
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

Shweta_Roy_2855 · Filem
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80 Chs

15 second attack


The weather was dark, so the dark castle became particularly gloomy.

Ron, Hermione and Harry ran to the Gryffindor common room.

To be able to talk about everything that was going on, and trying to find out who the heir is.

Ron: But who could it be? Who would want to kick all the Squibs and Muggle-borns out of Hogwarts?

Harry: Let's think

Ron: Do we know anyone who thinks muggle family members are scum?

He looked at Hermione. Hermione looked back, unconvinced.

Hermione: If you mean Malfoy.

Ron: Of course! You heard it: "You'll be the Mudbloods next!" Come on, you just have to see his disgusting rat face to know it's him...

Hermione: Malfoy, the heir to Slytherin?

Harry: Look at his family, they've all been Slytherins, he always brags about it. They could very well be descendants of the same Slytherin. His father is a real villain.

Ron: They could have kept the key to the Chamber of Losers for centuries!

Secrets!, Passing it from parents to children...

Hermione: Well, I suppose it could be.

Harry: But how could we prove it?

Hermione: There would be a way. Of course, it would be difficult. And dangerous, very dangerous. I estimate that we would break about fifty school rules.

Ron: If, in a month or so, you think you could start explaining it to us, let us know, okay?

Hermione: Okay, what we should do is go into the Slytherin common room and ask Malfoy a few questions without him suspecting it's us.

Harry: But that's impossible, while Ron laughed.

Hermione: No, it's not; The only thing we would need is a polyjuice potion.

Harry Ron: What is that?

Hermione: Snape mentioned her in class a few weeks ago.

Ron: You think we don't have anything better to do in Potions class than listen to Snape?

Hermione: That potion turns you into someone else. Thought about it! We could become three Slytherin students. No one would recognize us. And surely Malfoy would tell us something. Most likely he is now bragging about it himself in the Slytherin common room.

Ron: This Polyjuice seems a bit dangerous to me, what if we were forever turned into three Slytherins?

Hermione: It wears off after a while, but the real hard part will be getting the recipe. Snape said that he was in a book called Moste Potente Potions that is in the Restricted Section of the library.

There was only one way to get a book from Section

Prohibited: With the written permission of a teacher.

Hermione: It'll be hard to explain why we want that book if not to make some of the potions. I think if we could make it look like we were only interested in theory, we'd have a chance.

Ron: It doesn't bother you... no teacher is going to buy that, it would have to be very silly... and they thought of Lockhart.


On the other hand, Sasuke continued exploring the forbidden forest, this time he was wearing his ninja suit when he was named Genin, his blue suit but this time he did not have the usual ninja sandals but had blue sneakers and black stockings.

After hours of advancing he found a free and hidden area where no one could spy on him, far from the reach of the castle's magic.

He left his backpack in a tree and began to train his taijutsu, since his body needed to be strengthened to be able to withstand the energy drain that his old techniques would cause.

In the distance, an acromantula had seen him jump from tree to tree, she knew that this student was moving away from the school grounds.

So he decided to gather other acromantulas to ambush him.

Sasuke continued training his taijutsu without even noticing that some acromantulas were surrounding him.

These acromantulas have the order not to attack Hagrid, but to the others if they can attack and kill them.

Sasuke continued training but he had already realized that they were watching him, they couldn't hide that thirst for blood, they already knew who they were, since in the past he had hunted acromantulas.

Sasuke hoped that they were close enough to kill them, and they take a great leap, interrupting the surprise attack of these acromantulas, in the air he takes out several kunais from his pocket where he proceeds to throw them towards the acromantulas, the ones that were out of his shooting angle used other kunais to deflect the shot and hit the remaining acromantulas.

Sasuke lands on the ground and sees that the 12 acromantulas that tried to ambush him were dying from the kunai stuck in their heads.

A few minutes passed and no acromantula survived.

Sasuke proceeds to collect the useful materials from the acromantulas since he could get a good price with Burgin, all he would have to do is use one of the school owls to send them and Burgin would use that same owl sending him the respective money.

After having collected the materials, he proceeds to resume his training, Sasuke was planning the methods of his training, he needed to improve his taijuusu, kenjutsu, ninjutsu and magic.

In terms of magic, he was almost the same level as the third year students, but he made up for it with his jutsu and taijutsu to raise him to a more advanced level.

He also thought that he should use another technique besides Chidori, since this one was mostly meant to kill, then he remembered Naruto's jutsu the Rasengan, it wouldn't be that difficult to recreate it since he had always seen Naruto do it with his normal eyes, Sharingan and Rinnegan.

But unfortunately it would take time, since his goal is to do it with one hand, he was also thinking of using the apparition since wizards use it to teleport to different places, thanks to the book about the history of Hogwarts he knows that this place is protected against the apparition, he also knows that there are spells that prevent the apparition to protect them from unwanted intruders, so he remembered in the fourth ninja war the fourth hokage Yondaime also known as the yellow lightning of konoha used his Hiraishin no Jutsu (jutsu of the flying thunder god ) to teleport during battle.

Since there are no jutsus in this world, the places protected from the apparition would not stand a chance against this space-time jutsu.

