
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

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80 Chs

7 The Hogwarts Express

Sasuke was preparing to return home after shopping in Diagon Alley, he began to remember how he bought his house.


Sasuke still lived in a tree, but thanks to the products he sold to Borgin he got galleons, knuts and sickles.

He also had an easier way to get money, and he was one of the unlucky ones who tried to kill him for his money, but they were killed by Sasuke, and the money they had became Sasuke's property.

Inside the Borgin and Burkes store.

Sasuke: Borgin explain to me the value of the coins again.

Borgin: You bring me good products, brat, so I'll explain it to you.

Sasuke: Better not lie to me because you know that I can go to Gringotts to check the information, and you know what happens to those who try to deceive me.

Borgin still remembers the guys who tried to rob him outside his store, that kid mercilessly killed them.

Borgin: 1 galleon = 17 sickles = 493 knuts

Sasuke: I understand, but I have another question, can't magicians double money with their magic?

Borgin: You can't because magic money was minted by goblins, they have magical protections that would react to any modification by the wand.

Sasuke: and sell them in the muggle world.

Borgin: magical money doesn't work in the muggle world, muggles don't appreciate the value of gold, they only have those papers that tear easily, also if you use it in the muggle world we would be breaking the international secret statute and believe me by doing so we would be being Persecuted by the Ministry of Magic.

Sasuke: Thanks for the info.


Deep in the forest, Sasuke had gone to his refuge which was a tree house.

Sasuke had taken out a large number of galleons, for two years he had saved a lot, as for the Sickles and Kunts decided to save them.

Remembering Borgin's words that magical money was protected against magic, he smiled, and made a set of seals.

Sasuke: Katon: Ryūka no jutsu

The fire jutsu falls on the galleon, Sasuke watches as the magical protections don't activate and the coin melts.

Sasuke takes out several steel molds and begins to melt the galleons, later getting several solid gold bricks.

Sasuke smiles because now he will also have muggle money in addition to the magical one.

The next morning, Sasuke uses his Henge no Jutsu to transform into an adult, to exchange the gold for sterling.

So he goes to the bank, but when they show him the gold, they decide to take him to a private room to negotiate.

Bank owner personally went to negotiate.

Banker: yes, Mr. Uchiha, you are lucky to have found such an amount of gold.

Mr Uchiha: yes I was very lucky

Banker: As you know, I need information on the origin of the money, we would not want to be surprised that it is of dubious origin, right.

Banker had his hand resting on the chair, where he had an alarm for his guards to enter if necessary.

Sasuke uses a genjutsu to avoid all the drawbacks, to quickly change the gold.

Banker: everything is in order Mr. Uchiha, your account has been created and thank you for opening your account at our bank.

Mr. Uchiha: I'm looking for a house, the bank will be selling some properties.

Banker: Glad to help you Mr. Uchiha, we have great houses that might interest you.

Mr. Uchiha and the banker looked at various photos until he found one he liked.

The house was huge and had a large patio, even a small lagoon, Mr. Uchiha signed the papers and the banker, still within the genjutsu, would take care of all the respective procedures.

Sasuke orders a dojo to be built to carry out his training, he also travels through most of London looking for a blacksmith to make his ninja weapons.


Sasuke arrives at his house and gets out of the taxi, taking his purchases home.

Once installed, he begins to review all the first-year material, so he decided to study all the material, and review the contents that he was already learning thanks to the books obtained in knockturn alley.

Ssuke divided his time between studying at home and practicing magic in knockturn alley.

At home he could only read the books and practice potions, since it didn't require a wand, he also used the purchased books to compare the different preparation methods since they had different authors.

As for magic, he could not perform it at home since he had been warned that the Ministry of Magic monitors minors until they are 17 years old, but if he performed magic in a place full of magicians they would not detect it since they could not Find out who performed the magic.

