
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

Shweta_Roy_2855 · Filem
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80 Chs



After leaving the shop where the champions were, Sasuke decided to retire with Luna and Zacarias to the castle, but they were intercepted by Rita Sketeer who asked for an interview.

Sasuke: I refuse.

As they left for Sketeer, Sasuke invited Luna and Zacarias to the Slytherin common room, where upon arrival they had begun to celebrate their victory, and welcomed their two friends with open arms.

Half of Slytherins are half-bloods, the other half are purebloods but the predominance in that house is purebloods, most of the half-bloods refuse to acknowledge that they are half-bloods for fear of the prejudice they would receive, but after seeing them in action to Sasuke, they forgot their fear and shouted that they are mestizos, some purebloods wanted to oppress them but Sasuke appears right at the door together with Luna and Zacarias.

The whole room begins to cheer his name, those who wanted to oppress them stopped not because of their fear of Sasuke, but because they saw that 80% of Slytherins supported Sasuke, now they are the minority.

Sasuke thanked them for the party and passed the golden egg around for everyone to examine.

The party started where everyone ate, danced, even Zacarias and Luna, but Sasuke refused as he was concentrating on the egg.

After examining the egg, Sasuke decides to open it but a deafening sound came out, which made everyone freeze due to the scream, everyone began to give their opinion about the scream but none of them sounded coherent until:

Luna: -That's the sound that mermaids make when they get out of the water.

They all said "that"

Moon: years ago When I was investigating the nargles, I approached the dark lake, and I witnessed a conversation between two mermaids, when I approached to also talk they dived.

Dhapne: The story goes that sirens lure sailors to drown in their domains while listening to a sweet melody.

But there's nothing sweet about this, everyone else nodded.

Draco: Suddenly it's the place, maybe it needs some kind of zone.

Sasuke: I see, analyzing all the comments, I think I have an idea.

Everyone knows that animals have different types of language, even though we don't understand them, they communicate with each other, but for them to give us this egg as the second test means that there is an easy way to decipher it.

Mermaids speak to each other outside, they can also speak in the water, otherwise they would always expose themselves to be able to speak.

Zacarias, upon capturing the idea, deforms the table into a large tub.

Sasuke: you have to put the egg in the water and open it, pointing to his wand it says aguamenti.

They all yelled "aguamenti" in unison to help fill the tub.

Sasuke put the egg inside and started the melody:

Where our voices ring, come find us,

that on earth our songs are not heard.

And these words meditate meanwhile,

because they are important, you don't know how much!:

We have taken what you value most,

and to find it you have an hour.

After this time, dark prospects!

too late, there will be no way out.

Sasuke: I understand.

-------------------------------------------------- -----

Meanwhile in Gryffindor Tower

Most celebrate the results, but one group in particular was concerned.

Sirius, Ron, Harry and Hermione were worried about the difficulty of the first task and had no idea what the second would be like, but until now they didn't know who put Harry's name on the goblet.

Sirius: Don't worry Harry, whatever comes we'll face and win, clenching his fist at the memory of Snape's face.

To all this, bring the egg maybe we can figure it out before I go.

Ron hands them the egg, but when he opens it a deafening noise begins to sound, which falls to the entire common room.

No one had any idea what it was, some were of the opinion that the second test would be facing the cruciatus curse or angry ghosts, but none of them sounded logical.

Until the Weasley twins interrupted the atmosphere by saying that it sounded like their brother Percy singing.

Some Gryffindors from 3rd to 1st were talking about Sasuke's performance that he was great, I think no one is a match for him, and Professor Snape is amazing, do you remember the first class I said a 1st year.

"I will teach you how to master the mind and enchant the senses, I will teach you how to bottle up fame and generate glory and even put a stop to death"

I thought he was just a madman scaring us, but with the potion that defeated the dragon, the professor is cool.

Everyone in the Gryffindor room listened incredulously to these statements, especially those from 4th to 7th years.

Sirius: in his mind, damn snivillus, don't believe much, as he said goodbye to Harry.


All Hogwarts and the magical world were aware of the Prophet's publication on the development of each champion, the favorite was the lesser known Sasuke Uchiha from Slytherin, his fame grew without limits seeing how he defeated the dragon without receiving a single scratch, everyone called him the rising star

He refused to give an interview to the prophet, especially because of Rita Sketer who doesn't like him, he talked to Luna and asked her to call her father to give the Quibbler an interview, Luna was grateful.

