
Savage Hero

What do you do, when you find yourself in a different world? One you have only ever read about or seen on tv? The answer should be obvious right, most would jump form joy.. isn’t that how its supposed to be? Then let me ask what if there were consequences or circumstances out your control? Wishes are supposed to make you all powerful, even with that said some come at a great price. Follow the this journey of the Mc as they move through the world, find out more about themselves and learning what it truly means to pick a side. Be it a hero or a villain, the Mc must come to terms with who they are and forget a pass that follows them. Ehh, I tried my best to not give away to mush information, while I know I should give some detail.. you should tell by the cover what world and I promise you’d never guess the Mc, i caught myself off guard and I’m writing it. Moving on to the tags: Romance, Kind of yuri(which will be explained) sliceoflife, action, gore, the mc will have a relationship with 2 girls I didn’t want to make it harem I wanted it to be something I can handle and it might be both in a relationship or just be with one and when they break up be with another idk yet. Either way enjoy and I own nothing. If the owner of the cover art wants me to take it down I will.

Surge2 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Strange Home

[Musutafu, Japan. August 7th]

The city of musutafu, a large, beautiful city full of life. The night had just started and the lights from large buildings, family homes and night clubs started to come to life. While it may look amazing to the outside world, just another peaceful night, people went about their life with no care.

Outside of this large city to the east, in a forest far outside the noise of the city, there was a large home. It sat alone coverd and closed off by thick tree's. Unlike most of the homes of this time, just looking at it's sliding paper doors to its wooden frame and black tiled roof. One would be able to tell this style of architecture, it would have been seen in japan 100 years ago but long went out of style.

A strange dark home, that didnt seem to fit in this world as the feeling that came from it was suffocating. Even with that said, that wasn't the strangest thing about this night. The strangest thing was the dark clouds that spun in the sky far above. While the people in the city did not seem to notice, unless someone was paying close attention, they would see that the center was becoming more and more restricted.

Thunder roared to life and lightning flashed. The sounds and flashing took the attention away from the center as a grey light shot down from the sky. The speed in which it was falling caused shock waves that spread across the city. The noise it made was deafening but it seemed no one would hear it.

Falling in a preset direction, it slowed before it made contact with a tree. Moving back and forth around the forest. It soon found the place it was looking for while it melted through the wooden walls. Just like that the city returned to normal and rain started to fall.


At the home breaking the silence, a soft cry could be heard echoing out. The sound of a new life that had been born into this world. Even saying that it only cried once before going silent once more.

"Finally, your here. Welcome little one." A caring yet sweet voice sounded out.

"I still can't believe it, I thought you said you couldn't get pregnant?" Unlike the sweet voice, a deep somewhat annoyed voice spoke. If you paid close enough attention, one could hear the care and fear in the man's voice.

"I thought I couldn't but that doesn't matter, it's here now and I don't regret it. Come here Kiro, come see our child." The sweet voice spoke again, only having love in its voice as it tried to calm the man.

Laying in a large open room, there was mat's that covered the floor along with white sheets, with crane designs on them covered in blood. A woman was being held up by another, wrapped in the sheets while holding on to a small child. Her face was beautiful, jet black long hair that laid a mess everywhere. The bangs that came down right above her eyes and her beautiful hazel eyes that looked at the baby. Yet if you looked closely, It seemed that they had no pupil as a smile came to her face.

Looking at the man who sat a few feet away from the two, he just stared at the woman and the small child. His yukata was open at the front showing a well toned body, with scars that covered apart of his chest in a X. His black eyes that just like the woman seemed to have no pupil, along with his long black hair that was in a ponytail, falling down his back. Looking closely you could see orange with in some strands of his hair.

"I'm sorry, Mako. I just didn't know it would be like this. It's so small and.." Kiro tried to speak coming closer to his wife Mako. Feeling her gently touch his handsome face and look into his eyes.

"It's fine love, I know it's scary at first but your it's father. It's not like it's going to bite you." Mako laughed a little at his nervous face. A man like this, a warrior in every right, one with countless battle scars was scared of a small child.

"I know my love.." Kiro smiled at his wife, his eyes becoming a lot softer as he looked at Mako hand him the child. Taking it as softly as he could, and holding it gently he took his finger and rubbed it on the babies face.

"C-can.. I-I g.." While this beautiful moment was taking place, a sound broke the atmosphere of a small, gentle woman's voice. It was shaky and full of another feeling as it tried to speak.

"Thank you, but you already know the answer.. don't you." Kiro who finally took his attention away from the child. Looked up to the woman holding his wife. His face completely different as he handed the baby to Mako.

"Please.. please I did..uhhhh." Before the woman could speak anymore, her mouth was covered and was brought to Kiro's face.

"Deal with it somewhere else, I don't want a mess in front of our child." Mako spoke, even if she had some doubts she still let her husband do what he wanted. Covering the babies eyes and ears, while Kiro walked out of the room.

After a while the family was back together, both Kiro and Mako sat together after he cleaned up. Looking at the small child that had fallen asleep. They both had a look of care in their eyes while they looked at the sleeping child in it's crib, seeing the baby gently sleep without a care they kissed each other.

"I just hope.. it doesn't have to go through this.." Mako said putting her head on Kiro's chest. Feeling him rub her back while he tried to calm her.

"Either way, we will love it. I don't wish it on anyone. I just hope I can hold on long enough to see it grow up. If I can no longer do so.. you know what to do Mako." Kiro spoke softly and at this moment without saying it out loud, he made a vow in his heart.

"I know but stop.. please Kiro. Let's just enjoy this moment.. for a little while longer, have you thought of a name yet?" Covering his lips with a finger, not wanting to talk about this again she asked a question.

"Fine love, how about we name it.."