He also practiced magic without a wand but he did not get results, when he trained his chakra he discovered that he had obtained affinity with the wind, he was thinking about how he got it and the only thing that occurred to him was when he absorbed naruto's chakra in the valley of the end and arrive to this world that chakra merged with his.

While preparing the same potions with the recipe guide of different authors, he discovered that some improved the potion and others reduced the time, they also improved the cooking process, but Sasuke continued to experiment.

Several weeks passed, until September 1st arrived, the date to go to Hogwarts.

At eight the next morning, Sasuke wakes up from his dream.

He turned off the alarm clock that was still screaming loudly, got out of bed, put on a pair of pants and a long dark polo shirt with the Uchiha logo on it. She didn't want to wear thick and boring wizard robes on the way to the train station.

Sasuke had a quick breakfast and went out with his trunk that he had already prepared at night. When he left, the taxi he had ordered was waiting for him.

Taxi driver: good morning young man where am I taking you.

Sasuke: King's Cross Station, London.

Taxi driver: understood.

The taxi was driving down the track while listening to the "God in Heaven" song.

"Glory to God in the highest

and on earth peace to men

who loves the Lord..."

Approximately two hours passed, arriving at King's Cross station at 10:30am.

Sasuke quickly got out of the taxi, lowered his trunk and paid the driver.

He put his trunk on one of the train station trolleys, and proceeded to move looking for platform 9 ¾".

Sasuke had walked most of the station and wondered "where would platform 9 ¾ be?"

Sasuke takes out his train ticket again to compare the direction indicated.

"platform 9 ¾"

"What? Nine and three quarters?" Sasuke frowned. "I don't recall there being such a platform at King's Cross station."

Sasuke in his mind was saying "Maybe I should go to the ninth platform and the tenth platform maybe I'll find a clue!"

King's Cross Station is almost one of the oldest railway stations in Europe, and is now the largest railway station in London.

I pass through some scattered crowds, reaching the ninth platform.

The destination of the ninth platform is Aberdeen, Scotland, while the tenth platform is for Glasgow, Scotland.

Sasuke looked around but couldn't find any clues about platform 9 ¾".

Sasuke approached one of the guards.

Sasuke: excuse me, sir, you know about platform 9 ¾"

Watchman: again, kid, last year they asked me that nonsense and I'll say it again, the 9 ¾" platform does not exist.

The watchman went to another place.

Sasuke looked at the big clock on the side, it's already 10:45 am. This is not good news.

But after a few minutes, two people who were having a conversation passed by.

"Grandma, my toad is missing again!"

"Neville." She heard another old woman sigh.

Sasuke's eyes lit up, seeing that the boy had a trunk with the Hogwarts logo on it, and the old woman was wearing a witch's robe.

Sasuke decides to approach them.

Sasuke: good morning ma'am, I'm Sasuke Uchiha, I was wondering if you could tell me where platform 9 ¾ is.

The lady looked at him carefully as he was dressed, then she understood that he was a muggle and most likely a 1st year student.

Good morning Mr. Uchiha, I'm Mrs. Longbottom!" The old lady said with a smile, "My grandson, Neville, he is a second year student at Hogwarts"

Neville just nodded when he looked at Sasuke.

Mrs. Longbottom: to go to platform 9 ¾ "you just have to cross the wall between platforms 9 and 10, run a little if you're nervous.

"Neville, show Mr. Uchiha how to cross!" Mrs. Longbotton ordered, a hint of disapproval in the words.

Neville: "Okay...Grandma..."

He then pushed his luggage cart and ran towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10, where it disappeared.

Sasuke quickly pushed his cart and followed.

The panorama of King's Cross station disappeared to appear in front of him a dark red steam locomotive, when he looked up he observed the sign that said: Hogwarts Express and on its side platform 9 ¾".

When Sasuke looks around, he sees several students getting on the train, then he sees Neville rubbing his forehead, everything seems to indicate that he hit something.

Sasuke: You're fine Neville.

Neville: It's nothing.

Sasuke upon receiving the answer decides to retire to look for a compartment.

