
Savage Hero

What do you do, when you find yourself in a different world? One you have only ever read about or seen on tv? The answer should be obvious right, most would jump form joy.. isn’t that how its supposed to be? Then let me ask what if there were consequences or circumstances out your control? Wishes are supposed to make you all powerful, even with that said some come at a great price. Follow the this journey of the Mc as they move through the world, find out more about themselves and learning what it truly means to pick a side. Be it a hero or a villain, the Mc must come to terms with who they are and forget a pass that follows them. Ehh, I tried my best to not give away to mush information, while I know I should give some detail.. you should tell by the cover what world and I promise you’d never guess the Mc, i caught myself off guard and I’m writing it. Moving on to the tags: Romance, Kind of yuri(which will be explained) sliceoflife, action, gore, the mc will have a relationship with 2 girls I didn’t want to make it harem I wanted it to be something I can handle and it might be both in a relationship or just be with one and when they break up be with another idk yet. Either way enjoy and I own nothing. If the owner of the cover art wants me to take it down I will.

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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Little Light

In a place of endless black, sounds of talking echoed in it's vast emptiness. A voice so low as if it came from the deepest ocean, one that could send your mind in to complete fear could be heard. This deep voice shook the realm as it breathed out a long sigh before going silent. While a tiny voice far smaller and less powerful then the other could be heard yelling in frustration.

"Are you fucking shitting me! Your telling me I can't get a do over?!" A voice yelled out from the dark. Even if it seemed like there was nothing in this realm of darkness, if one looked closely they could see a tiny grey ball of light. It moved back and forth while it's color turned red, from this little light the voice came out.

"Hey! Calm the hell down?! You know you can't, that's the 12th time you've asked that damn question.. *sigh." In a annoyed voice the being that the light was yelling at spoke.

"Look I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be an asshole.. truly. Still what's the point of coming here, getting offered to go to a different world but have no control over anything." The light calmed itself after hearing how angry the voice was becoming.

"I understand your worries but i only brought you here because your people believed in me. After everyone else had forgotten, your clan did not. Thus I made a promise, I would bless your clan with new life after death. Unlike the rest of your family line, you did not want to go to the land of endless peace. You would rather live out your life in another world. Being a god of my word I said you could do so, it's not my fault I'm not as powerful as I once was so I did what I could." The god of the realm spoke slowly, hoping to not have to repeat this another 11 times like before.

"I get that and I'm grateful big guy, but spinning wheels really? You a spin the wheel type of god?! I mean come on.. did you see some of the worlds on that thing. What if I went to alien with some shit ass wishes? I'd be here all over again. Then to top it off the power I got from the spin was great, even if it's a little hard to understand. Still really that's the person I have to be, I can't just go as myself? I mean I like the character but it's not really going to work out." The light wasn't really all that mad about the first two spin's but the last one, which showed who it would be in the next life was not to it's liking.

"It was up to fate, why are you complaining so much?! It could be worse.. ungrateful shit. I could have just let you stay here or I could have thrown you on the alien home world as a hedgehog, that only had the power to shoot rainbows out of its ass! Would you like that better!?" Not wanting this to go on the god yelled, making the light shake at the thought.

"You know what just forget it, I'm happy with the wishes oh great god." The light hearing that just swallowed it's disappointment and tried to butter up to the being.

"Oh.. so now your grateful. Little shit.. I'll show you a spin the wheel god, just wait until you die again." The god spoke hearing the lights buttery words, speaking in a low voice to itself.

"Whatever, I know it's not what you wanted.. well at least for looks but it's still better then some things on that wheel. Just try and make it work. Who knows you might actually enjoy yourself, I mean with the power you'll have who knows what you could do." Laughing lightly the god was not being mean, it truly did understand but there was nothing to be done. It was already a lot of his power just to grant the things from the wheel spins.

"Yeah… I know your right, so thanks anyway for even giving me a chance. By the way how will this power work? I mean the place it came from is pretty much the idea of power, more like a concept.. so how does that work? Not to mention the body I'll be in, will it be like how it was in its original world or no?" The light let it go, with this power it was just happy to live again, especially in a world it loved.

"Well the power will pretty much be how you saw it in your old world. Like you said the idea of the power is based off a general concept of that game you like so much, it will take shape based off your wants.. I think. Now as for your body, it will take most of that persons every characteristic, all be it the one huge down side has been removed. I'm sure you can guess what it is, I changed the world around to fit you in and that your power would be some type of new power born from the mix of your parents quirks. All though it would seem.." the god spoke but while he did the light started to fade fast.

"You think?! Hold on?! What's happening to me?!" The light said freaking out.

"Your still a mortal soul, you can't stay here long! Look, just live the way you want not like in your past.. I understand why you want to live again, you never truly got to live but you'll need to.." before the god could finish the light vanished, while the god sighed from how weak he had become.

"You will have to face hardship.. if you can overcome it, I know you will be more then I could ever imagine. Just… please don't fall like your past life.. I do not wish to see you go through that again.. good luck little light." The god spoke it's last words as the emptiness once again, returned to silence.