
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

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80 Chs

80 Battle Royale of Champions


Sasuke said sorry for the delay, I got lost on the path of life.

Everyone couldn't believe what was happening, not that he had died, everyone thought he was a ghost, but he was alive, all of Hogwarts celebrated Sasuke's return.

Luna and Zacarías left their respective tables to greet him on his return.

The professors, the Weasleys, Sirius and Dumbledore were surprised at how this boy survived, Dumbledore thoroughly checked his arms but finding nothing he continued to observe the boy.

Sasuke moved and went to where Harry Potter was, Harry thought he was going to sue him for abandoning him, but he just told him you have to redo the third test since the last one was arranged for you to win.

Everyone froze upon hearing those words.

His fans were screaming with joy, Sasuke, looking carefully at the teachers' table, found Moody, Sasuke approached slowly and suddenly accelerated, taking the knife from the table and immobilizing Moody.

Sasuke yelled: Speak because you cast the killing curse on me in the labyrinth

Moody didn't speak because they had no idea what he was talking about

Sasuke: You were so desperate for Potter to win that you threw the imperius at Krum, he speaks, as he kept thrusting the knife into Moody's throat.

Dumbledore spoke explaining that what happened was a terrible accident, where a Death Eater impersonated Professor Moody, with the help of Polyjuice potion, believe me boy this Professor Moody is the real one.

Sasuke accepted the director's explanations, while freeing Moody, who was baffled by the way he was immobilized.

Everyone in the large dining room was surprised by the development of this scene and even more so when listening to the explanations of the director and the Uchiha.

Sasuke took out his wand and said sonorus

Gentlemen authorities of different schools and representatives of the ministry, you do not believe that the tournament deserves a winner, since the third test was full of cheats and is invalid, therefore I propose that we have a duel between the four of us at the same time, as we leave eliminating will be defined from fourth to first place, since it will be the last one standing in first place unless they are afraid by watching the other champions.

Dumbledore: Mr Uchiha I don't think now is the time to...

Madame Maxime: Dumbledore, we have already allowed you and your ministry to do what you wanted until we had two champions, but what this boy proposes is the best option, therefore my school accepts the challenge.

Krum: I also accept, this can't end like this, there has to be a winner.

Only Harry was left to accept but he was too surprised to say anything, until Sirius spoke up accepting for him, claiming that a Gryffindor never runs away from a challenge.

Dumbledore resignedly agrees, while asking Filius and Minerva to transfigure a platform for the afternoon on the Quiditch pitch to start the third task.

While the others prepare three meetings take place in different areas of Hogwarts.

In the Gryfindor common room they were discussing how Sasuke Uchiha had managed to escape.

Hermione: maybe he knows how to apparate

Ron: I don't think so, maybe I use dark magic.

Harry: maybe he'll use his house elves, like for the first test.

Ron: Don't you think he might have joined He Who Must Not Be Named, since Snape is his head of house, maybe he spoke on his behalf.

Harry: I don't think so, since Voldemort only said that he had a spy at Hogwarts and that was Barty junior.

In the slytherin common room, Sasuke had told his friends that he managed to escape from that bald man with the help of his elves, so don't bother him that he needed to rest for the final test.

In the headmaster's office, several adults awaited Snape's report on how the boy escaped or joined the One Who Must Not Be Named.

Snape: I didn't find anyone, I managed to locate the cemetery, but the whole area is destroyed, the Muggles only report that it was the fall of a meteorite, I don't know whose memory they modified but the news spread to the neighboring city, there is no more tests.

Dumbledore: for now there is nothing to do, we will observe this duel to determine if mr. Uchiha does or doesn't use dark magic, but over the holidays we'll keep an eye on him, and Severus tries to contact Lucius for more information.

Severus: okay

Black taunts Snape, but he heads off to the Gryffindor common room to give Harry some advice so he can win.

Sirius arrives at the common room and calls Harry for a walk, but they go out to the lake to meet Krum, who is surprised by Sirius' appearance, he confesses that he used Harry's name to call him:

Sirius: If I made them meet, it's so that they work together in this duel.

Harry and Victor: queee

Sirius: As you well know Uchiha is strong, if they fight individually they won't have a chance.

Harry and Victor: Nod, since it's true.

Sirius: My proposal is that they eliminate the Uchiha first, then the Delacour girl, then the first two places will be disputed by you.

