
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

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80 Chs

47 Surrounding Mountains

Sasuke returned home to prepare for his travels, ready his Ambu suit, kept a scroll with weapons and supplies, and left for his destination, arrived where the portkey was located and took it.

Upon reaching his destination, he observed a mountain, but he could not see the eagles anywhere, he had no choice but to climb the mountain, while he was walking he met bears and wolves, but attacking an Uchiha was his greatest mistake, because before they reacted Sasuke had decapitated them quickly.

It was already dark so he decided to camp near the river, while he rested the next morning he decided to stay there to practice his techniques, he practiced the fourth hokage's Shiraihisen again, but there was no reaction so he practiced for hours but nothing, until he went to the river to fish for lunch.

He kept trying but nothing, he had only seen him use it without any hand seal, so he was lost.

The next morning he continued on his way again until he reached the base of the surrounding mountain, where he proceeded to climb with the help of his chakra.

He reached the top and began to explore the area until he managed to find his goal, they were a group of eagles, Sasuke cautiously approached the one that was far from the group, from the book of fantastic animals and where to find them he had read that they understand the human language.

Then Sasuke introduces himself, and tells him I want you to sign a summoning contract with me, the eagle evaluated him.

I just need a little of your blood, when taking out the kunai, the eagle approached to attack sasuke, but he dodged it, they continued like this until nightfall, and sasuke had no choice but to withdraw.

Upon returning to the place, the confrontation began again, and they continued like this for two days until I managed to understand what the eagle wanted to recognize him.

He had to ride it for at least 30 minutes without falling, if he did this eagle would follow him.

They started again, but the eagle was flying away around the area, Sasuke followed behind, both of them were moving fast, but every time Sasuke closed the distance, the eagle flew up and so the weeks went on.

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In the village of Ottery St. Catchpole, where a huge black mountain stood. There was a group of people gathering.

"What kind of objects are Portkeys?" Harry asked.

"Well, they can be anything," Mr. Weasley replied.

Inconspicuous things, of course, so Muggles won't pick them up and play with them. Things that to them will look like just rubbish.

They trudged down the dark, cold, wet path toward the town.

Mr. Weasley kept looking at his watch.

By the time they started up Stoatshead Hill they had no strength left to speak.

Well, we have arrived on time. We have ten minutes.

Hermione reached the crest of the hill last, her hand cupped to her side to ease the pain of flatulence.

"Now only the portkey is missing," said Mr. Weasley.

They had only been there a couple of minutes when a scream tore through the air.

"Here Arthur!" Here, son, we already have it.

On the other side of the crest of the hill, four silhouettes stood out against the starry sky.

"Amos, xenophilius!" Mr. Weasley said smiling as he strode towards the men he had yelled at. The others followed.

—This is Amos Diggory, He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Xenophilius Lovegood, is the editor of the newspaper the qliber.

And I think you already know their children Cedric and Luna.

"Has the walk been long, Arthur?" Cedric's father asked.

"Not too much," Mr. Weasley replied. We live right on the other side of that town. And you?

"We had to get up at two, right, Ced?" What happiness when I finally have the apparition card! But hey, we can't complain. We wouldn't miss the Quidditch World Cup for a sack of galleons... which is what the tickets have cost us, more or less. Although, anyway, it hasn't been as expensive for me as others... pointing out Xenophilius Lovegood.

While the adults talked Luna and Ginny too, the others just looked at her and knew that she was a friend of Sasuke Uchiha.

Ginny asked how you got tickets last time you told me no your dad couldn't get them.

Luna: If my father couldn't get them, you won't believe that Draco Malfoy invited me to go with my father to see the World Cup.

Everyone was surprised by such news, the Trio of Heroes being the most surprised by Malfoy's attitude.

Ginny silently asked if Sasuke was going too.

Luna responds in a normal voice: she didn't say she had more important things to do.

Harry and Ron: What? What is more important than the Quiditch World Cup

Mr. Weasley cut them off saying everyone grab the boot we have to go now.

When they arrived most of the young people were on the floor, only the adults were standing. While they waited, Amos and Arthur talked to Xenophilius about why Lucius Malfoy had invited him to the VIP box.

Xenophilius Lovegood: I don't know, but I'll take the opportunity to ask you about the wrinkled-horned Snoark, and about the findings of my research, and above all that Rufus Escrimegur is a vampire.

Through Amos and Arthur's mind was going through the face that Malfoy's guests will make when they hear all those theories.

Xenophilius Lovegood and Luna said goodbye and went to the meeting point.

There Draco was waiting since early, I couldn't do anything to offend Luna or sasuke kill me, hell.

Draco, upon seeing Luna and her father arrive, greeted them most cordially, as he took them to the sleeping tent where they would share with the Lovegoods.

Narcissa and Lucius, faked their expressions and treated them with respect, while

They began to listen to the conspiracy theories of Xenophilius Lovegood.

When they finished eating breakfast, they went to their respective boxes where the adults sat at the top with officials and ministers of magic.

Draco's friends were surprised to see Draco and Luna arrive, one above all fuming and it was Pansy Parkinson, but he had to hide it well because Draco wrote to most of his friends that if they offended Luna, Sasuke would take revenge.

Everyone gets ready for the match between Ireland and Bulgaria to start.

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Returning to the surrounding mountain, several days had passed since the battle between Sasuke and the Eagle, neither of them gave in.

Until Sasuke began to float in the air thanks to his wandless wind magic, such an action surprised the eagle, but in the air he performed some Kage bunshin no jutsu seals, the 10 clones threw Kunai with attached wires, but the eagle he dodged the wires, but when he dodged the last one Sasuke appeared mounted on his back.

Sasuke: it seems that the distraction worked, the eagle did everything to throw it down, dive, fly headlong, but nothing was released, in the end time passed and Sasuke won the recognition of the eagle.

Sasuke: You don't know how I had to restrain myself from killing you, it's good that it turned out well in the end, so now give me some of your blood, while he placed it on his scroll, the summoning contract was finally sealed, stay here for now I will call on you if I need help.

The eagle nodded, as Sasuke took out a portkey from a scroll to return to his starting point, then went home, tired just to sleep.

He was resting at home, the only thing apart from doing the tasks that the teachers had left him was meditating, to have better control of his chakra.

One day before school started, he received a letter from Burgin, that his order was now available.

Sasuke quickly went to the knocturm alley where he was met by Burgin, who showed him 4 house elves.

Burgin: the Three males are alpha, beta and gamma these elves were left without an owner when their masters died, their masters having no heirs, all the belongings were kept by the ministry and gringots as for the elves they only threw them away, the latter She was recently fired in the Quiditch World Cup final. Her name is Winki, she was just downcast.

Sasuke: okay I'll take them all

Burgin: he was surprised, I thought you would only take one, but hey, business is business.

Burgin explained to him how to make the magical contract with them and how to dismiss them by giving him his garment.

Sasuke was going home while being followed by the invisible elves, when the elves arrived they were surprised by the size of the house, Sasuke explained to them what to do and the maintenance of the weapons he has.

The elves were happy to be needed again by the wizards,

Sasuke took them to a room for each one, while he reviewed the powers of the house elves, he went to rest because tomorrow the new semester begins