
Sasuke Goes Back In Time

One hundred years have passed since the 4th Shinobi World War. Many shinobi have passed away, including his teacher, best friend, wife, daughter, and peers , and Sasuke, who has witnessed it all, finally comes to the end of his life. He has nothing left to regret, and his long-standing relationship with his family is now at an end. With the smile of his great-grandson, who looks just like his best friend, burned into his eyes, Sasuke bites the happiness of having lived and breathes his last breath - or so he thought. However, Sasuke woke up again. This was before he entered the academy. He was only six years old, a tiny child. My family has not yet perished. My parents are still alive. Sasuke caught a glimpse of his brother suffering and made a decision to change the past. Saving the past and destroying the future - is there hope beyond that? No one knows yet. Grammar sometimes sucks pls bear with it

Jens33 · Komik
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4 Chs

Chapter 3. The Promise of Training

Sasuke continued to walk on the slightly weathered cobblestone path, swaying his shopping basket with each step. The cold breeze of December stirred up dried leaves into the air, and he tracked their movement with his eyes. The world around him seemed so vast and distant when seen through his young eyes, and he marveled at how fresh it all felt compared to the past.

"It seems like I'm finally getting used to this..."

Determined to be more helpful to his busy mother, Sasuke had started assisting with household chores as he thought about it. However, the gap between his past and present physical abilities was significant, resulting in many accidents, near tumbles, and dropped plates.

But with time, he was becoming more accustomed to these tasks. His mother, initially worried about his struggles, had come to appreciate his willingness to help.

One of these tasks was running errands, and the basket he carried now was filled with tomatoes, cabbages, and other vegetables, making it quite heavy for a child's arm.

Sasuke was keenly aware of how much he had lost in terms of strength, stamina, and chakra capacity, compared to his past self. While contemplating his ongoing physical decline and the need to engage in more rigorous training, he noticed an elderly lady sweeping the street outside a Uchiha senbei shop. Her name was Uchiha Uruchi.

"Doing some shopping, Sasuke-chan?"

Uruchi beamed at Sasuke, her smile warm and kind. Despite the passage of time, those gentle wrinkles around her eyes had always been a comforting sight for Sasuke.

Being the youngest of the main Uchiha family, Sasuke had received a fair share of attention from his clan members.

"Just a moment, dear." Uruchi entered her shop and returned with a small bag in hand.

"If you'd like, have some."

Before Sasuke could even respond, she handed him some Uchiha senbei. Oddly, despite his general aversion to sweets, Sasuke had always enjoyed this particular treat.

Sasuke thanked her, planning to give the senbei to his mother when he got home. She had a habit of saying, "We don't need your help anymore; go ahead and eat," after all.

Sipping the tea his mother had prepared when he arrived home, Sasuke took a bite of the senbei.

"This is delicious..." he mumbled as he savored the nostalgic flavor. The sweet and salty taste was unchanged from his distant memories, and a small smile appeared on his face.

Sasuke mind was filled with thoughts as he enjoyed the familiar taste of the Senbei. He knew he had some time before he needed to start preparing dinner and contemplated his options for training. Shurikenjutsu and kenjutsu were still beyond his capabilities, so the first priority was building up his physical strength.

While considering this, he sensed the chakra he was familiar with and decided to make his way to the front door.

"I'm back."

"Welcome home, big brother!"

"Sasuke, you recognized me quite well. Your ability to read chakra has improved."

Despite the fact that Sasuke had been waiting for his brother right in front of the house, Itachi continued treating him like a child, as if they had never made any prior plans. Sasuke couldn't help but point this out, but when Itachi mentioned that he had intended to surprise him, any frustration he felt simply dissipated.

It seemed that no matter what he did, he would never surpass his brother. With a wry smile, Sasuke looked up at Itachi, who stood at a much higher rank.

Sasuke remembered that, as a genin, his return time was around this time. But after becoming a chūnin, his missions usually kept him out late. Now, with the upcoming assignment to the Anbu, early returns were unusual.

