
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

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80 Chs

46 Diagon Alley

An owl left a letter to Sasuke, it was about the school and the list of books for this year, he also received an additional list with the materials of the selected alternative courses.

Sasuke decided to leave immediately, he also had to talk to Burgin about his other assignment, but he saw an owl arrive, which left him a letter, it was from Draco Malfoy, inviting him to see the Quiditch World Cup to take place at the end of the month.

Sasuke thought about it but declined the offer, he wrote a letter to Malfoy claiming that he would be busy with some things but said that the ticket he sent him would be given to Luna and her father. In the letter he wrote a message at the end, take care of them, because they will be your responsibility.

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At Malfoy manor, the owl returned bringing the answer, Draco read the answer, and he was pale, because he had refused his invitation and on top of that he had to take care of that Lunatica.

In her mind she said that if something happens to her or I offend her in any way what will Sasuke do to me, with that in mind she went to write to her friends warning them not to treat Luna badly and explaining that Sasuke sent her to replace her.

Lucius Malfoy was surprised when Draco told him Sasuke's answer, instead his mother Narcissa Malfoy was glad not to have to mix with that Muggle, who was a disgrace to Slytherin, when she learned Luna Lovegood's last name, she was happier to know that they are pure blood; He doesn't care that her father is the editor of the newspaper el qliber.

Draco reluctantly had to write a letter to Luna to meet at the checkpoints to watch the match.

At the Lovegood house, Luna was happy as she watched her second wand, until an owl arrived with Sasuke's letter informing her that they had been invited by Draco to watch the Quiditch World Cup, where he sent her ticket and also for her father, but don't worry about him since he won't be able to attend because he has to make some trips.

PS Draco will take care of you, so go and enjoy the World Cup.

A second Owl arrived where Luna, where she was surprised to receive two owls addressed to her, the only ones she received were from the school or from Sasuke.

The letter was from Draco, where he wrote in the kindest way where they would meet to go to his camp with his parents, he also mentioned the friends who were going to accompany them, Luna was happy in her mind she thought that I have another friend.

At Malfoy manor, Draco was remembering what he told his friends about treating Luna well, otherwise Sasuke would kill us if anything happened to him, or we offended her in any way.

With Lucius, he was in his secret chamber putting away his Death Eater mask again, there was no point in wearing it because now he had to take care of the Lovegoods, because if something happened to them Sasuke would most likely kill them, he was full of helplessness, just remembering how Sasuke had killed that dark wizard in knockturn alley, and how his hand had pierced his chest and that sound of screaming birds.

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The next day Sasuke went to Diagon Alley to buy his school supplies for this year, also materials for potions, a new tunic because of the previous one was too short for him, once he bought everything he sent it home by owl, the purchases were fast Since there weren't many people, everyone was heading to the Quiditch World Cup, Sasuke went to knockturn alley as he walked by, the wizards recognized him and walked away from him, arriving at Burgin and Burkes.

Sasuke: I ask if there is news about his second order:

Burgin: Yes, some contacts told me where the entrance to the surrounding mountains where the eagles live was.

Sasuke: ok tell me

Burgin: This information cost me a lot and I also got you a portkey there.

Sasuke: how much

Burgin: 200 galleons

Sasuke: throws a sack with galleons at him.

Sasuke: Burgin I have another request try to get it before the semester starts at Hogwarts otherwise I won't give you anything.

Burgin gives him the address where the portkey is prepared for him, Sasuke leaves to take the portkey