
Sasuke Uchiha in Harry Potter

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80 Chs

13 Halloween

Ethan Thurkerll helped by Graham Montague went to the infirmary to have his arm fixed.

Madame Pomfrey approached and asked.

Poppy Pomfrey: How the accident happened Mr. Thurkell

Ethan Thurkerll: Quidditch accident.

Poppy Pomfrey: Take a seat on that bed, I'll take care of you now.

Graham Montague: Why didn't you tell him that the Uchiha dislocated your arm?

Ethan Thurkerll: If I do, I won't have my revenge on him.

As he sat up, he was surprised to find that Sebastian Yaxley, Stephen Selwyn, Nick MacDougal, Abran Shafiq, Tomas Sayre were all in the infirmary as well.

Poppy Pomfrey: Very good Mr. Thurkerll, hold still.

Poppy Pomfrey drew her wand and pointed it at the dislocated arm.

Poppy Pomfrey: "Brackium emendo"

The arm returned to its original position.

Poppy Pomfrey – Take this potion, it is a pain-relieving potion.

Ethan Thurkerll: Thank you, Madame Pomfrey.

Poppy Pomfrey returned to her desk to continue making notes in her records, in her thoughts these Slytherins said to herself, they cause me a lot of work, I've had more injuries than in other years.

Ethan Thurkerll decides to approach them, while Graham Montague watches over Nurse Pomfrey, so she doesn't throw them away.

Ethan Thurkerll: Stephen what happened, who did this to them?

Stephen Selwyn: nobody

Ethan Thurkerll: tell me who it was, we can set him up.

Sebastian Yaxley: We've said no one, it was just an accident practicing spells.

Ethan Thurkerll: Well I won't insist, but I need your help.

Sebastian Yaxley: with what

Ethan Thurkerll: Teach the Uchiha a lesson, that Mudblood dislocated my arm, he was lucky I left my wand in the locker room.

Tomas Sayre: do not mention his name

Most of them were subconsciously trembling.

Sebastian Yaxley: don't mess with him, believe me you'll regret it.

Ethan Thurkerll: what are you saying is just a 1st year boy who was lucky to defeat a 5th year and a 3rd year boy in a duel.

Sebastian Yaxley: You don't get it, he's a real monster.

Ethan Thurkerll: Don't tell me he was...

Sebastian Yaxley: Shut up and don't mention it, I'm not going to get in trouble because you decided to open your mouth.

Ethan Thurkerll began to remember that Felix Rosier asked them not to mention the word Mudblood again, five students in the infirmary, the night after the duel they told me that six students flew out of the Uchiha's room, Malfoy kneeling apologizing, this It's no coincidence what kind of monster I've been taunting and what it will do to me, it's best to stay away from it.

Ethan Thurkerll and Graham Montague decide to return to the common room,

In the common room Flint was upset that Quidditch practice was cancelled, all because of the Uchiha, because Snape wanted him to be part of the team and didn't understand.

Ethan Thurkerll: Flint, I'm resigning from the team

Marcus Flint: Because you can't quit

Ethan Thurkerll: I need to stick to my NEWT exams if I'm going to go into ministry, Quidditch was a chill.

Marcus Flint: You can't quit, if you leave we'll be left without a puncher.

Ethan Thurkerll: I just came to inform you, I already made a decision

Marcus Flint was furious, while Ethan Thuskerll was leaving, his plan was to keep Uchiha in the team but on the bench so as not to have problems with Snape, now he has no choice but to give him the position of Holder.

At Hogwarts, time passed quickly, the weather turned colder and October arrived.

The damp cold seemed to pervade the entire castle, and it became popular with the students and teachers.

Poppy Pomfrey specially asked Professor Snape to supply her with a batch of Paprika Potion.

Paprika Potion is a potion that cures the common cold and warms the recipient. As a side effect steam comes out of the drinker's ears for several hours.

Sasuke has spent all his time scoring points in Slytherin classes, in the library, at the Quidditch training ground.

Sasuke now that it is the weekend again is outside the castle, after having explored everything, he makes the decision to explore the forbidden forest now, who knows maybe he will find a free area to train his taijutsu and ninjutsu.

Sasuke starts walking, and when no one is in sight he jumps into the branches of a tree.

Sasuke in his mind I will first recognize the terrain and the magical creatures that inhabit it, I will start from the north.

Sasuke advances jumping from tree to tree, after an hour of advancing he finds a group of 6 acromantulas, he stops so as not to be detected.

As he watches over them he notices a group of centaurs sneaking up on them from the side.

Sasuke remembers what the fantastic beasts book said and where to find it where it said that they are astrologer beings, with deep minds, they know a lot but share little, you can't try to get a direct answer from a centaur.

The centaurs armed with their crossbows start shooting at the acromantulas, they decide to escape but the centaurs are faster and finish them off using their spears.