Harry: but Delacour won't attack us.

Sirius: I don't think so, since for her the most logical thing would be to finish off the strongest first, rather she would support them


The afternoon arrived, and everyone went down to the stadium for the final of the tournament, Fudge was happy, because the lies that Dumbledore told about the return of the one who must not be named were exaggerations, especially Mr. Uchiha was unharmed, Now only the Newspapers will only report the tournament final, I'll make sure they don't publish anything about Barty Junior he will be forgotten.

In the stands the bets remained the same from the third test, the platform was square and each champion was standing in a corner waiting for the sound of the cannon to start.







While the three champions were preparing to look at their opponents, something caught their attention; Uchiha had his wand pointed at the sky, while three fireballs with a diameter of 0.50 m were formed, before the three balls reacted, they went to Harry, Fleur and Krum.

As the fireballs approached, they reacted but in different ways.

Krum: yells aguamenti maxima, a stream of water comes out of his wand to intercept the fireball that was only a meter away from him.

Fleur: Shout out turtle shell, transfigure the ground, and recreate a turtle shell as a shield.

Harry: yells protect, but the heat generated makes them distracted as he was concentrating on maintaining the spell.

The distraction pays dearly since when the fire spell disappears Uchiha disappears from his sight.

Harry looking ahead can't find it, until he hears a voice telling him too late rasengan, Harry leaves the platform unconscious due to the impact.


The commentators, this duel is exciting, it does not allow us to take our eyes off or we will lose it, what do you think my guest Moody.

Moody: They are good magicians, but they take a long time to think, that's why Mr. Uchiha has the advantage in this duel, since it seems that he fights on instinct, but to develop it you need to have a lot of experience near death or in battles.

Commentator: In case you don't have that experience, because you are almost a child how can you fight like that.

Moody: The other option is that this boy has what the other "Talent" lacks for battles.


Harry, being eliminated, already knows who is in fourth place, Fleur is shocked, Krum is blind since the impact of the fireball and his water spell generated a smokescreen.

Sasuke: duo serpensody, the two white snakes go at full speed to attack the two remaining champions.

Fleur: Vispera Evanesca yells, but the snake dodges them as they move towards her, but they keep throwing in desperation but the snake keeps dodging.

Krum that this sound, where it comes from, and in desperation casts spells that are easily dodged by both champions, Sasuke remembers that snakes can see people's body heat, so it is perfect to attack Krum, since he catches it quickly As the smoke disperses, everyone observes a horrendous scene of Krum trapped by a snake, while receiving a kick to the face that throws him to the ground, still tied to the snake.

Fleur manages to calm down and her Evanesque Eve spell hits the vanishing snake, looking at the Uchihah from behind, she points her wand and casts a silent spell in his direction.

Sasuke, sensing the approaching spell, lifts Krum up with one hand and uses it as a shield, where he is unconscious upon receiving Fleur's spell, and ends up throwing him off the platform with the snake coiled around his body.


Commentator: Mr. Uchiha did not hesitate to use Mr. Krum as a shield, now we have defined the third place, now it only remains to define who will win, it will be Miss Delacour or Mr. Uchiha.


Fleur, seeing Sasuke, looked at his eyes, but what she felt was his killing intent, she began to despair and began to cast spells non-stop, where the Uchiha easily blocked them, then she began to walk in her direction while dodging the spell easily. with only minimal movements.

Due to her desperation, Fleur ends up exhausting her magic as Sasuke approaches, she thinks about giving up but when she looks at the stands, she can hear her sister Gabrielle "shouting at her, don't give up sister"

Due to just looking at his sister, he regains his determination, but for some reason, coming out of despair and gaining strength from his sister's love, the tips of his hair change to fiery red, while a magical energy awakens inside him, and launches a fireball from his hands surprising the Uchiha.


The commentators and the public were left open-mouthed at such a demonstration, nobody knew what it was, until the director Dumbledore spoke: incredible, he awakened his Veela powers inherited from his grandmother, I think, this is an unprecedented case.


Failing to dodge the fireball in time due to not seeing it coming, Sasuke backs away but his pole is burned, but he removes it in time.

In the stands the girls scream to see him without a polo shirt.

But out of nowhere the barrage of fireballs from Fleur begins, where Sasuke starts to dodge trying to think of a way to get closer, but only keeps Fleur shooting.