Slightly concerned, Sasuke asked, "By the way, you're home quite early today. Is something wrong?"

Itachi smiled warmly and explained, "I managed to secure a three-day break starting today. We have a mid-term mission coming up before the end of the year, so it's a compensatory break for that."

Sasuke nodded in understanding. He was aware of the demanding nature of a ninja's life, and even though there might be improvements in the future, they still had some time off during the New Year.

"Got it. Oh, I received some Uchiha senbei. How about we have some together?"

Itachi agreed, but he seemed to have something on his mind as he spoke about training.

"Of course, that's a good idea, but... Sasuke, would you like to train together until dinner? I haven't had the chance to observe your training lately."

As Sasuke considered Itachi's offer to train together, he couldn't help but reflect on his past self. In his younger days, he would constantly pester Itachi to accompany him during training sessions, saying, ( "Please, train with me" ) However, as things stood now, he couldn't expect his brother to utter such words to him. He didn't want to burden the busy Itachi, so these days, he would only see him off at the front door when he left for his missions.

Perhaps, he thought, that was why his abrupt offer had such a strained tone. But at the same time, Sasuke knew that Itachi had just returned.

Sasuke still had a strong desire to train with his brother, but he was aware that Itachi was often fatigued due to daily missions. Unpredictable events could occur on these missions, and Sasuke had firsthand experience of near-death situations, like when they were in the Land of Waves.

A shinobi's job was inherently perilous, and maintaining one's health should be a top priority. Despite this, Itachi always seemed to prioritize Sasuke over himself. It left Sasuke feeling sad and frustrated.

"Alright, I'll leave it for now. You must be tired, Itachi. I'll go prepare the bath."


"Oh, and I remembered we have some dango in the kitchen. I'll bring that over too. So just wait for me."

With that, Sasuke called out to Itachi, then dashed off without waiting for a reply. It was clear that he felt he had been acting poorly, abruptly running off without hearing his brother out. But deep down, he couldn't help but remember those times.

Sasuke couldn't help but remember that particular memory, vividly resurfacing within him. It was the memory of Itachi's words, ( "Forgive me, Sasuke. This will be the last time" ) He had cherished his brother deeply, but there were aspects of him that he loathed.

Despite the intensity of these memories, Sasuke wiped away a few tears with his sleeve and clenched his teeth. He turned the corner of the hallway and hurried on.

But then, a sudden voice rang out, surprising him.

"Good grief, both of you act just like your father," Sasuke's mother said.

"Huh? Mom? Wait!!?"

"Hey, stop that! No more fussing," she scolded.

Suddenly, his mother appeared and surprised him. She lifted Sasuke off the ground before he could resist. With an exasperated sigh, her arms holding Sasuke remained steady.

His mother guided him to the entrance, the same place Sasuke had escaped from moments ago.

"Brother...?" he questioned.

"Ara ara, you're truly absorbed in thought," their mother commented, noticing the gloomy atmosphere even though it was daytime.

The cause of it was Itachi, who emitted a heavy aura while standing there. Ignoring Sasuke hesitation due to the oppressive atmosphere, their mother approached and shook his shoulder

"Enough, Itachi! Wake up!" she exclaimed.

"Mother... I'm going to stay at Shisui place for a while," Itachi mumbled, his voice hoarse, and his hand on the door.

Their mother sighed deeply in response. "What is the matter with you? both of you lack words. Itachi, go on and do some training with Sasuke."

"But..." Itachi tried to protest.

"No 'buts'. It's bothersome to go to Shisui-kun in this kind of atmosphere. Rather than misunderstanding things in a negative way, talk properly with each other.'

"M-Mother, Nii-san must be tired, so I'll help make dinner...'

"Sasuke. 'Helping is unnecessary,' didn't Mom say that? Both of you, the bath and dinner are prepared by Mom. so the two of you go on and do your training. Alright?"