Sasuke decides to return to the castle while meditating on the plans he had in mind.

While walking through the halls, Luna always greeted him, he returned the greeting, the same thing also happened in the classes they had together.

She started talking about magical creatures that she hadn't found in the Fantastic Beasts book and where to find them, Sasuke guessed that it must be newly discovered information, and that they haven't been published in books yet since the publication date of the book she had was ago. over 20 years, plus the fact that she came from a magical family and her father was a newspaper editor, so she listened and even took notes of the magical creatures that Luna described.

Luna was happy to know that Sasuke listened to her and took the information she shared with him seriously, since the incident with her Ravenclaw classmates a week ago, no one ever insulted her again, let alone hide their things.

Luna called Sasuke friend, and he didn't deny it.

For Sasuke, he considered Luna as a kind of friend who provided new information about this magical world, besides, she was not like the girls at the ninja academy who only screamed every time he passed, and did not stop looking at him, in his mind he wanted to tell them that They better mind their business and better engage in training because they will only be a burden when doing missions as a ninja.

In the Slytherin common room, several students were discussing what had happened to Professor Snape's private cabinet.

Astoria told Sasuke what had happened, that Professor Snape's private cabinet where he keeps most of his rare and expensive ingredients, two precious medicinal herbs were stolen, and it is likely that several students are the culprits.

Professor Snape is looking into the matter and has vowed to expel the thief.

After the conversation about the magical creatures teacher's retirement for the next semester, the Keitelborn decides to retire to spend the rest of his days resting with the few limbs he still has left.

Bored Sasuke decides to continue exploring despite the supposed heir of Slytherin that until now there had been no more attacks.

Being on the seventh floor, Sasuke was walking alone so he decides to keep moving forward reaching areas where there is no one in sight.

Behind Sasuke a group of shadows followed him, but when they reached a corner they lost sight of him.

"damn hurry or we'll lose it"

The four students ran down the hall and turned the corner and didn't see Sasuke.

They decided to go ahead and look behind some armor.

Student 1: where is he?

Student 2: This passageway only leads to the window.

Student 3: He couldn't have come back, we would have seen him.

Sasuke is standing on the roof, realizing that he was being followed, he decided to ambush them, leading them to a deserted corridor of people.

Sasuke lands on the ground softly without them noticing.

Sasuke: wow, wow, some Gryffindors are chasing me.

Student 4: well you know why we follow you

Sasuke: I don't know that's why I ask

Student 1: You hurt Bell and Spinet.

Sasuke: I don't know them

Student 2: cursed, from the Quidditch match

Sasuke: That was it, but I played by the Quidditch rules.

Student 3: Don't play smart you filthy snake.

The 4 Gryffindor wizards drew their wands ready to teach Sasuke a lesson.

Sasuke in his mind says I hope they entertain me since they are 7th grade students.

Sasuke without wasting time runs towards them, while dodging the spells directed at him.

Sasuke applies force to his right leg to propel himself forward, kneeing him in the face of Student 1, who ends up bleeding from his face due to breaking his nose.

Student 2: bastard, "furunculus"

Sasuke had crouched down letting the hex hit Student 3, where he began to scream due to the burning pimples that began to appear on his face.

Student 4: "Desmaius"

Sasuke pulls student 3's clothes to use him as a shield, he falls to the ground unconscious.

Student 2: This can't be real, he's just a freshman.

Sasuke runs towards them.

Student 2: "Protego"

A semi-translucent shield appears in front of Student 2.

Sasuke doesn't stop at the shield in front of him, so he just goes around it to punch student 2 in the face, he ends up unconscious on the ground.

Student 4 looks horrified at this, his mind couldn't believe this was happening, he froze, as Sasuke slowly approached him.

Sasuke: I left you unharmed, because I want you to take these idiots out of here.

Sasuke walks away leaving Student 4 paralyzed with fear.

30 minutes before.

Fred and George were looking at the marauder's map looking for Uchiha to take revenge for what happened in the Quidditch match, but something caught their attention, Uchiha was being chased by Alex and a group of Gryffindor slayers fans.

Fred: Do you think they are planning to do something to Uchiha?

George: Yes, let's stop them, it's one thing to joke but these guys can go too far.

When they got to where Alex and his group were, they were speechless when they saw how Alex's group had been left on the floor, and Alex himself trembling.


It was late at night when Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall hurried past carrying a petrified student.

Colin Creevey His eyes were wide and his hands were gripping the

Camera on the chest.

Mr.Nicolas: Petrified? Whisper.

The teachers looked at the camera hopefully.

Minerva Mcgonagall: Do you think you were able to get a photo of your attacker?

Dumbledore didn't reply. He opened the chamber.

Lady Pomfrey: Please!

A jet of steam billowed from the chamber, carrying the sour smell of burning plastic.

Madam Pomfrey: Melted, all melted...

Minerva Mcgonagall: What does this mean, Albus?

Dumbledore: It means, it is true that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened again.

Madame Pomfrey put a hand to her mouth. Professor McGonagall stared at Dumbledore.

Minerva Mcgonagall: But, Albus... who...?

Dumbledore: The question is not who; the question is how