Tribune the commentator shouts that Miss Delacour has Mr. Uchiha trapped, his victory is certain.

Moody: smart boy

Commentator: Because you say that, we all watch as Miss Delacour has him trapped, it's only a matter of time.

Moody: Look closely, Miss Delacour is showing signs of exhaustion, while Mr. Uchiha is perfectly fine.


Fleur felt that the acquired energy was totally depleted, as she falls unconscious to the ground, Sasuke catches her before touching the ground.


Commentator: I think we have a winner, the winner of the Triwizard Tournament is Sasuke Uchiha from Slytherin.

The entire tribune cheered in victory, they began to shout the name of the Uchiha, but some girls threw envious glances at Fleur who was carried by Sasuke Uchiha in the position of a princess.

Some boys looked enviously at Sasuke for carrying Fleur like that.


Sasuke walked towards the headmistress Madame Maxime to hand over her student who was passed out due to magical exhaustion.

After that Sasuke raised his hand in victory, while everyone shouted his name.

In the center of the platform, the minister of magic approached to deliver the respective prizes and congratulate Mr. Uchiha for the victory.


The defeated champions were in the infirmary, but since they did not suffer much damage, they quickly left there, and went to rest since they had to leave the next day, since school finished until next summer.

But in the Slytherin common room the party continued until the next day Sasuke was celebrating with Luna and Zacarias in their common room, until the elves took them back to their respective rooms.

While everyone left before getting into their respective carriage, Gabrielle approached her to say goodbye followed by her sister, where they both congratulated him on his victory, Fleur thanked her for the fact that thanks to the confrontation she had acquired a new power, she mastered it and I will return to you. to challenge

Sasuke nods saying that it's fine as he smiles at a totally embarrassed fleur (remembering the photos his classmates showed him of her being carried like a princess by the poleless one).

Gabrielle looks at this scene and tells her Sasuke you think my sister is pretty.

Sasuke, as if it weren't a big deal, says yes.

Gabrielle: so why don't you become my brother-in-law, my sister doesn't have a boyfriend

Most of the people who stopped to watch this interaction gaped at Gabrielle's words, as they turned away to share some new gossip.

Sasuke: little girls shouldn't talk about such things

Gabrielle: uh

Fleur was totally red, she tried to calm down while saying goodbye to the Uchiha, giving him a kiss on the cheek, telling him that we'll see each other again soon, each one boarded their respective carriage.

On the train, Sasuke looked for a cabin for himself, since his friends Luna and Zacarias would soon catch up with him.

-------------------------------------------------- ---

In another booth Hermione returned from the trolley and put the money in her backpack, taking out a copy of the Daily Prophet that she had in it. Harry looked at him, not quite sure he wanted to know what he was saying, but Hermione, seeing her attitude, commented in a calm voice:

—Nothing comes regarding you. You can see for yourself: there is nothing at all. I've been looking at it every day. Just a great article on how Sasuke won the Tournament and his performance in the three tests, nothing that shouldn't be mentioned.

If you want my opinion, I think Fudge has forced them to silence him.

"He will never silence Rita Skeeter," Harry stated. Not with such a story.

"Oh, Rita hasn't written a thing since the third test," Hermione said in an oddly choked voice. In fact, Rita Skeeter won't be writing anything for a while. Not unless she wants her to break the cake.

-What are you taking about? Ron asked.

"I've found out how you manage to eavesdrop on private conversations when you're not allowed on school grounds," he said.

Rita Skeeter is an unregistered animagus.

It can become…" Hermione took a small, sealed glass jar from her backpack, "into a beetle.

"You're kidding!" Ron exclaimed. You haven't... She hasn't...

"Yes, she did," Hermione declared happily, brandishing the jar at them.

Inside were twigs, leaves, and a big fat beetle.

"That can't be... you're kidding us," Ron said, raising the jar to eye level.

"No, really," Hermione said, smiling. I caught it on the window sill in the infirmary. If you look closely, you'll see that the markings around the antenna are like those scary glasses he's wearing.

"I've explained that I'll let her out when we get to London." I have put an unbreakable charm on her jar, so that she cannot transform. And she already knows that she has to be quiet for a whole year. We'll see if she can kick the habit of writing horrible lies about people.

Smiling serenely, Hermione stuffed the beetle back into her backpack.

The compartment door opened.

