shoulder that the dart was in. Iris groaned a little. She pushed it out of her shoulder, and the poison only melted the removed part because it didn't have enough time to spread. When it finished melting, Iris removed the cue stick from her shoulder. She then looked at both of her hands, in a sarcastic bewilderment. She waved it in front of her eyes, and taunted Cyana, "I'm dead? It doesn't seem that way to me." Cyana was almost completely laying on the ground now, but she clearly still had some fight in her. She picked up a dumbbell that was on the ground, and took a deep breath. She chucked the dumbbell at Iris, completely forgetting to cover it in poison. Iris, who was wounded by removing the poisoned part of her shoulder, had been hit by the dumbbell straight in the chest. Unlike the cue ball, this dumbbell had hurt her badly. She coughed up blood, and fell to the ground. She picked up a cue ball, but lacked the strength to do anything with it. Cyana staggered over to the dumbbell, and picked it up. "Originally I planned on killing you with Poison," she told Iris, "but now, I've found a better way." She walked up to Iris, and stood right in front of her. "Heh, is that so?" Iris sneered, "I guess it makes sense. After all, you're so idiotic that you couldn't even figure out how to kill me with a deadly signature like yours. Go ahead, kill me. Kill me and go back to that shitty boyfriend you've got. He isn't..." She coughed up a bit of blood, before faintly saying "He isn't even that hot…" Cyana was filled with rage, and her face seemed completely red from it. She held up the dumbbell, and brought it down to slam it on Iris' head. She screamed, "DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Iris held up the cue ball, but it slipped out of her hand. The cue ball bounced off the ground and into the path of the dumbbell. When the dumbbell hit it, the force bounced it off the ground and it hit Cyana directly in the face. The blow caused the dumbbell to miss Iris' head. Cyana's head started bleeding, and she began to stumble backwards. The poison that was on the ground had made her trip backwards. With the dumbbell in her hand, the door broke open from the weight of it. She fell on the ground, and was barely still conscious. Seven, who was just walking into the dorm building, had seen her on the ground. Curious, he went up to her, and saw that the door to the lost and found was opened. When he saw Iris laying on the ground, he ran in there to check on her. She was unconscious, and Seven picked her up. "Woah, she's a lot lighter than I thought," Seven thought to himself. He then walked over to the girl in the hole, while carrying her over. When he went in the hole, he saw that there were two concrete slabs coming from both the top and the bottom of the hole. The bottom one was short enough for a toddler to touch the top of, and the top went almost all the way down, leaving about a 4 inch space between it and the bottom one. Seven could see that there was someone on the other side, but it was pretty hard with how the concrete was made. He walked up to the slabs, and asked, "Um, can I get my friend...healed?" He then heard a distorted girl's voice answer "Yes. Please place their hand on the bottom slab." He did as the voice commanded, and saw a gloved hand come out of the space. The gloved hand began to glow, and so did Iris. The piece of her shoulder that she removed grew back, and her injuries began to go away. She then opened her eyes, and looked around. "Hmm? Seven where am I?" Seven gave a sigh of relief, and answered, "You're at the hole. The girl in the hole just healed you." Iris looked over the gloved hand, which quickly recoiled to the other side of the slabs. "And who should I owe this to?" Iris asked the girl. The girl responded, "You may simply call me...The Healer." Iris stood up, and replied "Thanks!" They then left, and headed to Steven's dorm. By now, they had gotten the message of where it was. Iris explained what happened to Seven. When Iris and Seven went to Steven's dorm, they saw Spencer lying on the ground with his shirt ripped. Seven walked up behind Steven and Marty and asked them, "Why is there a guy with a ripped shirt in front of your dorm, Steven?" Iris walked around Spencer, and poked his arm. "Isn't this that Spencer guy who got like 10 years ahead of us in the race?" she asked Marty. "Yeah," Marty answered, "It's...it's a long story." Seven laughed a bit, "Well I've got a long story for you too. Well, not me but Iris." They all went inside Steven's dorm, and they both talked about the fights that happened. Steven shows Iris and Seven the video of Marty's fight. "And then as you can see in the video I was 'wooshaaaa' 'pow!' 'ora ora!' that kind of stuff," Marty embellished the story. Once they were done talking about it, Seven explained to them why he had to go to the gas station. "So do you guys remember when I bought that lottery ticket? Turns out I bought the wrong one, I meant to buy one with a higher jackpot." That was it for the day.