Sasuke while walking through the corridors in his mind is remembering his goals which is to only interact as little as possible, return to his dimension, kill the kages and generate a revolution in the shinobi world.

Walking through the excited crowd, he found an empty compartment near the back of the train and then put his suitcase away.

Although he's only eleven years old, Sasuke's body has been training since he arrived so lifting his luggage is too much for him.

He then took out his book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" written by Newt-Scamander from his trunk, and proceeded to read.

Although he didn't leave any bookmarks, Sasuke remembered the page number where he left off and the title said "Basilisk"

The Basilisk is a giant serpent, also known as the King of Serpents, it is a creature raised by dark wizards. The first recorded basilisk was raised by Herpo the Fool, a dark Parseltongue-speaking wizard from Greece. After many experiments, Herpo discovered that a gigantic snake endowed with extraordinarily dangerous powers came out of a chicken egg hatched by a toad.

It is classified by the Ministry of Magic with XXXXX, due to the fact that it is a murderer of magicians and cannot be tamed due to the fact that it is endowed with extraordinarily dangerous powers.

This snake, which can reach a gigantic size and whose life lasts several centuries, is born from a chicken egg hatched by a toad. Its methods of killing are most extraordinary, for in addition to its deadly poisonous fangs, the basilisk kills with its gaze, and all who gaze upon the gleam of its eyes must suffer instant death. Spiders flee from the basilisk, since this is their mortal enemy, and the basilisk only flees from the rooster's crowing, which for it is deadly.

Judging from the available information, Sasuke was studying ways to deal with all the monsters in the book. And he was still investigating on his own whether there would be other methods.

His compartment door opened, and a girl with long red hair, long eyelashes, and a troubled face walked in as if she had walked the entire train.

"Is anyone sitting here?" She pointed to the seat across from Sasuke and whispered, "Most of the rest are full."

"Nobody!" Sasuke said casually.

At the same time, he helped the girl to put her trunk inside the compartment.

"Thank you!" The girl smiled. She sat across from Sasuke: "Excuse me, her name?"

Sasuke: "Sasuke Uchiha!" Hogwarts first year student.

"My name is Ginny Weasley, I'm also a first year student."

Sasuke returned his concentration to his book, ignoring Ginny.

Ginny was already dressed in her Hogwarts robes, her trunk had the Gryffindor logo on it.

Sasuke turned his eyes to the window and watched as the train moved forward.

Until platform 9 ¾ disappeared completely from his field of vision.

Ginny: are your parents wizards or muggles?

Sasuke decided to ignore her while reading but he kept insisting anyway.

Sasuke: "they're muggles", coldly

Ginny: I see

Ginny: "My father works at the Ministry of Magic" she exclaimed: "I have a brother named Ron, now he's in the second year, there are also my other brothers Fred and George who are in fourth, and another brother who is in sixth"

Sasuke just nodded but he was bored listening to her, he tried to concentrate on his book.

Ginny: Did you know, Harry Potter is in his second year, and he's my brother's best friend, he's famous, he's brave, they say he survived He Who Must Not Be Named when he was just a baby, and he's the best Quidditch player at Hogwarts , it was spending vacations with us in our house, I have been looking for…

Sasuke: you're loud

Sasuke: I don't care who this Harry Potter guy is, from the way you describe him he's just someone famous by name, it's not that he's strong, right, so I don't care, so let me read in peace.

Ginny got upset at being quiet like that.

Ginny: whatever you want Sasuke, I was going to ask you which house you want to go to but I don't care.

Ginny: I just hope you don't enter "Gryffindor!", because there are only the brave, Harry Potter is also from Gryffindor besides being the best house.

Ginny gets up annoyed and pulls out her trunk and leaves the compartment.


"Ginny, you're here!" A sharp voice came from outside the door.

Fred: we've been looking for you

George why are you coming out of that compartment.

Ginny: It's nothing, just a creep is inside.

In Fred and George's minds they told each other that no one bothers their sister. Fred and George went to face him but when they saw him through the window in the door they decided it was better to make him pay at Hogwarts with all his arsenal of joke items where they wouldn't be charged for what happened to him.


Sasuke inside his compartment decided to rest since when he found out about Hogwarts they told him that the train always arrives at night, so he decides to sleep for a while.

4 hours later.

"The train will be arriving at Hogwarts in five minutes. Leave your luggage in its compartments and we'll send it to school for you." A voice echoed in the train.

This is good news, you didn't need to bring your trunk to school.

Sasuke quickly changes into his uniform.

The train slowed down and finally stopped.

Sasuke watched as the students pushed towards the exit, he waited for them to leave so he could go out with peace of mind.

Going down to the train platform, a voice echoes throughout the place.

"Freshmen, first years come this way! Freshmen, first years come this way!" A loud voice came from the front.

Sasuke saw a large man in a crowd that was gathering around him.

The subject's face was almost completely covered by long scruffy hair and a thick, matted beard, but he could still see his pair of black eyes under his hair.

Hagrid: "I am Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid, Hogwarts Ranger and Hogwarts Key Keeper!"

Hagrid: "Come on, come with me, freshman."

Hagrid: Watch your feet, the ground can be slippery.

Most of the first years have followed Hagrid, but have kept their distance from him due to Hagrid's massive frame and fierceness.

Sasuke was following Hagrid without any qualms. He knew that even though Hagrid seemed a bit fierce, he wouldn't give him much trouble.

And next to Sasuke was a very strange girl, she has messy waist-length hair, very pale eyebrows and bulging eyes.

"It's a wonderful trip, isn't it?" He said with a lost look.

"Yeah!" Sasuke nodded, though he didn't know where the wonder point was.

Hagrid: "Turn this corner, you'll see Hogwarts for the first time."

At the end of the narrow path, a black lake suddenly unfolded.

Hagrid: "There's Hogwarts!" across the lake.

On the high slope across the lake stands a winding castle with a towering tower and a window twinkling under the stars.

Hagrid: No more than four people per boat.

Sasuke had boarded one of the boats, the same can be said for the strange blonde haired girl followed by two strange little boys.

Hagrid: "Is everyone aboard?"

Most said "yes"

The boats immediately began to move in the direction of the castle.

Sasuke was thinking that this is probably an entrance ritual for first years.

The boat took them across the lake, ivy-covered cliffs, and they came to a hidden, open entrance.

They went through a dark tunnel, and finally came to a place similar to the underground dock, and then got off the boats.

Under the light of Hagrid's lamp,

They all went up the stone steps and gathered in front of a massive oak door.

Hagrid picked up a pink umbrella and banged it three times on the castle gate.

The door opened quickly.

Hagrid: "Welcome to Hogwarts!"

Hagrid looked at the little wizards behind him and blinked, then continued to lead the way ahead.

In front of them is a stone wall surrounded by a burning torch, the ceiling is almost too high to see the top, the front is a luxurious marble staircase that leads directly upstairs.

"Professor Snape, how are you here?"

A middle-aged man with greasy black hair, a hooked nose, and pale skin was worn in a leaning hut.

Sasuke suddenly felt Professor Severus Snape's eyes on himself, and he didn't bow his head.

Severus Snape stopped at a position less than a few meters from Sasuke and said slowly, "I heard the whomping willow seems to have been injured by something."

"I understand!" Hagrid nodded. "I'll take the freshmen first for the house selection, then I'll go see the whomping willow."

After that, Hagrid continued to move forward, and Sasuke quickly followed.

I don't know if it was an illusion. She felt Snape's eyes looking behind her until she was no longer looking at him.

Hagrid led them into a small, empty room. The little wizards walked in, rubbed their shoulders and nervously looked around at their surroundings.

Professor McGonagall, wearing an emerald robe, is waiting for you here.

"They're the first years, Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Leave them to me now."