"Very clever, Granger," Draco Malfoy said.

Crabbe and Goyle were behind him. The three of them seemed more smug, arrogant, and threatening than ever.

"So you've got that pathetic journalist," Malfoy added thoughtfully, leaning out and looking at them with a slight smile on his lips, "and Potter is Dumbledore's favorite child again." Cool. His smile deepened. Crabbe and Goyle were also looking at them with wicked smiles.

Trying not to think about it, huh? Pretending as if it hadn't happened?

"Out," Harry said.

He hadn't been around Malfoy since he'd seen him gossip with Crabbe and Goyle during Dumbledore's speech.

"You have chosen the losing side, Potter!" I warned you! I told you that you should choose your companies more carefully, remember? When we meet on the train, the day we enter Hogwarts. I told you not to hang out with such a rabble! He nodded at Ron and Hermione.

It's too late now, Potter! Now that the Dark Lord has returned, the Mudbloods and friends of the Muggles will be the first to fall! It was as if someone had lit a box of flares in the compartment. Blinded by the glare of the enchantments that had come from all directions, deafened by the explosions.

Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were unharmed, a barrier covered the three of them, Sasuke had protected them, they claimed him for protecting him, he replied that six against three is unfair if they want to fight one on one.

Malfoy was surprised how he blocked those spells without using a wand, it seems like Sasuke is getting stronger.

Sasuke told the three let's go.

Ron exclaimed what's wrong with him because he's siding with Malfoy, he doesn't realize that Malfoy hates Muggles and supports He Who Must Not Be Named.

They all fell silent.

In Harry's compartment, Fred, George and Neville stayed.

"Anyone want to play a game with the exploding cards?" Fred asked, pulling out a deck of cards.

They were on their fifth game when Harry decided to ask them:

"Are you going to tell us?" Who were you blackmailing?

"Ah," said George with some mystery. That!

"It doesn't matter," Fred replied.

"We've given up," George added with a shrug.

"Fine, all right. If you really want to know... it was about Ludo


"Bagman?" Harry snapped. You mean he was wrapped in...?

"Nah," George said with a grim note. Not much less. He's a jerk. He doesn't have enough brain for that.

-So? Ron asked.

"Do you remember the bet we made with him, at the Quidditch World Cups?" We bet he would win Ireland but Krum would catch the snitch.

"We remember," said Harry and Ron.

"Well, the jerk paid us in leprechaun gold that he had taken from the Ireland team mascots.


"Yes," Fred confirmed grumpily. And he vanished, of course. The next morning, there was nothing left!

—But... it will have been a mistake, right? Hermione commented.

"Yeah, that's what we thought at first. We thought that if we wrote to him explaining the mistake he had made, he would drop the bucks. But nothing of that.

He ignored our letter. We repeatedly tried to talk to him at Hogwarts, but he always had some excuse to leave.

"He got pretty nasty in the end," Fred explained. He told us that we were too young to gamble, and that he wouldn't give us anything.

"So we asked him to at least give us our money back."

"I wouldn't say no to that!" Hermione exclaimed almost voicelessly.

"I believe that he refused!" Fred said.

"But it was all your savings!"

"You don't have to explain it to us," said George. Of course, we eventually found out what was going on. Lee Jordan's father had also had a lot of trouble getting Bagman to give him the money. It turns out that he is in trouble with the goblins. They lent him a lot of money. A gang of them cornered him in the woods after the World Cups and took all the gold he had with him, and it still wasn't enough to pay off everything he owed them. They followed him to Hogwarts so he wouldn't slip away. He has lost everything in the game. He has nowhere to drop dead. And do you know how he tried to pay off the goblins?

-As? Harry asked.

"He bet on you, man," Fred explained. He bet a lot against the goblins that you would win the Tournament.

"That's why he insisted on helping me!" Harry exclaimed.

Fred: But we made a small fortune betting who would be in second place, due to Uchiha's performance, it was decided who would be in first place, that's why there was no betting house, so we sold our belongings and some formulas to Zonco to be able to open the betting house where we would bet who would occupy second place.

The favorites were Tu and Krum, but they had a feeling so we bet on Fleur, since we were the only ones that bet on her, we took all the winnings, and Ron no word to our mother if you want to still keep that tongue.


Sasuke arrived at his house and an owl left him an invitation where the sender was Lucius Malfoy
