
Savitar, God of Speed

WARNING! THIS IS WISH FULFILLMENT AND MAY HAVE SOME STUPID PLOT HOLE BUT I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN JUST LEAVE OR DO A PROPER REVIEW. What If Izuku had another path that made him better and acquired the power of the speed forces?

Try_hard · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
63 Chs

Chapter 8 - There are no useless quirk.

"To be honest I'm clueless when it comes to my quirk. Like I told you that my quirk only recently awakened, making late bloomers. Actually the reason I'm here is to run some tests with my quirk. "

"Then what are the things you know currently?"

Momo questions out of curiosity witnessing his movement that showcases a high speed movement. It was clear to be a super speed quirk but from what she could gather has more to it.

She may not be as smart compared to Izuku in terms of analysis but was still capable of concluding from the small amount of things she is able to gather.

"Well, I call my quirk the Speed force as it not only makes me fast but generates and absorbs genetic energy. I noticed after I saved Jiro that instead of receiving the newton, the third law was able to carry her safely."

"Interesting. I could already see how you would be able to save lives and defeat villains."

"Hey, do you have your own hero costume? It's our time to see yours."

"Oh sure here. It's still in the revision phase since I needed to add change after I received my quirk."

Izuku taps his phone to holographically show his hero costume both surprising and confusing the two young girls seeing the hologram.

"Isn't this a robot?"

"Yup, this is mark 2 housing my personal energy sources and other features. Still I planned to add heat resistance materials as my speed would probably burn my costume."

He showed a robotic armor that would be worn similar to an old comic character that Izuku read named Iron man but based the design in old Mecha anime instead of giant robot with taller human size armor. 

Izuku finds that quirk overshadows the power of technology and how useful they can be if applied with their quirk and skills. 

Take for example Eraser that he had taken quite a long time to acquire information using a special cloth fiber that binds his enemy. 

"Sorry, hope i''m not late."

"Fucking hell! It took me goddamit a while to find this! Deku why the hell did you….wait what the fuck happened to your?"

Itsuka and Bakugou arrived at the beach and both were shocked to see his friend's new hairstyle that had turned to white. 

The only reason why Jiro had not noticed the change is that she thought that Izuku had white hair. The image of him having a white hair just ingrained in her mind to not notice.

Meanwhile, Itsuka noticed the two girls were slightly jealous and  quickly went to kiss Izuku on the cheek, surprising the young girl with Jiro's heart, who seemed to be pierced alongside momo but was not that affected. 

She was not as affected by Izuku charm compared to Jiro but still felt jealous that he already had someone. However, instead the two giving up this only fueled them for unknown reasons recalling how his words were. 

They wanted to see it through and even if it would hurt in the end at least tried. Far in the distance someone watching gave a nod before disappearing into white streak.

"Oh Itsu-san! Kacchan! Glad you guys made it."

"The hell happened with your hair and who the fuck is this two?"

Izuku gave him a light smack, angering Bakugou from his actions.

"Why the hell did you do that, Deku!!?"

"The hell do you need to swear all the fucking time!?"

"Shut up, I can do whatever I want! Also your swearing as well so don't fucking start with me!"

"Shut up and rotten mouth! Don't just ask strangers while swearing!"

The two bicker for a brief moment as the two young girls sweat at how the friends interact. They didn't expect to hear Izuku, who had been calm and relaxed to become this crude. 

"Are they always like this?"(Momo)

Itsuka sighed seeing the two of them before emanating a raging aura that made the two stop fighting before receiving both a smack from her giant fist.


"The two of you stop! Be mature rather than act like kids!"

"Ah sorry I lost myself there, Itsu-san."

"Tsk. Hey the hell happened to your hair anyway.."

"Yeah, I'm also curious about that. You did gain white hair after you used your quirk but I remember it returned to normal after a while?"

"I don't know." 

"Excuse me, I assume you two are his friends? My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, it's to meet you."

"I'm Itsuka Kendo, Izuku's girlfriend, it's to meet you."

She gave a proud smile indicating her superior and relationships with Izuku that made them jealous but still doesn't know why they are feeling that way. They were attracted to him unknowingly. 

"Hey Deku, are you ready for this?"

"You know I'm born ready! How about a warm up?"

"Later I'm going to train in order to gasp my quirk."

"That's annoying but whatever. I'll be doing my own training then."

Bakugou took his own area while Izuku decided it was time to have some training but remembered Jiro and Momo then turned to Itsuka.

"Don't worry I'll handle them. How about I train you two in hand to hand combat? I think it's vital to know how to defend yourself when you come face to face with an enemy. Remember, relying too heavily with your quirk would prove fatal."

"Thanks, Itsu-San. Well I'll let you guys train."

Izuku went inside the pile of scraps to see if there was anything to salvage before signing an area where he can train his quirk leaving the other girls to train. 

He trusts Itsuka to get along with them since she rarely hangs out with other girls. She may be at the level of skill that she has but still a prodigy when it comes to combat.

"Kendo was it? Then we will be in your care."

She nodded and turned her attention to Jiro and Momo. It was not her first time teaching someone hand to hand combat.

"Alright you'll be the first Jiro. Try attacking me."

"Are you sure? I might hurt you."

"It's alright. If you hesitate when fighting then you'll never be a hero. My master taught me that a hero should know the difference between an enemy to an ally. An enemy will never show mercy if given the chance."

Her words strike Jiro as she was naive about how difficult the job of a hero is. They only see the light and never the bleak darkness.

Itsuka and Izuku, even Bakugou, have been taught that a hero is to be kind but never naive and be brave but never a fool.

"Alright be ready."

"Just strike."

Jiro didn't hesitate to execute a straightened job that should have hit her face but easily evaded her wrist was grabbed then trip forward then had her whole arm firmly held by Itsuka while she faced the ground.

She was confused about what just happened as she was just to strike Itsuka suddenly facing down and was held down by her. 

"Your punch lacked weight and precision as well as overswinging. If I was a villain then you would likely be harmed more than this."

Itsuka explained removing her hold of Jiro and helping her stand up while dusting off the dirt.

"Everything was too fast. I didn't expect to be on the ground that quick."

"That's what happens when a skilled fighter sees your weakness. It is best to remove those weaknesses until it is impossible to exploit them."

"Thanks for the advice and I see that it will be harder than I thought but like UA moto Plus ultra!"

"That's the spirit! How about you momo?"

"It's alright I already know basic fighting. I think Jiro needs your teaching more than me and I'll be here to try what Midoriya-san suggested."

"Now that you mention it, what are your guys quirk?"

Jiro and Momo explained each other's quirk, surprising Itsuka hearing the suggestion of Izuku and even smiled.

"It never stop to amaze how he always finds a way to make a meager quirk to be overpowered."

"How about you, Kendo-san?"

"Mine? My quirk is simple and uninteresting that lets me enlarge my fist. Izuku told me that I could take advantage of my quirk to enlarge and delarge my fist in a precise manner so that it would still have the same force after my first become smaller."

It was simple physics that if there is no outside first then the force would remain the same like having a gravity sword where it could change even 0 pounds to 10,000 tons in split seconds that it travelled at the same speed at 0 pounds that suddenly gained weight and mass then the force would be tremendous.