There was no way around it. Sasuke simply nodded to his mother's gentle smile.

With no other choice but to accept his mother's wishes and a heartwarming smile, Sasuke nodded. The sound of the door clicking shut resonated, and he listened as his mother's footsteps faded into the distance.

In that moment, Sasuke couldn't help but reconsider the image he had held for so long. His mother, married to the head of the Uchiha clan, wasn't just a regular woman. She had a way of diffusing tension and making the situation lighter. This realization lingered in his thoughts as he prepared to embark on some training with his brother, leaving behind the past memories and unspoken feelings.

The atmosphere between Sasuke and Itachi remained awkward. They were walking toward the Uchiha clan's forest, away from their house. Passersby along the way tried to engage in conversation, but the heavy tension in the air was enough to make them retreat, leaving the two brothers alone. This continued for a while until they finally reached their usual training spot.

The training area consisted of a large rock surrounded by trees, and the warm sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a peaceful atmosphere. And the place seemed to radiate calmness.

The memories of past training sessions flooded Sasuke's mind. It was a place where he had once felt inspired and close to his brother. The echoes of their conversations resurfaced in his thoughts.

( "Sasuke, you're amazing! Right in the bullseye of the blind spot behind the rock!" )

( "Sasuke, it's time to go home" )

( " Huh... but you promised to teach me a new shuriken jutsu!" )

( "Tomorrow, I have an important mission, and I need to prepare." )

( "...You're a liar, Itachi." )

( "Forgive me, Sasuke. We'll do it next time." )

These memories were bittersweet, a reminder of their strained but deeply interconnected relationship.

As the warm memories resurfaced, Sasuke recalled a time when he had gone to great lengths for his brother's praise. He had even gone as far as twisting his ankle, and Itachi had to carry him on his back. Looking back, it seemed like a foolish thing to do, but even the pain of that memory was not in vain, as it was something he could still remember vividly even after all those years.

Motivated by these heartwarming recollections, Sasuke turned to face his brother.

"Big brother, um..."

"I'm sorry, Sasuke."

"Huh?" Sasuke couldn't help but let out a surprised sound.

"I'm sorry," Itachi repeated.

Sasuke was genuinely puzzled by the meaning behind Itachi's repeated apologies. The tone was serious, but he couldn't quite grasp the reason.

Itachi said it again, "I'm sorry."

Confused and furrowing his brow, Sasuke leaned in closer to his brother's face, wanting to understand why Itachi was apologizing to him, given that he was the one who had reacted so poorly to his brother's kind offer.

And then, he remembered their mother's words: "Both of you lack the right words."

It dawned on him. Itachi was apologizing not just for this moment but for all the moments where they hadn't been able to express their true feelings, to have the conversations they should have had. The apology was about their unspoken emotions, their strained relationship.

"Why is my brother apologizing? If anyone should apologize, it's me."

Itachi replied, "I'll be heading to Shisui's house as planned. I need to get back before dark."

Sasuke realized that this was an opportunity, a chance to have that conversation they should have had a long time ago, to heal the rift between them.

Itachi, you're not listening...

Realizing this, Sasuke pulled Itachi's hand, which was trying to move away, and forced him to sit next to a large rock

The warm sunlight enveloped them, making the idea of taking a nap right there seem rather pleasant. Sasuke thought about it as if they could just lie down and forget about everything.

When Itachi sat down, Sasuke, who was still standing, found that their eye levels had reversed. Itachi's slumped shoulders gave the impression of a child, even though he was already eleven years old. Sasuke was struck by the disparity in the burdens each of them was carrying, and it tugged at his heart.

Looking into Itachi's eyes, Sasuke carefully spoke:

"Itachi, I'm sorry about earlier. But, you know, you're always working so hard on your missions, and then you come home to take care of me. you must be tired of dealing with me, right? That's why..."

"That's not true!"


Without warning, Itachi suddenly headbutted Sasuke, who was leaning in, and the intense pain sent Sasuke dropping to the ground. Despite the sudden attack, Sasuke was grateful that he hadn't bitten his tongue and was left bloodied.

Itachi panicked and apologized for the headbutt. Despite the stinging pain, Sasuke managed to reassure him, tears in his eyes, and looked up at Itachi's face. The eye-level was reversed again, but this time their gazes met.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke..."

"Well, I can understand what just happened, but what was that apology earlier? And what do you mean, 'that's not true'?"

Sasuke's question gave Itachi a slight pause, and then he hesitated before offering a somewhat melancholic answer. He gently stroked Sasuke's head.

"The earlier apology was for not considering your feelings and because I thought you might dislike me..."

"Huh?" Sasuke's cheeks tensed in disbelief.

Itachi's expression softened, and he tried to explain. "Even if you were to dislike me, Sasuke, we're unique as brothers. I want to be the unwavering presence you look up to and aspire to surpass."

"Wait a second, Itachi!! I never wanted you to think I disliked you. I love you, and I admire you! I really did want to train with you. But I just wanted you to take a break because I don't want you to get injured on a mission..."


Sasuke hastily attempted to clarify the misunderstanding, but his words trailed off when he heard Itachi's grateful voice. He began to feel his face growing warmer as he realized what he had just confessed.

His expression shifted from a somber one to a delighted smile as he listened to Itachi's response. He was unable to meet Itachi's eyes, blushing.

"Thank you for worrying about me, Sasuke."

"Th-that... Never mind that, what was that about 'that's not true' earlier?!"

"You mean the earlier... Ah, I see. That. What I meant was that I've never felt tired from spending time with you."

Itachi paused, then looked Sasuke in the eyes and offered a reassuring smile. The genuine warmth in his dark eyes spoke volumes about his feelings.

The wind blew gently through their space, and the cold northern breeze felt comforting on their warm cheeks. It calmed Sasuke's once turbulent heart.

"Rather, I draw strength from being with you. That's why, feeling impatient about your lack of motivation for training lately, I invited you today."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Itachi narrowed his eyes slightly, as if gazing at something brilliantly radiant. He leaned in closer and whispered softly to Sasuke's ear.

"Because of you... because I can come home and see you smiling and saying ' welcome back,' I have a reason to return here."

This heartfelt confession struck Sasuke deeply, reminding him of Itachi standing outside the front door, hinting at his inner turmoil despite the gentle smile.

"Hey, Itachi, show me some shurikenjutsu."

"Forgive me, Sasuke. It's getting late."

The winter day was short, and before they knew it, the sky had turned a deep crimson.

The gesture of poking his forehead was incredibly nostalgic. As he grew older, Sasuke's list of responsibilities had grown, but there had always been only one person he'd do it for, whether in the past or now.

He pouted and voiced his complaint, but then Itachi said, "I'd be scared if we stay out too late; Mom would be worried." Sasuke nodded in agreement with a hint of a smile.

"Hey, Itachi, will you join me for training tomorrow?"

"Sure, I understand. By the way, how about we onigiri for breakfast and take bento?"

"With katsuobushi and konbu?"

"Of course. And since we missed it, we'll have senbei and dango for snacks."

A single elongated shadow.

The wind began to blow strongly, but the hands they held together were warm, and they felt no cold.

As they walked away, the trees rustled and swayed in a cheerful farewell to the two brothers.

Sasuke has become accustomed to the physical aspect, but there's still a disconnect between his adult and childlike emotions, which he might not be aware of. In the future, he may be drawn back to his original childlike mindset.

And yes, it's interesting to learn that the rice cracker shop owner's name is Uchiha Teyaki! (*´ω`*)

Uchiha Uruchi (46) is the wife of the owner of "Uchiha Senbei," and together, they support the shop. The rice crackers they meticulously bake, one by one, are not only deeply flavorful but also highly popular among children.

Jens33creators' thoughts