Sasuke gave the interview inside Hogwarts, then they said goodbye, bragging, that the other champions were weak and that he would win the championship.

The Quibbler's sales were astronomical, surpassing the prophet, explaining the spell he used, and how he defeated the dragon in two minutes, not to mention that he's the first Muggle-born in Slytherin.

Sasuke was preparing for the second test, he used the Bubble helmet spell to surround his entire body, but he needed to refine the details about the attacks, about which spells to use underwater, thunder would be his last resort, he would trust the wind, to increase the speed of the bubble, while sitting on the edge of the lake, to recognize the presence of the magical creatures that were in the lake, while reading books about such creatures, be it their characteristics, weak points and attacks.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts class it was Slytherin and Hufflepuff.

Professor Moody decided to teach them about the Bogarts.

Moody: What is a Bogart?

Sasuke: It's a shapeless dark creature.

Moody: 5 Slytherin points

Moody: What is it that makes her a dark creature?

Eloise Midgen: It's just that it becomes our biggest fear.

Moody: correct 5 points Hufflepuff

Moody: The best way to deal with a Bogart is laughter, the best charm is Riddiculus. So get out your wands and line up. The best way to learn is with practice.

"Very well, everyone can try... Miss Selwyn, are you willing to go first?"

Selwyn, bravely walked two steps forward, some trembling, pulling out her wand and pointing to the cabinet.

"Do not get nervous". Moody consoled himself, "Imagine what you think is ridiculous. Other students, everyone take a few steps back and give Miss Selwyn a little position. I'll call the next student." "

They all backed away and retreated to the wall, leaving Selwyn alone by the side of the cupboard.

His face was pale and scared.

"I counted three, Miss Selwyn." Moody said softly, and pointed his wand at the cabinet, "One, two, three, start!"

At the top of the old man's wand, a spark was shot, the spark hit the cabinet door handle, and the cabinet door swung open.

A large, graceful, maneless golden lion stepped out of the closet, glaring at Selwin with a straight eye and a furious roar in its mouth.

Moody frowned slightly, then said, "A Chawo lion eating in Tanzania... Miss Selwyn, hurry up, imagine what you think is funny..."

Selwyn startled a few steps back, raised her wand, but couldn't speak.

The lion climbed step by step towards her, getting closer and closer.

Ridiculous! Selwyn yelled.

The lion's mane was quickly encircled by the flames... It wasn't much hair, and the flames were extinguished in a few seconds, turning into a black and black coal.

"ha ha ha!" The students burst out laughing.

"Good job, Miss Selwyn...later, Mr. Smith."

Zakarias-Smith stepped forward.

The black coal that did not fall in the fall, walked around it for two laps, and then began to turn into a human figure a bit.

She turned into a middle-aged woman in her forties, with a face full of sternness and anger.

The middle-aged woman slammed into Zakarias and searched through her clothes.

"Mom... Mom..." Zacarias shook and said, tilting his head.

Several Hufflepuff students burst out laughing, and Smith, who looked so dazed and daring, was so afraid of his mother.

"Don't be nervous Mr. Smith, remember this is just a Boggart" Dumbledore said lazily.

Zacarias is dreaming and raises his wand: "Riddiculus!"

Mrs. Smith was thrown back a few steps by the spell, and then covered in a creamy cake, and smeared with it.

Zakarias couldn't help but laugh.

All the students laughed, and even Sasuke was no exception.

Miss Midgan

In front of her, Boggart turned into a bloodied, bandaged mummy.

But soon the bandage on the mummy scattered, and it fell off with a bang.

"Next... Mr. Avery!"

The fallen mummy turned into a huge green Welsh dragon, its body nearly filling the entire classroom.

But after a few seconds, the Welsh Green Dragon turned into a rat with a dangling tail.

So successively they advanced until they reached the last one.

"Next... Mr. Uchiha!"

The Boggart didn't transform into anything, no one knew why.

Boggart: he uses a kind of Legilimens to be able to read our fears but when he tried to read Sasuke, what he found was a purple hand that was crushing him; he for the first time he felt fear.

Moody in his mind it seems that this boy is not afraid of anything, if he becomes an auror it will be terrible.

Moody finished the class, and everyone left