Sasuke in his mind it seems that centaurs only fight physically they don't possess magic.

Bane: Good hunting, let's take this loot back to the village.

Ronan: the stars had predicted a good hunt

Magnus: The stars are never wrong.

The centaurs carry the corpses of the acromantulas and begin to run, but they do not realize that they are followed from behind by Sasuke, who was jumping from tree to tree.

Sasuke arrives at the centaurs' village where there were 30 adult centaurs, and 5 child centaurs who ran happily while playing, the buildings were huts where the walls were stone and mud and the roofs were covered with thatch.

He also observes about 8 young centaurs who were practicing using the crossbow on stationary targets.

Sasuke decides to withdraw while he was drawing a map in his notebook, and noted the number of centaurs found.

Sasuke decides to take a long way to see what other magical creatures he found, his journey was fruitful because he found a couple of unicorns that were drinking water from a spring.

On his way back he caught sight of Hagrid feeding raw meat to skeletal, winged animals.

Sasuke remembered that the book of fantastic animals and where to find them mentioned the thestral as a variety of winged horse with a skeletal body, face with reptilian features and leathery-looking wings that resemble those of a bat and that they are considered dangerous creatures as well. they are undeservedly known as an omen of misfortune because they are only visible to those who have seen death.

Sasuke watches as these thestral calmly approach Hagrid to be fed by him.

Sasuke decides to return to the castle, and on another occasion he will continue his exploration through the forbidden forest while he retired in his mind it seems that this Hagrid guy has a gift for taming wild animals.


The next day was October 31, Halloween, the students were excited for the party, which was held at night.

In the Charms room, the Ravenclaw and Slytherin students were gathered.

Filius Flitwick: One of the most rudimentary abilities of wizards is levitation, or the ability to make objects fly.

Filius Flitwick: do they all have their feathers?

Some raised their feathers in confirmation.

Filius Flitwick: Okay, now don't forget the wrist movement we practiced, it's switch and flick.

The Flitwick did a demonstration of the movement of the wrist where he said it is switch and flick, the students began to imitate him.

Filius Flitwick: now say the following is "Wingardium leviosa"

All the students began to practice the spell to no avail, but a feather rose into the air.

Filius Flitwick: Well done look everyone Mr. Uchiha got it 5 Slytherin points.

The boys from both houses looked at him with envy, while the girls looked at him with admiration, including some from Slytherin as well.

The last class before the Halloween party was the History of Magic with Professor Binns, most of the students slept while the teacher continued talking about the goblin wars, once the class was over some students ran to the big dining room where the party would be held.

Sasuke instead first went to his common room to leave his things and then headed towards the large dining room, some Slytherin students did the same.

Once you reached the large dining room, the decoration changed: there were at least a thousand bats fluttering from the walls and ceiling, while another thousand more passed between the tables, like black clouds, making the pumpkin candles tremble.

The feast suddenly appeared on the golden plates, as it had happened at the banquet at the beginning of the year, the food is highly special tonight there were delicious sweets, tartlets, pancakes and Halloween-oriented cakes.

All the students talked and celebrated the party, while they waited for the show organized by the director.

This year's show was led by the dancing skeletons who began to play, while the students applauded.

The concert of the dancing skeletons lasted an hour, but while the students left talking, they suddenly fell silent and silence reigned because no one expected to find this scene in front of their eyes.

Flich's cat, Mrs. Norris, was hanging by her tail from a ring that is used to hold torches, but the cat was as stiff as death, and a message was written on the wall in what appeared to be blood.



And close to Mrs. Norris were Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Draco: Fear, enemies of the heir!

Draco in his mind wanted to scream Next you'll be the Mudbloods!

Several of the Slytherins wanted to shout the same word but the problem was that Sasuke Uchiha was next to them.

Despite not being able to say it, the cheerful expression in her eyes was exchanging glances between Mrs. Norris and Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke was also analyzing the message, but because killing a cat to deliver a message made no sense.

His thoughts were interrupted by Filch.

Phil: What's going on here? What's happening?

Filch: My cat! My cat! What has happened to Mrs. Norris?

The Filch turned and walked in Harry's direction.

Filch: You! You! You killed my cat! You killed her! And I'll kill you! Tea...!

Dumbledore: Argus!

Dumbledore had arrived, followed by other teachers, in a few seconds he was past Harry, Ron and Hermione and had pulled Mrs Norris out of the ring.

Dumbledore: Come with me, Argus, and you too, Potter, Weasley, and Granger.

Gilderoy Lockhart: My office is the closest, Director, just up the stairs, you can have it.

Dumbledore: Thank you, Gilderoy.

The silent crowd parted to let them through. Lockhart, nervous and self-important, followed Dumbledore at a brisk pace; so did Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape