
Scandia (try)

Warning! This is the test run before the real book starts publish. A man dies and reincarnated into his game avatar. Basically it.

KAABS · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Kaptan-ı Derya


Kaplan went to the Levent's headquarters with Seyit.

The headquarters were massive; it covered half of the docks of the city. It was all covered by protection crystals that stuck on the thick walls; a truly massive harbor that had more ships than Kaplan could count.

Soon Seyit and Kaplan showed in front of the headquarters; Seyit showed his scroll to the guards and one of them showed the way. He took a relaxing breath and gestured Kaplan to follow him.

Kaplan followed Seyit and looked around with curious eyes. 'This indeed beautiful,' he thought as he entered a large castle like building. 'In the game you overlook it, but this place is really huge.'

"We are about to reach Barbaros Pasha's room," Seyit cut Kaplan's trance as he glanced sideways. "Please be respectful, I don't know him well but if we anger him, even gods cannot help you survive."

Kaplan raised his eyebrow. 'Surely, Barbaros had a great battle power as an NPC, but he shouldn't be that strong, no?' He though. After couple of seconds later, he shook his head. 'No, this is real. I cannot assume power levels are the same as the game.'

Soon later, they've reached the wooden door of Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha.

Seyit took a calm breath and knocked the door twice. "Enter," a voice emerged inside the room, and Seyit opened the door stiffly.

As soon as they entered the inside, Kaplan's all the instincts started to alarm in a rapid pace. He looked at the man who supposed to be Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha, and saw his black eyes were looking at him thoughtfully.

"So, you have come," Barbaros said calmly.

Barbaros was a tall, ginger headed man, with a long ginger beard. There was no visible scar on his body, albeit most of his body was covered by his uniform; only his face was visible. Eyes showed the power and authority of the Kaptan-I Derya, the highest-ranking admiral of the Levents. The beast of the sea, conqueror of the Pirate Bay.

Two wolf ear was on his head, showing the world the mighty wolf of all seas. The man who was the pirate once, then became the admiral of the Beast Empire.

'How frightening,' Kaplan thought as he gulped; he took a quick breath and reign his nerves.

"Yes, sir. I have accompanied Kaplan as you ordered," Seyit said formally in a steady position. Eyes were steady and calm, looking at straight ahead.

"Well, he wanted to make this sneaky, but I cannot do all the thing I've asked, no?" Barbaros said with a smile.

"He… sir?" Kaplan asked with a visible gulp. He was getting used to that feeling, yet still, what kind of monster was he to made him react that way.


[Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha] --- Encryption Cannot Be Solved

[You are dramatically weak to see the person's stats]

[Do not fight with Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha in any situation]


'I can feel that, thank you very much,' Kaplan mentally scoffed the system message. 'What kind of gamer system is this, really?'


[Note: This is not a gamer system]

[You will see the system's functions such as rewards, and quests when you accomplished them]

[The system will warn you if the person was WAY STRONGER than you, if he/she did not conceal his powers well enough.]

[You do not have permission to open the system's UI.]


'Bullshit,' Kaplan thought as he looked at Barbaros.

"So, you don't know…" Barbaros said with a sigh. "Well, not my problem. But I want to see why I was asked to bring you here. Well, to the academy to be more exact."

"Will I see the person who asked you to bring me," Kaplan asked, he was already used to the feeling. "…Sir?"

Barbaros caressed his beard. "Hmm… Well, yes, probably," he said as he eyed the Kaplan thoroughly. "But before that I want to see why they want you."

"Sir?" Kaplan raised his eyebrow as the feeling were started to grow again.

Barbaros grinned and stood up. The man was taller than him a little, yet his presence was completely overwhelming him.

"So, shall we go to the training grounds? I want to know what makes you special," Barbaros said as he went towards the door; gesturing them to follow him.

Kaplan eyes wide opened. "Now, sir?" He asked. "Aren't I too weak for you?"

Barbaros turned back his head. "Of course…" He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yet you are grinning in anticipation."

'Am I?' Kaplan startled with his reaction. 'Since when I became a battle maniac?' He thought as he grinned more.

Unknowing to him; being suppressed his anger towards the things happening to his mother, reincarnating the world of a game, knowing he could die anytime in these chaotic lands were filling his stress more and more. The more he wanted to avoid the subject to remain calm and collected, the more they stressed Kaplan.

Maybe, he needed something to relive to all the stress he was boiling up; he was not fan of fighting before, that's for sure, but at that moment, he was grinning wildly.

"Okay, sir," Kaplan said formally, despite the exciting grin on his face, "Lead the way."

He needed something to relieve his stress, that's for sure, and he seemed to find one.



"My sultan, it seems the child has come to Koylucity," a woman late 20's said with a smile.

She was wearing a simple white dress with spiral patterns, that being said, it did not hide his beauty.

"Büke, welcome," Abray said softly. "Which reminds me, I did not have your input about him, did I not?" She caressed her chin, leaned the chair she was sitting then folded her arms under her chest.

"What do you think about him?"

Büke looked at the young sultan in front of her.

Abray was the beauties girl she ever saw, and she was in the harem of the sultan before, which tells a lot. Long silver hair which fallen on her waist, two big hazel eyes, an hourglass figure. A face that perfectly shaped, small nose, and a beautiful smile.

It would not end there, however. Abray was also sharp, her intelligence showed in her early age as she learned Elven Language along with Old Beastarian in the age of ten. She showed an enormous amount of curiosity to the books about history, strategy, art of war, martial arts, economy, and magic.

Maybe that was the reason why she was so competent with magic.

A week, that was the time she learned the Water Magic, it was unheard of thing to learn magic in that short amount of time; yet she surprised the people when she became a tier 1 water magician at the age of 14.

The youngest tier 1 in all the Beast Empire's history.

Yet, it was still not enough for her. In her terms, she could not afford to be weak, so she must learn all the things she learned to her best capabilities.

After she said that words, she became a warrior, just before she reached at the age of 15.

Magic warrior what she wanted to be, and she was getting closer to be strongest magic warrior in the entire Beast Empire's history by each day.

"Büke…" Abray said and cut her trance. "…Are you here?" she playfully.

"Yes, my apologies," Büke said with a giggle. "Well, I don't trust diviners. So, I can't say anything with certainty."

"I concur," Abray said with a grin. "But… lately I have a hunch, you see…"

"A hunch, my sultan?" Büke said questioningly.

"Yes, I feel like he will be an interesting company around here," Abray answered. "Well, it is just a feeling but still…"

"Your instincts usually right, so I can say I believe in the boy now," Büke said with a smirk.

Büke raised her eyebrow. "Clearly my instincts are not that accurate," she stated and sighed. "…But, I don't know. A strong feeling this time…"

"My my…" Büke giggled. "Did you fall for him already, my sultan?" She asked with a certain smirk. "Should I worry to lose my beloved sultan now~?"

Abray rolled her eyes. "You wish," she said with a giggle. "Well, I never trusted diviner either. Yet, they were too insistent to make me recruit him."

Büke 'hmm'-ed and looked at the young sultan. "My sultan, when shall we have him here?" She asked in curiosity. "I want to see the distinguished gentleman~"

Abray looked at her then sighed with a smile. "Well, he should be applying to the academy in any second now. We will see him when he came to the capital."

"Oh, what if he was not that promising enough to made here?" Büke asked.

"Then I'll never trust diviners again, and…" Abray sighed. "I'll give him some money, I guess?"

"You guess?" Büke raised her eyebrow.

Abray pick a pen and hit the desk in front of her with the pen in a sequence. "That is all I can do, no?" she said. "He applied to the academy, and came to the Koylucity…" She hummed. She closed her eyes and leaned back in thoughts.

"He can find many jobs there, and that will be better for him," Abray said and made a look that hard to understand. "I cannot bring any people to my side; they may die."

Büke, after Abray commented his last words, changed his demeanor. She looked at the young sultan with a serious and determinate expression.

"We are ready to die for you, my sultan," Büke said seriously; her aura was different than before, as if she was another person now. "We prepared for that."

"That I do not like," Abray answered in even seriousness. "Thank you, Büke. Really, I am happy to hear you are loyal me to this far, but…" Abray cut herself up to think better words to describe her feelings.

"I don't know. It is just wrong…" she said, not sure how to describe her feelings. "I don't want people die for me, I want them to live… I want them to live for me…" then she added.

She clenched her fist and looked the window in determination. "...Since I will be the one who'll make this county glorious than ever."

Büke looked at Abray seriously for a long time; they both looked at each other until Büke smiled softly. "That was a fine response, still something was missing," she said jokingly.

"You think?" Abray asked with curiosity.

"Yes," Büke answered. "You want us to live for you, and that is what we want… to see you succeed the be Sultan of the Beast Empire," Büke said softly, then her demeanor changed again.

"Yet, the world is not black and white."

Abray smiled sadly. "I know…" She chuckled. "Yet, let me have this resolve. Some need to have impossible goals to achieve greatness."

Büke hummed. "Even if you saw people dear to you die?" She asked in a same seriousness.

"That will happen eventually, isn't it?" Abray asked, even though she knew the answer already. "I know people will die for my cause; the war for throne will be bloody, thanks to the greedy nobles, but I still want all the people to live if possible."

Büke looked at Abray. "Even if you sent them dangerous missions?" she asked.

"Yes," Abray answered. "I know this is hypocritical, yet I still want it," Abray clenched her fist tighter. "I am selfish in that regard."

Büke closed her eyes then sighed. "Then it is fine," she said calmly. "You have a beautiful resolve, my sultan. Even if you know it is impossible, and it is okay if it is not likely to be succeeded all the time…" she said as she looked at Abray's hazel eyes calmly.

"Because being a hypocrite is one of the things a ruler most do thus far."

"I still have time to find a solution for that," Abray said seriously.

"Do you intent to achieve impossible?" Büke countered evenly.

"Of course," Abray said in confidence. "If I don't try, who will?"


'Well, I did now expect this much of a power gap,' Kaplan thought as he slowly lifted himself from the crushed ground below him. He looked at the man in front of him with a smirk. 'Well, that makes it more interesting.'

Barbaros was holding a kilij; a sword that bending and lapping on the middle, one side was sharper to the end and the other side was sharper at the end, a unique characteristic sword that wield by Beast Empire soldiers.

[Image Here: Please Comment if I forgot to Add an Image!]

Barbaros smirked. "Come on, you are not done yet, are you?"

'I know I have a little chance to hit him but...' Kaplan thought as he stood up; cleared the dust on his shoulder and grinned.

"I have just begun!"